DaVinci Resolve iPad Tutorial - How To Edit Video On iPad!

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this is a complete D Vinci resolve iPad tutorial for beginners this is one of the best iPad video editors out there and it packs an absolute punch so we're going to go through step by step how to edit videos on iPad with da Vinci resolve so you'll be cutting like a pro in no time all right so I'm here now in to Vinci resolve and if this is what you're seeing when it first opens up and you haven't made a new project yet you want to come down here to this little house this little home button down here and this is where we can access our project manager so we can see all the projects that we've been working on we've also got access to our Cloud projects Network projects if you're using them but to get started with a new project all we need to do is come down here to new project we can then give this a name and hit create so this is the main editing interface here in Vinci resolve on iPad we're currently here on the cut page there is also the color page so right now this doesn't have all of the Pages B through from Da Vinci resolve on desktop there are some workarounds and I'll have some links down in the description to help you with that but we're just going to focus on these two pages here as this is what's officially released right now so the cut page is where you'll do all of your editing and everything and the color page is where we'll color grade and color correct our video so coming back to our cut page here we've got a few different options and things across the top here to add in transitions titles effects to access your media which you can do in this area here up here we've got our playback window here this where we can preview and Playback our edit there's some extra buttons at the top here export playback in full screen and also the inspector and these will make more sense as we go through if you haven't seen these before we've got your playback controls here for previewing back your video down here you've got your main editing timeline this is where the magic happens this is where we're actually going to be editing down the bottom left hand corner here we've got our undo redo and our delete buttons and to access all of your settings then you've got that button down the bottom here this is where I would suggest that you start so let's click click on settings here and this first page here Master settings this is where we get to set up our project so this is where we can specify our timeline resolution you can see there's a bunch of different options in there if you're on the free version like I am now then you're limited up to UHD 4K you can also pick custom if there's something you want to create at a specific resolution you've also got options in here for vertical resolutions if you want to create portrait content too so I'm just going to leave this at 1920 1080 I am going to change the frame rate here to 25 to match the footage that I'm editing in this project and I'm going to leave the rest of the settings here as default now if you are someone who likes to geek out on settings and everything then by all means click through each of these normally what you will find though is that the default settings are going to be right for most people so I'm going to come down here and hit save and then from here we want to import our video footage so I'm going to come up to the top here you can see we've got a button here import media so we can either tap on that to open that up if you're using a connected trackpad or a mouse you can right click and choose import Media or you can also long tap or long press on this area and you can access import media from there too so this will let us import our files and everything from essentially the files app on your iPad if you've got content that you want to import from the photos area then you can come up to this little button here and you can choose import from photos and we can access those files that way so we're going to bring in our primary footage here I going to select on this and I'm also going to bring in some Boll Clips here as well and I'm going to choose add to add those to our project now there's different ways that we can view these clips here you can see I don't have too many at the moment but if we had a lot of footage in here then this is where you might want to change up the layout so we've got this drop down here we can choose we're currently on the metadata view there's also a thumbnail view there's also a list View and there's also search functionality here as well if you want to search through to find your Clips again if you've got a lot of them I'm just going to leave this here on thumbnail view for this one so now that we've got our files here the the first thing we want to do is import our primary video footage down into our timeline and start trimming it down so I can just select and drag this clip down into our timeline here and when I let go that clip is now on our timeline now because I'm recording my iPad screen here I'm going to mute the audio on this track just by hitting the little sound button here just so we're not going to hear that but we can see straight away we've got the clip down here we can also start to see the audio wave forms along here along the bottom so you can see the sections where I start to talk and this is going to help you cut down your footage now we can actually make this a little bit bigger as well hitting this button here so that we can see this in Greater detail but in terms of moving around this area here we can click and drag up here to swipe left and right through our timeline if you're on a trackpad you can tap and swipe across you can also click up the top here as well and drag this bar across to navigate through your project with the left side being the start and the far right side being the absolute end of your project so let's come back to the start of our project here and let's trim off the start of this file now as with most video editing apps and tools there's multiple ways that we could do this we could grab this playback area here we could scrub across to find where we want our clip to start so around here just before I start talking we can then come over here to the pair of scissors to split that clip into you can see now we've got two clips here we can select the first one here we can press the trash can and that clip has been removed so that this clip now starts at this point but it has actually left us with a filler clip a blank clip so we will want to delete that let's select on that and press the trash can and that's removed that Gap as well so right now this is now the start of our video so let come across to the very end of our project we can actually see again looking at those audio wave forms down the bottom there that there's a lot of extra stuff at the end here that we are not going to need so we're going to trim all of this off back to here where I finished talking somewhere around here we can again select that clip we can hit the scissors to split our clip in two we can select the second one hit the trash can and that clip is gone so our video is now finishing at this point now there's lots of other tools to help you speed up this process too so let's say that we want to remove this gap of Silence here we could again come across to where we want it to start we could add a cut in our timeline or in our clip at that point so you can see we got two clips again we could come over to here add another cut select this clip and delete it there's nothing wrong with that but there's some other really cool ways that we could do this too we do have the option to select this left clip here to come across to the edge of it here and we can tap and swipe to the left press and hold and drag to the left and you can see that we're making an adjustment to that clip we're changing the end point on this clip now it has left us this Gap here in the timeline too too so we could again hit the trash can and that's removed and that Gap is gone or there's an amazing feature we can enable here let me undo that and undo again we can come up here to this button here we can press on this and we can turn Ripple on now there's also quick access to turn that on and off here now too so with that now on let's do exactly the same thing let's press and drag and scroll back across and you can see it's actually bringing our other Clips along with it so when I release here now there's no Gap added now there's an even faster way to do this as well so let's say we want to remove this next Gap here let's again make a cut in our timeline or split at this point and then let's scroll across to where we want that Gap to be removed from so about here and with this clip selected we can come up to this third button here let's press and hold on this and we can choose trim end to the play head so this will trim the end of our clip all of this stuff backwards here towards our play lay head which is that red line so let's press on that so you can see now with one button press or one tap all of that has happened and we can actually do this back the other way as well so let's just say we had a cut in our timeline at this point here we could then come across to where we want to remove that Gap too we could select our clip come up here and choose trim start to playhead and it's trimmed back the other way so there's some really cool features to allow you to trim down a whole lot of footage to something really really manageable really really quickly in here you using those features so you want to go ahead now remove any bad takes any mistakes anything that you don't want to have in your finished video project and for this if you are using a keyboard attached to your iPad you can use command B to blade or to split your clips now if you are using a keyboard you can also have direct access to those Ripple delete left and right or trim start to playhead trim end to playhead using command shift square bracket left and square bracket right so let's say I wanted to trim off the end of this clip here I can press command shift trim bracket right and that has happened so now that we've got all of our bad takes and mistakes removed from our project here if you want to move any of these chunks of footage around you can literally tap and press on them you can pick them up and you can drag them across to where you want them as they're essentially just chunks of footage at this point but once you're happy with your primary footage in your timeline here next up we're going to bring in any b-roll or overlay footage into your project so again if you need to import it you can long tap or right click up here and choose import media you will need to be up here again on this media tab but I'm going to grab this clip here again we can click and drag that down onto our timeline to bring the entire clip down we can also double tap on it to open up a preview of it in this window here as well and in this window we can preview the clip we also get these handles here where we can adjust the start time and the end time of our clip so if we only need a small piece of it we can actually select that up the top here just the section that we'd like and then from there we can drag that clip down into our timeline and it would just be that section that we had mapped out but you can see when you bring this down it shows up as a layer on top of our primary footage so this way we've still got all the spoken piece and everything happening in the background and this footage here is just shown on top of that now these b-roll clips act just the same as our regular Clips we can select on them we can adjust the start and end points by dragging those around we can pick the clip up we can move it where we need it we could split it in two if we needed two sections from that clip into different areas and again for this tutorial I'm going to mute the volume on this track so all of our b-roll Clips if they've got sound we're not going to hear it in here so let's go up here let's add in another clip I'm going to double tap on it to preview it here let's go through and find the section that we want maybe starting from here we can also press I on the keyboard if you do have a keyboard attached or again drag that inpoint back to this point let's scrub through this here camera appears maybe till about here so we can press o on the keyboard to mark an out Point we've then got this clip marked out of the section that we want and we can drag that down to our timeline and we can either keep stacking these video layers up or we can move across to where we want this video to actually be so let's say down here so at the start of this clip maybe we brought in a bit much let's shorten that down a little bit let's grab the start here and slide that across through our clip now starts at that point so you want to go through now and bring in any overlay Clips or b-roll clips into your project and then the next thing we're going to do from here is adding any transitions or effects into our project so we can come up the top here to Transitions you can see in here we get the choice video transitions audio transitions there's also an area here for favorites too if you want to save ones that you're using time and time again so let's say we want to add this one here additive dissolve now when we scrub over these it's actually going to give us a preview of what that looks like so we can see here the additive dissolve we've also got a blur dissolve cross dissolve and there's lots of different Transitions and things in here I'd say don't overdo this this is an area where people can make their videos look really unprofessional but I'm just going to grab this additive dissolve here tap and hold and I'm going to drop it onto the start of our b-roll clip here and you can see that we get this little image that appears over the start of our clip so we're going to let that go there now and now if we hit play on this we can see that we've got that transition or that effect that's happened as that clip comes onto screen so it's not just a hard cut it's transitioning on so you can add them at the start of Clips you can add them at the end of Clips you can add them between two clips as well so let's just grab this triangle one here let's drop it down between the two clips when we release then that is applied if we scrub through this now you can see that we will have this effect happen now because the clips here are so similar it's very very subtle and normally on a project like this this isn't something you would ever do where you you're adding a transition between two shots that are essentially the same so I'm going to undo that now and remove that effect what I would do instead and what we do without YouTube videos to break up our shots a little bit is I'll end up zooming in on one of the clips so I'll pick either the first one or the second one it doesn't matter I'll then come over here to inspector and this is where we can access the properties for this clip and again there's a few different ways that we can do this but a simple way is we can come up here to zoom and we can increase this zoom level so we can just tap and swipe on this to zoom in and if we just scrub across this now we've now got our shot here that's more zoomed in and the second one here is like a zoomed out shot or the original shot so it's a quick easy way for you to jump in or punch in to make it feel like it was essentially a second camera or something but it can break it up for your viewers now in order to really sell this effect and make it less jarring you can try to position the person's eyes in a similar place and it's going to be less jarring so we'll try to get this a little bit closer let's try around there all right so it's not perfect but but it is pretty close so we can go ahead and we can add those effects or transitions onto our Clips at this point while we're here in this transform window as well we do also have this Dynamic Zoom so I'm going to select this clip here I'm going to choose Dynamic zoom and let's hit play on this one and you can see it's added some movement to our clip here for us all by itself so pretty awesome that we can add some motional movement in our Clips just with literally click of a button in here as well we've got the ability to speed up slow down your Clips we can also stabilize your Clips there's lens correction functionality in here as well so as you're going through this phase of adding effects and Transitions and stuff we can be adding those other things in here too once you're done adding your effects and transitions next up we're going to add any titles or text to our video so I'm going to come back to the start here to our first clip I'm going to come up the top here to titles and in here there's a bunch of different presets and titles and things that we can use and customize up in our project so we've got some basic ones up the top here there's also some fusion titles so some animated titles in here too like this one here digital glitch to use them again we can just click and drag bring them down to our project here and we can see as we scrub through this now it's got that glitch effect on it with two lines of text and they move across a little bit and then they glitch out at the end as with any other clip we can select this we can adjust the start time the end time make it longer or shorter we can pick it up we can move it around but we can also customize up this text here as well so with the text selected we can again come up here to inspector and this time we're going to see settings in here for our text so let's move this across so we can actually see our text here on screen so it's showing us here large text and here's all the settings and everything for that if we minimize this we've also got small text here down below it so we can edit the text here Justin Brown and let's change the large text Primal video we can choose our font I'm just going to choose aial for this one we can make it bigger or smaller here maybe will make it bold and we could even change the color of it here if we'd like to as well now let's say we want to make this a little bit smaller but currently here on this title tab if we move across to settings then we've got all of our transform settings that we had access to before so we could adjust the zoom here to make it a little bit smaller scale it out a bit and we could adjust the Y position here to drop that down so maybe something like and if we scrub through this now you can see we've got this text animation that happens glitches on moves across a little bit and then glitches out really really quick I absolutely love how fast this is so you want to go through now add in any text or titles into your video from there we're going to add in any music and sound effects so we want to come back up the top here to Media now when we go for music and sound effects for our YouTube videos is to Art list and to epidemic sounds those are my top two picks hands down but personally if I'm editing On Da Vinci resolve on my iPad the epidemic sound mobile app to help you find and download tracks quickly is awesome so I've got a a track here from epidemic sound I'm going select that and choose open you can see that that's shown up at the top here we can then drag that down into our timeline as well now normally with music tracks you'll add them to the bottom here below your primary footage so as with our other Clips we can select it we can pick it up we can move it around so we want to make sure it's starting at the start of our clip here we can also expand this out to make it bigger as well so press the little button here if we need to see those audio waveforms in more detail personally I like to see the audio wave forms on the spoken piece but we have the ability to add splits and cuts just the same as with any other clip and to move pieces around so let's jump across towards the end of our video here this is a great little preview up here of our entire timeline but we can see here that our bottom track our music track extends for much longer than our actual video footage so we want to trim that off so let's get to the end of our clip here we can then select this we can then use our Command shift square bracket right to trim that end off or we get out of cut select it and delete it so at this point now that you've added in your music track depending on the video you're making you might want to play through you might want to adjust some of your edits or some of your Cuts so that they match the beat and so that the video flows but we're also going to adjust our volume levels here too and the most important volume level to get set right first is your spoken piece in the video your narration your voice over in this case it's me talking so what I would do here is I would make sure that our music track or any sound effects or anything are muted first which I've muted for this screen recording anyway we're then want to come to our first clip here in the timeline and we want to get the volume level set right on this section here first so with this clip selected we can come up here to inspector now instead of been on the video settings here we can now jump across to the audio settings here so we have the ability to play through our edit here ideally with headphones on so that you can hear this as well but you can also monitor on the audio bars here what's happening and and you want to set your volume level using this slider here dragging it to the right to make it louder dragging it to the left to make it quieter now I love the way that they represent this here on the waveforms you can see as I make it louder they're actually giving you visual representation of that and we can see here when it's gone too high or too loud it's flatlining it's hitting the top of this section that shows you straight away that this audio is too loud so we want to back this off a little bit here so that it's not hitting that top section so you can manually do this on a clip by clip basis or you can select multiple clips by tapping and holding and drawing out a section to select the clips that you want to edit or again if you got a keyboard you can select a clip hold down shift and select your clips from there and then you can come back up the top here you can make adjustments and that's going to apply to all of those clips but there's also this amazing feature in here called dialogue leveler as well which you do have a video like this where there's someone speaking then enabling this dialogue leveler it's going to process your audio for it to to make it sound really good but also remove background noise in here too so once you've got your main audio track level set right from there we're going to do your music and your sound effects so again we want to select that bottom layer here and we've got our volume slider at the top here to make that adjustment now this is personal preference how loud you want your background music with some videos you might want them really loud others really quiet this is a creative thing this is Art so you get to choose so this is why I suggest you're playing back your Clips here with headphones on so you get a good indic of what this is sounding like but for us generally where we start with a background music track is around -30 and we'll go up or down a little bit from there depending on the track the last step then before we save and Export our video is to add our color grades or color correction now this could be its own full course on its own the tools that you've got access to here in D Vinci resolve for this are literally prograde level so I'm going to take you through at a beginner level here what you can do to adjust your colors but we'll we have some other resources linked below to help you dive in further so let's select the first clip here and then let's come across to the color page down the bottom here so again we've got a preview here of our edit up here we can see all of our nodes and different effects and things that we've got applied we can see each of our Clips here in our timeline in sequence and we've got access to our Scopes and everything down the bottom here now in order to switch between all the different tools you want to use this menu bar across here cuz again there's lots of different ways that you can do things so your color wheels are a great place to start if you've never done this before but you've also got access to Curves adjustments in here to your color warper your Hue saturation you've got all of your masking your tracking there's a lot in here but in terms of making some color adjustments let's come back here to the color wheels here and we can see we've got these color wheels and adjustments for Lift gamma gain and offset and for each one of these we can either adjust as a whole using this bottom slider down the bottom or we can actually click and drag and adjust our colors here on the wheel element so the first place I'd start here especially as a beginner would be with these wheels down the bottom here so we've got these sliders down the bottom of each or we can actually control the individual color areas of our shot here using these wheels so if we come to this lift area here this is essentially going to adjust the dark areas of our shot so we want to grab this slider here and if we move it across to the right you can see it brightens up those dark areas and if we move it back the other way it's going to darken them off so maybe something around there then we'll move to the next one across and do the same so this will be our midtones here then we'll jump to the third one here which will be our brighter pieces now we can easily adjust the color temperature of our shot next as well with this temperature slider here so we can tap on it and decrease the number and it's going to add more blue and more warmth to our shot and if we increase this number it's going to add more orange or yellow or warmth to our shop we can also adjust the tint next so it's either going to add more green or more pink again and if we want to add more contrast outside of using these sliders down here then we can use this slider here to increase or decrease the amount of contrast now for each one of these areas that we adjusted for the brightness we can also adjust the colors in here as well so we could grab this little circle in this target here and we could move this around as well so if you want to add more orange and yellow let's drag it towards the orange and yellow you can see if we go too far it really changes the shot so we're talking about s movements here likewise want to add more blue we can drag this back towards the blue so we're able to get some really granular adjustments in here so right now these adjustments and things that we've made we've only made those adjustments to this first clip here in our timeline I'm going to quickly jump across to another color graded clip here because there is an automatic adjustment here again if you're someone who's a beginner and this is scaring you a bit right now you might find that just hitting this little a button here and this automatic adjustment will either do what you need or will get you closer to the output that you're looking for by pressing this up front so you can see this does look very contrasty here but it has made some adjustments so this is kind of a before or an ungraded this is an after we could then make adjustments from here and adjust the contrast and tweak some of these things if we needed to but I'm going to go back to our first clip here and the idea is that once we've got one clip here looking the way that we like we can actually apply this to the rest of our Clips too so if we tap and long press up here or right cck click we can then choose grab still that's essentially going to save all of the effects and things that we've applied to this we can come back up to gallery and we can see that image here that look or that style here and then whenever we want to apply this look to another clip we could select an individual clip come up here to this still and choose apply grade and that's going to apply that there but we can also again do it with multiple clips as well so if we're selecting multiple clips here we can then do the same right click apply grade and it's now applied to all of those clips and we can do exactly the same with our b-roll and overlay footage here as well we could make an automatic adjustment or we can manually dial this in to get it looking like how we'd want it we can then grab that still and we can then apply that to other clips that we want to look the same now when we jump back to the cut page here we can see that all of those color grades and effects and things have been applied here already so the last step then is to export to save out our video so we want to come up the top here to export we can then confirm our timeline resolution our frames per second that we did set at the start of our project and again if you want to make changes to this is down here under settings in case you need to save out a different version a different resolution we want to go up here to export we can then choose if we want an h264 Master a prores file h265 or there's presets in here for different platforms as well so they have a YouTube preset here I'm just going to choose h.264 master and hit export so then going to ask us where we want to save this out so I'm just going to choose my iPad maybe under downloads in this case choose save and that's going to go through and render out and save our video file to our iPad once that's done it's a good idea to play back through that clip make sure that everything is how you'd like it and then your video is ready to share now that you're up to speed editing in Da Vinci resolve if you want to find the best places to get music for your videos I've got a video linked on screen for that there's also a link to our free pdf download which is the ultimate video editing process this is something you can download and you can follow along when you're making your videos knowing that you're using the best and most efficient process as always there's a bunch of links and resources down in the description to help you as well I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Primal Video
Views: 54,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalVideoTV, best ipad video editing app, best ipad video editor, best video editing app, best video editing apps for ipad, davinci ipad, davinci resolve, davinci resolve for ipad, davinci resolve ipad, davinci resolve ipad pro, davinci resolve ipad tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, edit video on ipad, how to edit video on ipad, how to use davinci resolve, ipad pro video editing, ipad video editing, ipad video editing apps, ipad video editor, justin brown, primal video
Id: h6gBFvbNZgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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