Top 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How to Do | GIMP Mega Tutorial

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hello everybody Chris here and in this video I hope to answer many of your questions with 10 things beginners want to know how to do inside them so the first topic we're going to be talking about is how to remove a background from an image so there are many selection tools available for you to use inside of dem but the one that I prefer to use for a topic such as this is the scissors select tool because when you take this as your select tool and you zoom in such as control middle mouse wheel and then when you start clicking around the body trying to get a rough shape to isolate this person from the background your going to notice that in between two points it's going to automatically determine what the size and shape it's going to try to automatically determine the outline of the shape you're trying to separate so it doesn't need to be a person it could be a box really any shape even complicated ones it's just that the more complicated the shape is the more points you're gonna have to set up so that can figure out roughly where the edges are now any place that you have an issue such as where let's say you need to add another point you can simply left-click on the line using the scissors tool and if you already have a point you can drag it around and whenever we let go of a point it's going to automatically be calculate between the adjacent points so we get a really good outline of the person's body in this case so I'm going to keep going around here rather quickly and you'll see just how powerful this is our select tool really is so here's another point where I need to add in an extra because it's kind of going off of the person's skin so I'm gonna left click in here add another point bring that close to the skin and maybe we need to do it a couple more times so you just kind of keep adjusting maybe we drag some of the other points as well [Music] now in order to complete the circuit we simply need to click on the initial point and now with that we have a full selection of this person if we click inside the boundaries now what's going to happen is this cannon convert this scissor selection into a regular old selection now with the image layer selected I'm going to hit control X to cut that person out and I'm gonna paste it onto a new layer so hitting new layer and now I just a control V to put the person back in and now with the original background layer I can simply disable that you'll notice of course that inside the person's arms and between his leg and his arm over here that a part of the background still remain so in order to cut out the background from the area's inside of the person we're gonna go ahead and use the same process so scissors here and I'm gonna go around this area now when you have very thin things here like his ear buds going through this is ur stool might not be the ideal tool to actually select this area so you can either choose to just kind of cut that out and not worry about it or you can get more precise with some other tools so let's just go ahead and work here and try to get a rough cut out of this so for the sake of showing you guys I will try to get this area as well so that the ear buds still show in the final image [Music] and we'll get this section to and then we'll worry about the ear buds just try to make sure that if you have an item that you do one in the final image that the scissors doesn't accidentally cut it out you can do that by just adjusting these points until you get it with the right selection roughly speaking so it's just keep working around here and then we'll try to finalize it by using some simple brush trip tools okay so I'm going to make this selection here cut that out so now I'm going to go back in here with the eraser I will lower the size down to let's say four pixels or so and then I'll just zoom in really close here and I'll try to take care of it so for single pixel edits like this I recommend you would have hard-edged turned on so that when you actually remove some of these light pixels they're gone completely just by clicking on them once [Music] okay and that's not too bad for there so you can obviously spend a little bit more time if you want I'm gonna just wrap up this part over here and then we'll move on to the next part now if you accidentally over select an area like this you can actually adjust that using let's say the Vechten Euler select tool if you hold ctrl down while you draw these rectangles it will remove pixels wherever the rectangle has from the current selection so doing this we can kind of fine tune what we got with the scissors tool okay so that's not too bad you can you know come over here customize it a little bit more but in general that's gonna be not too bad so when you're ready with your selection just go ahead and hit delete and you get rid of it by doing that you've basically isolated a person from the background which would allow you to either add in a new background or move the person to a different image so next up number two how to create guides inside of so guides are these little lines that go across your document they don't actually show up when you would print an image out but they allow you to do things like snap objects or images to certain areas of your document so for instance if you wanted to Center things horizontally and vertically you would want a vertical and a horizontal guide both at 50% you can do that by going up to the image menu you go down to guides and you can do new guide either by pixels or by percent so if you do percent by default 50% means it's going to take the number of pixels all the way across and it's going to put a guide halfway now when it's horizontal that means it's going to go left to right so it'll appear like this but if you make it vertical it'll go top to bottom so whichever you want you choose the direction the percentage across so percentage would be left to right if it's vertical and percentage horizontal would be top to bottom if it's going across so 50 % vertical would be like that and then you can come in here and do 50 percent horizontal and it'll look like that now if you turn on snapping by going to view and then snap to guides you can take any object such as this person we cut out and you can have it perfectly snap to the center of your document just like that now it doesn't have to be the center of your document it can also just be centered vertically using the horizontal guide or a certain centered horizontally by using the vertical guide but you can also do something like put them let's say horizontal and 200 pixels down if you want something 200 pixels down from the Hatter so you can snap it to there or you could use these guides if you're doing something like web design to make sure that oh only had herself should be about there and everything else should be the rest of the web page whatever you need the guides for that's how you can find them that's how you can use them and that's how you can snap to the guides okay number three is going to be how can you change the color across an entire image and still have it look reasonably good still keep the overall look of the image intact it's just you want to do something like say change day to night or sunset to morning well you can do that by going up to the colors menu and there's something called hue/saturation if you go to this menu it's gonna be defaulting to master which means as we adjust the selected color down here that it's going to be affecting all the different color ranges red magenta blue cyan green and yellow simultaneously so we're basically shifting the color of the entire image all in one you can of course do it individually as well but if you do that if you kind of get wacky results so just taking master color and shifting the hue you can see how immediately we can change the color of the image and not only that but we could also reduce the lightness to say make it a lot more darker we can decrease the saturation as well and keep adjusting the color until you get something like you want so just by doing that we can already kinda turn that dusk into something more of a night so just by doing that we can radically change how an image looks overall but it's still the same image we still have all the objects the lighthouse that boat etc and when you satisfied you can hit okay now obviously it's not perfect it's not gonna all and one friend say changing date tonight so if you wanted to take this a step further you can of course try out some of the other color effects that are available in the colors menu which are going to be really useful for obviously changing the color of images inside of so number four is going to be creating a path and then making a selection from that path so the paths tool over here is similar to the scissors tool in that it allows you to click around on your screen and create points which by default are going to be connected to each other with a linear line if you left-click and hold it's actually going to create a Bezier curve between your points and as you go around you can basically create a path which later you can create a selection from so when you're finished with your path you simply take the last point and the first point and you hit control to connect those two but this does not give you a selection in order to actually convert your path to a selection go over to the paths window if you don't see that inside of you can open it by going to windows dr. Boll dialogs and then halves up towards the top and we take this path we right-click it and we go path to selection so now with this selection we can cut part of any image or any part of a layer out and then we'll be able to say paste it and manipulate it whatever we want to do so you just create the path you go over to paths you right click it and you do path to selection so number 5 is going to be how to remove acne inside of kemp's so the best tool for doing this especially with small problems like this is called the healing tool how the healing tool works is we hit ctrl and click on a good skin area and then we hover over a bad skin area and we start drawing by left clicking and holding down the brush stroke but of course we need the size way higher than that so make it something like 24 and what's it's going to do is going to automatically figure out based on this area how should the skin look if it was going to be flawless so by taking that close to perfect skin we go over this slightly less perfect skin and we left-click we hold down and we just kind of draw over it and what notice is that that acne spot that was there before is basically gone but it's not in a way that it's less obvious to tell how it was before I mean if it's still okay now pink like that you can go over to a second time just the more you use it it slightly more obvious it'll become so play around with it a little bit and you should be able to get pretty decent results there so let's just go ahead and keep working on the face here and improving it you just control a left click set a source and then you left click to draw over a spot where you think it's not as good as it could be by the way it does also work with things like wrinkles so if I go here I can start removing some of these wrinkles I can also work on the one over here now of course if you have any areas where it looks like it kind of copied from the original source here you probably want to try to make sure that anything that was there once doesn't get heated so you can basically healing brush over that one more time and get it how you want to look so let's work on the neck a little bit too by the way if you can get a similar colored area like this that's gonna work pretty well so you do want to have your source somewhere close to the actual spot in question and we'll go here to here over this a bit too and we zoom out and we've cleaned up the face a lot in just a minute or two so that's basically how you do acne inside camp so number six is going to be how do we crop an image inside of Kempe so this one is actually really easy because in they give you a crop tool right over here it looks a lot like a knife's edge so what this is going to allow you to do is select a square area of your image you can also go over to the tools options if you want to make it a very specific ratio or a very specific size aka if you want to do YouTube thumbnails for instance so what we can do here if you want to manually set the area is to left-click drag a box and let's actually make it one that we might want so we're going to left click over here and we'll drag over here to the bottom right just kind of focusing on the face here and once you have that if you have it perfect you can hit enter if you want to adjust it a little more it'll give you these different indicators on these sides and the corner so you can drag and adjust it a little bit more until you have it perfect but once the area that is lit conforms to your expectations but you want a cropped image to look like you simply go ahead and hit enter it's going to crop away the rest of the image and you now have a decreased English size in order for you to work with okay number seven is going to be how can you lighten up or darken part of your image so there's a great tool for this called dodge burn it's the bottom right inside of the tools options so using the Dodge tool you can selectively lighten part of your image and by using the darkened I mean the burn tool you can darken part of your image so in order to do this I would recommend that you actually write collect your layer and you duplicate it so that any changes you make on the layer can be reverted by going back to the previous later you can just hide or delete this one if you're unsatisfied so by clicking on the Dodge tool we can go down here select either Dodge or burn burn Fort Dodge for light I would recommend you turn the opacity down a lot lower than 100% I was working with something like 33 here because when you have 100% opacity it is a very very obvious effect and then you could just kind of select the area that you want to lighten up so let's just say we kind of wanted to smooth out these eyes but you may also want to decrease the brush hardness so that it's less obvious where the edges are on your dodging okay so let's go ahead and lighten up these eye areas here and obviously the larger your size is the less precise this is gonna be so I'm gonna actually lower this down to about 50 even though I'm not going to stress too hard and I'm just gonna take these eye socket areas and lighten them up a bit as long as you don't let go it's going to be applying one layer of dodging so it won't reapply itself multiple times the same effect unless you actually let go of the left mouse button so by doing that you can just take that eye and make it quite a bit brighter and we can come over here as well and do the same thing with the second eye notice it also things like the brightness of the eye color and so now if we want we can just do something like and however you want to see how it looks with and without the Dodge effect we can simply disable this new layer which by the way we should probably be named so I'm gonna double click the name of this layer and rename it Dodge adjustment ok misspelled there's no either so ok and now we can disable that and we enable it and you can see the difference before and after the Dodge adjustments so whatever you want to light and darken once again pretty much the same idea you just be darkening part of your image so if I wanted the forehead to be darker you can kind of see the effect before and after right ok so number eight is going to be how do you add symbols to again document so if you've ever worked on Photoshop you know that in Photoshop they give you plenty of preset symbols what you can basically stretch around like vector graphics in order to make the right size of an arrow or heart shape or a music note of whatever that you want inside Photoshop so in there's a few easy ways to create simple shapes like hearts circles obviously that would be doing something like using the ellipse select tool creating as an ellipse or an oval and then going to edit fill with foreground or background color you of course would change your foreground and background color to the color you want before you do this but you can fill that in really easily same thing with doing a rectangular shape so in order to get more complicated shapes what I would recommend doing is using ASCII symbols so ASCII symbols are things like arrows and music notes which exist as texts stored in your computer so basically a bunch of symbols which you can technically type out if you use these codes so what we can do with any of these symbols that exists inside of ASCII is copy the symbol itself rather than the text code go back into create a text box and then paste the symbol n so this will work with pretty much any symbol that exists within ASCII codes and there are a lot of them you could also look up Unicode it will basically give you the same things so if I want something like an arrow pointing both directions with two lines going through it and across through it well I can just copy this code paste it in as text and there you go and not only can we just paste it in we can also adjust it to any size we want we can change the color of it so you can see how these text-based ASCII symbols can be very very useful inside of an image editing program now a third option you can try out is literally just to go into google search for some clip art so like you want a house put Bart just type in house clipart and what you can do is you can just take these images and you can use them inside if you camp documents now for commercial purposes you may actually need to find ones that have the right usage rights so for instance you come here for usage rights you can do labeled for reuse with modification and then that'll give you some clipart that you can actually use in commercial projects so for instance let's just go ahead and grab this image so I'm going to right click and open this link in the new tab I'm going to copy this image and we can post it into a new layer inside yeah now because I copied it straight from the web and it's a PNG the background colors sometimes gets a little funky so if you have a PNG with a transparent background I'd recommend actually downloading it to your computer before you bring it in to them but aside from that you can get really easy clipart symbols you can get ASCII symbols and you can even make some basic shapes inside of them so number nine is going to be how to add in drop shadow which is an incredibly common thing you're going to need to do with text so for instance I grabbed this image and let's say I wanted to add some text on it so usually text is going to be either white or black in this case I want to make it white okay so you take the phone call we make it white we type in let's say tutorial and that doesn't actually look too bad on this image but if I put it somewhere like where it's really bright like right about here you can see that the text becomes hard to read because white and very bright lights don't really go all that well together they kind of overlap so what we want to do is actually add and drop shadow so if we right click on the text layer we've just created and do alpha to selection we can go up to the filters menu go to the light and shadow and choose drop shadow from the list now usually I like to bump up the opacity for the drop shadow to make it very visible and also increase the blur radius especially with large text like this so I've just made it 25 weird okay and it will automatically calculate some drop shadow for us so you can see how just by doing that the text became way more visible against this kind of bright yellow background simply because the attacks now has some dark black shadow behind it now of course you can do this with any layer any image it doesn't need to be text so I'll go grab that person we created in the first part of this tutorial and I'll paste them on to a new layer here so right there maybe I put them behind the text layer by well first I have to make that a new layer so to take a floating selection you might click it and you make it a new layer drag that put it below the text and now what we can do is go up to filters oh well repeat drop shadow but usually I will hold for to selection just to make sure that it actually gets the right area so repeat drop shadow and now if we look at it this person has a drop shadow too if I had control Z you can see it without the drop shadow with the drop shadow without the drop shadow with the drop shadow okay so number 10 is going to be how can we take an image like for instance the sea scene and put it on a computer screen or cereal box or anything else using the perspective tool so to get started we would of course go to our image put inside a separate layer and then we use the perspective tool we click on our object and then at a very basic level we have to put the four corners to correspond with the scene behind it so it's kind of hard to see at the moment so what I'm gonna do is actually lower the opacity on the sea layer and what that more mean is when we're working here we'll be able to see kind of a ghost of the previous image and we'll be able to get those four corners much easier so get a rough estimate of the four corners to begin with and then we can zoom in and kind of finalize it so that goes roughly up there and that was you min here get it to be about there and the bottom left-hand choir moving that to there no over here get that to that corner and finally at the top right we want that to be roughly there so now we can go ahead and hit transform and at a very basic level the image is now on the screen though if we hide it and enable it and hide it and enable you'll notice that there's actually some lighting differences so this image is still lit exactly how it was originally like flat lighting all the way across it's not lighter here like it should be so if we actually want this image to correspond with the original lighting of the computer screen what we can do is we can change the mode of the see image from normal to light and only so now with that simple change the lighting on the outside of the monitor kind of corresponds with the inside and it looks a lot more realistic so that's how you would take an image and plaster it onto some other surface like a computer screen a television set or a cereal box inside of dim and that brings us to our conclusion so that was ten things beginners want to know how to do inside of I hope you found this video to be fascinating and helpful - Chris thanks for watching and I will see you guys in my future video content
Channel: Chris' Tutorials
Views: 370,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Tips, Intro, Introduction, How-to, Help, Chris Tutorials, Getting Started, English, Tutorial for Beginners, Tutorials for Beginners, Top 10, 10 Tutorials, Mega Tutorial, How to Do, Drop Shadow, Create Guides, Color Change, Selection from a Path, Remove Acne, Crop an Image, Brighten Color, Darken Color, Dodge, Burn, Shapes, Symbols, Perspective, Label, Image on Object, GIMP, GIMP 2.8, GIMP 2.9, GIMP 2018, 2018, GIMP Top 10, gimp 2.10, gimp drawing, gimp quick, gimp guide
Id: ADvUgeOm0E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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