How To Charge Your Feminine Energy! || A Feminine Impression || Femininity Series

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[Music] hey beautiful people how are you ladies doing today if you're new to my channel welcome my name is dr. Michelle and if you're returning or welcome back first and foremost I want to say Happy New Year to everyone this is my first video 2020 so I hope all of you guys are having a great year this far today I want to talk with you ladies about how to channel your feminine energy how to get to know yourself how to get to know your work how to know your likes your dislikes figure out where you're going in this life and most importantly how to nurture your true nature how to be able to reach back into yourself charge them up to be able to exude femininity one of the biggest pieces of this is knowing yourself and knowing your work without this it's very difficult to build the confidence that it takes to be able to make moves in this world without this you really don't know what direction you're going in and life can kind of sweep you any which way it wants so it's very important that you take the time and spend it with yourself to grasp some of these concepts so you're able to actually blossom talk about some of the adjectives that are usually linked to feminine women the idea of femininity usually brings about adjectives like open receivers elegant power emotional deaths nurturing soft now as I went over those adjectives the one that stood out the most in terms of taking care of yourself is the idea of nurturing as women we are natural nurture we nurture our friends our family animals strangers but a lot of times we don't nurture ourselves as a feminine woman it's going to be crucial for you to prioritize time with yourself that you're using to grow and to reflect now I would recommend in your home to have a space just a feminine space for you it could be a desk with portraits and flowers and candles it can be a little corner in your bathroom where you decorate it and you make it look super feminine and pretty but wherever this space is depending on what you have some people have an entire room like a beauty room if you have space in your home for something like this and you're using it for storage or for clutter I would recommend cleaning it out and just creating a beautiful space for yourself this is going to be where you go to do the things that we're going to talk about and it will make you feel beautiful and feminine especially if you play a very masculine like role let's say like at work when you come home you know that you're gonna be able to recharge in this feminine space now if you can I would recommend decorating all of your space in a way that makes you feel happy and a life but have a little corner with things that have flowers and beautiful feminine colors maybe like a room scent or a room mister that you can spray just to kind of embody that feminine spirit I like to use sprays not only in the room but like on linens sometimes it can be homemade like with lavender oil or something soothing or sometimes I pick up certain sprays and the stores or online that you can spray just to kind of reshape your mood as a feminine woman it's going to be important that you are able to have this time in your day that you carve out whether it's right in the morning when you wake up right when you get home from work or before you go to bed but have at least 30 minutes to yourself I know some people will say I don't have it I don't know where I'm gonna find 30 minutes but if you can't make a time for yourself how can you expect other people to make time for you one of the things that we're going to talk about is this idea of allowing yourself to be a priority in your own life okay and not in a selfish or over indulgent way but some women are not doing it at all and if you don't have time in your day to think and reflect then you are running around every day robotically you're not actually living so this is probably going to require a sacrifice on your end okay it's a sacrifice but it's for yourself so that means that you might have to wake up an hour earlier every day during this time you can seduce your senses kind of like what we talked about light some candles you can light some incense and it's just a really nice way to kind of like welcome myself into the day or welcome myself back home now in talking about making time for yourself something that's also really important to do sometimes is take a mental-health day take a day off from work where you're going to focus on your stuff not running errands and doing a bunch of crazy work but actually sleeping in and getting a sufficient amount of rest you do need sleep and I think a lot of people underestimate the importance of sleep and they'll say things like well I only need three or four hours every night but then you'll have people who will tell you when you're out with them oh gotta go I need my eight hours of sleep once you are able to really see what your body is like when you sleep enough you'll be able to value the sleeping time that you have you'll start to modify things in your day to allow yourself to get that rest ladies rest is essential it's not just something people say you will start to see the effects of that as you get if you don't prioritize that while you're young you need a rest so that your body can heal if you're exercising your body needs that time if you're trying to get rid of pimples and issues on your face your body needs that time your body needs time to process all the things that went on during your day to heal yourself from any stressors or anxieties that you might be having this is time your body requires that you have to give it to yourself sleep in now something else you can do that super fun feminine is take a shower place them relaxing music and light some candles I always shower with candles on I like the aroma I like the vibe it gives the bathroom it gives me a very relaxed feeling and I can get into my feminine mode now you can play whatever music you like whatever makes you feel like you're at your best for me personally I love listening to indie R&B music it's Mladic it's soft sexy and it helps me kind of get into my feminine zone but whatever music you like play it loud sing along allow yourself to be free allow yourself to sink don't be embarrassed of your own voice that's yours allow yourself to just be free now it's very important to have that spa time where you're doing your nails that you're doing your makeup doing your hair washing it you can even allow other people to pamper you that's very important to understand that that is wonderful and there's nothing that you should feel guilty about when you are allowing someone else to pamper you especially when you're paying for it so go allow someone else to do your hair for once go let someone do your nails for you for once get a facial get a massage it doesn't have to just be safe for special occasion when you consider all aspects of your life caring for yourself should be a priority so you should dedicate a portion of your income to soft care so massages getting those massages and is not just for the bring aspect but you'll find a lot of people go to help with their blood circulation the people who have certain illnesses go to be preventive a lot of people go for very different reasons but it's just the same as someone going after work and grabbing for margaritas which kind of a lot but someone going after work and grabbing a couple of drinks could cost the same as a very basic massage package so think about that it's really important for you to put the time back into yourself and ways that are going to heal you and help you along that turn now aside from all the pampering stuff what this alone time it's going to be crucial for you to do some soft work as a woman when you think about your life when you actually sit down and reflect on your life you shouldn't be the same person and having the same issues that you had an eighth grade that you do in your 30s and 40s and for a lot of people not much has changed not much has changed about their personality not much as change about their achievements their friendships their relationships not much has changed and that's because you haven't done the work you should be able to reflect on your life and seek growth in lots of different areas this is a time where you gotta get room you have got to get real with yourself this is a time that you have to sit back and reflect on your days your weeks and be able to ask yourself some really hard questions reflect on your day what did i do today how did I treat people did something happen to me today why did it happen and admit to yourself the truth maybe it was fear maybe you're jealous be able to tell yourself yeah I was jealous that is a tough 20 min to yourself but honey if you can't admit it to yourself you can't even tell yourself then you really have work to do okay and once you're able to at least identify where you are with some of your feelings and some of your choices then you can actually figure out where to start working so if you are in a space where you are very jealous you may have to start doing something differently in your life like maybe giving yourself some distance from the things or people that are making you jealous I'm following people on Instagram that you find yourself comparing yourself to maybe you might have to stop talking to someone for a little bit and do the work pray about it meditate on things read books to help you grow maybe the issues are deeper and you might need to consult with a therapist go see someone and talk to them about this and let them give you some tools some ideas it's no different than what we're doing right now okay there's no difference except it'll be based on your unique needs so don't be afraid to put some love into yourself no one has to know you don't have to tell people that you've been struggling with all these things you just have to figure out how you're gonna work through them something that has also helped me tremendously is focusing on gratitude and gratefulness I would always make some time with her at the beginning or at the end to just be thankful thank God for the things that you do have the things that do go right things that you have gotten you have achieved just be thankful and say it say it out loud I'm thankful that I have this I'm so grateful that I have this get used to talking about the good stuff to try your best to stay out of the negative and focus and look good that's how you get more good now I also take some time to visualize I know that so many videos are out there about manifesting your future and and all of that and you can do whatever makes you comfortable but the idea of seeing yourself in a certain light it's going to be prominent in your growth if you cannot close your eyes and imagine yourself doing and having the thing that you are working toward then you are still struggling with your ability to believe in yourself do the test write down three things that you want to have achieve experience in the next three years of your life just write it down and then close your eyes and visualize yourself visualize yourself walking across the stage and getting your degree visualize yourself buying that new car and driving around visualize yourself walking down the aisle visualize it and see yourself doing these things this is one of the reasons why I stress making a vision board they are wonderful but they really help you with these visualizations and you can put a vision board in your little sacred space and you can look at it and visualize yourself in these moments this is going to help boost yourself up and remind yourself you can have these things pray about it that's something that has been crucial for me prayer I take the time and I talked to God and I pray about things and I think about them and manifest them I meditate on them whatever words you want to use I believe and have faith and I work towards it now if you want to take things a step further what you can also do is journal this is something I've done my entire life the reason why I do it is because in the moment it helps me take all of this information up here and put it on paper and it just frees me it releases me from thinking about it so I kind of get out all these emotions sometimes the emotions are way more heightened in my brain that may work when I cut up my paper after I'm done I'm always able to say okay I feel better now just getting it out so I write things down but I also write it down so that I can see my growth I can actually look back and flip back to Michele at 17 years old and say oh oh I remember when I did that I just did that yesterday so you know and really be able to compare and and really see my growth um but it's powerful you don't have to keep your entries I probably wouldn't recommend that you do that if you're living with someone that could potentially look through your things and read your thoughts you can write it down and rip it up okay you can write it down to read it back to yourself sometimes that's also been very healing for me is to be able to read something that I felt at a certain period of time because I let me know that hey these moments go these feelings go away they're not forever it reminds me of that and if you can jot down any lessons you learn that day or any ways that you think you can improve yourself for the week just one thing don't overdo it just pick one thing this week I'm gonna work on being more positive this week I'm gonna work on saying no this week I'm gonna work on saying yes whatever it is just try and slowly incorporate new habits into your life now once you're able to get into this routine of pampering yourself and just reading and growing and developing as a person you're gonna fall in love with it you're going to want more and more of it and this is how you build up your self-confidence you're gonna start wanting more things in life wanting more things for yourself you're gonna start being able to convince yourself that you can do so things as you accomplished each goal one thing that's going to be life-changing is to evaluate the people in your life it's very important every so often to really take a look around you the people that you're communicating with often the people who are going out with the people who you are close to and determine whether or not these people are adding value to your life are there certain negative traits that you're only doing around certain people do they kind of bring this out of you are you doing enough for people around you are you being a good friend are you honoring people's birthdays are you being supportive of people's journey what are you contributing into other people's lives as well this is that time for you to get brave and drop the dead weight learn how to break free from friendships learn how to break free from anything that is hurting you and this also applies to relationships relationships with people in your family relationships with your significant other you won't be able to see these thoughts the room without this unknown time one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself during this a long time is decide what your priorities are and lay down some expectations who are you what do you like what do you dislike what don't you tolerate create some standards for yourself so someone might ask how do you set a standard or what does it look like to create a standard right so for example let's say that during this a long time you're having you're really tired you're just like wow I think you've got much sleep last night what happened and you realize oh yeah it's because Antoniou called me at 11:30 and we talk for like an hour and a half even though I didn't really want to pick up the phone I did anyway and then now I'm tired right so you would say moving forward I don't want to receive phone calls from any after nine o'clock unless it's an emergency from my immediate family I'm not picking up the phone once you create that standard you can let people know hey by the way please don't call me after nine o'clock we could either get you ready for bed if that person or whoever calls you at 11:30 again you don't pick up the phone you don't pick it up if you're lonely you don't pick it up if you're sad if you're in a talkative mood you don't pick it up because you've created the standard do not call me after 9:00 p.m. and you have to stick with it it's a decision that you make prior and it teaches people how to treat you you get to decide what you do and you don't like and you get to tell people how to do it and that way you know you're stress-free they know that they've missed her window and maybe they'll make it important to try to catch up with you before the odd hours of the night so this is how you create a standard but don't even that time with yourself you should sit down and determine how you want to be treated what you will and won't tolerate there are a number of very helpful books out there that can help you with creating these standards and creating these boundaries that you set for yourself that people kind of have to stay out of it'll make you a happier person it'll allow you the freedom of not being mishandled by people ladies the things that I've talked about in this video are so important you have to create the time for yourself I want you to really sit down and think about this this is what's going to open the floodgates for your self-esteem to be boosted for you to know who you are as a person and for you to really allow yourself to be treated the way you want to be now for some of the more my newts yet very essential aspects of channeling your feminine energy is always looking your best presenting your best to yourself and to the world when you are well dressed put together when you have a smile on your when you look happy when you just appear as if you're at peace with yourself you attract the best energy take some time and look your best wear dresses wear skirts or heels smile at people appear like you enjoy your life do your hair do your nails actually spend time with people that you care about spend time with other girls and laugh and get that girl time in um be able to plan trips for yourself planned trips for your friends do things that give you that creative energy okay create we are creators as women so make sure that you're always creating you're always changing your look changing your hair changing your nails being festive changing the decorations with the holiday turning a house into a home all of these things are going to activate your feminine energy so that's it for today ladies thank you so much for watching this video I appreciate all of your support on my channel I love you guys so much make sure to stay tuned I have a new video coming out next week on emotional control being able to manage your emotional outburst as a feminine woman as a woman in general I want to make sure my videos are not just exclusive to femininity but just to stop those as a whole and I think we can all use a little bit of support in that area so thank you for watching this video I love you guys so much I appreciate all of your support and I hope [Music]
Channel: Dr. Michelle Daf
Views: 172,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: femininity, femininity series, a feminine impression, dr.michelle, how to activate your feminine energy, how to charge your feminine energy, Feminine black woman, self-love, spa day, mental health day, self care, self-care, feminine self care, feminine instructions, jealousy, how to deal with jealousy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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