GIMP Tutorial: Add Reflective Water To Any Image

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this water reflection effect using and to show you an example of what I mean here here's the image you're going to be starting out with and then after we apply the FEC's we're going to end up with something like this where the image is reflected in a reflection of itself in water with the rippling effect through it so I'm gonna go ahead and get started here with if you'd like to follow along with this tutorial in this specific image I'll have a link to it in the description of the video so go ahead and open that image up with and then just right click on this layer here and just make sure you have an alpha channel by clicking and alpha channel if you can't click that then that means you already have it and you're good to go so the first thing I want to do is I want to eliminate this bottom portion of the image here where there's already water because it wouldn't make sense it wouldn't make much sense to leave that in there so let me go to the crop tool and I'll click and drag over the image here and I'm gonna grab the portion of the image I want to keep which is all of the image above that water line there and then press ENTER on the keyboard to finalize that and what I want to do now is I want to make this image larger in height to accommodate for the reflection effects so let me just zoom out a little bit first I'm gonna hold ctrl and roll down the mouse wheel a couple of times to zoom out and then I'll go to image canvas size and I want to make this through the height roughly twice as much it doesn't have to be exactly twice as much but roughly twice twice as much so I'm gonna go to 2400 since that's 1200 go ahead and click resize and there we have that right there so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take this layer and I'm gonna duplicate it by clicking this button down here that says create a duplicate of the layer and edit to the image and then I want to flip that vertically so I wanna come over here to the flip tool and I want to select vertical I think go ahead and click that image and it's gonna flip it vertically and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna grab the alignment tool click on the click on the image to activate it and where it says a line I want to set the relative to two image and then I'm just gonna click this button right here this is a line bottom of target so it aligns it on the bottom of the image there and now I'm just gonna go to the move tool just to deactivate the alignment tool and what I want to do now is I want to give this bottom portion right here a slight blur I'm gonna go to filters blur Gaussian blur and that's one of Jews maybe something very small maybe like five or six something like that's pretty good go ahead and click OK and then I want to give this a motion blur going at a vertical going vertical so I'll go to filters blur linear motion blur I'm where's this angle I want to set that to 90 or somewhere somewhere in that range doesn't have to be exactly 90 and then for the link I'm just gonna bring that down and you could watch the image on your screen as it changes as a good reference point it doesn't have to be a specific a specific number I'm gonna go with I think 80 looks pretty good for this image I'll go ahead and click OK to finalize that and what we're noticing here is if you look closely you can see some of the background is showing through that area right there so a lot of will eliminate that I'm gonna grab the move tool and I'm gonna click this image and just hold ctrl and just drag it up a little bit so that that that checkerboard pattern in the background disappears and what you notice now the problem we have is the background showing through the bottom but that's alright because we're gonna grab the crop tool now and then just create a selection over that and crop that out click enter to finalize that and what I want to do next is grab the warp tool and just move this image around a bit because if you think about it when they win it when this the skyline is reflecting in water the water is usually not still it's usually like being distorted which it's usually being blown around by the wind which will distort the reflection so I'm gonna grab the work transform tool and I'm gonna use a soft brush up here this soft brush the number two hardness and I'm going to set the size pretty large like 450 if you notice a circle on the canvas there it's pretty large relative to the image and the strength I want to bring that all the way down to 10 once we've done that I'm just gonna go ahead and pull this out like that to the right and then come down here and bring this to the left and come down here bring that to the right and then down here going the other way and you get the idea sort of like a like a whimsical sort of a transform or distortion so once we've done that I'm gonna click on the move tool to finalize that warp transform and what I want to do now is I want to create I want to create a new layer I'm gonna come over here where it says create a new layer and add to the image we want to use transparency with the fill with which should be the default setting so go ahead and click OK and then I want to fill this with black so I'll go to edit fill with foreground color and where as you can see here it's already set to black so we have a black layer and I'm gonna go to filters looking for noise there it is noise HSV noise and from these settings I'm gonna take the dulling and bring that all the way to the left and then bring everything else all the way to the right so we end up with some noise on the layer like that go ahead and click OK to finalize that and as you probably can't see it from from you know where you're watching the video but if you look closely you can see like there's some colors in there I want to get rid of those colors so to do that I'm gonna go to fill colors saturation and just bring that all the way down to zero and click OK and now I want to give this a blur on we go to filters blur Gaussian blur and I'm gonna blur this by maybe maybe 6 somewhere thereabouts is pretty good go ahead and click OK now we have that blurred and what I want to do now is go to colors levels and on the levels menu if you notice here there's this little peak there's this little white peak right here I want to take these arrows and bring that in to that little white peak right there the left and the right hours bring that bring them all the way in like that well not all the way but pretty close so we end up with something like this right here it kind of looks like the cover of like a UH like a notebook go ahead and click OK to finalize that and once we've done that I want to give this a motion blur as well I'm gonna go to filters blur linear motion blur and I'm gonna leave the angle right where it is I'm just going to take the length and bring that up maybe to about there maybe three-quarters of the way through and then I'll see how it looks pretty good not quite what I'm after though I'm gonna go up a little more like that and that's pretty good right there I'll leave that as it is I'll click OK to finalize that and what I want to do now is just I want to I want to increase the contrast this I want to add more separation between the black and the white areas so I'll go to colors curves and I'm gonna take this bottom left node right here and just slide that to the right so that brings out the darker areas more and I'll take this top right node and slide this to the left so it brings out the whiter area some more and you can bring them closer to each other like that and right there that's pretty much what I'm going for that effect right there go ahead and click OK and what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna grab the the work transform tool I mean I'm sorry the unified transform tool click on the image and let me zoom out a little bit I'm going to take this top node right here and just click and drag this down till it's going to where the reflection is like right about there and I'm gonna take this right node and bring that out just so it extends a little bit past the boundaries of the the image we're working with because there's a little bit of transparency here we want to make sure there's none of that within the image so I'm gonna bring this out a little bit as well and what I'm going to do now is this image this this image that we just created it's going to be used as sort of like a texture of rippling water in order for it to be convincing the ripples have to look larger as they're closer to us as if we were holding the camera and they have to look smaller as they're going away so to do that I'm gonna alter the perspective of this a little bit so let me zoom out some more again to move out to zoom out I'm holding ctrl and rolling down the mouse wheel the perspective handle is this tiny little diamond shape right here within that square so I'm going to click and drag to the right I'm gonna hold shift so it locks on to the vertical axis I'm gonna bring that out about that far I'm gonna come over here to the left hand side do the same thing bring that out to roughly an equal distance and then you can press ENTER on the keyboard to finalize that and if you notice we got that perspective effect that we're going for where the ripples are larger close that are us and smaller going away and we're gonna do now is I'm going to go to layer layer to image size and then I'm gonna click and drag this layer beneath the other layer so that it's sitting in the middle and then I take this top layer up here which is the reflection layer and I do the same thing I'm gonna go to layer layer to image size and what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to use that image that we just created as sort of like a displacement map so I'm gonna go to filters map displace and where it says aux input click on that double click on this layer right here that black-and-white layer we just created there in the middle and do the same thing for aux 2 double click that and we can do now is you come down here where it says horizontal and just give that a value look maybe 17 and if you watch on your screen here you'll see what happens it's it starts to add like this rippling water effect maybe I'll add a little more see how that looks I actually liked how it looked better at about 17 so I'll put that back go ahead and click OK to finalize it and I'm gonna turn off the visibility of this middle layer here because if you notice it's sticking out right there we don't need that so I'm going to turn that off and we can zoom out and as you can see we have finished we have created our water reflection image using so that's how you can go about doing that if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 32,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp reflective water, add reflective water to any image, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: g0aMDzxQeEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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