How to CHANGE COLOR in Photoshop 2021 | EASY

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[Music] welcome back to another Photoshop tutorial in this video we're gonna learn four different ways to change the color of anything in your image using the color replacement tool hue/saturation sliders color range selection and blend if okay so the first method that I'm gonna show you of how to change the color of anything in Photoshop is going to be using if we go over here to our brush tool but right click on it the color replacement tool but just so you know that despite this one being maybe the easiest it's also the worst because it's destructive unlike the other ones meaning that when you use this one you're actually affecting the pixels of the image whereas the other ones use layer masks making them non-destructive but having said that let's see how you use this one anyway so for me up top I like to keep limits at contiguous tolerance I think it's easiest in this case to bump it up pretty high like 75 percent I like to use this middle one here that's it's called sampling once that's it's not coming up here sampling once and then mode color or hue but I'm just gonna leave it on color and then down here you just got a click and pick your color so I'm gonna leave it at this kind of bright pink maybe a little bit over and click OK now whatever I click on since it's only sampling once whatever red I click on here I'm going to try and pick one since my tolerance is fairly high here I'm gonna pick a red that's kind of in the middle I'm not gonna pick my dark red and I'm not gonna click one of these bright spots I'm going to pick something kind of in the middle so my range is a little bit on both sides of that red I'm gonna click and then now whatever I paint is just gonna change to that sample color that I selected a few seconds ago and then paint over everything of that color and that's basically how you use the color replacement tool the second way to change color that I'm going to show you is using an adjustment layer down here so this little half circle thing called hue/saturation so you can see the adjustment layer will pop up right above your image here and there'll be all these sliders up here now usually when you slide these sliders you're adjusting the hue let's say for the entire image or the saturation for the entire image or the lightness for the entire image and if we look down here these little bars mean that it's for all of this kind of spectrum of color but in this case we don't want to change the entire image we just want to change the leaf right so let's just go up here let's hover over this hand that has these little arrows on it and you can see with this we can click and drag in an image to modify saturation or hue one of them is just to click the other ones that control on a click so I'm going to click on that and then I'm gonna use this picker to pick that red and you can see that this actually changes to red originally it was master and we switched it to red by clicking on here and then if we scroll down we can now see that there is a range that is selected you can expand the range by clicking this and bringing this out to widen the amount of colors that are going to be selected or this side or both but I think just leaving it where it's selected does a pretty good job in this case especially got a pretty solid color like this so let's just see what this little hand picker guy does so if I select it and then I click on my image on the color that I want to change and I slide to the right you're gonna add saturation we can see here that it's added saturation if I click and drag to the left it's gonna desaturate so if you just want part of your image to be black and white that is a very quick way to do it to change the hue though you need to hold ctrl and do the same thing so watch the sliders over here as I go so when I click on that and I go to the right you can see that that slider is going through all those different hues and then if I go to the left it's gonna change as I go so I'm gonna now do anything crazy I'm just gonna go to maybe Orange right there I think that looks pretty good but you'll also notice that the hand was changing as well and we don't want that so if you have something in your image that's also changing color here's all you have to do you just have to go back to your adjustment layer and make sure your clicked on the mask part not on like this icon part on the mask then just go over to your brush tool make sure you're on the brush tool with foreground black and then just change the size of your brush keep the Arden is down but change the size of your brush to whatever makes sense for your image I'm gonna go a little bit bigger than that and then just paint over the areas that you do not want to be affected by that adjustment layer by the hue/saturation adjustments that we made so in this case it's the hand but if we look over at the mask now we can see that whatever we painted in black that's gonna reveal through to our original image everything that's in white is being affected by the hue/saturation adjustment layer so that's everything else over here so if we click on the eyeball we can see that this is after and that is before and now the only thing that changes is the leaf the third way to change color that I'm gonna show you is using select and color range in here you get the color picker you can pick on the color that you want to change as you can see in the selection here whatever is white is what's going to be fully changed whatever is black is not gonna be changed at all because it's not selected and then within the Gray's whatever is the lightest is kind of closest to white so it might get changed quite a bit and then whatever is in the darkest that's closest to black will probably not get changed very much and then play around with fuzziness here to determine how much is the blend between what's selected and what's not if you need to add more to your selection you can use this plus so and then just drag along in the area that you want to select so now it's selecting more of this range of colors in here besides the first time when I just clicked once and it was one color that it was selecting from if you want to get rid of some of your selection you can use this - so if I want to go up here and go no I don't want that you can try and pick some of these things to get rid of some of the selection to narrow it back down and then just click OK now sometimes the selection works out pretty good like that but sometimes it doesn't like up here there's some stuff that's now selected that we don't want so instead of just doing it for the whole image another way to do it with this one is to actually use your lasso tool or any other selection tool and make a fairly refined selection it doesn't have to be super perfect but you just want to kind of narrow down the zone that we're going to be picking our color from okay so if that's that selection I can go back up to select color range and you can see it's kind of narrowed in now so now when I go to the plus and I add some colors in yes there's some other ones that are being selected around here but it's not selecting all of this around there I'm gonna go to - maybe just try and get rid of that and that's a pretty good selection I'm gonna increase the No yeah increase the fuzziness a little bit and click OK so now my selection is a little bit better I still might have some stuff on the outside but we can clean that up after then all you're gonna do is go over to your adjustment layers add hue/saturation and now when we play around with this it'll only change what we had selected as you can see that's represented in the white down here whatever's black is not going to be affected by our hue/saturation adjustment layer at this point it's a good idea to zoom in and see if you have any extra stuff so right here you can see that that's beyond the selection it's impacting the background a little bit there might be some other spots around so just look at the stuff that's beyond what you want to be selected that might have been in the selection that you did with the lasso tool if you find some stuff like this then just go back to your mask go to your brush and make sure you have a black brush in the foreground down here and then obviously adjust your brush and hardness I think you know the 60s is good but adjust your brush for what makes sense so in this case I'm going to use a kind of medium ish brush here and I'm just gonna clean up all the extra stuff that might be around that I had selected with the lasso tool but that I don't want to be changing the color of at all and just kind of go around and clean up those edges until you are happy with what is remaining now if you want these to be two different colors that's really easy I like to do is go over to your adjustment layer hold ctrl J to duplicate it it's gonna look wonky at first but then just click on one mask and with your black brush I didn't crease it you can just paint over one of them on this mask and then switch over to the other mask and paint over the other one obviously they're gonna look the same for right now but since they're on two different adjustment layers here now on one of them all I have to do is click back on here and I can adjust this one to be something else if I want and then if you want to change something else in the image like I did on the thumbnail like the background or the sweater all you have to do is follow the same steps go back to your background image go over to select color range and then click on the other thing that you want to change so in this case I'm going to select the background you can see that it makes that selection and you can see that there's some gray in here so we're gonna to fix that up after the fact I'm not going to do it now I like that selection I'm gonna click OK I'm gonna add my adjustment layer that's a hue/saturation and now I can play around with the background I'm gonna make it like I down the thumbnail maybe a bright green but you can see on our face can you see in there there's some green blotches that are now showing up on her face which we don't want and that's what's kind of showing up right on this the black part is what we want and there's some little gray spots in there so let's just click back on it make sure we're on our black brush and then just paint over her face or the area that you don't want to be affected so I'm gonna go all into the hair up here I'm not going to go too close to the edge I'm just gonna clean up everything that I want to maintain as part of the original image of the original colors and the original look of the image and then I'm just going to group these together so I can hide it so we can see the before and after the fourth way I'm going to show you to change color of anything in Photoshop is using blend if so for that method what we have to do is click on our layer and go ctrl J to duplicate our image and for right now let's just hide the background layer then we're gonna right click and go to blending options or double click over here when the layer style window opens just head down here to blend if now in this case I don't want to blend if gray I want to blend if something that matches so instead of gray I'm gonna choose green because that's the most prominent one in this image if you had something that was red you need to change or blue pick those ones green works for this image then these sliders come up if you notice here if I slide this left you can see that the green those light greens like the yellows are disappearing and the dark greens are staying so I'm just going to change I'm gonna slide this quite a bit over this way and if I bring this one back you can see that those dark spots leave but I'm gonna I'm gonna keep those I'm gonna slide this over now some of these transitions look pretty harsh right so if I hold alt and I click on this like one side of this slider I can smooth out the transition so I'm gonna make it fairly smooth like a very gradual selection change okay so once you have that selection of your color or whatever it is you just have to click OK and you'll notice that nothing really happens in the thumbnail of your image it looks the same so what we have to do is go over here and right click convert it to a smart object and now you can see all that extra stuff that we got rid of in the thumbnail it's actually gone and then you just have to go down here and click on the adjustment layer and go to hue/saturation add that and then click our background layer back now what you're gonna notice is we're only going to be changing this selection so if I slide this now you can see that it's blending that range of green that we determined using blend if but everything that was left the dark areas those dark greens are not being affected nearly as much and then you can just maneuver this to whatever you want to make your image look good some of the extremes won't look great actually well I was interesting it's like blueberries and grapes maybe now if you don't want blend if to impact your entire image you just need it to affect like one section of it then all you have to do is click on your mask over here so make sure this part is selected go to your brush tool make sure the foreground is black before iron color is black and then adjust your brush make sure the hardness is down pretty low and I'm just gonna use a fairly large for this example right now maybe 500 and you can see that whatever now I paint over that's gonna be not affected by blend if but if we take a look at the final image you can see that I didn't just kind of randomly paint things I made sure I left full pieces of fruit intact so that the outline like my border here looked natural you didn't you wouldn't want to go like this so if I went back and I had my brush he wouldn't have want to have like half fruits painted in you want to make sure that your blended zone looks natural so now let's just take a quick look at the before and after so that's four different ways that you can change the color of anything in your image using Photoshop if you got something out of this video or you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and I will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Shawn Dolinski
Views: 42,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change color in photoshop, change color of anything, photoshop tutorial, photoshop for beginners, select and change colors, slectively change colors, color change effect in photoshop, change hair color, change color of shirt, change eye color, photoshop replace color with specific color, replace color in photoshop, 4 easy ways to change color in photoshop, change the color of anything, change color of object, color replacement tool, select color range, blend if, hue, saturation
Id: YLrEJbk0Lx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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