How To Become More Attractive || A Feminine Impression

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[Music] [Music] what does it mean to be alluring as a woman to be learning it means that you are powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating so there's something about you that draws people in that captures people and there's something that's memorable about you being alluring as a feminine woman it can help you in all aspects of life where I find it to be the most beneficial is in the areas of dating relationships and the workforce so in terms of dating when a man takes you out there obviously going to be attracted to whatever you have going on externally but the allure is what's going to make them captivated it's what's going to keep them more interested in coming back getting to know you and striking a deeper relationship with you it's also very important when you're in a relationship or a marriage you really do have to master the art of being alluring in your own way now in terms of them in Ellora I don't want you to confuse it with beauty you can be very beautiful and not be attractive being attractive is a much different quality when someone is attractive it means that they're able to draw people near them especially when you talk about wanting to attract a high quality man or a man that's highly sought after you have to have more than just your beauty okay that's not enough as a matter of fact there are a lot of people who will say that they think that they're very beautiful and they dress in a really nice way and they go out and they don't get any attention and it's kind of like a continuous thing and they're stuck a big part of that is your allure okay it's not just what you look like on the outside it's how you truly present the first thing I want to talk about is your aura okay your vibe you will hear a lot of people talking about this in a way that they can't necessarily describe you may meet a person and have a conversation with them and after you're done you're just like wow you feel different there was something about them and their energy that you were just attracted to now how do you cultivate this in order for you to truly have a good buy or a good aura you have to be open you can walk by and look the part but if your aura is dark and bitter and mean or closed off you still won't present as beautiful as soon as someone speaks to you for 30 seconds they will lose that initial attraction that they may have had to what they saw okay so you have to master this so when I talk about being open I'm saying be free from bitterness jealousy bad thoughts negativity what you don't realize is with all of those things you're wearing them you may think that people can't tell that there's something about you that's broken or dark or hidden but we can because you are more than just your physical presence okay you are energy this is also going to require you to have a high level of confidence okay this is real confidence I'm talking about this is you saying that I love Who I am I'm not going to hold myself to be like everyone I see social media I'm not going to mold myself to be like my sister or my mother or my best friend I want to be who I am authentically and you being authentic can mean all kinds of things I don't want to limit anyone into one certain stereotype if you like wearing your hair a certain way and that's who you are wear it that way you have to be willing to stray away from the norm and this could be in your ideas the things that you think are important the things that you believe don't stray away from the norm just because you want to be different but if you are different let that be okay sometimes it can be the smallest thing about you that can be alluring so make sure that you're aware of how you present to others and if you're not sure you can ask people who are really close to you if you have a sibling or a very close friend you can ask them for a moment of truth where they can just tell you sometimes you'll know because people will tell you you always seem like you're upset you always seem like something is bothering you or the opposite they'll tell you if you have a very nice aura people will just say you don't I just love being around you whenever I'm around you I just feel so good people will think wow you know you're really down to earth I just something about your aura is just lovely you will know if you have a really nice presence but if you don't know or if you're not sure then it's something that I want you to be more mindful of when you're out and about when you're in your home what is your attitude like how are you presenting do you appear free and do you appear happy another way that you can really add up your feminine allure is by being still and I know I've talked about this so many times in my videos about the importance of learning how to just chill how to just relax you can walk into a room and just sit down and not have to take charge and be still you don't have to necessarily be friendly but you do have to have a positive spirit around you this is what's gonna allow people to even want to approach you if you appear light and happy if you're smiling and your aura is welcoming you will be approached you might be approached everyone let me tell you if your aura is that intense you may attract people like a magnet there's just something about them people can just look at them and they can tell this is a nice person this is a warm person I want to talk to them even if it's about the weather I just want to talk to them for one second I just want you to imagine yourself in a set pretend you're an actor and you're in a room and this is a set create your own set what would it look like will there be flowers and candles and lights ever you're into imagine your set okay this is the set that you are carrying with you wherever you go this is how you look how you smell how you act all of it so I want you to take some time this week and reflect on your aura reflect on your vibe how are you really interacting with the world and what does the world get when they get you you will have to do some internal work if you have things that are weighing you down so that you can be free and your aura can be light now let's discuss beauty beauty is alluring and that goes without saying we are all attracted to beautiful things no matter who you are and no matter what it is your eyes and your mind are going to go to what gets your attention and what makes you feel good now this is also the same when it comes to dating it comes to men men are hard-wired to be attracted to certain things so what you can do is educate yourself on what those things are in final ways to be able to amplify those things about yourself if you're actually looking at date I'm not gonna go so much into talking about beauty because I'm gonna do videos specifically on that but it's important as a feminine woman to value beauty and beauty in all aspects so what makes a person beautiful as a woman what I would encourage you to do is to find something outside of yourself that makes you beautiful okay when I talk about this I'm specifically talking about service figure out what you can do in this life to bring love and joy into someone else's life something you're passionate about now I can tell you on a large scale what makes people beautiful are things like manners how you treat someone manners make people more attractive so if you have good manners if you smile at people you say thank you you're polite you suck sacrifice for others and people are able to see that you become instantaneously more beautiful especially if you are gorgeous and you're very nice to people you're kind to people you just skyrocket okay your beauty just skyrockets and you almost become this like anomaly because it's so rare to see someone who is beautiful acting beautiful now beauty comes in so many different ways and I can talk about this all day long because there's so many ways to beautify yourself but in terms of being alluring you want to create beauty all around you so from the way that you look the way that you smell fragrance is major in terms of attracting people there are certain fragrances that we'll have someone talking to you for an entire hour just because you smell a certain way and when I talk fragrance I'm not just talking about perfume I'm talking about candles in your home wound sense in your office beautifying your home okay allowing your space to be gorgeous when someone comes to visit you they experience something it's not just walking to the house it's walking into this beautiful oasis this clean pristine home or a home that is not only gorgeous but there's food in the fridge there's music playing everything about the environment is just a five people really resonate with this more than you know many times when you're in an environment that you are just very comfortable in there's more than one thing going on there's more than one thing at work it's not just the way the place looks it's how it looks its how it smells how you feel about yourself when you're there people feel differently about themselves when they interact with certain people based on that person's aura based on that person's beauty okay if you're walking into a gorgeous hotel or gorgeous restaurant you start feeling a little different you start thinking I'm fancy right you have this sense of worth that kind of just springs up when you're in a beautiful environment people feel the same way when they deal with you it's not just you okay it's an entire set and how they feel about themselves when they're interacting with this is what they're going to remember I feel good when I'm with this person I feel sexy I feel strong I feel powerful I feel manly whatever it is that they feel you're exuded it and giving them that permission to feel that way by what you're offering now the final tip that I want to discuss as an alluring feminine woman is having some mystery to you this mystery is going to help you in more ways than you can imagine mystery is very helpful in dating and relationships so when you're dealing with someone it's really tempting really tempting to want to talk about everything - just wanted to hold all aspects of who you are tell them all your accomplishment and all the great things about you everything that you do your schedule all of it because you feel like number one and it's who you are and you want to talk about it and also you want to be able to spark interest in the person and you want them to remember certain things about you and so you share but truly it's the opposite that allows a person to be more attractive to you when you have some mystery to you it allows a person to be able to slowly peel back layers of you and not get everything served on a platter right away okay it's more fun in addition to that having mystery as a woman is very helpful in your public image depending on who you are depending on who you're dating and depending on what you have you may not want it all to be shared and you have to learn how to preserve some mystery about you so that you can also have some privacy also important for you to have a sense of mystery so that your plans and your hopes and your dreams are not destroyed by you talking about it with everyone okay so mystery is one of the most important parts of being a feminine woman now when I say mystery I'm not talking about being secretive or being Shady okay it's not that it's really just being appropriate and giving details as things progressed so in essence I'm asking you not to share everything as tempting as it is to share everything with your best friend with your mom with your sister as tempting as it you have to be mindful sometimes sharing is even illegal okay sometimes you shouldn't be sharing as you can so moving back to that initial point I want you to learn how to be still how to just relax and be chill if you're still you won't be over sharing if you're still it allows you to be more mysterious you are naturally more alluring you're not truly just a little bit more sexy because you're quiet and people don't necessarily know what you're thinking what you're gonna do another way of being alluring and mysterious is not being so available okay stay busy that's why I encourage you to learn some hobbies write read exercise cook dance keep yourself busy and I really want you to take note of all the videos that I've done up until now and watch them again really master those things because my videos are going to be building upon each other slowly and I want you to be able to draw all the connection so get some hobbies learn how to cook dance read give yourself a life when you're truly busy and fulfilled you're not just doing this so that you don't think about dating you're doing this because this is your life okay you're looking it live it to the max this will help your allure if you're very busy with just your normal life and very fulfilled when you meet someone they're going to want your time for example when your date calls you and ask if you're free Thursday at 7:00 you look at your calendar and say ah wish I could but I have yoga and he'll say oh that right there that little looking eruption is so powerful because number one he realizes you're not just available at any second of the day for him he's gonna have to work okay that's attractive for a man to know that he can't just have you whatever he wants you okay that's one number two you've revealed something that he didn't know about you you didn't tell him your entire life story on the first date so he didn't even know you did yoga and now you've built some curiosity and he's like oh that's cool I don't know what else she does that she doesn't tell me about right he starts thinking about all these things that you probably do that he doesn't know about and now he's curious these things really draw people in and add to your allure in your mystery and it also lets him know you have a light the final tip that I want to touch on in terms of your feminine allure and mystery is your modesty and clothing you're gonna be taken at face value from the way that you present the truth is men don't want to be with women who dress that way they'll give you attention okay if that's what you're looking for for a conversation a compliment an invitation for sex they're definitely gonna do that but in terms of long-term value in terms of seeing you as a woman that they're going to be in a relationship with a woman that they're going to marry and represent them they don't want that if you want something a substantial long lasting if you want to create a long lasting imprint in a man's mind you're gonna have to be a little bit different okay you're gonna have to show that you don't need to do that in order to get their attention so just remember to keep modesty in mind when you're picking out your outfits for your dates when you're going out be mindful of what you're wearing and what it's saying about you and men love mystery the more that you're able to hold off on what you have to offer the longer you will keep them interested in you this is something that you can really take your time and figure out how do you want to present how do people feel when they've been around you know how do you leave them feeling I don't want you to think that in order to be mysterious you have to be quiet and to yourself some of the most mysterious and learn women are actually very friendly and very open they just choose not to let you know everything about them and that's actually that makes them a lot more sexy and a lot more attractive I appreciate you spending all this time with me today thank you so much for watching make sure you check out my Instagram a feminine impression where I post feminine content and you can follow me on my personal Instagram Ghana underscore goddess I want to send a special thank you to all of you who have been watching all of the videos from the series who've been benefiting from them thank you for your support for your comments for your feedback your messages your testimonial I hope this is helping you I hope you're finding a way to really understand and digest this information and make it a part of your everyday life I love y'all and I'll see in the next video kisses [Music]
Channel: Dr. Michelle
Views: 646,304
Rating: 4.9597082 out of 5
Keywords: femininty, feminine woman, how to be feminine, how to be alluring, how to be attractive, how to be mysterious, how to be beautiful, how to stand out, how to be a memorable woman, dating advice, dating tips, dr.michelle, dating coach, feminine dark skin, black feminine woman
Id: ZfsBfFM3OSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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