#10MinuteTalk - How to Shoot a Pistol with Jerry Miculek

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foreign [Music] what is up everybody we have approximately approximately 10 minutes with one of no with the most renowned pistol shooter in the world Mr Jerry mic like that's not even going out on the limb Jerry I'm just going to go ahead and say it you're the most renowned pistol shooter maybe even just shooter in the world we're lucky to have you here and we got about 10 minutes here to go over and teach the folks out there Jim how to shoot a pistol how to shoot a pistol now we're going to go into this kind of assuming like very very very intro like little knowledge at this point I mean this is like I I bought a pistol now what and and uh I mean honestly this is I mean this is for the listeners out there and it's it's for me too because we were down at the range yesterday it's been it's been a minute since I shot a pistol I could I think I could use a lot of this information so yeah you're going to be learning from a great here uh if you get the chance to catch it on YouTube we've got a pistol here it's actually Jerry's race gun so he may throw out a little visual uh here and there and we'll try and describe it but all right Jerry so if you got a brand new shooter they've got a pistol and you're you're now just getting them started on how to shoot the dang thing uh where do we start well uh trigger control is going to be more important than sight alignment oh okay that's that's always that's always a given if you try to make it perfect you're probably going to destroy it with a bad trigger pull press whatever you want to call it some you know you hear it described in 30 different languages but the whole idea is to have an acceptable sight picture and not destroy it with bad trigger technique okay got it so basically uh we've got to well how do we can you go into a little bit of how we hold the thing too because that's also kind of that also comes into eventually the trigger press or pull like yeah whatever you want to call because we're not holding it right that might be a little difficult right yeah that's that's well when I started shooting handgun there's been a uh a great amount of advancement on how to hold a handgun as simple as that you know back in the days of the army when they issued a 1911 the only thing they ever instructed a soldier was either classic Bullseye stats okay which would be you know body bladed into the target like this and the gun would be directly in line with your arm all right and an advanced technique that they had in World War II and they taught the OSS and all the Special Forces back then the 1911 there again in line with the arm and you shot like this one-handed one-handed you point shot it what was that what was that FBI stance you were talking about well that was a that was a advancement over that where you use your left arm to cover some of your virals as you engaged so if you had any incoming rounds this might negate some of the penetration of those rounds that was your body armor at the time and you crouched a little bit to make your silhouette a little lower but they took the handgun very literally it was just a one-hand thing yeah it was a lot of Point shooting yeah and there's a lot of good with points you know you should know how to point shoot that's kind of instinctual where you kind of I'm not necessarily using the sights really a ton I'm just kind of pointing my body and that's what you have to realize as a handgun owner the closer you are to a threat the more equal they are to you because just about anybody can just point and make a shot as the distances increase the ability to get on Target and control comes into play and if you're in control you want to have more distance between you and a threat oh okay good to meet you all I have to do is you know I got you any idiot can hit Mark right now you know but that's that's the reality of it so the more distance if I'm say 12 feet away from them or 15 or five yards or whatever my odds with my ability would be greater than his because now it takes a little bit more application of what I need to get on target trigger control side alignment you know how to control it and recoil what I need to see for the next shot so up close anything works okay so as you can increase distance uh distance is your friend uh technique is your friend being able to repeat your performance on command as your friend so if you buy a handgun and you're going to use it one time a year or you go went out and qualified you got your concealed carry permit and you throw it in the drawer and you don't shoot it and you think on it is high stress situation that you're going to be John Wayne hmm every man thinks he's John Wayne I thought I was John Wayne when I bought a pistol so I went to the first match and I went whoa I'm not even close to John Wayne and saddle his horse you know so what what competition actually teaches you that is application under some kind of stress okay is there someone shooting at me no it's not life or death but you have a little bit of ego because you've trained a little bit and you want to compete well so you get there and you get your ego busted and you realize well I really don't know what I'm doing here I need to go train some more if I want to have a Repeat Performance and I want sponsors I got to get better so my ego has to be checked at the gate and I come in and I train and I get realistic so there's cold times in his hot time when I'm out practicing if you give me 50 reps to warm up I'm gonna be pretty good yeah you go to the mat just like take it out the box and shoot it so that's the reality between hot and cold kind of makes sense yeah and if you actually had to use it in a defensive situation you're going to be way cold right you're going to be way spiked your adrenaline going to be really tight you're going to be tight so have you ever worked in that environment I never have so I started simulate it through a competition gotcha well I like that you know what I mean before you even talk you say yeah I mean before you even talk about any of the mechanics of shooting you actually just understand that you got to have the right x uh the right um expectations of what you can expect out of yourself you know probably when you hunted you had Buck Fever yeah you know how you get that adrenaline yeah you know I've watched we were at the buck Masters match this was a few years and years ago my brother-in-law and I Jim we had competed before and we went to watch the archery guys compete you know we shot piston rifle I never saw an Archer compete so we were watching this one fellow young fella and he was in the competition he went to draw his bow and you could tell he had the he had Buck Fever and it was very apparent I've had that you know when you're hunting you get that shakiness that adrenaline dump and you get that in competition and you also get it in any kind of high stress encounter so you try to you want to replicate that to where you get kind of accustomed to it yeah then you thought the feed off of it and you have to believe it's actually a positive that's a gift right that adrenaline dump is a spike you can be negative it can be positive so you want it to be positive and when I get that dump I know I was going to have a good ride it's going to be in my favor but God's given you to you know to make the moment it's a gift so if you look at it as a negative you're gonna you're gonna apply it as a negative to me it's like whoa here I go brother yeah we're gonna run it's almost like you have to you have to harness the power you do and you really want it yeah you really want it because it gives you the ability to see better and react quicker it's a gift so if you use it wisely it can be your advantage mentality is huge I mean you go into like you said you know even from a hunting perspective which I like I remember the first year that I ever shot at completely lost my mind Buck Fever all replaced yeah I'm sure I'm missed by a mile right but then like you said you get those reps in you practice you just even through just more experiences of being put in that situation I still get excited but you're able to like kind of harness it right and control it suppress it and then it's almost like after then it's like well you know it's a ride you know it's a gift man you want to ride it you want to have fun with it enjoy it because that's that's why you're there right that's if it wouldn't be excited you wouldn't be there right I'd be cutting grass or something instead of shooting you know do you get excited cutting grass I'm making a challenge like everything later my daughter was laughing at me I have I cut most of the property so I have a lot of grass to cut so I take it as a challenge I look at the watch and go go how quick can I do this how to make it shorter period of time strategize yeah yeah so you make everything a challenge it'll get better yeah but how to shoot a pistol and that's something that has really evolved since I started shooting it's been like I've had like five or six very distinct Cycles on what I wanted to get out of the gun because the application has gotten so much faster okay if I wouldn't have evolved I would have fossilized I'm in super senior Division and I'm still competing so the way I got there was I always believe there's something better than the guys are getting younger so I have to I have to see what they're doing and I always believe that when I go to the range everything I'm doing is wrong there has to be a better way well I you know another man another mental thing yeah because if you think that you're doing it the right way you're never going to change it yeah right I met a gentleman uh he gave me like he gave me a lot of a lot of perspective on on things he's got like 1400 patents he told me when he files a patent he knows in his heart he'd missed one he's not satisfied yeah it'll make it better you always miss even though he had his patent and he threw it in the box and it was and it was patentable he goes something there isn't right yeah I can do that better so once you've once you have a if his term will never fall in love with your own invention I think that's good you know because there's always better and then when you guys show up they have the horsepower and the eyesight and the physical abilities they just run over me so I have to have to work harder on technique to stay current yeah an application of the gun to the Target so that's what I try to specialize on is when I go shoot is how much I can see then how easy I can shoot this with the least amount of stress on me and how can I can repeat it on command to have an acceptable performance at that level gotcha yeah is that easy that hard kind of a thing uh so yeah because holding the gun and you talked to seven I've got an empty pistol hill by the way and it's empty bags so what what has really changed back in the day when we talked about the military you know this one arm thing yeah it's basically a point shot oh you did a Target you know a Target star so in modern uh pistol application to a Target you pretty much stand Square to the Target mm-hmm and what I'm trying to do is uh mitigate any recoil on a gun because if it's in the air is not on target makes sense so and if it's if it's in a life in debt situation it's better to give than it is to receive so you want your rate of fire it seems practical it seems it is practical I don't think that's even written in the Bible you're trying to knock the air out the other guy as fast as you can you know that's what you got to do you gotta knock the air out of him so it's reality it's reality so the idea is how do I control that in a stressful environment to where I can repeat it or command even in low light high stress kind of all makes sense so what what has evolved from the military early days of law enforcement and ever that is to a basic basic uh stat Square to the Target you can call it you can call it some kind of isosceles or you can call it whatever but the idea I want my vision to be just like I'm talking to you now I'm applying the gun to the Target right because if I have to do any kind of thing other than that it's a thing that I have to repeat under stress gotcha so if you watch anybody good at any sport they look very relaxed it's very fluid and the reason for that is they've taken everything out of that performance that doesn't equate to the performance and they don't do it right like you're no excess that's right no excess that I noticed with you other competitive shooters or like you said really anything the uh everything the level of efficiency of movement is just so calculated like you've removed the extra yep it's almost like if you're gonna like if you're gonna uh machine something right out of a piece of aluminum right like right now my pistol shooting would be the block of aluminum Jerry's is like just this finely crafted thing that is only the thing so basically what it comes down to you want to see as best you can yeah so I I stand pretty Square say that camera was my target I'm going to be pretty much squared to it my arms are going to look almost exactly alike when I present the gun to the Target because I want recoil to come back straight and not one side or the other okay and if I find myself having to lean my face to see the sight that means I have to go to the gun and the gun will not come into me right and I can't repeat that on the low light because I don't know where the end of that muzzle is so okay it has to be right under my dominant eye my arms I want my arms the same I want to be a little bit positive on my stance and if I stand just like this it's probably nothing I can put in my hands that'll push me back okay and when you say positive on your stance is that like a little bit of a forward lean yeah pretty pretty much you know my feet or my shoulder width apart or so and my nose is going to always be on my leading toe okay and I don't feel any weight in my heels hardly at all and my knees are flexed the idea of the knees being flexed once I have this position it's like a gun turret so when I go left or right I'm gonna I'm gonna Traverse parallel through the Horizon and if I don't do that you'll get this you're going to ground it I call it going to ground okay okay so once you get a turret you just bend on your knees and it's just that easy that's just that simple it is it's very simple but people uh I was talking to John Satterwhite exhibition guy if just a few years ago I was asking about his you know he was shooting demos and stuff so I got to pick him I said John what's the secret of shooting a shotgun well I said it's drawing lines in the sky they don't used to sit in his hotel room when he was bored and just try to track the corner of the room the ceiling you know the creases yeah if you ever tried that it's super hard okay I can imagine because it takes a lot of form and you can't be lazy well you can't you gotta you gotta you have to go involves the whole body it does the same thing with pistol shooting so once you make it rigid and at one point you go to move you move the gun but you're not bringing your body with you yeah so I say you're shooting you're leaving yourself behind and even on a distance of a plate rack if you don't bring your body with you you're gonna go into the bunker right that makes sense so it's just very simple so once you get rigid and you get rigid on your vision I've seen a lot of techniques that work and a lot of guys shoot different and get the same results but the the basic premises is going to always be that the elbow is never under the gun because you've made a pivot point it goes up and down so you break it to the side just that little bit it can't go under you put it under a wheel right there it won't it's always describing it that I haven't actually heard anybody I haven't heard it articulated this way yeah it's very it's very uh and I learned that from some little Filipino ladies uh Shooters Valerie lavanger and her sisters from from the Philippines yeah shooting steel child like 20 years ago I was watching these little these little ladies shoot and their whole arm was not bigger than my wrist and they were coming out drawing these 1911 38 supers and shooting five to go which is four targets and a stop late and they were burning this thing like 2.6 seconds and not being happy with the scores and they have no physical I'm just I'm a guy my arm you know like I said you know you're just beer bigger you bigger guy and you got more power but you're not using it wisely yeah you putting all this grunt on and you're not getting any application out of it so that elbow thing was very unique to them okay it's kind of kind of interesting it most certainly is yeah I always watch the body language and the Dynamics of someone who shoots better than me you can instantly get a read from them and you go like well that's got a point right there so I'm gonna go to Range I'm gonna try it yeah I'll try it right try it wrong make it happen yeah if it doesn't work throw it out try something else but once you get fossilized and you thought you'd like that pattern once you file for that patent you think you know everything and it's always something better so you always have to think about what the other guy's doing what's his form why is he standing like this why is he what's his head positioning what you know so it's it's evolving and it's getting faster the guys are getting super quick they are so now what do you uh we've kind of talked about the body and the arms a little bit so kind of I like this I like that we're talking about the mental side of things and the and the mechanical side of things um but then you talk about like the hands real quick because you got to grip the gun and then go back we'll go back into the trigger thing that you were talking about the thing about the pistol is like just like a revolver we empty I'll show you that again you want to get it as low as you can and the whole idea of that if I shot this handgun like this it's gonna it's gonna recoil straight back with your hands perfectly in line with the slide which is unfortunately not so if you hold it here you're giving it more leverage yeah so what you want to do you want to get it as high as you can even a little bit of gap between that and the frame is not acceptable okay so yeah get that webbing in your palm yeah you want to get it way up in that uh you want to get what do they call that again the you try to get your hand as high as you can and there again you're trying to get that bore line down to the center line of your hand okay okay and the big thing that has evolved and uh Rob Lathan and uh back in the day uh they were shooting basically with both hands with the thumbs toward the target so the idea of your weak hand you get a lot of control from your off hand and some guys get 60 80 percent here so there's a lot of a lot of disparity between how much you do with your strong hand how much you do with your weak hand your Target's going to tell you okay but what you never want to do is have a segmented recoil when you fire the gun this hand moves and this one doesn't oh okay sure that tells you right there you're not using your weak hand correctly right they should both be part of the equation equally right well at least when you when you see it from the outside it should look like they're doing yep so on the same thing so it's what's what you want to do and never have this segmented recoil because that muzzle is in the sky and when it's in the sky is not on target so Target even close as that camera is a little bit of muzzle of deflection with just my finger doing this is about eight inches at that camera and what happens when you're shooting rapid fire I I call it a noodle if you enter your muzzle is noodling and you're just discharging around you'll have a dispersion at that camera at that range about eight inches yeah so the tighter you hold it and you you don't let it noodle it comes down straight as a platform it'll always return to where it was no matter how fast I pull the trigger it's going to be flat to the Target and a guy like you and these other experienced pistol Shooters that's the thing too that you notice going back to how relaxed you look because you managed to hold a pistol tightly with your hands yeah but also almost segment that using the segment term now maybe maybe in a positive light but you manage to have your hands be doing a lot of work and gripping hard with the rest of your body staying relaxed like you're sure you're not like this yeah you know what I mean right right and you kind of the whole rest of your body is relaxed while those are doing a lot of work what's really hard this is where there's a lot of discrepancy on how how hard you use your right hand because a lot of guys when they use their right hand they can't separate their finger from the grip very important I'm holding it you can look at my forearm and my finger is completely loose yeah you know nothing is moving but your finger right right and I can I can choke that thing you know break the grip off of it and still have that finger loose on the end and I kind of uh attribute that to a zillion rounds of practice but you know the you know the old uh that instrument called a didgeridoo oh yeah where they they can constantly blow and inhale at the same time that's a learned muscle response it's not natural to do it and people won't equate not using the right hand strongly with trigger control but they haven't shot enough okay it's a learned thing so when you pick up a pistol and you're not going to master it and but you can get a lot of good technique that's going to give you a survivable outcome in a short period of time if you go to the right instructor they can they can get your oriented real quick but there's always Advanced levels of any kind of application of any object or whatever toy or racing or whatever but that's really hard to do is use your right hand extremely well and have your finger separated from it sure because that trigger finger going way back to what we said at the beginning is is Paramount the way that you go about pressing pulling whatever the trigger yep that that is I mean that's that has to be straight to the rear and that's another thing about the old the old way of holding a pistol yeah actually your finger was short it made it harder to pull the trigger straight so the more you stand Square to the Target the longer your trigger finger is the more you can pull it out of the trigger go ahead and address the trigger in a straight rearward fashion okay we might we might be there right now but so two of the questions I have were what is the most important thing to get right and what do people struggle with the most and is that the trigger press trigger pull and more important inside alarm but so what you have to realize in my father-in-law taught me this is the bullseye champion and I was always in in discussions with him how what do you see on a sight picture and he said no matter how much you wobbling 50 of the time it goes through the X-Ring so if you just trigger what you see you got a 50 50 Target if you try to make it perfect you'll always destroy with the bad trigger press so the human wants to be perfect you know how you have a red dot on your gun you get it right in the center of that Target you go right right you're like oh no it's good bad trigger press yeah I'll call or whatever so if you just take your wobble and just press it to the rear you got a 50 50 Target it doesn't have to be perfect the trigger has to be good so always go for good trigger technique overside alignment okay it is pretty incredible yeah when you finally just kind of let yourself detach what your eyes are seeing so much yeah let's just get good enough and really focus on that even if you're like no there's no way that was a good shot if you had a good trigger press you could look at the Target you're like what my goodness it's actually in the tin ring well when I first started shooting it was so bad I'd go out and practice how much I could shake on a Target and still hit it an idea behind that when I got in the match and I saw this out of control feeling I knew if I could break that shot I'd get this size of a group and I could live with it instead of picking it perfect because I didn't have the ability then to make it perfect so I had to live with that and if I saw that in the match it came on I had the shakes or I'm just out of control I'm going to have any wind and I see this I'm just going to press a shot and make it happen that's the reality of the moment the best I am at that time so I shoot don't get locked up it's an action match you got a big magazine have fun that's how you learn you got to have fun you got to relax and see where you are and then start evolving make it make it better make it better let's go let's go into that can you show that that grip one time real quick Jerry well so you like you said you're getting it high in the morning what are you doing with your support hand then well it would look let's see the camera would be I'm gonna point this away a little bit for you so if you notice now the gun is not at all in line with my arm and it can't be it has to be in line with my eye okay you see it's not this is along with enlightening my arm so if I was to bring it up to the Target it's going to look hard left so I got to turn it into my eye you see how offset it is yeah so with the weekend what I'm going to try to do is get this as high as I can I wish I could get my wrist over Center more and shoot it like this it would be good but my my wrist is not that flexible and having shot revolver as long as I have I want to hold it here and I still get acceptable results with it so this is where I'm at with my weekend but you can see it's as high as I possibly can get it sure and not be on the slide yep and I kind of do a push a pull on the trigger guard and I'm trying I'm trying to pull the pistol this way and then push it the other way so I have a bit of a torque yeah in the grip yeah and that really puts me on the bottom of the grip because when you fire it this is what it wants to do it wants to Pivot like this so it's going to want to go down I'm going to say no you're not going down so the bottom of my hand says no you're not going that way and I'm going to squeeze it together with both arms you see the the muscle tension that I put on it well no I can see it in your arms it won't it won't let it go down yeah but if you come up and slap under my frame come up and push on it just slap it up hit it I mean it does a noodle yeah I won't give it a segmented recoil so when the gun goes off it does this instead of this that's the when I watch you guys and the edge guys shoot a pistol it's like that thing just stays put and they just press press press and right just that's what you're looking for one side picture then you have to hunt for it every time yeah it's just a matter of staying on the trigger and watch what you need to get out of it and move to the next Target yeah so you establish a rate of fire that you can engage a Target at that distance at a known split time so I can shoot six rounds in a second accurate I'm just going to start shooting and stick around in a second yeah let it go and then you know difference with me yesterday like I said I've got a lot of room to grow with the pistol I always say that Jim but like with the dots like there it is again there it is again yeah there it is yeah you know you get a little bit of a segmented recoil so you know it'll phase out after a little practice it's getting I'll grow out of it Jim it's just a phase that's right see I like what we've done here in the end is is you know of course we said learn to shoot a pistol in 10 minutes with Jerry and we've gone 25 at this point but but the thing is nobody puts Jerry in a box no nobody and this has been this 25 minutes I think if you went in thinking you'd know it all in 10 minutes first off I think now you've maybe learned a lesson we haven't even managed to scratch the whole surface we were 26. we were just tricking you the whole time we were tricking you but I think we've gone there there is some phenomenal stuff here stuff that you don't always hear people say a lot of people jump straight into the mechanics which we went over a little bit here but they don't they don't talk about getting your mind right your body right all that good stuff that that I I love the fact that we kind of dove into that real quick sorry about that no no no no no it was good it's like and it's just like on over 10 minutes oh this happens Jerry this is a regular occurrence okay okay that's why we throw the issues and also like Jerry said we think uh we're doing it right with the 10 minutes we're questioning that and we're going long that's right that's right what about uh so we covered grip covered stance we're getting getting into some of the more mechanic mechanics I did want to cover because you were talking about the bend in your elbows yesterday and I thought that was just fascinating so um Target acquisition what's going on there oh yeah Mark we're gonna destroy 10 minutes if you go through your whole list Mark printed me off something else by the way somebody commented the other day this is Mark's pronoun he's picking me pretty hard yeah Vision technique is probably the hardest to train uh some people have natural ability to see fast I've trained enough guys to see instantly if if a guy knows how to see as simple as that sounds it's very hard to teach Vision skills you can only you can only equate it on a timer the ability to see flat and not stare at something is a huge advantage okay because once you've looked at something and you gave it a value of distance and size you're looking down range you're not looking at what you are doing the target owns you already you don't want that Target to ever own you you want to own it okay once you stare and that's what happens in police shootings which is a totally different thing than having fun on a Target right so what happens to a police officer is a guy got his hand in his pocket like this and he's giving him commands you know show me your hand show me your hands and he uh show me your hands and then he takes out a cell phone like this so that's why that officer's vision went so that Target owns him right his vision is here so say I it's the same thing again and I pull a lot of I pull a lot of whatever gun and I'm like this so now he has to react so his vision is here obviously he's accountable for everything he does so he produces his sidearm his vision is still there he produces it next thing you know the gun's in the way of his vision to the Target so if you look at Vision technique you see how it sucker punched me where my vision is here yeah because in competition as soon as I draw that thing I see it right here I'm starting to shoot from here I can shoot from here because my vision is so flat I could do that his vision is there you see the difference your vision's flat versus theirs being like yeah you're right right so when you're shooting competition you have the luxury of adjusting your vision to the Target needs the target doesn't own you say a police officer at Target owns him yeah he has to have enough instinctive instinctive ability to come into good form and make a shot under low light and high stress if he doesn't know how to do that that's why the hit ratio is so bad hmm I'm not saying because it's a very stressful I can I can't even imagine the amount of adrenaline dump you have in those situations so if you don't have spot on good technique the target your muzzle is not going to look where the target is right that's the luxury of shooting matches that you learn Vision Tech techniques and how to apply them quickly to a to a Target have a stare at a Target it's going to own you good to know it's not like still yeah yeah don't stare don't stare at that Target um we were talking about hey we've talked about trigger press but can Jerry can you maybe demonstrate a proper trigger press here we can move again well that's that's uh that's a that's a broad topic man you could you could talk for a week on a trigger trigger and I've seen all kind of techniques work done Mark but what you have to tell you yeah we don't get them here very often no I know what you have to think about a trigger yeah I look at it as a cycle instead of a slap there's a lot of slappers that do it extremely well but if you have a if you have a trigger that that commands a long travel and heavy weight like a standard striker-fired gun safer per say a Glock or Smith and Wesson m p series it's a real it's a relatively long cycle time and it can be six pounds some or more so it demands you to have a cycle instead of a slap but competition guys like to do they like to have the most lightweight trigger pull they can possibly have and be 100 safe but it needs less technique to hit a Target well okay that's why a double action single action pistol is so hard to shoot in competition a lot of police officers excuse me a lot of police officers that issued guns like this well you have to shoot a long double action then it fires and it goes to single action it's changing on you it's very hard to control that in a stressful situation some of them just actually [ __ ] it and go right to the single action it's so hard to live with yeah so it's speed Shooters and generally want the lightest trigger takes the less amount of ability to shoot it well so it's repeatable a revolver with a long trigger pull half inch worth of trigger pull I have to play with that thing long before I get to the Target yeah there's like uh it seems like at least in my mind there's a just a longer period of like your influence on the gun too like you're doing things for longer during that shot process is that you do and that's that's why your Technique has to be spot on if you have a trigger if you're not interfacing with the face of the trigger Square you're going to pull it left or right so revolvers demand excellent trigger control if you want to learn how to shoot a handgun shoot a revolver double action it'll teach you more how to shoot a handgun than any single action pistol well because because the cycle time is so hard and so long it makes sense it demands you to have perfect because if your hand is not perfectly square with the face of that trigger right hand of God usually torques it to the right the left-handed guy is going to torque it the other way okay so when you have a long double action pull you really have to have the ability to feel trigger four of them start to finish these little guns like this this is this is under a three pound trigger so I can get pretty wild on it still still get an acceptable Target that's why we want them in competition makes sense yeah big topic big topic trigger control maybe we'll uh maybe we'll segment that one out and cover it and get covered again at some time if I need to Big topic um any tips on fighting recoil anticipation different use of a firearm they're both our guy doesn't really care if the gun goes off that's the least important aspect of his whole performance is the gun going off okay good side good side alignment or should I say excellent side alignment and a trigger surprise he wants the gun to surprise him so they usually have a trigger that you know they're saying break like glass he wants a trigger he wants to just keep pressing and the gun goes off and he just lets the gun recoil because it doesn't matter right yeah he's done after that he's done he's got he's got like so many minutes to make so many shots an action shooter goes bang he wants to be right back on target so that makes you a little Punchy it makes you had an anticipation which is not a bad thing it's when the timing is off you get you get these pre these pre-ignition pushes your timing is off you're trying to do the right thing at the wrong time exactly it would be great if you never did it but that's your body giving you that little bit of a I'm not going to let this thing jump and you're going to go through those Cycles we'll all go through Flinch cycles and you just have to work them out that's your body trying to help you and the timing gets off but when they coincide it's it's a good thing and it's a bad thing I try not to have it I've shot enough through bad Cycles to learn the good cycles and what it feels like but if my gun was to snap you'd probably see a dip and then the target would tell you that because you'd have a round low yep and it'll maybe even a little to the left yeah maybe it should be however that's the correct answer to the question but uh yeah it's hard just hard to break speed Shooters experience it Bullseye Shooters hardly ever experience it I know that the guys down at uh at the range The Edge instructors there's like you said there's not really necessarily like oh do this and it'll fix it it's more or less you just have to realize you're doing it yep and then once you realize you're doing it and then you can mentally try and stop yourself from doing the right thing or a thing at the wrong time usually when you get into a slap cycle like that you don't feel the face of the trigger at all so my reality check would would be I'm starting to get rough on the gun I want to actually start interacting with the trigger more I want to feel some motion if you feel some motion on the trigger a lot of odds are you won't lunge at it okay hmm okay kind of got to walk it with the a shot enough you have to walk yourself back sometimes and go back to reality and come back and so if you can feel the face of that trigger some motion lots of times you won't lunge at it that's a good example that yeah yeah well Jim the screen is gone from everything has actually just taken down the shot clock it's over we've done it sorry boss hey you did this once with Paul nice though so you know it happens every now and then you get a 10 minute you get rolling goes wild we'd we'd have done this a disservice if we just cut it off yeah you're right don't don't go to sleep on me oh I don't know that's not possible um fantastic stuff though there's probably a number of other as we've even we've mentioned pretty much every single one of these is a topic in and of itself but you kind of have at least an overview um you can't learn to shoot a pistol in 10 minutes I'm gonna be straight with you right now I mean maybe maybe Jerry was thinking it you know he just so kindly obliged to do this episode um but even if you watch every YouTube video in the entire YouTube Universe um you gotta just go out and do it and you gotta learn do it safely do it safely thank you um but yeah you got you gotta learn um and get some get some reps under your belt yep any any final thoughts Jim anything any final parting words of wisdom Jerry it's nothing two million rounds won't overcome there you go that's all that's all awesome well thanks everybody for listening thank you Jerry hopefully I know I learned a lot hopefully the folks out there learned a lot if you have any additional questions let us know in the comments below and other than that it's all good it's all good Shoot Straight we'll catch you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Vortex Nation
Views: 295,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vortex Optics, Vortex, Vortex Nation, Vortex Nation Podcast, Podcast, Optics, Vortex Podcast
Id: r3OQSF0a-vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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