How To Change Eye Colors using GIMP

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this is knit with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can change I colors using and if you'd like to follow along with what I'm doing here in this tutorial I'll have a link to the image in the description of the video so let's go ahead and get started we want to open our photograph up with the first thing we want to do is just right click on the layer and make sure we have add alpha channels selected if it's grayed out and you can't click it you're all set you're good to go if not go ahead and click that so the first thing we want to do is create a duplicate of this layer so I want to come down here to this button that says create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image go ahead and click on that and then we're going to remove the color from the entire image so we'll go to colors saturation you grab that window and now I'm going to bring that all the way to the left so that we're just left with a grayscale image and go ahead and click OK and what we want to do next is we want to right-click on this new layer the one up top here and click on add layer mask and the layer mask we want to choose is the second one here which is black full transparency and go ahead and click add and it's gonna get rid of all of the grayscale but it's gonna add a back wherever we apply a white color so what we're gonna do now is let's go ahead and grab a brush over here I'm gonna grab a softer brush the softest brush that they have which is brush to harden is 0 to 5 I'm gonna make sure the foreground color is set to white as you see here it's set to black and on the backgrounds white I'm just going to flip this around so that the white is the foreground color and bring your brush over here to the eye I'm not actually going to zoom in on this a little bit by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel a few times make sure you have your brush the right size you can adjust the size of the brush over here for like if it's if it's bigger than the eye it's a little a little too big so I want to bring down the size that a little bit something right here is pretty good and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go ahead and brush inside of the eye here and remove the color so that only the grayscale area of the eye is showing and then I'll come over here and do the same thing to the other eye and to move the page I'm just pressing down the mouse-wheel and moving the mouse do the same thing to this other eye over here remove that color area let me just make sure I have both sides set good and there we go now what I want to do is I want to right click on that layer and go to apply layer mask and that's gonna finalize it as it is and I'm gonna press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this layer and I'm gonna duplicate that by clicking the button that says create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image and then to add color to it I'm gonna go to colors colorize and you can see it adds color to the eyes and if you take this hue level lever up here you slide this left and right you and you'll see that you can change the colors of the eye so you can make them whatever color you'd like or if you don't like the colors that it that it cycles through you can click this little colored stripe down here and give it an exact RGB value or HTML notation so I'm gonna set this to a like a green color like that I'll go ahead and click OK and what you notice here there's a little bit of green area that bled out so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the eraser tool and I'm gonna zoom back in on that I'm just gonna erase that from the edges around there so it's not bleeding out like that you get that out of the eyelashes too you don't need that in there I'll be pressed one to zoom out to see how that looks that's pretty good just a little more maybe and I'll come over here and do the same thing to the to the other eye just get that area that that bled out remove this from the eyelid and as you can see we're done we've changed the colors of the eyes using now if you want to change the color again what you could do is go back to this original layer this middle one here duplicate that again bring this to the top and then turn off the visibility of the one beneath that which is the green one and you can go ahead and go back to colors and colorize and you can change the color to something different like maybe if you want to go with red you could turn the visibility of this back on and if you toggle this off and on you can see we have different colors there and what you'll have to do is you'll have to go back through there again and remove the areas of the colors that bled out like that so that's how you can go about changing eye colors using if you haven't done so already please consider joining the logos by Nick mailing list to be notified of new tutorials when they're posted your information won't be sold to or shared with anyone else and you're never going to receive any kind of spam or promotional emails from me whatsoever the only time you get emails from me is when new tutorials are posted and you'll get to watch them on the logos by nick website without any third-party advertisements interrupting your learning experience so check the link in the description for further information if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 58,413
Rating: 4.9631581 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, how to change eye colors, change eye colors using gimp, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: cLcju1AbOck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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