How to Change Keyboard Shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve

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foreign [Music] the keyboard is your best friend when you're editing your movie trust me you can be so much faster and so much more efficient with your keyboard than you can with a mouse to access the keyboard customization screen just go the top left to DaVinci Resolve keyboard customization you can also hit option command K on your keyboard if you're on Mac okay notice in the top right it says DaVinci Resolve this is the current preset we're operating under if you hit the down arrow you'll see some other ones what these will do is set up your keyboard mappings similar to these applications so it can be helpful if you're used to Avid and you're jumping into resolve and you want the same mappings that are default for Avid however I create my own custom presets and so to do that start DaVinci Resolve then click the three dots and do save as new preset go ahead and name it click ok now any changes we make to the keyboard mappings will be in our own custom preset versus overwriting the default DaVinci Resolve preset or any of the other ones so what are we doing here well first to find out what a key is mapped to you can simply click on the key and under active key it's going to show you what it's mapped to another way you can do that is simply press the key on your physical keyboard so if I hold down C it's going to show me and yet another way is to go over here to the search field and search for the function that you want to map look at that in a second what you need to understand is that there are application Level and panel level keyboard mappings and they're identified right here in the center column so just know if you change something at the application Level like cut it affects all areas of resolve but if you change something at a panel level it's only going to affect a certain area of DaVinci Resolve so for example let's click on search I'm going to leave this at show all you could search for functions that are already assigned to a key or unassigned to a key or that have been modified but just leave it at show off for now and I'm going to search for cut so we have cut under edit and edit is at the application Level we also have cut undercut timeline cut timeline is under panels now you'll notice they're the same command X and normally that's what I'm doing if I map something on the keyboard I typically want to work in every area of resolve versus a specific panel but just know this is how this works and something else with that if you change a mapping at the panel level it only changes it for that panel but if you change a mapping at the application Level it's going to change it there and all of the panels as well for example let's go to edit timeline and for cut right there I'm going to click on it to change it and do shift W and if I go up to edit which is application Level cut is still command X if I go down to fairlight which fairlight timeline is a panel it didn't change it it's still command X I'm going to click this to reset that and then put it back to what it was now I'm going to go up to edit and change cut at the application Level and now you'll see what happened it changed it under the panels as well so that's how that works if you want to remove a mapping completely you can use the X and with it gone if you want to add a map you can just click by the function that doesn't have a mapping at all and then type in the key that you want to use so let's cancel out of this and reopen the keyboard customization tool I'm going to show you a specific mapping that I couldn't live without but before we do that I want to explain what's going on up here with the different shades of colors medium gray means there is a mapping at the application Level so if I click on y there it is Select Clips forward on this track light gray means a panel mapping so for example C here is dark and light gray so that means no application Level mapping but I'm mapping at the panel level so if I click on that sure enough there's a mapping for the fusion page and if I look under panels we see fusion page whereas V has a mapping on the fusion page but then it also has a mapping at the application Level makes sense so I've got a lot of specific mappings that I personally use I've been using them for years as a filmmaker regardless of what non-linear editing system I have been cutting on I'm going to show you one mapping I really like and so we'll just walk through again how to do this and then also how to remove a conflicting mapping Etc let's do it the mapping is zooming on the timeline so if I go here to search type in zoom and look for it under view there it is zoom in zoom out now obviously we have these icons that can help us with that but those are way too slow when you're editing as you can see resolve already has some mappings for this however I don't want to hit command minus to zoom out I just want to hit one key and for me the fastest keys are the up and down arrow on the keyboard so I'm going to start with zoom in and remove both of these and then hit the down arrow now it tells me hey down arrow is already assigned to playback next clip and it says do you want to sign this keystroke I personally do because I never move to the next clip with the keyboard so I'm going to click assign however resolve is letting me know that there's a problem because Zoom under view is at the application Level and that's conflicting with something under playback also at the application Level and so that's not going to work so what do you do we simply click the exclamation point and it's going to show you the mapping things over here so right now at the application Level we have zoom in and a clip mapping click on clip and I'm going to remove it or I could change it to something else but as I mentioned I don't use the keyboard for moving to the next clip anyway so I'm just going to hit the X now the warning is gone I'm going to search for Zoom again go to zoom out and set this to the up Arrow again the same problem click assign click the exclamation point clip and remove it and now if I click save and close this here on my timeline I can quickly zoom in and out with the arrows which I love a little side note rebuilding your keyboard mappings if something happens to your computer or if you're on another system is a pain trust me I've had to do it more than once my recommendation is back up those mappings and even export them to a USB drive that you keep with you and that way if you're on a computer that's not yours and you're you have to cut something resolve you can just load those up super nice just jump back into the tool click on the three dots export preset so I'll go down to the custom one here and Export that and it'll just ask me where I want to save it and if I wanted to load that preset I would import it and of course if I want to choose my custom preset once I've imported it I hit the down arrow here and it will show up on the bottom like these that's keyboard mapping in a nutshell in DaVinci Resolve hey if you like this training and you're an aspiring filmmaker specifically you want to direct movies I highly recommend you check out my online film School write and direct right in a nutshell I'm teaching you how to be a filmmaker from development through post-production I teach you how to do it all so that you're unstoppable as Robert Rodriguez says I've seen directors held back because of a lack of knowledge in write and direct addresses that it also sidesteps the crazy expense of going to traditional film schools because if you do that and then jump into the industry you're going to realize something nobody hires you based on your education it's a sobering fact if you spent all of your money on that education writing direct teaches you how to make movies how to do it right for a fraction of the cost of traditional training hope to see you there and if not there I'll see you on the channel very soon [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Write & Direct
Views: 8,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to change keyboard shortcuts in Resolve, Film School, Change DaVinci Resolve Keyboard Mappings
Id: YIzyWI0pUY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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