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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Hello friends welcome back to my channel also welcome if you are new so today's video is gonna be super motivating I have a ton of cleaning to do as well as some decluttering um but I decided today would be the perfect day to share with you guys some decluttering hacks I'm always always getting questions about cleaning products routines and the big one decluttering and trying to stay more minimal especially in today's day and age where shopping is like a big influence thing like you're always seeing these products pop up on your Instagram your Tick Tock your Facebook absolutely everywhere and you always have this influence to buy things I fall into that I'm sure you guys fall into it so we are gonna go over a bunch of tips to hopefully get you guys motivated and give you that like drive to declutter a space in your home [Music] in your apartment no I am not the same everything has changed every day all right so the first one goes to influenced mentality that's going around it happens all the time and I think fall this year was like a big thing for me like I have not even gone to the stores and a big part of that is because the start of decluttering has to start at the source and the source is bringing that clutter into your house so being able to take control of your shopping habits and really buy things intentionally that means I'm not gonna buy something just because it's pretty but if I'm going to buy something it's because I know that place has a home in my house and where I am going to use it and using that mindset when you're shopping is huge now this can go for clothing Decor um cooking gadgets anything like if I go to a store and I like a shirt just because it's cute but I can't really Envision wearing it especially like on a daily basis I'm probably just going to pass it up because it's so much better to have things you can go into your closet now everyone's closet is going to be a little bit different um for me I work from home I'm a stay-at-home mom so I'm usually in loungy clothes give me my t-shirts my leggings my comfy clothes and that's what you're going to see me in so 90 of my wardrobe is going to be that I can go in pick out anything pull it out and I am good to go with a small percentage of other type of clothes thing and when it comes to like fancy dresses I don't keep any um I think I have one black dress as a just in case but let's be realistic if you guys have a special party to go to a wedding anything like that 99 of the time we are not going to to pick something out of our closet 99 of the time we are going to go shopping for that special event so there's no need to hold on to your senior prom dress or your sister's wedding from 15 years ago or your bridesmaid dresses for your best friend when you were 20 years old any of those things if you're not gonna wear it again you have those pictures most likely and you don't need the item taking up space [Music] you said that you needed me like a cargo you will carry me [Music] I just hope you know [Music] even though it makes no sense [Music] all right so tip number two we are going to be talking about the mental state for decluttering because that getting the motivation to declutter I swear can be one of the hardest parts and here's the thing clutter equal stress stress is going to end up giving you a mental roadblock in those mental roadblocks completely destroy your motivation to keep going so now this is going to be definitely for someone that is starting with more clutter um but break down your decluttering tasks because that mental roadblock that stress that clutter it is going to get overwhelming it's going to be harder to get the motivation so let's break it down and I mean break it down be specific don't say I'm going to declutter my bedroom today say I'm going to declutter my nightstand or I'm gonna declutter just my shoes like give yourself a list and really really break it down um one it'll keep you focused because it's really easy to go from one project and then you know when you're putting something away that oh I need to go to this stay focused on that one task I promise you if you do this you will get the motivation because you will see the progress and to me physically seeing progress that is the biggest thing when it comes to motivation I need to see something getting better and then I will keep on go going um that is something that you can take all over your house if you are doing your bathroom let's just declutter our makeup drawer let's just declutter our hair stuff let's declutter our towels how many of you guys have a bunch of random towels in your house because I know I do and you're going to see later on in this video me going around and decluttering some of these random towels but break it down one drawer at a time whatever is manageable to you [Music] too much of emotions [Music] everything seems so good I guess I can't help myself all right another thing going back to that trying to stay motivated is and this is more on when it comes to mindset your house didn't get cluttered in one day so it's not going to take just one day to declutter it it takes time and it's also not a one and done process which is another reason why it's good to go small if you can make decluttering just a part of your routine instead of this big daunting overwhelming project it's going to be much easier so if you are going and doing your closet and you feel like you didn't get enough done the first time but you're over it be over it and go back in a week two weeks and do it again it's definitely going to be a process and it's going to take more than one day to completely declutter everything this is more like a lifestyle so don't let it overwhelm you being like Oh I have to get this all done at once it didn't get that way all at once and it's going to take maintenance over time so just starting to get into the habit of doing things regularly will make it easier in the long run [Music] hoping I survive all right so another question I get a ton is about paper clutter how do I handle paper clutter and I have to say I used to be really bad at this but once I got my paper clutter under control I got to where I would declutter it the second it came in the house and the Clutter had a home so in my laundry room I have a organizer that hangs on the wall that I have set up for kids like schoolwork stuff bills and then like miscellaneous so whenever we get the mail because that's where most of our paper clutter is going to come from um is your mail I go through it right away same with my receipts if I need to keep it they go somewhere where they're supposed to be they have a home and if I don't need it we shred it we get rid of it immediately it's seems so much more daunting when you even let just a week of mail sit on the counter and I get it I don't like going through mail either because let's be realistic it's junk mail or bills it's never anything fun we're not getting fun letters and things like that in the mail it's always work so it can be a lot more overwhelming and stressful to go through your mail nowadays because we know it's going to be the water bill this bill that bill medical bills whatever is out there um and then junk mail sell your house here's a coupon here's this here's that buy a car so it's never fun to go through you're never getting anything exciting so being able to go through it the second it hits your counter will make your life so much easier and make sure you have a home for those things like I said I have a nice little setup in our laundry room makes it super easy to go through and everything has its home and I know where to go so at the first of the month when I pay all my bills I grab it out of there and I go through it and then when the kids have like um permission slips and things like that I can put it in there and make sure it gets done and it's not forgotten or lost in the pile and piles of paper clutter that can really grow quickly [Music] foreign [Music] all right so this tip is gonna really help some people or it may not be your thing but this helps so many different people and it goes back to breaking things down but make a list when I am super super overwhelmed if I can check off a list just seeing that like swipe of a check mark Or that line going through it like that is done it is off my to-do list is so motivating so making a list and making sure it's not a broad list but a very very specific list let's say we're in our kitchen so you have to organize your silverware drawer and your junk drawer and your pots and pans don't say organized drawers do the specific areas um your cup cupboard your pantry let's say we're going to organize our canned goods and then we're going to organize our dry baked goods things like that make a list make it specific have fun with it use your fun old gel pens and stickers and all these things to just give you that like excitement to something that's not really exciting let's be real um being able to check something off can be super encouraging when you're starting to feel overwhelmed [Music] I'm trying now there could be a lot of things keeping us from decluttering and it's the guilt of decluttering if it's your kid's first outfit or the gift that great grandma gave you or you got it for your wedding or I just spent too much money on this we have to let go of that guilt because that is one thing let's be honest when someone gives you the gift they've already had their joy out of that gift because their Joy is giving it to you I'm sure if they knew that item was now causing you stress because clutter equals stress which equals mental block if they knew that they wouldn't want you to keep it if you went to them or like hey would you mind if I got rid of this sure they may say something but what if you went to them and you're like hey or no actually no don't think about you going to them think about someone coming to you and say hey I know you bought me this sweater um I'm just been so overwhelmed and anxious because I have so much clutter but I feel guilty because you got me this getting rid of it uh honestly how would you feel you'd be like dude get rid of it it's not no big deal throw it out like donate it bye you're good so don't let the guilt of decluttering hold you back and this once again can be something that takes a while um to get over so making it a habit and just keep going with it it gets easier over time I promise it's kind of like working out the more you do it the easier it is it's just getting into that rhythm the other thing is money spent how many of you guys and I think the kitchen gadgets are usually things that get me is oh I bought this really cool toaster oven and it was a hundred and fifty dollars or I'm just throwing numbers out there but then I feel guilty about getting rid of it but I'm overwhelmed because I can't organize my kitchen in the way I want even though I haven't used this thing in five years it's not that big of a deal um and if you're really really feeling struggle about getting rid of things make a maybe bit maybe Ben's there is nothing wrong with having a maybe bed but in that maybe bin six months 12 months later if you have not touched it in that bin just take the bin to the Goodwill or whatever donation place it needs to go to and donate it get rid of it I promise you you will feel so much better and yeah let go of the guilt the guilt can always get us but I promise you it's you don't need it you don't need it oh and going on with guilt this is more sentimental though is those baby toys that you feel guilty getting rid of because your kids May care you are more attached than they are I promise you that teddy bear okay there may be a teddy bear but you know what I mean most of the toys when we are like overwhelmed and like ah what if they want to play with us they're not even going to notice Freya had this baby shark toy and it was her favorite toy it was a battery operated toy the batteries had like done that leaky battery acid thing and it was not working at all anymore she was getting really sad that she couldn't turn it on so I took it away I did try to fix it first but I took it away and I put it somewhere for a while to see if she would ask for it again after a month I got rid of it it was broken I couldn't fix it I could have bought her a new one but taking that time away she didn't remember she's on to her next toy her next favorite thing so remember most of the time when it comes to your kids stuff you have more of an attachment over it than they do and kids play so much better with less clutter their little brains work in magnificent ways and when you give them the space to use their imagination and play and they're not overwhelmed by being surrounded by things you will love watching your children play in a clean space [Music] so this might be the hardest tip for a lot of people to really take in but this is huge it has been proven that if you touch something you have a harder time letting go of it so ask for help even if it's just your mom your sister your best friend your dad your brother someone coming over and holding the thing for you and you saying yes or no it'll make a really really big help especially in the beginning phases of decluttering where you're still trying to make this a habit make this a routine and get comfortable with it and I know for so many people even myself asking for help can be one of the hardest things to do but I promise you if you are just getting started asking for help will be a huge success and it will make it so much easier to just let go and move on from all your different things wanna [Music] fly [Music] [Music] all right so if you've been with my channel before you guys have heard of Power hours or dirty 30s that is where you set a timer for 30 minutes or an hour and you just get done as much as you can you turn off your phones you turn off the TV you turn on some really good motivating music and you just go and do everything you can for either 30 minutes or an hour well I want to incorporate that into your decluttering just set a timer do a 15 minutes timer pick a specific task let's say your nightstand take 15 minutes and do it if you do it that way let's we all have 15 minutes in our day 15 minutes before bed doing your silverware drawer while you're waiting for your water to boil on the sink like that can be your timer the water boiling is your time or you are going to declutter whatever you can out of your silverware drawer your junk drawer whatever until that water is boiling but breaking it down into a much more manageable time frame is going to make things not feel so overwhelming and you're gonna be way more productive working it around your kids naps it can be really difficult when all the kids are grabbing at you wanting snacks lunch dinner breakfast play with me draw with me take me to the park it can get really hard to get stuff done but if you take that hour that they are napping or let's not even take the hour nap let's take 30 minutes of the nap that way you get 30 minutes to sit and relax and scroll Tick Tock or YouTube or whatever you want and 30 minutes to tackle just one project but set a timer do that time and go at it all the way don't slack just go for it only 30 minutes do as much as you can in those 30 minutes and then be done let yourself be done don't say oh I couldn't do more just take a break even if it's only a five minute break and you're still motivated then keep going but doing these little resets can make life so much easier and more manageable I know in this video you guys are seeing me get a bunch of decluttering done in two days but this was not all done at once this was done throughout the day off and on not in one Fell Swoop it looks like that in a cleaning video but it's not done that way I have three kids I have a husband I have two dogs I got Birds I've got um my YouTube business to run like I am always busy and running around and doing things so taking it one little step at a time and setting those timers and then doing what needs to be done is going to make it a lot more motivating and a lot more easy to actually stick to it and make it into a routine [Music] tried so hard to say the float yeah we keep moving like the river goes [Music] all right now for the flat surface rule I need you to focus on those flat surfaces and what do I mean when I'm talking flat surfaces dining room table um your kitchen island or counters in general clutter is going to attract clutter so being able to declutter and minimize those flat surfaces one mentally will give you so much like mental Clarity because when you're looking around and all you see is mess it's really hard to be motivated to do absolutely anything so focus on those flat surfaces throughout your house you know what they are you know where those Drop Zones are everyone has them so being able to focus on those and minimize and declutter on a regular basis this is going to be a daily basis for most of us because even if you're really good at it you may have a spouse that drops it you may have kids also don't take this on all by yourself if you have a spouse that drops things ask them nicely to put them away and let them know why explain it have a conversation I feel like often that's the hardest thing is people just say something without explaining and then it comes off naked so explain it explain it to your kids explain it to your spouse explain it to whoever is in there cause and issues but sit down explain and make them do it you don't want to be the only one on this decluttering process because then you're gonna one probably get resentful and two get overwhelmed so let's avoid the resentment to our kids and our husbands and anyone else and let them in on our process what we're trying to do why we're trying to do it um let them know the fact that you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious and less motivated to do anything because of all the things and make it where everyone's involved and not just you that's when I love you the most [Music] [Music] another thing to do is working with your space I know we all have different size homes between or in different layouts like you guys watching you're from all over the world I get comments from people from Brazil or um Trinidad or wherever Australia all over the place um and we all have different homes different sizes different layouts here in the US we have Master closets and closets and I know you go overseas and they may have a armoire or uh those like Furniture closet type things and it's different for everyone so being able to work with your space is so important don't work against it work with it um that could be having a floating shelf in your laundry room with some nice is on top so that you can store it I know in this house I have probably the worst layout for a laundry room I have ever had in a house and I'm needing to work with it and figure it out I can't change my laundry room I have a hot water heater in there I have my furnace in there like it is what it is and that's how it's going to be so being able to work with your space is so important this is also another great time to like call in for backup because it can also be not overwhelming but like you become almost zombie-like to your space so having some a fresh pair of eyes come in and look at your space and give their idea of how they would organize it they may see something that you don't see because you've just gone blind to your space so this is another great area of decluttering to bring in that back up bringing someone fresh to look at your space and give you an idea of what they would do and you may or may not use those ideas but often I personally find that bringing someone in with a fresh eye and fresh look they always see something I didn't and I usually incorporate it I need some time [Music] but you seem too nice to be alone so lonely all right now it's your turn I want you guys to leave down below in the comments because I know there's a bunch of people here trying to get motivated trying to figure out ideas and you may be sharing something with me that I haven't even thought of so leave below your decluttering tips what do you do to help stay more minimal in a society where maximizing is constantly thrown in your face minimizing is seems to be a thing of the past so what are some things that help you stay motivated to stay minimal or to declutter on a regular basis I would love all the comments down below um I always enjoyed reading the comments and watching the conversations unfold in the comments are always amazing so it doesn't matter how small your tip is how big your tip is leave it down below because I promise you may not think that it's a big deal or you may think everyone knows about this tip I used to think that all the time especially with things of like cleaning I used to think what I did was normal everyone did it and I've learned that people learn even from something you may not think is a learning experience so down below leave a comment with your best tips and tricks for decluttering motivation anything that will help motivate someone else out here watching this video but not that much if you want somebody else who am I to judge I've been thinking about you all the time but that's all right I'm starting to get used to it I think I'll survive I met you in the summer all right so I think this will probably be my last and final tip for today's video but I have to say it's probably the most important tip is to work with your own brain we were all created with very unique magical perfect brains but with that it means that they all work differently so you may not find everything I said in this video to really relate to you and if that's you that's totally okay figuring out what decluttering method and organization method works best for you and working with that is probably the most important thing I don't know if you guys have heard of the Clutter bug she is here on YouTube but she also had a TLC show for a while and she talked about different types of organizers and declutters out there and she's very accurate on all of that we all work very very differently so figure figuring out what works best for you and sticking to that that is the way to go in the end but I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you're new here I would love if you would subscribe leave me a comment if you guys want to see more videos like this where I'm giving tips tricks and hacks but until next time bye all right [Music]
Channel: living with cambriea
Views: 62,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decluttering hacks, how to declutter, tips on decluttering, organize, decluter with me, clean With me, organize with me, how to stay motivated, how to organize, home Declutter, home cleaning, sahm, homemaking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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