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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel I hope you're all well and thriving in this new year for the longest time I really didn't understand the concept of feminine energy and when I finally did and I mastered it it completely transformed my life and in particular my dating life and I think it's crucial for women everywhere to understand so this video is going to be your ultimate guide to mastering all things to do with feminine energy habits dating lifestyle healing General tips by the end of this video you will fully understand it and know how to live that lifestyle none of the tips I'm about to give in this video have anything to do with you chasing a man obsessing over man making the center of your Universe working to impress them because in this corner of the internet we're all about growing your self-love first and foremost and when you're ready to date you are gonna pick the man okay from your roster you are not waiting for them to pick you and finally feminine energy is all about mastering self-love and self-care it's about loving yourself to the point where you choose yourself in every single situation so you never have to deal with low value experiences ever again so let's jump right into the video your ultimate guide to mastering feminine energy feminine energy is free-flowing it's not restricted by any rules and it's all about receiving and releasing control feminine energy is fluid it's about focusing on nurture feeling your feelings being expressive living a soft life expressing all of your emotions and focusing on fulfillment over productivity now a lot of people think feminine energy and femininity are the same thing and it's not and this is where a lot of confusion has happened with the actual definition of feminine energy and this is why a lot of people don't know how to do it as well femininity regards girly girl qualities feminine energy has nothing to do with that feminine energy does not care about how you dress whether you're a tomboy or a girly girl it doesn't matter what you are feminine energy is a way of being it's a way of having a certain set of Standards it's a way of carrying yourself and presenting yourself femininity is more about having your nails painted having the best makeup presenting yourself as the ideal girly girl woman so divine feminine traits are being compassionate nurturing trusting open creative strong-minded and authentic she is proud of who she is and she also sets strong boundaries and she honors them they are non-negotiables there's also links to her high level of confidence self-love and self-care because she makes all of those things a priority when she's living her life her self-perception sense of self and the foundation she has been built within herself is so strong nothing else can shake that because she's done so much in her work on self-love benefits of feminine energy and how it gets you a high value man AKA we're going to be talking all about your newfound dating habits feminine energy when dating is all about not catering to the news of a man not obsessing over him not stressing about impressing him not dressing for him not doing your makeup towards his preferences you are doing all of those things for yourself you are not pandering to every need of what the man wants you are not focused on earning that affection or attention or worrying about how you're perceived by them you believe that you are that girl and of course they like you it doesn't matter what outfit I wear tonight how I do my hair or what sort of makeup look I decide to do he's going to like and appreciate me no matter what because of the woman I am this is all so important because you need to step into the new mindset that you are out here to pick the man not for you to beg to be picked by a man because when you engage in those behaviors of trying to impress a man and no hate to you I used to do that naturally a lot of women just tend to have that behavior because we're not taught any other way okay so if you've been doing that up until this point it's okay girl it's okay but no more so if you're trying to impress a man pandering to their need trying to be the easy going chill girlfriend that does everything for him this is where you attract feminine men men that want to do the whole 50 50 men that don't have a provided mentality men that want you to Mother them and you are never gonna get your soft life or princess treatment that way instead this is what you're going to do you're going to focus on living your best single life focus on your self-development growing meeting new people traveling exploring doing what you love to do spending time on your hobbies being happy and flourishing in life alone without having to rely or be attached to somebody else when you are doing this and vibrating at this frequency the real masculine man not the feminine ones are going to come and seek you out because you're going to be radiating this amazing energy real masculine men are attracted to those women those women who are out here living their lives they don't care about men they don't want to impress them they're so solid in who they are they're so confident they're so full of self-love that's what a masculine man wants that he just wants to be in a relationship with her for her energy and to look after her and I get comments from girls on social media sometimes saying you know it's easy for you to say that you can have this off life and blah blah well I'm not pretty enough to have those sort of healthy relationships with masculine men who want to Pander to every one of my needs no it's got nothing to do with your physical appearance but it has everything to do with your aura and the energy that you were giving off if you are insecure if you are needy if you are clingy mascular men are going to seek that out and it's going to turn them off and they're going to go elsewhere feminine men are going to be hella attracted to you and want to waste your time and get you to look after them because they know they can take advantage of you the rule that I and so many others live by is the less you give the more you will receive this is just in the beginning of dating okay this does not apply if you are in a long-term relationship with somebody of course the efforts and everything should be more reciprocated then but in the beginning stages when you're on your first few dates of the man he should be chasing you he should be quoting you he should be the gentleman you don't have to do a lot in the beginning it is all down to him to impress you and to win you over because you are the prize if you are not in the obsessive role he steps into the Chaser role and that's what you want you you are a woman in her divine feminine you are acting like the prize because you are one so now he is gonna do the most to win over your affections he'll plan the dates he'll open the car doors he'll get you flowers he'll Court you properly like a gentleman as he should and if you start mothering a man and pandering to his needs you were already giving him every single thing he wants he will never change for you he will never step up he will never grow with you and he'll never give you the life and the treatment that you deserve let's compare feminine versus masculine energy this will show you that you can understand the balance of these very important energies in a romantic relationship so that you can find the right masculine partner to give yourself life in a relationship for example the feminine is all about receiving her worth is attached to who she is feminine is all about just being whereas the masculine is all about doing and providing his worth and sense of achievement is connected to his accomplishments and the actions that he's taking his successes the feminine communicates her problems and expresses her emotions the masculine Works to fix that problem and provide her with the solution the feminine is submissive she surrenders control so that she can be taken care of the masculine is dominant he takes control he makes the plan he is the decisive one now that we've done this comparison I want to take this opportunity to say 50 50 is BS and let me just make this claim by no means am I talking about effort because majority of the man who will comment on social media or preach about things should be 50 50. they claim they're talking about effort but they're not men respond with the phrase oh but it should be 50 50 when women with high standards as they should say things like he should pay on the first day he should plan the dates he should get me flowers he should be a gentleman Etc men then respond with 50 50 because they're coming from a place of oh but why can't you get me flowers why can't you get me gifts you know we should split the bill if I take if I cover the bill this week you should cover the Builder next week men have literally responded to women saying that they want doors to be opened for them with but you have your own hands why can't you do it that's what men mean when they say 50 50 so by no means am I talking about effort because really effort should be 100 100 always especially once you're in the relationship stage I'm a big believer in that but the reason you should never ever allow the 50 50 mentality is because that cancels out provider mentality a real masculine man with a provided mentality would never give you the 50 50 argument because it's not true he is not looking at this in in a place of I'm gonna give you this so now I want to receive something back which is what will the 50 50 men talk about he's happy to give to you and he's happy for you to receive because that's what the energies and the roles should look like what a woman who's living in her masculine energy looks like quick disclaimer if this is you and you've been living with these traits by no means am I bashing you or am I saying this is a bad thing I lived with these traits for a very long time I don't think having these traits is a negative thing I'm just saying by definition it does not fit into the category of feminine energy and also if you primarily only have these traits okay and you're always expressing these traits I know the feminine energy ones that is less likely the you're going to be able to be in a relationship with masculine man who wants to provide for you because the masculine traits that women have block that out from their life okay so a woman in her masculine has the following traits competitiveness aggression dominance you know the feminine is submissive she she relaxes okay she gives away her control she's like you can book the flights you can do this and she just wants her soft life she's not worrying about I have to make all the plans and look after everybody else all the time a woman in her masculine also neglects things like self-care so that she can chase hustle culture instead she's probably more analytical and logical and doesn't tune into her woman's intuition and her gut feelings and trusting herself she is very overly independent she doesn't like to ask anybody for help she doesn't like to rely on anybody she possibly might have an avoidant attachment style she's like very much I only need myself and that was me for the longest time and it wasn't until I worked on those tricks and kind of worked backwards to get to a secure attachment that I could finally upgrade my dating life and get better treatment from them why does this happen why is a woman in her masculine energy is because you're suffering from wounded feminine energy and that is what's leading to low value dating experiences and a lot of people get this confused with okay but how do I tap into the feminine energy it's not something that needs to be tapped into it's already all within you you just need to allow it into your life you need to allow yourself to express it and to step into that role which can be hard to get rid of that control to let other people take the wheel and just sit back and receive can be so difficult especially because so many women in their families are raised to not be in that role so it might not feel natural for you to step into this feminine energy but practice makes perfect it's already within you so believe that first it's not something you need to acquire so why would a woman be living in her masculine energy chances are is because you are in survival mode maybe you've had a past heartbreak maybe you're doing the whole hustle culture thing but ultimately it's because you're trying to protect yourself and you're focusing on that instead of living freely which is the feminine lifestyle and abundantly without worry so let's talk about the signs that you are in your wounded feminine your insecure needy clingy codependent you have an insecure attachment style you feel like you need others and you attach yourself to them instead of choosing them and picking them through your own standards you you will attach yourself to anybody because you need that support and you haven't kind of built your sense of self and confidence yet you're in your wounded feminine if you manipulate if you're passive aggressive instead of just openly communicating and allowing yourself to not only feel your feelings but Express them openly and allow others to help you through it you're in your wounded feminine if you are inauthentic and you're constantly trying to fit in to gain acceptance from other people if you have a victim mentality a lot of feminine energy has to do with lucky your syndrome and affirming to yourself that you're that girl and everything you want is on its way to you everything in your life it you are abundant with okay anything you want you can set out to achieve and it's possible for that to come into your reality if you are in a victim mindset if you're constantly complaining criticizing you feel like but I can't do anything or I'm not intelligent enough or this isn't realistic that's not feminine energy not taking time to rest and indulge in self-care not treating yourself without feeling guilty about it trying to control every aspect of your life because you don't have the abundance mindset yet you being so busy doing so many things and trying to achieve so many things that you forget to just be and you also try to link your self-worth to external achievements maybe it's grades your self-worth is just you who you are just you being is worthy enough unlovable and desirable enough how do we achieve this lifestyle to gain more and what are these feminine energy habits we say yes to meditation vulnerability self-love and self-care communication expressing your feelings to their man and being open setting your boundaries and honoring them being strong-minded not letting people mess with you having high standards knowing that you're worthy for just being being confident in your authenticity taking time to recharge and allowing yourself to not only have someone else give you the self-life but you're already giving yourself the soft life okay you're all about having an easy lifestyle being abundant not trying to unnecessarily make things harder for yourself which a lot of the time many of us do without even realizing and what we say no to suppressing feelings being passive aggressive people pleasing prioritizing other people's needs overworking yourself being overly restrictive and not allowing yourself to have a break and attaching your Worth to external things or achievements rather than knowing you are worthy just as you are what does a feminine lifestyle look like every day and how are you now going to strike the balance between your feminine energy and your masculine energy because you can't just be 100 permanent energy you do need your masculine energy as well I love being analytical and working hard I'm chasing my dreams and making money and being a boss and being independent looking out for myself first and foremost without having to rely on others I love that I'm proud of myself for having those qualities and you should too by also bringing the feminine qualities to balance it out and make sure that I'm also in my receiving role from time to time as well one instead of trying to control every aspect of your environment to get results lucky girl syndrome start manifesting get a vision board right done your goals and affirm to yourself that they are achievable everything is abundant you'll be vibrating so much higher the energy that you're radiating that other people can sense will be so much better that way you have that ambition from the masculine but in a feminine process too instead of always overworking yourself putting pressure on yourself to work hard and Achieve actually schedule make it a priority and make time in your schedule for self-care to recharge to just have a day where you rest this way you're still being productive and working towards your dreams while still doing the feminine energy thing of prioritizing yourself your self-care this is one of my 2023 resolutions every Sunday is self-care Sunday for me I'm not allowed to work I'm not allowed to spend the whole day on social media I can do a hair mask I can do my skincare I'll give myself a manicure and then I can watch TV all day or read a book or learn something new and just relax and just be and that's okay three instead of going through a difficult situation and sad emotions and then just trying to move on so you can be more productive and just move on in life and not be an emotional wreck or like a super emotional sensitive woman as if that's a bad thing because it's not you're gonna feel your feelings you're going to journal meditate take a walk or talk to someone it's okay to ask for help it's okay to express your emotions this means no more suppressed emotions you'll be more happier more at peace you'll be able to have that practice of leaning on other people because they're there to help you you can receive more and you'll be less burnt out meaning you'll be able to be more productive just like the masculine energy side but you're having those feminine energy traits of asking other people to help and I want my last point to be the ultimate balance the perfect balance between your feminine and masculine energy comes from looking after yourself the second you start engaging in self-sacrificing or self-abanding practices your energies are going to be all over the place and you're not going to be feeling your best and remember you can chase your dreams and have a soft life at the same time as well and that brings us to the end of this video that was your ultimate guide to feminine energy I hope this video helped and you took something new away from this video if it did make sure you give it a thumbs up and comment down below let me know what you thought or comment any new video suggestions make sure you subscribe because I make videos every single week and I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Tam Kaur
Views: 1,291,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tam kaur, feminine energy, divine feminine energy, how to feminine energy, what you need to know about feminine energy, dating with feminine energy, feminine lifestyle tips, how to be more feminine, princess treatment, how to get a high value man, how to soft life, dating advice, soft life dating, feminine energy vs masculine energy, how to radiate feminine energy, life changing, heal wounded feminine energy, ways to increase your feminine energy, divine feminine, glow up
Id: 9vn0jDRNObY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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