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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel I'm Julianne and today's video is going to be a 3-hour cleaning Marathon there is going to be cleaning decorating and organizing in this video we did recently just move into our new house so there's just so much going on in this video it's definitely going to give you tons of motivation so put me up on the TV or whatever device you like to clean with and we can get our cleaning done together I just want to say thank you so much for being here today and make sure to hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation I have a new video every Saturday and sometimes I'll have an extra video on Sundays so this video was filmed on the 30th so yesterday I woke up feeling so motivated I wanted to get the house clean and get it decorated I still have so much that I need to do I need to get some work done in the primary bedroom and bathroom but I did get a lot done in the kitchen and living room and we're just going to be doing a few things in the girls' rooms but I hope this video brings you of motivation to get your new year started let me know in the comments what your goal is for the new year or if you have multiple goals I know that I personally have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish in 2024 and I just know that it's going to be a good [Music] year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am keeping it pretty simple in the kitchen if you guys have been here for a while I do like to keep my Decor pretty minimal and I like to use a lot of greenery and wood [Music] tones usess I need more you I do need to get the clean dishes put away and then we have some dirty dishes that we need to get put into the [Music] dishwasher I [Music] of I do want to say happy New Year's to everyone and if you're a returning viewer thank you so much for being here today make sure to say hi in the comments and if you're new welcome I'm Julianne I am a mama 4 I have three little girls and one little boy we recently just moved into our new house um we had a very busy year we moved into a rental property in I think February and then we just moved in here in November our youngest baby is 1 years old and I do a ton of cleaning and organizing I've been doing some decluttering I feel like I'm kind of on a journey of trying to just minimize and declutter our house and get it organized but I also have four kids so that is definitely something that is hard to do I also love to do some Decor inspiration so if you're into that type of content make sure to hit that subscribe subscribe button I do have a new video every [Music] week I more [Music] you [Music] why don't you stay why don't we talk about this why don't you stay stay why don't we talk about [Music] this but I more now we're going to wipe down the island and then we have some organizing that we're going to get done say you doing night but in the morning you to sleep with us it's all [Music] nothing more with us nothing it's sounding more of you you say you doing night but in the morning you to sleep with us it's all [Music] nothing Let Me Feel Again been running in cires screaming out your name take me to a different place just the two of us and we can stay up all night kissing under the street lights doing what we want to doing what we need to stay up all everything all [Music] right this clear drawer dividers that I'm going to be putting into the cabinet I wanted to let them sit in there well not sit in there I did have them placed up and had them um organized and dividing all the things in there I just wanted to make sure that I liked where they were before I put on the sticker and stuck them to the cabinet so I decided I liked where they're at and I'm going to go ahead and put those on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we're going to be doing the same thing in this drawer and I really do love these dividers they are just from Amazon and they were pretty inexpensive under the street lights doing what we want to doing what we need to do staying up all night everything is all right oh I want to be with you oh I want to be with you let me hold I don't even know if you can understand how you make me feel I got you in my I want to be with I want to be with you to with you [Applause] Elvis had ran to Hobby Lobby for me to pick up some Greenery and I think he did a good job picking out the stems I'm just cutting them and I'm going to be putting them in this vase and then I have some more that I'm going to be putting on the dining [Music] table I got you in my head I to I want to be with you [Applause] [Music] to be to be want to be it be let me be someone [Music] hold B is from Target I think it's from one of their new lines I'm not exactly sure but on camera you can't really tell but in the natural light in my house it definitely looks like a shade of pink or looks like it has like a red tint to it I thought once I got it styled maybe I would like it but I personally do not like it so I am going to be taking it back to Target now I'm going to vacuum the couch and I am going to be flipping the cushions over it's just so our cushions don't um get like kind of broken down if you don't switch them over they'll get like in indented from where you sit on them help you out lay your love on me leave your head and let your mind be bring save yourself and leave the words you spoken cuz some dreams are meant to be broken make your love on me leave your head and let your might be free save yourself and leave the words you spoken cuz some dreams me to be [Music] broken tear down all your fees go against the feel then they them fall like I gravel to the floor only when the D says you start to regay all the things that youve been fighting for cuz I know I know I know what you planned out everything that you built up isn't what you want and I know know know the life you're living isn't that fulfilling let me help you out lay your love on me leave your head and let your mind be free save yourself and leave the words you spoken cuz some dreams are meant to be broken make your love on me leave your hand and let your mind be free save yourself and Le the words you spok cuz some dreams are meant to be broken [Music] dream meant to be broken make your love on me leave go ahead and let your my be save yourself leave the words you spoken CU some dreams are meant to be [Music] broken [Music] now that we have the kitchen and living room looking really good I'm going to vacuum and [Music] mop [Music] n [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] n [Music] n typically over here by the glass door is always the dirtiest because the dogs go outside and we still have dirt in our backyard so they go outside and then they come back in and they're always tracking in [Music] dirt [Music] and now a life holding hands while screaming at each [Music] other and I don't know how to but I still love you like I do right so now that we are finished mopping I love to mop it's definitely my favorite chore I'm going to be putting down this runner in the kitchen I love this Runner so much I think that it is absolutely beautiful I got it from Amazon I'm just not sure if I should Center it with the sink or if I should Center it with the stove top but now I'm going to be giving you all a few overviews of the decorating that we did today time run away with me I make you feel right run away with me I'm not sure if I had mentioned the hardware we put this Hardware on and I feel like it looks so good we also put in a new faucet and I love the faucet I feel like they all go really well together you guys can see we still have blue tape up they have to come and still fix a whole bunch of stuff in our house but that will be a story for a different day I love these pillows too I feel like just everything goes really well together now I did get some new containers from Target this is from the figment line I really love the new line at Target and I'm going to be cutting up some vegetables and fruit just so we can start the new year off right that is the one thing that in 2023 we ate out so much I do not want to be doing this doing that this year I want to make sure that we are eating at home we're eating healthy food but also eating out has gotten ridiculous for my family anytime that we go out to eat even if we just go to like McDonald's or fast food we are spending anywhere from like $35 to like $50 so I want to make sure that we are eating at home as much as we possibly can maybe eating out like one time a week and that is [Music] it [Music] I come home with me tonight if you run away with me if it's right the time run away with me I make it feel right run away with me and I make good [Music] [Music] time [Music] B [Music] so I am just picking the grapes off I'm not going to be cutting them I do cut them for my younger kids but I also like to eat grapes and my oldest daughter I don't cut our grapes [Music] we're quickly going to get into the little girls room we don't have too much that we're going to be doing in here I am going to just be adding a little bit of Decor in here and changing cam [Music] sheets [Music] bre [Music] n [Music] walk [Music] [Music] all right so here's how the little girls room's coming out I think it looks really cute we do still need to bring Sophia's crib over but we have to get a U-Haul again and we need to get a babysitter one day that way we can go over to the rental house and just bring all the rest of our stuff over we don't have too much stuff that we need to bring over but we definitely it's going to take a for us so now we're getting into Victoria's room don't have too much work we're going to be doing in here [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] alone you always be alone you always be hey everyone welcome back or welcome if you're new I'm Julianne in today's video we have so much cleaning and organizing and just getting the new house put together we still don't have all of our stuff over here but we do have the rental for a little bit we're really trying to be mindful of what we are bringing to the new house and making sure that it's things that we really need if we don't need it then we're just donating it but today we're going to be starting out in Owen's room I'm getting his dresser put together and we're going to be moving some things [Music] [Music] around [Music] always got these sheets from Target a while back but I absolutely love them we are going to be keeping his old bed set too so that way when I wash his bed sheets I'll have a second pair to just throw on but I really do like these checkered [Music] [Music] [Music] ones [Music] [Music] this was my idea for where I was going to put this sign at we actually ended up putting it up tonight I just didn't have a hammer now I'm going to be folding up these blankets which these are old blankets but the dog blanket is ripped you can see it is sentimental though Owen Lov that blanket when he was a little baby and then this blanket was from when he had surgery so those I'm going to be keeping and of course he loves the baby Yoda [Music] one [Music] this is where I'm thinking about putting his desk when we get it over I'm just hoping that it will fit in this space and then we're going to be wiping off the wall it looked like the kids had already gotten some handprints on [Music] there [Music] you we're almost finished with Owen's room we're just going to finish vacuuming and then I'm going to be changing over his pillowcase Elvis had brought some of his things over so we're going to be trying to get his room fully together his room was already pretty much decluttered so I figured it would be the easiest room to move everything over and get started on right away now we're going to be getting into the girls' room which you can see this is where the kids have been playing at I need to get the toys organized [Music] a few videos back I had showed you a sample of a light pink that I had planned on painting just as an accent wall and I'm going to put like daisies on it so I picked it out it was ballerina pink I had my sample and I had showed Elvis I sent him to Home Depot to grab ballerina pink and when he got back home you know he had told me that he asked for ballerina pink when he opened the can it was I could already tell it was 100% like not what I picked and he was like I think that she may have given us the wrong one because it looked really similar to another one on the sample so I was like oh I think that maybe like somehow she got it mixed up and I was like well did you show her on the sample and he was like no like I just went up there and asked for ballerina pink and I was like oh like I'm sure that there's other brands that have ballerina pink yes and so the that I had wanted their ballerina pink was super super light pink and then the brand that they gave us was this color which is fine I when he opened it I was like wow it is way different than I would I want it but let's just go ahead and Swatch it on the wall and see how we feel and I just decided that if I don't like it you know we will eventually paint it at some point but I think it looks cute like with the girls vegies that they have and it's going to be fun fine and I can't wait to get um the little daisies put up on there and we're going to put some pictures of the girls and leave me till tomorrow wind myself away from things I Let Go floating on the way we go bottoms up we go all the way when you're feeling down push the pain away we go bottoms up we go all the way in and face another day we go bot [Music] up in my soul shaking through my me in the cold chain to what I know D [Music] the kids have pretty minimal toys over here right now and that's why we decided to really go through our things in the other house because they've still been playing having a great time they haven't complained that they don't have enough toys so we want to make sure that we're being super mindful of everything that we're bringing over here even with the small amount of toys that they did have or do have right now you saw how big of a mess that it made in here all the we do need to get the crib put together dresser and then I have like a little toy chest that we got from Ikea a while back that we're going to be putting in the closet but I'm just going to set the crib mattress over here but honestly the kids have just been playing with it definitely over here by the light switch I would never put Sophie over here to sleep mean Outlet not light switch and then eventually we're going to move Camila's bed to this side and then the crib on the other side because we are going to put curtains up here and I know that Sophie would just pull them [Music] down [Music] yeah yeah tell me where [Music] [Applause] we yeah tell me where we [Music] are [Music] it's hard to see on here but Sophie did get the only marker in the house somehow and she lightly wrote on the carpet here so I am just using the little green green machine which I just got this and I absolutely love it it does a really good job especially with having a puppy in a new house I felt like it was a must [Music] have get into Owen and Camilla's bathroom I'm going to be scrubbing it down really fast and then we're going to get the shower curtain up and like I had bought some new towels and bath mats and we need to get it organized also going to be WIP down the [Music] [Applause] [Music] toilet do do tell me [Music] we [Music] me might notice some blue tape throughout the house we had our inspection done like 2 days after we closed just because it was really hard for our inspector to get in they were trying to finish up the house and he just it didn't work out with his schedule but anyways if y'all are buying a new build house make sure to have that inspection done I am so thankful that we had him come out and still do the inspection even though everything looked good to us that we could see but we have some major issues that the builders are going to have to fix but like I said if you're buying a house new build not new build make sure you have the inspection it's so important just to give an example one of the major issues was when we moved in we brought our washer and dryer over here and we tried to plug our dryer in but it wouldn't turn on so in the rental we have they provided a washer and dryer so we thought maybe something had happened while it was like sitting out in the garage for like 10 months and when the inspector came I let him know and he was like hey I'll check it out for you it doesn't look like it's reading anything on my he had this like little machine I guess it tells you if it's working or not the outlet and so he's like I'm going to look into it further he came in he was like hey I had to turn your electric off in your laundry room because you have a live wire and and if it touches metal it'll start a fire and it's just like how are things like that overlooked that are like it could have been so [Music] bad girls do have more bows that I'm going to be adding in here but just living here and not having as much stuff really does show show me how much we over consume I'm like if I can live for a few weeks without all this stuff then do I really need it y'all it has me [Music] thinking [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] we can pretend that we're just friends yeah but who are we kidding we can't pretend that we feel but if you game am we do have some bath toys at the rental I need to bring over here but I did get this to kind of store them in right now Camila had a few Barbies in there that I'm just going to place in here you all the time bring it up I want to make it with you this time I think the bathroom looks really good so far I do need to bring over the other stuff and we need to hang up the picture of the little cow which alas did do that tonight so I'll show you in the next video I'm sure we'll be in here getting some cleaning done and some more organizing now we're going to get into the primary bathroom which I don't have a ton of stuff in the bathroom we're just going to get it organized I do have just some random stuff that I use every once in a while I'm G to be putting into a little tote placing it underneath the sink and the everyday things I'm just going to be organizing them I did get a new like little makeup bag that I ordered from Amazon it was super inexpensive so I'm just going to be changing my makeup over to this one and then putting my travel one away that way I just use that one when I travel uhh cuz I've been thinking about you all the timeing it up I want to make it with you this time I'm going to be you [Music] to Only [Music] You only [Music] you only you to the only you [Music] only so this is stuff that I just use every once in a while I really don't have a place for it so I'm just going to organize it in here the best that I can and just put it underneath the [Music] sink talking to each other I know we feel the same about the situation like we're stuck inside again time to get out of this circle yeah we both carry a scar let's you write the part we're playing time to cherish who we are the only thing I ever wanted starts with us taking the chance not like anything we've done before oh oh yeah now it's time for something better and time for us to follow our dreams no we can't stay no more Oh Come run away don't be afraid we'll be okay and I know it's the right thing to do let's break away all colors will fade let's go our own way now's the time to decide what to do and I'll Stand By You not going to be scrubbing down the bathroom really at all just because of warranty purposes I don't want to clean something with the wrong product and then void our warranty so we're just going to quickly wipe down the countertop when you walk out of the doorway but that's just the place to start the only thing I ever wanted starts with us taking the chance not like anything we've done before oh oh yeah now it's time for something better and time for us to follow our dreams no we can't stay no more come run away don't be afraid be afraid we'll be okay okay and I know it's the right thing to do let's break away all colors will F let's go our own way time to decide what to do and I'll Stand By You by you I'll stand by you do this is beautiful about time we let things go is this our destiny just like it was meant to be [Music] yeah come run away don't be afraid don't be afraid we'll be okay and I know it's the right thing to do let's break away all colors will fade let's go our way keeping it super simple in the bathroom and that's pretty much what I want to do with our entire house it's just keeping it super simple I do want to try to minimize things as much as I possibly can I know with having four kids it's I'm never going to be a minimalist but I would like to try to be more minimal [Music] now we're going to get into the primary bedroom which I do have some Christmas decor in here that I'm going to be using I need to set aside I thought I would be able to get my Christmas decorating done really fast and that is not the case it's taking me a while to get it done I did get the tree done but I need to work on some other areas so I'm hoping to have um another Christmas video out next [Music] week [Music] [Music] feel [Music] [Music] we're quickly going to get the bed made and then I need to wipe down the furniture and the lamps they were super Dusty [Music] [Music] feel [Applause] [Music] oh baby baby good at thinking out loud but not too good at keeping promises no did you fool yourself enough to be proud oh baby baby good it thinking even though your mama told you be the best that you can she never warn you for the monsters dancing in your head the devil on your shoulders strung you up on the thread but I don't need to tell you hey don't you look at me like that when you break my heart like that like you feeling sorry it's your fault now to the soul don't you look at me like that walking out the door like that you're not feeling sorry it's your own fault now TOS the soul baby baby I don't know what to say every beginning going to end up the same spare me your thoughts and get out of my way baby baby baby baby even your mama told you be the best that you can she never want you for the monsters dancing in your head the devil on your shoulders strung you up on a threat but I don't need to tell you [Music] hey hey everyone welcome back or welcome if you're new I'm Julianne and today's video is is my part one to getting our new house together we're going to be doing some cleaning organizing decorating and I have many more videos like this coming so if you do enjoy this type of content make sure to go ahead and hit that subscribe button I will have multiple videos coming out each week and I am just so excited to get this new house together first we're going to be starting out here in the living room I did get a new rug from Amazon on and then they're going to be delivering our new couch we still have our same TV stand somehow I got a hole in it when we were moving it but ala said that he's going to try to fix [Music] it you always [Music] always alone you will always [Music] be alone I'm going to get some of the girls toys organized in here I did want to make sure that they had some toys to play with while we were trying to unpack and if you're a returning viewer thank you so much for being here today make sure to go watch the empty house tour if you haven't already I am doing a giveaway in that video and if you're new welcome I'm Julianne I'm a mama four we recently sold our old house it was probably actually about 11 months ago um we moved into a rental house didn't know what we were going to do we found a spec home so that means that this house was already in the process of being built but we were able to pick out like the flooring and the cabinets and a few other things and I do a ton of Clean cleaning content on my channel so if you enjoy that type of content and decorating and things like that make sure to hit that subscribe button and thank you guys so much for being here today all right so I absolutely love the new couches we did get like the insurance on it so if it does get a stain or something on it they're going to come out and clean it now we're going to be moving on to wiping down this kitchen table I did do some cleaning before we moved but you know with four kids everything gets dirty super fast so this table was disgusting need to get it wipe [Music] down [Music] alive so you know that I don't want about what is wrong and what is right they keep moving in different RMS still I know what you feel we keep moving in different RMS M to different LS telling Li that's how we stay alive at least we try Tov we're not the on to hide two [Music] different and now I'm going to be bringing in the chairs and I'm going to be also wiping those down and I'm so excited to just finally be in the new house I actually took Camila and Sophia for a walk in the evening tonight and it just felt like home to me the community that we're currently in is like a master plan community so it's a huge community and um we passed like neighbors and stuff like that when we were walking but tonight when I was taking the girls out for their walk it was so nice because it's just like small and there was like a bunch of people at the park and you could just tell like they're neighbors and like they know each other and I'm just excited to finally be getting settled in and hopefully I'll be able to meet some of our neighbors soon we're not the to [Music] hi [Music] mind from [Applause] my we not the [Music] to this video is a little bit out of order now we are going back to the night that we got the key so the day before and I am doing just a little bit unpacking we were just bringing boxes in instead of letting the boxes pile up I wanted to try to get as much as possible put away as quick as I could two different Minds telling lies that's how we stay alive that's how stay [Music] alive [Music] feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] of my kitchen stuff like my crock poot and all like the other things like pots and pans I had for quite a while so I did order myself some new stuff I am going to be washing the crock poot before we use it but since I was on limited time I just started to kind of take everything out and organiz that see how I wanted to get the kitchen set [Music] up [Music] stuff that I'm going to be using probably pretty soon after we move in I did want to go ahead and get that wash so I am going to be washing these bowls and then I'm going to be washing some pots and pans and like the silverware and utensils things like [Music] that [Music] didn't have a sponge or anything to like really wash them with but since they weren't dirty I wasn't too worried about it [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] now I'm going to get the dishwasher started and then I did order one of these things that organizes your plastic bags for you like the gallon size baggies and things like that it's it did come broken but I bought it from Amazon a while ago I can't like return it or anything and then I realized it doesn't even fit in my drawer but that's fine I found the space for it and I'm going to use it [Music] anyways all right so we're going to keep getting things unboxed this is the next day I was really excited because I wanted to get some decorating done and I absolutely love how everything came out I was a little bit nervous because I don't know I would say that my style is kind of a mix between like modern Farmhouse and the modern organic but I really do love how everything comes out and you guys can let me know in the comments how you guys feel that it came [Music] out haven't always been sh but haven't felt this in a while now so sad when we are if you you break my heart I need you to need me to stay with me when it's hold me cling your arms I want you want me to why is it so hard to just be honest why is it so hard just speak the truth why is it so hard to just be Hest when I want this maybe you want it to so I just need to [Music] you I just need to tell [Music] you I see the sun shadow my I finally see the light myself to [Music] you I want to get this right haven't felt this in a while so sad when we are a if you leave you break my heart I need you I love this pullout cabinet for the baking wear which I desperately needed some new baking sheets I did get this from Target and I really like their new line that they have out I forget what it's called I think it's figment but I could be wrong just beest when I want this maybe you want it to so I just need to tell [Music] you I just need to [Music] you to be why why is it so hard to be honest to be honest why is so hard to be why why is hard to be [Music] Hest so this is what we currently have going on and we're going to start putting things places and getting it organized which I was a little bit nervous about because I didn't know how I wanted to put everything together in the kitchen but like I said I really like how it comes out and I cannot wait to decorate at for Christmas let me know in the comments if you have started decorating for Christmas I already have a lot of my stuff out and I'm hoping to get started tomorrow and I do want to get my first Christmas decorating video out um Sunday so fingers crossed I'm hoping I can get that done and make sure you guys come back for that because I am going to be doing another giveaway in that video too 2 A.M in the morning I'm in my St smoking catching my breath I can feel my skin burning you like the fire in me got no regrets can't for you got me wrapped around you feel me your body wrapped around me [Music] good you got me you me got me loose and sleep I am in deep like an over you're the an Lo sleep deep no matter where I hide you got me sleep [Music] [Music] surprise blow my mind with a warning you deep within me I feel obsessed I can't help are falling into the Wiest oce again again for you got me wrapped around it you feel me your body wrapped around me good you got me lo you me got me looseing sleep I In Too Deep like an over you're the anot loose sleep by into deep no matter where you got me [Music] sleep [Music] love this artwork that I picked up from Hobby Lobby it was super inexpensive I think it was like7 or $8 it looks really good over here I am going to be adding my little lamp over here but I am going to be giving you guys an overview of everything at the end of the video and I am going to just be kind of adding stuff as we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] get these clear drawer dividers from Amazon and they do come with this sticky thing but I wanted to make sure that before I like stick them inside the cabinet that I actually like how it's organized and where they place so once I am 100% satisfied with how they're placed I'm going to have elice help me out with [Music] [Music] that [Music] feel feel [Music] I'm going to get the pots and pans organized and I did notice that as I'm organizing things here um I'm not like my vision that I had it's not exactly working out like here you guys will see I'm not able to close the cabinet because of the lids so I'm just kind of having to change things up as I'm going which is completely fine and I'm I'm sure that the more that we live in the house the more I'm going to kind of reorganize things and now I'm going to be putting this rug out which I love this rug so much I love the colors it's super soft I think that it is just so [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] so this is 27 doesn't matter what I've been through I should grow out to but I still act like I'm 11 I'm not emotionally sound since I left you and no I don't like to be the the bad [Music] guy I won't be surprised if I'm the last one now but had you where I wanted you never had to ask but set the world on fire just to all right so this is how the kitchen is coming out like I said I will have some more shots at the very end we do still need to get our refrigerator over and now we're going to be working on the entryway which is just pretty pretty much the same setup that I had in the old house I do need to get my mirror hung but we're just going to be getting everything cleaned off and put [Music] [Music] together so this is 27 start the music K the silence let my mind rest pour a drink it's effective can't seem to get my head around why I left you and know I don't like to be the bad guy you know I don't lie I really miss you know but I had you where I wanted you never had to ask i' set the world on [Music] fire so far I am super happy with how things are coming out but that is pretty much it for today I really hope you enjoyed this video I loved making this video was one of my favorite videos that I've made so far and I know that I am going to be just so excited to get some Christmas decor out and I hope that you guys will come back for that video but thank you so much for being here today and I will see you in the next one bye just start the music [Music] silence pour drink let my mind cuz I had you where I wanted you [Music] never [Music] hey everyone welcome back to another cleaning video today we have so much that we're going to be getting done we're getting some decorating done cleaning and organizing we are going to be starting out in the primary bedroom I am going to be doing a little bit of decorating in here but first we're going to start out with making the bed I did grab a few new things from Target and I need to bring in some more pieces from the garage but it is going to be pretty simple today I'm going to be adding like a new blanket changing up the pillows in here and I did get a new rug [Music] I did get this little plant from Target for $5 and I love adding a Greenery to the rooms I just feel like it brightens up the space a little bit and it's pretty [Music] inexpensive don't have anything to put on the dresser right now but I do have a vase and some Greenery packed away that I am going to put over there and I'll probably grab a few picture frames but if you guys have been here for a while you know that I'm not huge into having a ton of Decor I like to have picture frames some Greenery and candles and that's typically what I use for my [Music] decor we finally got some curtains to put up I ordered these from Amazon so I took them out of the package they look like they're going to be pretty nice also I cleaned my vacuum and then for some reason I could not get it to work sometimes that happens I have to like put it on the charger for like a long time and then it'll start working but that was totally off topic I'm going to lay out the curtains they seem pretty nice but I did order a curtain rod from Target and was not the correct size so you guys will see us put these up next week and they are pretty wrinkly so I need to get like a handheld like steamer or something and now we're going to vacuum this is the next day and I'm going to be getting the rug out which I also ordered from Amazon and I love it sometimes I think it's hard to get colors to pick up on camera correctly but I love it in the daylight it looks really good and I feel like the colors they're warm and it has like some blues and greens and I just think it's really [Music] pretty [Music] know the drama you're know the drama don't the [Music] Dr this is how the room is coming out so far which I really do love it I do have a sign that I'm going to hang above our bed which I don't know if that's still like in and hanging the signs above the bed we had it in not the rental house but our old house um and I was also thinking like oh maybe I should put up some picture frames above there I don't know you guys let me know what you think I also need to put our mirror in here and like I said I still have a few things that I'm going to be putting on the dresser but I do want to keep the decor pretty minimal and I am happy so far now we're going to get into the kitchen which you all can see it is a mess we're going to get everything picked up off of the countertops and we have a bunch of dishes we need to get done so just getting some basic cleaning done in [Music] here [Music] I [Music] youever more [Music] I [Music] we do have a few things that we need to wash by hand and then I have some soft scrub with bleach that I'm going to be cleaning out the sink with today yall know how much I love the soft scrub with bleach it does such a good job on a white sink and my sink was looking pretty dingy and it definitely got it looking so much better even the soft scrub with the oxie it just did not do the same [Music] forever [Music] this it will always be this way [Music] always it will always be you [Music] will always be this way you know let you know let know [Music] know all right so we have the kitchen nice and clean I always love when I get the kitchen done it definitely motivates me to get the rest of the house picked up so now we're moving on to the living area just getting all the toys a picked up this is mostly Sophia's doing um she is our one-year-old so she's definitely not picking up the toys yet [Music] St since the vacuum was not working I did get the broom out and y'all I feel like it just takes forever to do this but sometimes I feel like the broom is a little bit better because you can get into like all the corners and I feel like a lot of stuff gets up next to like the wall and sometimes it's hard for the vacuum to get that stuff so I do definitely feel like sometimes I need to sweep instead of just using the [Music] [Music] Dyson [Music] [Music] still and will [Music] I don't [Music] want [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] now we're going to get the entry w picked up I do have some Decor that I'm going to be putting over here it is a little bit tricky over here we have like our hallway is a really long so I need to figure out what I am going to do with all these walls I don't know if you guys have any inspiration pictures or suggestions y'all can send them to me on um Instagram you can like send me a DM because I have no idea what I'm going to do over here actually last week I I think it was somebody said that my house looks um like sterile which I totally understand it is a lot of white on white and I mostly think they were talking about Owen's room and I don't think that they were like being mean or anything like that um but I also feel like people forget that making a house a home it takes way more than 2 months and it's like one it's like super timec consuming trying to get everything but together especially like with the holidays right in the middle but it's also kind of expensive like throw pillows and blankets and Decor pieces and if you want to do some like DIY projects takes a lot of time so it's not going to happen overnight I'm sure in a year from now that we're still going to be making changes to this house and figuring out what we're doing with spaces um so and also Owen's room I know that we do need to do work in there and that probably will be one of like the last rooms that I work on just because he it doesn't bother him like he doesn't mind at all what his room looks like uh so I understand that it doesn't look like a typical like 7-year-old little boy's room but also like he's just not in the characters and things like that I don't think like he would just rather have his room the way that it is and also I always get questions and comments about the place of my kids beds um Owen I know that like this is probably not the best thing but he likes go and he likes to play soccer in his room if you guys have been here you all know that he loves soccer so he likes to take his ball in there he likes to work on his footwork and do things that's why I like to have his bed push up against the wall so he's able to go in there and play and do things and the same with the little girls room I just want to make sure that they have a lot of space to play and I feel like if we centered the beds and we did like different things with them then I'm kind of taking away from that space which is one of the main reasons why we wanted to purchase a bigger home was so our kids had more [Music] space I did notice that the baseboards were pretty dusty so I did just spray the cloth down with some allpurpose cleaner and I'm just quickly wiping them down forget what I said come on [Music] over how do we end up here in the corner looking like enemies we used to be the team people talk about what a chemistry I can see it in your eyes you don't want to talk anymore I want to get so numb want to get so numb where we enemy no you don't mind the way I said you know exactly what it means and it hurts I can't believe you're here can't get any worse no no I just want to get out of here I find it so hard to breathe cuz when you get too close I lose my we and I freeze I wish you knew what what power you have over me but now it's so hard to breathe just get me out of [Music] here me out of [Music] here just get me out of how keep be so calm around me when I desperately you used to be the one getting crazy when it be hard to reach I can see it in your eyes you don't want to talk anymore I want to get so numb want to get so numb where we enemies here is an overview of the entryway and this is kind of what I'm talking about we have all this like open space and walls that I feel like we need to do something with I was thinking about picture frames but I don't know there's just so much empty space that I do not know what to do with it and then my tiny little table it just looks so small over here cuz when you get to close I lose my and I freeze I wish you knew what you have now we're going to get into the primary bathroom we do need to get everything picked up and then I did do a Sam's Club pickup order the other day and they had some like deodorant and body wash on sale so I am going to be putting that away and just doing some organizing but I did notice that Sam's Club they're like a body wash um like I like to get the sarra V uh face um cleaner and lotion and it is a lot cheaper if you get it at Sam's Club versus like Walmart and Target but now it's so hard to breathe M me out of here I can't believe you're here can't get any words [Music] no I'm in until midnight I'm just wonder where you at just thought I call her was your good night I left my key under the m i don't get anything done you stuck in my mind I I keep on missing your touch missing your V this feeling I going to SI will be would you come on over don't you miss me to give it all you got babe give it all you got baby I ra try lose you give it all you got baby give me all you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got [Music] keep Dancing in the Moonlight the Shadows cover up my sins I always SM when in hind side but baby I don't care to win I don't get anything Dy stuck on my mind I keep on missing your touch missing your V just feeling my going to say what we had would you come on over don't you miss me to give it all you got babe give it all you got baby I already try to lose you give it all you got baby give me all you got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a safe place I got room to breae been a long Chase but at last I'm [Music] free these open Woods I knew I could find peace here nothing like that City where I got tired of the running the catching up I got hungry for the stunning high mountain tops so I make some PL dreams to catch to promis lands to find my path see the planet from Greater [Music] Heights I have found a out of time and space from City up on greater highights [Music] all right that is it for today I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give it a like hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation and Decor inspiration thank you guys so much for being here today and I will see you in the next one bye catching up I got hungry for the sunning high mountain so I make some some dreams to catch [Music] promise hey everyone welcome back or welcome if you're new today's video is a Saturday reset we we have some cleaning we're going to be getting done organizing I'm going to be getting the bathrooms stocked up and we're also going to be making some bread which this is the first time that I've ever made bread but first we are starting out in the kids bath we're going to get the toilet paper stocked up and then I do have some soap that I like to keep around for the kids so I'm going to get that stocked up in here it was on sale at Target this week and I'm trying not to buy a bunch of extra stuff but when it does go on sale I do like to buy things and keep like a small [Music] [Music] stock clean the bathroom I am just using the method all purpose cleaner I do have a bathroom cleaner but I think that I left it over at the rental house when I went back to clean everything [Music] up [Music] he what about a good times what about a lame night youing else I want to call my and I'll you you I you can call my and I'll rning back to youning back I running back to you I'm going to shake out the rug and then I'm going to vacuum them up I do put the bath mat in the washer quite often mostly because my kids just get it so wet that I just like throw it in the washer and dry it [Music] we could it all slide yeah work the [Music] problem while I was mopping I did notice that the baseboards were looking a little Dusty so I am just quickly going to wipe them [Music] down all right so the kids bathroom is nice and clean we got it somewhat stocked up in here now we're going to be moving on to the primary bathroom and we're going to start out with cleaning off the shower glass but for the inside of the shower I really do need to use something better than the Sprayway glass cleaner I think I need to either try some Dawn power wash on the glass or maybe go and get some Zep because I do have some hard water stains on [Music] there [Music] w [Music] there is a way to make the handle longer on this scrubber but because it was already wet I wasn't able to do [Music] it when you my hands don't want to be shy I will let my go down don't want to be shy I will let my go down I want to [Music] laugh they really love the tree hut products I had never tried their shave oil and it is so good paired with the body but will make your legs really soft and [Music] silky we still had some Sal dust in our drawers from where we had the cabinet pools um put on so I am going to clean that [Music] out don't want to be shy [Music] I will let my [Music] down don't to be sh I will let my go down I want to laugh out loud a little deeper kiss a little harder I want to love out loud talk a little deeper kiss a little harder love a little [Music] louder love a little louder love a little [Music] louder a little louder love out loud love out loud love out loud love out loud don't want to be shy I will let my down I want to laugh out loud a little deep kiss a little hard I want to love out loud a little deeper kiss a little harder love a little louder love a little louder love a little louder love a little louder love a little [Music] louder I thought I saw you pass me by the reason why I shine let me know in the comments how your New Year goals have been going I have been doing a decent job I know we're only a few days into the new year but I did start some of um my goals before the New Year's I started like right after Christmas and I've just been trying to like reward myself for doing my goals like I'm sure most of us keeping like a tidy house or like doing laundry that is mine doing laundry every other day is my goal and to fold it and put it away right away instead of like letting it pile up and then having to fold it all and it takes literally like an hour like I had let my laundry go and it took me an entire hour and a half to get it all folded hung up and all of that so I did not want to be doing that but like I said I'm just trying to reward myself like I will tell myself if I'm doing the laundry like I can listen to like a podcast I can watch a show um if I'm cleaning same thing and just like those tiny like rewards help me so much or if I've like ate healthy all day then like giving myself like a little treat at the end of the day so if you're struggling with your goals or just trying to keep up with them and you don't know how you're going to try doing something like that I found that it works really [Music] well I your eyes the love is BL [Music] we're going to get into the primary bedroom which is kind of messy in here but like I said keeping up with the laundry so we're going to get that done [Music] first [Music] [Music] me me me over me iy [Music] [Applause] [Music] me duvet cover and pillowcases are in the laundry right now um but next week we will be putting in a new rug in here and a few other things like Decor pieces but if you have any good suggestions for some long curtains preferably from like Amazon um let me know in the comments because I am looking for some curtains to put in here [Music] [Music] me me open me [Music] me [Music] you had me [Music] at cuz where you go is where I go I don't need nobody else I got you and you you got me too you ride all the BL I want to do what you want to we can leave and run away someday somay I been sa I've been saving you saving to yeah I need it don't you need I need you call me any you need call me any I can come and say you [Music] uh call me any time but you need a friend then call me anytime when you're out of you I got you and you CL too we can always make it [Music] through and another way that I like to reward myself is just having a cup of coffee I'll give myself like 10 minutes to sit down typically like after I do something I really didn't want to do like cleaning the bathrooms or cleaning the kitchen I'll just sit down and have a cup of coffee I also like to listen to Dave Ramsey whenever I am doing my cleaning and he said something the other day these are not his exact words but um it I've really been thinking about it a lot he was talking about how instant pleasure is typically something that is not good for you and that the things that are good for you are usually really hard in the beginning and they have a good outcome and I've just been trying to think about that especially because I'm back like in the gym trying to do that keep up with the house and other goals and anytime that it's feeling hard and I feel like I really want to quit I just remind myself that I know it's going to be worth it in the [Music] end so the kitchen wasn't too bad we just need to get some things picked up get the dishes done wiped down the counters and do not mind my crazy hair it was hair wash day I do like to let my hair air dry got you got me got [Music] me you got me got me [Music] too I've been sa I've been saing you me tooting pictures on the so other people know that we're more than friends ever since you came around I've never been sober always in my head met you at a time when I was soow went from just talking and taking you home I don't want to go back to who I used to be so if you ever me promise you won't let me down [Music] you let me I wish that I love was just like in the movies with a happy end yeah but sometimes you can't handle your emotions and I guess that's okay met you at a time when I was so low went from just talking to taking you home I don't want to go back to who I used to be so if you ever leave me Promise You Won't Let Me Drown Dr Promise You Won't Let Me Drown [Music] yeah Let Me Drown oh what [Music] met you at a time when I was so from just talking and taking you home I don't want to go back to who I used to be so if you ever leave me promise you won't let [Music] me let me Dr [Music] promise you w let [Music] [Music] me we're sitting down earlier having a snack so I am just going to get it wiped down over here and get the high chair wiped down [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] all right so now we're going to make some bread I've never made bread before and surprisingly it was I would say it's pretty easy um but it's it was timec consuming just because you have to let it rise multiple times and really that was just what was timec consuming but I am going to leave a link for the I just got the recipe off of Tik Tok so I'm going to leave it there because I feel like she does a much better job at explaining it it's a lot of steps but pretty much you just use water um yeast honey salt um flour and butter and that's pretty much it and it was really simple but like I said lots of steps you make sure that you want to fluff out your flower that was the big thing that I remember her saying is that you you need to fluff the flour um because you could accidentally get too much flour if you're packing in your flow but cam was helping me out she was helping stir while I was adding the flour and it was six cups of flour and I had to keep reminding myself how many cups I had put in because I was really terrified that I was going to put in an extra cup talk about us how come we're holding on CU really I don't see the benefits now when BR also I was reading through the comments and they were saying that you should use bread flour not just regular flour I used regular flower and I will say the texture wasn't the same as like sandwich bread but it was still really good and all of my family everybody loves iton why back to you [Music] [Music] iy to hurt you just to feel something get my heart beaten again I should probably let you go I know I can cynical make everything difficult but it will take a miracle now to fix the problems how come we're holding really I don't see the benefits now and you're broken my TR so I just wonder why do I fall back to you really nothing I can do about it I fall back to you it's like you're to me I can't quit it's not like we're still 22 I'm trying something new just a Time think that we ever could work this out sense [Music] [Music] why here is how the bread came out it was so good just put some butter on it I do suggest waiting until they're completely cool um I find that it just cuts better and doesn't flake off but that is pretty much it for today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to give it a like hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation and thank you so much for being here today I will see you in the next one bye [Music] everyone welcome back or welcome if you're new I'm so happy you're here today we have so much cleaning that we are going to be getting done the house is a little bit messy today so we are going to be starting out in the living room because I was not ready to tackle the kitchen you can see I have so many dirty dishes that I need to get done first we're going to kind of just sort out the kids toys and it's a mess over here in the TV stand I like to keep the little girls toys over here mostly Sophie's toys um so we're going to try to like organize it a little bit but let me in the know in the comments how you're doing today and thank you so much for watching if you enjoy this video make sure to give it a like and if you haven't hit that subscribe button and you enjoy cleaning motivation and Decor inspiration make sure to to go ahead and do [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] all right so we got the toys organized and I was in the process of making my bread if you guys were here last week you guys saw the whole entire process but I am just getting it ready to go into the oven it doesn't have to sit out for like an hour I started early in the morning because it is a pretty long process [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] going to show you these cute little bathing suits that I got from Target for my little girls they were $8 I feel like that's a pretty good deal for a bathing suit and they're cute and I always buy Target bathing suits and I feel like they hold up really well now we're just going to quickly get the couch put back [Music] together [Music] I did need to let my vacuum charge so we're going to move on to the kitchen after I got the living room cleaned up I was feeling a little bit better about tackling this very messy [Music] kitchen these are my favorite chips that I buy from and they do have good ingredients in them so if you're ever there and you see them I highly suggest checking them [Music] out we're going to get started on the dishes first I'm going to put away the clean dishes and then y'all we have so much dirty dishes that we're going to be getting [Music] done now moving on to the dirty dish es and I'm telling you all I took like not even 2 days off from cleaning I took like a day and a half off and just being a large family we are a family of six it's like the dishes pile up this was on the weekend too so you know we're making breakfast lunch and dinner so they pile up [Music] fast [Music] oh you know that I'm keep itol with you I feel a breaking rules on the edge looking out with no parachute you one dreaming about us who playing around without a clue on the edge cleaning out with us it's all nothing so we got the dishwasher started and then I did have more dishes behind me that um they were not going to fit so we're going to be washing those by [Music] hand but guess I more you us it's but gu I need of you saying night but in the morning sleep toce my friends this time think toxic to my mind but I know they don't know what you're all about the way you hold my body tight stay up talking through the night yeah I know they just don't with us it's on nothing but guess I need more of you with us it's all but guess I need more of you you say it during [Music] night here I'm using the soft scrub with oxyclean I think but I actually got the soft scrub with bleach this weekend and I am so excited to clean my sink it's looking little dingy so if you have a white sink I highly suggest getting the one with bleach in it it does such a good [Music] job why don't stay why don't we talk about this why don't you stay stay why don't we talk about this with us it's on nothing but guess I need more you but guess I more of you you say doing night but in the morning you just sleep with us it's all [Music] nothing with us it's nothing but gu I more [Music] you say but the morning s us [Music] it's [Music] to give this island a good wipe down it is pretty gross [Music] today [Music] now [Music] [Music] yeah no no never yeah no no never yeah no never yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] living area and kitchen are all nice and clean my bread is done and it has had time to cool off so I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee I'm going to cut my bread and I'm going to sit down and relax for a few minutes before I move on to more cleaning I think I had some laundry I had to get done this day so I was rewarding myself for getting the cleaning done and getting myself ready to do some laundry keep on telling light that is how we stay [Music] alive so you know that I don't mind about what is wrong and what is [Music] right now we're going to get into the primary bedroom and bathroom I'm just going to get some basic cleaning done in here I do have some new Decor I'm going to be trying to get that up this weekend I'm just waiting for my curtains to come in and I have to make sure that my curtain rod is long enough but I did grab a new rug and um a few other things that I'm going to be putting in here so it's looking a little bare right now but it'll eventually look better two [Music] different [Music] mind we're not the ones who hide two different mindes you know just what to say to make it all okay cuz I am too blind to see when you're in front of me we keep moov in different [Music] bre to different mind different mind down that's how stay alive stay alive least we try to survive we're not the ones who hide two [Music] different do different [Applause] mind we're not the ones to hide different Minds telling lies that's how we stay alive at least we try to survive we're not the ones to [Applause] hide mind we're not the on to hide two different Minds telling lies that's how we stay alive that's how we stay [Music] [Music] alive baby baby good at thinking out loud but not too good at keeping promises no did you fool yourself and enough to be proud oh baby baby good thinking even though you mama told you be the best that you can she never you for the monsters dancing in your head the devil on your shoulders strung you up on a threat but I don't need to tell you hey don't you look at me like that when you break my heart like that like you're feeling sorry it's your fault now to the S don't you look at me like that walking out the door like that you're not feeling sorry it's your own fault now toss the soul oh baby baby I don't know what to say every beginning is going to end up BL say spare me your thoughts and get out of my way baby baby baby baby even though your M told you be the best that you can she never you for the monsters dancing in your head the devil on now we're going to get into the primary bathroom we're just doing some basic cleaning in here I had just cleaned the bathroom a day or two before don't you look at me like that when you break my heart like that like you feeling sorry it's your fault now the S don't you look at me like that walking out the door like that you're not feeling sorry it's your own fault now toss the get devil on your shoulder it's Dev on shoulder it's on shoulder it's a devil on your shoulder devil on it's a devil on your shoulder devil on it's a devil on your shoulder don't look at me like like you're feeling sorry don't you look at me like that when you break my heart like that like you're feeling sorry cuz you're not feeling sorry hey hey don't you look at me like that when you bring my heart like that like you feeling sorry it's your own fault now the S don't you look at me like that walking out the door like that you're not feeling sorry it's your own fault [Music] now it's shoulder shoulder it's on shoulder on shoulder it's Dev on shoulder devil on it's devil on shoulder shoulder now we're going to get into Owen's room which is kind of a disaster but I always love whenever I come into my kids' rooms and I see that they like have old pictures out that they've been looking at I feel like it's always just like so sweet but he has a bunch of dirty clothes just laying on his floor I'm not sure why if he was home and I wasn't making this video honestly I would have made him pick up up I get a lot of comments well not a lot but I do get comments about my kids picking up obviously Sophia is pretty little she can't really do that yet and Camila she's working on it normally Owen is pretty good but I don't know what was going on this week I think it was the week that we were getting back into school and he's always really busy with soccer practice so he's probably just running in and out and trying to get back to the schedule [Music] down [Music] break down break down break down bre ground bre down [Music] ground [Music] ground I'm the one love ground every I'm the [Music] [Music] you it's like I waited all I [Music] found I Haven always sh but haven't felt this in a while so sad when we are aart if you leave you break my heart I need you to need Meo stay with when it's hold me tight cling your arms I want you me to why is it so hard to just be honest why is it so hard to speak the [Music] truth why why is it so hard to just be Hest when I want this maybe you want it to so I just need now we're going to get into the kids bathroom once again I just cleaned in here not that long ago so it's just going to be a quick clean getting things put away countertops wiped [Music] down see the sun shadow all my but I fin see the myself to you I want to get this right felt this in soad we are you break heart I need you to need me to stay with me when it's getting dark hold me tight close in your arms I want you to want me to why is it so hard to just be honest why is it so hard to speak the truth why is it so hard to just be honest when I want this maybe you want it to so I just need to tell you [Music] I just [Music] to that is it for today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to give it a like hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation and thank you so much for being here and I will see you in the next one bye so hard to be why why is it so hard to be honest to be honest why [Music] be hey everyone welcome back to another Saturday morning reset I hope everybody is having a great weekend so far first we are going to be starting out in the kitchen we need to get it picked up get some stuff put away we have a lot of cleaning that we're going to be doing in the living room I need to get all the toys organized get the couch vacuumed but I hope you enjoyed today's video if you do make sure to give it a like and hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation and thank you so much for being here today [Music] it so this is the current setup that I have for the kids plates and bowls and like their utensils but I think I am going to eventually change it up I think I'm going to put it in one of the pool out drawers underneath of like the stove top but for some reason one of our drawers was installed without actually being installed it doesn't have the wheels on it so we're waiting till to get that fixed just like yall see the blue tape um I got so many questions and comments about it recently and so we've been through two warranty reps we're on our third and he seems to be amazing that um our first warranty rep I don't know what happened she got transferred I guess over to a different um place and then the second one that we got handed off to it just seems like they were not the first two were not interested in really like helping us with our problems and we're almost making us feel like we were a burden and when you're paying you know top dollar for a house y'all I I'm not going to like let them not fix these things and I know some people may say like oh it's this is minimal and that's minimal but it's when the minimal things really start to add up and I mean we definitely have more serious issues I have not talked about and I do plan on eventually like talking about our experience but I'm just not ready yet I do really want to try to get some things um fixed so luckily we did have a big issue fixed like this week but like honestly they're going to have to take off a part of our roof and like figure out what is going on like it it's just a lot a lot of issues y'all so but now a mini rant over um now we're going to get into the um cleaning the Stoke top and I should have mentioned that the guy who's helping us now he did get a set up for two appointments in um February to get all the blue tape things fixed so he's working really hard and we really appreciate [Music] him do have a sp answer in today's video please keep in mind that this was filmed a long time ago I did use the soft scrub with the bleach on my sink and last week I got a comment or maybe it was this week that's when I commented um when you are using bleach products to clean you should wear gloves because you can get a fungus underneath of your fingernails so I have got to get some gloves so if you're cleaning with any bleach products just remember [Music] that [Music] he [Music] all right so we got the kitchen finished now we're getting into the living room and I need to get all these toys toys organized they're such a mess right now the girls had kind of just dumped everything together if you guys have been here for like the last few months you know that I have them organized into like little bags that I bought off of Amazon and it's really good to keep them organized like that but it becomes a mess when they just like mix everything together [Music] us [Music] all right so I'm dividing all of the toys up into their correct bags but let me know in the comments if your guys' kids have been sick with a really Nast see cough I feel like it's going around right now I thought we were doing really good this winter and then um I think last week or the week before Owen came home with a cough and y'all my kids can never get sick at the same time it has trickled through my house one kid to another kid to another kid and honestly um I was feeling like not super good today but probably because Sophie has not been sleeping well I've been up with her at night like multiple times um but I'm just waiting I feel like once all your kids get sick then you're just kind of like patiently waiting for your turn to come once everybody's better you know that's how it always happens for [Music] moms [Music] [Music] now all the toys are organized it looks so much better in here I'm going to wipe down the TV stand and I did want to say thank you for all of your recommendations on what to do with like our entryway hallway you guys had so many great ideas I really still don't know what we're going to do over there but some of you had like mentioned maybe putting like some chairs or benches um doing some I think somebody had mention some I think it's called board and Baton which that was one thing that I had thought about doing over there some picture frames I don't know it's like I said it's going to take us a while to get this house together but you guys had some really good suggestions I have on my list now we're going to vacuum the couch and I'm going to be flipping the cushions over this helps with preventing the couch from like breaking down and you guys can see Archie back there they had just came in from being outside so it was time for him to take a nap it's so funny that him and Mickey they'll just like lay out in sunbathe on the porch area and we definitely need to get our backyard done that way they can like go out because Mickey or Archie they don't like to go out in the dirt so we really need to get them some grass because Mickey loves going out and sunbathing in the grass it's like one of his favorite things to do at our old [Music] house [Music] still [Music] in youring through the radio I remember still up I no we were so young we were so I and I know time flies by so fast still I'm thinking of you do you remember still how we used to [Music] [Music] run CU in my we smiling on the Dance Floor night sking like we're on a r got no cuz we're so young we were so we're in your car singing Crazy to the radio I remember it like fro still I where [Music] we the floors are pretty messy today definitely over here where Sophia sits in her high chair honestly like 50% of her food always ends up on the [Music] floor [Music] so long [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] look my eyes this look my [Music] eyes [Music] the kitchen and living area look so good nice and clean and y'all this cleaning took me so much longer than I thought it was going to to cuz I had a set amount of time I needed to get this cleaning done in and it took me like 2 and 1/2 hours just to get the living room and kitchen done like I said I'm on a short amount of time so we're heading into Owen's room we're going to get it picked up in here it's really not terrible we did just bring everything over from the rental house now our rental house is empty our garage is full of stuff but um we brought in some of Owen's clothes like there was a box of clothes missing we could could not find it and Alvis found it it had a bunch of hangers in there too so I need to get these hangers uh picked up and put in the closet but like I said it's not terrible in here we finally have his desk and TV so we just need to get everything wiped down get the bed [Applause] [Music] made [Music] [Applause] [Music] a different time yeah we of a different breed cuz what we got is time we sued and we hold in the key yeah we tired as can be we rolling we rolling just like we ooh getting caught in the never get out feeling the the we the end without shame we the and the flam till the baby a No Going Hold Us Down break all the roots let run baby let the world [Music] the [Music] world we turn around we turn around [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to get a quick clean in the kids bathroom I do still have a lot of work that I need to get done this weekend like I did want to wash Owen's bed sheets today but I just didn't have time to get that done and I did want to clean the tub in here but it's going to have to wait until Saturday or Sunday and I do need to get into the little girl's room and Victoria's room I need to disinfect Victoria's room she's the one who is currently sick right now her and Sophia are kind of on the M I guess and um Ela actually actually just took Camila to urgent care cuz she was complaining that her ear was hurting and she had a double ear infection so she's going to get antibiotics and hopefully she'll feel better by tomorrow morning and hopefully the other girls will be better and no more ear infections and hopefully no more [Music] sickness [Music] me [Music] you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] be that is it for today I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give it a like hit that subscribe button for more cleaning motivation and if you would like to check out the glasses make sure to head down to the description box below and thank you so much for being here today I will see you in the next one [Music] bye to get it right [Music] hey everyone welcome back to another cleaning video today we have some real life cleaning motivation we have all been sick in our house I was actually sick when I was filming this and I know as moms we are always so busy and we have so much to get done so first we are going to be starting out in Owen's room and if you miss last week's video we had finished with his room I just didn't have enough time to get his sheets off I think enen was like the first one sick needed to get the sheets washed so I am going to be getting them into the washer while we get started on my oldest daughter's room she had been in here for about four or 5 days pretty sick so I am going to get her room picked up get it cleaned and since I did have Owen's bedding in the wash we're not going to get her bedding into the wash yet but I am going to get her room cleaned and picked up [Music] did grab this zipup bean bag for the kids stuffed animals I got it off of Amazon and I do really love it I did put the desk in here for Victoria she had asked me if she could have it so I went ahead and I let her have it and then I was trying to figure out why this homework had no writing on it but I'm not sure if it was something else that actually wasn't homework cuz she told me that she had finished her homework and typically we will get an email from the teacher if the homework is not complete but I'm sorry if I do sound a little bit congested um I'm finally feeling better but I'm just like not 100% right now and I had gotten a message or a comment about the music um the sound kind of being off last week so I'm trying to fix that this week but my right ear is like obviously has flood in it and it's very hard to hear out of it so let me know in the comments if the sound is [Music] okay [Music] we are going to get the bed made but like I had mentioned before I do need to wash the bedding I just had Owen's bedding and the wash so it's not going to get done done today and then I had put her laundry in here um one day when we had some workers over I had gotten some comments about the blue tape too the blue tape is still up but I think I mentioned this in the last video they are supposed to be coming in um the beginning of February and they're going to be fixing all the blue tape hopefully um but she was pretty sick I think she just knocked it down on her floor so I'm going to get her laundry put up [Music] it breaks my [Music] heart from you you could shake this you're not that run away with me come home with me tonight away with me it be worth the time run away with me I you feel right away with me good time good this time I good I good this time [Music] dri I when I started to vacuum I realized that I had two different socks on and I thought you know what I should probably go change my socks or I should go put my slippers on but I was like you know what nobody's going to care if my socks are matching or if they're not matching I know that y'all are just here for the cleaning motivation [Music] me could [Music] sh so now we are finished with Victoria's room looks so much better in here and we're going to be moving on to the little girl room which is just a complete disaster it actually takes me 2 days to get this cleaned up but first i'm just going to make some piles whenever I feel really overwhelmed with like a cleaning project I find that putting things in piles seems to make it a little bit more [Music] manageable Away Home me t away I make feel away with me and good time I do have a few of these bins for like little princesses dolls and some Legos and then I also have a box that I put the Barbies in and I put it underneath of the little girl's [Music] bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] right so now that we have the toys somewhat picked up I am going to move on to the laundry which I've been doing such an awful job of just setting the laundry in here on the dresser and now we're going to get a h taken care [Music] of [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I had stopped recording and it is the next day and this is kind of what we have going on I have some of the laundry folded I'm going to get it put away then I have some things that I do need to get hung [Applause] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know that I'm a with you I feel breaking rules the Ed looking with no parachute dream around without [Music] a us but guess I more you [Music] with [Music] it's [Music] so I did grab the girls a few like summer things because honestly it's going to be summer here before we know it in Phoenix I grabbed a few things from Old Navy so these little rompers for Sophia are from Old Navy but Walmart already had some super cute stuff out so I grabbed some onesies and these little shorts I thought that they were so adorable and then for Camila they had these in the big girl section and I got her an extra small they fit her perfectly but they had two for um $5 which I thought was such a good deal and I do pretty much let her pick out her own clothes that way she will actually wear the clothing so these are all the things that she had picked out and then I did grab her two just plain little shirts from Old Navy but it's been um today it was like a little bit cold and I think it eventually had started raining here in um Phoenix but then we had like 2 days before it was pretty warm typically by like February mid-February we're already probably like in the' 70s so I know that it's going to be warm before we know [Music] it this why don't you stay stay why don't we talk about [Music] I [Music] I never got it you have to go I guess this world's too slow for you thinka Camila also has one of the zipper bean bags for all of her stuffed animals now we're just going to make the [Music] bed glitter and the fame just enough wish you could be happy happy yeah but I can't lie lie lie La made you crazy crazy you don't what's you don't want me anymore you only what you AF this is goodby La made you C I see your stor I can't believe all the people you need m M think you belong with everybody else but you belong with me [Music] and last thing we're going to do in here is a vacuum and I am so happy to have this room clean I really been dreading it I hadn't been in here in quite a while cuz every time I would walk by it I would honestly just shut the door and it add is such a struggle for me whenever I'm feeling like really overwhelmed with the a project I put it off as long as I possibly can and then once I'm done I'm like okay it wasn't that bad but it's just getting started so if you have a project that you're putting off just try to get started and I promise it's not going to be near as bad as what you think it [Music] is goodby [Music] lazy you don't care what's you don't want me anymore you only want what you can aford don't I make you feel something or maybe you can't feel anything she's going to all right so now we just have some basic cleaning we're doing out in the living room and kitchen area and honestly by this time I was like not feeling well I even wanted to get some like mopping done but I just really was I was done I was done for the day I got everything picked up I got half way decent looking and decided that I would just call it for the day and I think that as moms we push ourselves so hard and do everything for everybody else and sometimes we just really need to take care of [Music] ourselves that extra I would [Music] [Music] do we're going to get started on the kitchen which honestly it's not terrible today we do need to get some things picked up get some dishes done wipe down the countertops but it's been a lot [Music] worse got you [Music] may you know I got you I know the world be crazy iide we Canon [Music] it your armor when things no got you back battles of mind to I'll fight for you when things get hard let it me when you're not enough to [Music] car know I got you you know I got you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bab we're going to get this sink cleaned and I did buy some new Scrub Daddy sponges I do have like the original sponge um but I have them packed away in the box and I didn't just find them I actually purchased these to clean the bathrooms but decided I would use one to clean the sink and I am just going to be using the dawn power [Music] wash oh I will say say it all tell you more about my lonely night I I pull then iow out but I swear it's never easy now we standing here at this plain place while I'm giving in reaching but I swear it's not that easy no don't call me [Music] Li then I call you liar [Music] cuz I'm not a [Music] li tops are pretty gross today so I am using the method um Granite cleaner I really do like this it leaves my countertops looking really nice and I am just using a wet microfiber cloth [Music] towel what I would do before you I will let me go cuz we're running dry just now while I hold you TI cuz I pull you in then I throw you out but I swear it's never easy now standing here at this place while I'm giv ining but iar it's not [Music] that then I call you [Music] liar cuz I'm not a [Music] liar [Music] [Music] call you but I don't need you [Music] you [Music] [Music] I Ling me was all you tried when you were around I [Music] very last thing we're going to be doing today is getting some vacuuming done I know that this is not the best cleaning video this is a real life definitely when you know you're down with a cold but I really do hope you enjoyed this and that it shows you that you do not have to get all your cleaning done in one day you can take multiple days to get your cleaning done not everything has to be perfect which I think is something that is on social media too often is that everybody's houses are so perfect my house is definitely not perfect ever even when I'm feeling 100% it is not perfect everything takes time and we are busy and that is okay and we need to give ourselves Grace but thank you so much for being here today and I will see you in the next one [Music] bye want to be don't want to be down looking for a new you see that I just need to be by myself I have you many now can't see I just need to be by myself I have told you many times
Channel: Julianne Nichole
Views: 56,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, cleaning motivation, cleaning, cleaning marathon, hours of cleaning, 3 hour cleaning marathon, cleaning 2024, 2024 clean with me, clean with me 2024, 2024 cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation 2024, organizing, organize house, organize, organized home, cleaning home, cleaning house, decor, 2024 decor, 2024 spring decorating, spring cleaning 2024, spring cleaning, cleaning and decorating, cleaning decorating and organize
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 30sec (11850 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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