4 DAY CLEAN, DECLUTTER, & ORGANIZE! Renovation & DIY plans

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hello everyone I am so glad you are here today in today's video we're going to be doing a deep clean declutter and organizing I'm also going to be showing you the plans for upcoming projects and we're just going to be getting a lot of stuff done today Shon with you so this is considered Emma bathroom or the half bath it is the only one downstairs other than mine it's got a full tub in it and I organized everything when we first moved in but it's just not working anymore which I assume that's how it would be because you know things are a lot different when you're trying to put stuff away when you're moving in So today we're just going to get it really organized and deep clean so I am going to organize all of this this bathroom has kind of been like an ey sore for me um we plan we've been doing a lot of projects in the house we plan on doing this one but this is going to be like a DIY special um this the layout of the bathroom is fine and although later on in life maybe I would want to change the footprint a little bit but as of right now it is what it is and that's like way later down the road we need to do the boys bathroom for sure and I'll show you that one in a little bit I'm also going to show you what we're going to do to that bathroom now you guys know that when we bought this house the way it looked and we've been doing a ton of projects even though this home was built in the '90s the way the house is it looks like a cottagey home so so I'm running with it I've always wanted one of those I have always wanted an old southern annabellum home so I am making this that so in a perfect world I'd love to take this down maybe I can maybe Chris can he has renovated multiple bathrooms I have been using this program called milanote and if you're like me you have so many things in your mind so many things in your mind and you're a really creative person and you've got a good eye but putting it in order can be a challenge it is for me I have so many thoughts in my head I can put there in milanote and it organizes it all for me but I'm going to show you how I use melan note because I can tell you all day long what I want and what I Envision but I'm just going to show you real quick the board that I'm doing for here and it'll give you an idea of how I organize these projects hopping here on Millan note I'm going to show you how I organize all of my projects this is an amazing app and also it is on your desktop so you have f flexibility there and it is great for visual People Like Us creative people it helps organize all of the projects so when you are ready to have something you're able to put everything in your mood board you can go from links and pictures online pictures in the actual um program itself which is awesome here is my downstairs bathroom mood board I'm going for a French country look also Antiques and things like that so on this particular board I actually took pictures from the internet and added them right here this is how I wanted to start it I wanted to just get an idea and see how it all came together and as you can see it looks really really cohesive it looks really really beautiful so when I really get into it in any of my projects this is where I start first so you can also go into Millan note itself and find images so there's Flex possbility there as well you don't have to just find something and screenshot it so I'm going to show you right here I'm actually going to type in um French country and you'll see what pops up so I always tell you guys to think outside of the box and that is what you want to do here this is a place that just let your imagination go wild and it is so great for so many people if you're in the workplace or you're at home students this guy is the limit who can use this program anyone who is creative and wants to organize your projects this is for you so I showed you the other pictures and here are some others that I pinned picked up this is going to be vintage bathroom now you can type in whatever you want and so many beautiful pictures and images pop up that you are able to pull inspiration from and that is how I do everything so I have ideas in my mind but to see it right in front of me helps me stay on task I'm I'm not the greatest with staying on task when it comes to projects or basically anything in my life so this has been so helpful to do that for me I also really like that you can do multiple mood boards like I said think outside of the box so this is the boy bathroom this is the upstairs bathroom and I like that I can add a note here so if you want to collaborate with someone you can actually share your boards with them and not only can you um share it with them they can also edit them if they want add things and they can be an active participant in your mood board in your project in your design I even hesitate to say it's like a mood board because it's so much more than that yes everything is right here but you really have to think about everything that you can do here so I'm going to show you I added my note and then I showed you that you can add someone and they can collaborate with you they can also just look at it they don't have to do that they don't have to to have the rights to be able to do that which is really cool so if you just want to share it with someone that's great but so I'm going to show you how I also add links so if you don't want to add pictures from the internet or images like that or you want to do both you can do both so I love these vintage looking mirrors and Wayfair has a ton of them so I just went to the website of your choosing that's what you can do I chose a Wayfair for an example where I wanted to add mirror and I'm going to copy the link when you go back to milanote there is a link icon on the left hand side and you can basically just drag it over wherever you want and be able to add the link so everything's right there if you choose to go back and order it or it's just great to be able to know hey I saw that mirror it was from Wayfair I'm adding a link and I can go right there and there is the picture of it I wanted to give you you guys a little update on what we're doing with our home it's great to have all of the projects right here I want you to know that milanote is actually available for free so there's no time limit you can sign up using the link in my description box and just listen you can start your next creative project I'll have everything down there for you and if you want to tag me on Instagram so I can check out the projects and I will be sharing more and more of what we do with these projects and I will have all my mood boards that I'll share with you guys I hope you guys enjoyed that little uh tidbit into my mind that's basically like an organized list of what's going on in my mind for all the projects I want to do in the home I've been doing really good um I'm going to tell you I was talking to Amanda and we were like I a girls how in the world are we continuing to organize after we organize and we continue to organize and we're not buying to organize more but we still need to organize and she said one simple answer girl I don't know I mean don't get me wrong yes I do the Costco thing you know and that's fine but how do I have so much stuff I just feel like it's growing and it's like oozing from every spot in this house and it's just a lot oh FYI Walmart if you can hear me if I ask for a covid test don't send me a marijuana test what am I going to do with this like no I just need to get rid of it I need to throw it away see that's what happened in my mind I'm like I'll just keep it just in case maybe one day I have never in my life and I mean this seriously needed a marijuana test and I won't need one now so I'm going to get rid of it see that's how it happens I just answered my own question that's how it happens you remind me when we talk about this start off get rid of the trash stop what you're doing get rid of the trash Oh my gosh what in the world is this y'all do y'all see that that's liquid that is from one of these damp red things nasty what it's foaming when you have things that you have to do in your home what do you guys listen to um I know a lot of you guys tell me you listen to these videos and other videos as well I usually I'm not actually watching the videos if they're on the screen I just like the music um and sometimes you know it feels like you have a friend there with you so I really like that it's amazing how you can feel so connected by some with someone that you've never even met and I love that is one of the awesome things about this community I'm so glad you are here and you are a part of it but I have really been getting into podcast again so let me know if you have any recommendations in the comments below I love a good audible podcast just kind of motivate me and inspire me really love those as well and I wanted to also add this little note I'm folding my hand towels and I want to let you know you can have mixed match towels and still be succeeding in life I have learned that it is okay a little bit Tong TI I'm spraying the tub down with this um spray wash Dawn spray wash I really like this stuff but I'm also using the paste here the pink stuff it is so caked on in there and like almost too hard to even get out it's hard so I just get a little water in there and mix it around and just grab grab a clumps of it cuz I'm just going to use it until it's completely gone um even if it's not so convenient just cuz that makes sense to me but I'm going to get all this coloring off of um the tub and the walls we like to get Emma these little bath crayons and they're so good for her to play Isabella came in here and Drew all over the wall which was so sweet we left it for quite some time but I wanted to take it down because I know that it will probably stay in the tiles um if we leave it too long and if you get it in the grout lines it can stain as well Al don't to some time and drink from my cup you hypnoti me the of yourong take a moment and look all around I don't want you C off guard I come for you I want you to know that I would never walk way I know what you need IED for you but you're taking home I know I need to move on I need to be I don't to Al I don't want to go alone I'm going to use this little plastic bin I got from Target years ago and put some of my makeup in here I feel like I'm really cramped in our master bathroom so I've been bringing everything in here it just I feel like I have more room I even like taking showers in here I prefer it I don't know what it is about our bathroom but I just feel like the walls are like coming in on me I just I I can't really explain it but um so I come in here just make make what works and I'm going to organize these little drawers in here in the cabinets get all the stuff out of here that we don't need that's just been sitting here and like I had mentioned I'm so particular about what we're keeping because I'm just tired of carrying it from room to room house to house and I'm just I'm just not going to do it anymore and I will say I have had moments where I'm like darn I got rid of whatever it was and I missed it but if I missed it bad enough I would buy it again and I have yet to go and repurchase something I've gotten rid of you when I clean toilets all I do is wipe the entire toilet down from top to bottom and all around the floor and baseboards with Clorox wipes and then I use my Clorox um little toilet wand thingies love them it makes it easy I prefer that over an actual toilet brush um and I like just having everything right there I cannot keep a toilet brush looking nice I just I don't know what it is but I would just rather drop that little thing in the in the trash and Let It Go but that's how I do it nothing fancy nothing amazing it's really quick and easy I've taught my kids to do it as well although we are perfecting that and you will see what I'm talking about later on in this video when I go and I clean their bathroom she's clean now in between cleaning there and filming I stopped clean the kitchen made ooey gooey buttercake vacuum the floors put fresher on all the carpets vacuumed with the Kirby um reorganized some things totally reorganized and decluttered her area here cleaned lipstick off of here and here those are all the things I did oh and cleaned Under the Stairs hm what else did I oh and went upstairs vacuumed everything cleaned or vacuumed all the stairs which let me show you what the stairs look like right now they're in the process of being redone um I feel like it just opens this whole area up so much what else did I do yeah so sometimes I will come on here and I will film every single thing I'm doing sometimes I like to have the video to be a little more or organized so I knew I was doing the bathroom so I just did everything out and then I went back to the bathroom and fil because that's just the way it goes but it feels so good that it's done now I think I'm going to um Windex the table and we'll see the kitties love to get up here during the day the birds come right over here they have so much fun watching them both cats will get up there and so the mirrors get really yucky I don't even know how cuz they don't go outside very often but there are paw marks and little handprints all over it so I wanted to go ahead and take care of this just to finish up this area I also went into the dining room and did the mirror in there and then we are going to move on to the boy bathroom and the upstairs bedroom or their bedroom you so as I've gotten older talked about this um I have just really been coming into my own and I am learning to stand up for myself and say the things that I need and I finally and you probably you guys might be surprised but I'm very much a people pleaser I want everyone to be happy and I feel absolutely and utterly shattered and mortified if I upset someone I just I just do it breaks my heart and it's never my intention um so I'm trying to learn to just be stronger and feel like I can speak up for myself and so I told Chris listen I know this might sound strange but one of the things that really heals my soul and gives me rest and almost I would say fill up my cup is having aone time in my home to be creative to clean just to be because I'm the type of person if anyone is in my house I feel obligated to tend to them and I want to tend to them I love them but sometimes I need to do things for me so been learning to stand up for myself and so on this day this is actually super Super Bowl Sunday I said can I please please please have some time before I head to my mom's he said yes absolutely and then he text me a couple hours later said how you doing I said good I'm enjoying myself and he said don't don't even worry about coming I've got everyone you're good and I'm so thankful for that because it is so healing and so freeing for me to be able to just move freely in my home and to feel like I can just do what I need to do and no one needs anything from me it might be strange that it's cleaning but I love it it just calms my whole nervous system so I want to encourage you guys to stand up for what you need in your life as well you could be my only one you could be my only one I'm having to wash the bedding obviously have to wash it regularly but on this day I wasn't planning on doing everything but I had noticed that a little kitty decided to go potty upstairs on Noah's Bed and I was sickened to my core so we actually took everything off and then I got him a new mattress and tried to figure out what cat did it but it really didn't matter because it was done and it was just it just happens there's nothing you know it's not my fault it's no one's fault but I was just grossed out I'm just being honest I was super grossed out um yeah is't it weird though like when something like that happens you almost feel embarrassed I felt embarrassed but why why would I feel embarrassed it's not like I did it and I went and I took care of it but I did I felt embarrassed in my own home and I feel like after thinking about it I'm like that's silly like who cares it happens not your fault so that's one of the things that I'm really like owning about my thoughts and my mind is who why be embarrassed why feel shame why feel any of that stuff when it comes to our home if we're doing our best then it's the best that we can do and that's just all there is to it and it really just comes down to just being content in your own home in your own space in your own body and in your own mind and that is so very very hard to do I know it has been for me but um there's a freedom in that there's such a freedom there were a very very long period of my life where I wouldn't dare let someone walk through my house without calling me first and then when they would let me know I would be like a mad woman cleaning and stressing myself out to the max to where when people came over I wasn't enjoying myself I was exhausted and I was looking at everything around my home now I don't do that I try to keep it clean I try to take care of it I get it tidied as much as possible but if people come over and it's mess I'm like I'm sorry we live here and I no longer feel embarrassment about that because I am literally just doing my best and some days are better than others some days I'm like wow I've got this thing down and other days I have the wrong shoes on and stains on my shirt so you know what I just consider it balance why do I fall back to you it's like you're a drug to me I can't quit it's like we're still 22 trying something just a I don't think whenever I clean up here I know I've always got to do a thorough vacuum my amazing neurod Divergent child always likes to pick on things and if there's foam up here from like a package or we had a little pillow he picked the inside of it out it was everywhere and it can be super frustrating but one thing I have learned when you realize that the weaknesses or the things that Society deems weaknesses um and and holdbacks really are their superpower and when you learn that I really feel like you can teach them they can accomplish anything so this is the upstairs bathroom this is the bathroom that the four boys um they share and I've done deep cleans in here before only just a couple I will generally have them stay on top of it as you can see that is not the case today I in my mind I just assume if I tell them to clean the bathroom they're going to do it and they will but if I don't remind them to clean the bathroom they won't and I haven't I just kind of assume that if it's nasty they would clean it but I also have to remember their kids and that's just not on the Forefront of most kids' mind so when I saw this I was floored literally floored and truthfully I it was another one of those instances where I felt embarrassed um but you know what instead of just wasting my time in energy feeling embarrassed I'm going to clean it and one thing we did do we have a digital planner that we have mounted to the wall so we have four weeks of the month we have four boys each boy has to take a Saturday to clean it and if they want to do it earlier they can but everybody has to do it and that goes from my oldest who's 18 to the youngest boy who is about to be 10 so that has been really helpful in the last house I actually went with uh took them in each bathroom we had quite a few I think we had four in the last house and showed them exactly how to clean it with the Clorox wipes and wiping from the top all the way to the bottom the baseboards the floor around it the base of the toilet even inside especially inside but um they know how to do it so when I told them this is what we're going to be doing this can't this can't get like this it's not healthy for us it's gross but it's not even healthy for us to be breathing in all of that we know this bathroom has a ton ton of issues so that's just like a whole another topic yeah like I had showed you earlier what we're planning on doing with it but we asked the owner we saw some stains on the ceiling we asked the owner if uh if maybe it had a leak and he acted oblivious he said this bathroom was never used and I'm telling you right now we've been in the house since May and there is no way I saw this bathroom when we moved into it it wasn't pretty that there's no way that this happened in all of the in just these few months not the cracking in the floor not the micro cracks all in the tile so I was kind of frustrated okay I was really frustrated that he lied um because again I saw the bathroom before we moved in and he slapped a whole bunch of on this bathroom and when you're moving in like I just didn't really pay attention to it like I saw it and I was like oh okay and then I just moved on right but when we like actually moved into the home and I started cleaning and putting things away that's when I was like we have a serious issue here so when we were getting our Granite installed the guy said oh yeah I remember this house had a leak upstairs and we dug deeper into it and um yeah he said nope I have no idea what you're talking about this bathroom was never used this is not a bathroom that has never been used um I've lived in a brand new home I know what it looks like when my boys have been in a bathroom and it is this bad now obviously surface level stuff yes that's them but we're talking like the cracks in the tile the floor um the the baseboards cracking the wall behind the cabinet is actually falling away like it's just so frustrating now in Florida you if you don't disclose um issues you can get in a lot of trouble for that so we actually had a mold Guy come out and he said we won't know anything until we start pulling things out so that's kind of what we're going to have to do right now I'm just going to clean it really good get it better get what I do is like I get it to a state of like the beginning like the deepest clean I can possibly do and then it's like okay you guys have to keep this up and we will be coming up here to make sure because it's your responsibility to do this you're old enough to have these responsibilities so that's what I'm doing today this is kind of like step one and then they'll have to take it over but we won't really know the severity of the issues in this bathroom until we start pulling everything out so that Clorox did not even touch it you can see here so we're using mold armor we got this from Lowe's and this stuff is a miracle I can't wait to show you how well it cleaned it was incredible so if you're struggling with mold mildew just skip the Clorox and go straight to this words songs Whispers inate of TR time think I I'm as as I can go now I keep rep and overgown I if you pass by Corner my eyes I don't know what we in State of Mind traveling through wasted time willite every single as I had stated when I first was doing the boys bedroom this was previously recorded not this part right here but cleaning the boys bedroom organizing that and then the clips of the bathroom where I was deep cleaning it that was all actually filmed in January so like I had mentioned I will I like to kind of keep things organized sometimes I have videos where they're all over the place but I like to keep it organized so I did a huge deep clean in here January 19th and I did it in their bedroom as well because it was Josiah birthday and we had friends coming over and I wanted to make sure it looked really really nice so but that's when I had sprayed all the Clorox and then truthfully I just walked away and then listen one thing about me when I'm in I'm in but when I walk away it is gone to me I it's like it never even happened so this is just the truth so I came back up here and I was like oh my gosh we have to start all over again so that's when I used the mold armor I was I I had thought that the Clorox would have taken care of it but when I came back up here yesterday I realized we're not even close so that mold armor is a miracle but with any of those products put a mask on put a towel over your face hold your breath don't be breathing that in then put the fan on and walk out for at least an hour that's what I do because I have respiratory issues and you don't want to be breathing that stuff in so now I'm just taking some regular antibacterial hand soap because I can't even tell you how limited time how limited my time is these days and so I just used that and I got some super hot water and a rag and I went to town and I did the the floors as you saw the doors and the cabinets one of the biggest things that I could tell you for someone who wants to do a deep clean you don't have to buy gadgets and gimmicky things some soap and water um and a rag will will go a really long way now I love my mop which there's a link down in the um description box I love my mop it does make life easier but all the other stuff I have learned that I can find ways to have what I have around the house before I go and buy it so that's just a little tidbit of information don't feel like you have to wait to go buy what whatever it is to get get going just just do it and you can find a way but look how incredible this looks this is so much better and I cannot wait to do this bathroom but we just did the stairs um we have a lot of projects that need to be done so we'll see this is a bathroom we'll have to do on our own like the downstairs one so I love y'all and I appreciate you and I'm so thankful that you're here and just remember you are important and you matter and you were made for big things you are capable of hard things cuz you are amazing I love yall so much and I hope you have an amazing week I'll see you next week
Channel: Lynn White
Views: 15,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messy house, messy house clean with me, how to clean a cluttered house, how to clean a messy house fast, cleaning motivation 2023, whole house clean with me, 2023 clean with me, clean with me, cleaning motivation, new clean with me, all day clean with me, speed clean with me, deep clean with me, extreme clean with me, speed cleaning motivation, homemaking motivation, homemaking, lynn white, extreme clean with me 2024, clean with me 2024, 2024 cleaning motivation
Id: SPTiaY1wd9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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