How to Change the Color of Clothing in Photoshop

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today i'm going to show you how to change colors of any type of clothing in photoshop including how to create realistic black and white which in my opinion are the most difficult to pull off [Music] so download the sample image included in the link right down below and let's get into it so we're starting off with a simple image something you might see for an e-commerce website and i need a way to get my selection around my subject's clothing the first thing we have to do is always make a selection there's so many different ways to do it but in this case because we have our subject on a simple background we're going to use a tool called select subject go up here you see your select dialog there we go and then down to subject super easy to use so let's go ahead and go to select subject and as you can see it puts a little marching ants or little dots right around our subject which is perfect so that's our first step now if it doesn't do it exactly like how you want that's totally okay what we're going to do is create a layer mask out of this that you can edit at any time so now that our subject is selected you can see it selected her hair and obviously we don't want to change that color but it's okay for the most part we have exactly what we need the next thing we're going to do is load this selection into a hue saturation adjustment layer so because we have the selection active it's going to automatically do it let's just go up to layer down to new adjustment layer and we're going to go over to where it says hue slash saturation there we go we're going to go ahead and hit ok and as you can see our subject is no longer selected but the selection automatically was loaded into the layer mask so anytime you have an active selection and you make an adjustment layer it's going to load that selection into the layer mask but the selection includes my subject's face and if i wanted to change the hue it's going to change the hue of my subject's face as well so it's actually really easy to remove areas like our subject's face you can use all types of different selection tools you can go up here right over to your quick selection tool and simply click and drag over the area you want to remove okay and then click on your layer mask and we're just going to fill that with black on our layer mask making it invisible okay so we'll just go to edit and then down to fill and then here we go we're just going to fill this with black there we go let's deselect and hold alt or option and click on our layer mask and you can see that is no longer included in my selection which means we're not going to change the color of that area all right let's do it a little bit more so i'm just going to go ahead and paint right over our subject's hair here there we go that looks pretty good and we're just going to hit shift delete which is the keyboard shortcut for fill and we're just going to fill that with black okay now if i want to just select our subject's hand cool shift delete fill that with black as well and then let's go ahead and do a little selection right over here it's going to just know to grab our subject's arm right there be sure you're on your background layer with your subject actually on it that's going to help the tool do a good job there we go and it's going to kind of just figure it out you can hold alt or option to minus some areas out if you need to all right and we'll just fill that with black as well fantastic so now let's go ahead and take a look at our layer mask hold alt or option to click on it pretty good we still have an outline with the hair not a big deal i'm going to hit l for my lasso tool and we're just going to lasso around there we go and hit shift delete and fill that with black so basically we just want a really nice selection of the clothing and if it's not perfect don't worry about it again we're just working with layer masks right so you can change these at any point in time but as far as that looks we're pretty good okay now here's the deal to accurately change colors in photoshop you really want to use two different layers you want to use a hue saturation adjustment layer which we already created and you want to use a curves adjustment layer the trick is you want those both to have the same exact layer mask okay that way you don't have to make those changes on both layers if you decide to either mask in your subject's face or your hands and things like that so how do you have two adjustment layers with the same layer mask it's actually a lot easier than you might think all you have to do is create a group and then use a mask on the group and then create whatever layer you want inside of that group so let's show you how to do it so let's go ahead and group this together controller command g to group my hue saturation adjustment layer with itself you can see just a group with one layer in it i'm going to click and hold right here on the layer mask and drag that up to the group and it's going to become the layer mask of the group okay so now anything that i place inside of this group is only going to be visible right there so let's go ahead and grab the second layer we call we talked about a curves adjustment layer fantastic so we're set up let's go ahead and put a mask on there so we have our hue saturation adjustment layer and our curves adjustment layer and they're both inside of the group that's going to be defined by this layer mask and now we're ready to change this color to whatever we want so let's go ahead and jump in we'll show you how it's done now by the way if this seems at all complicated this psd file is also included in the download for free on so you can go in here and see exactly what we did well let's go ahead and start we're going to our hue saturation adjustment layer i'm going to double click right here okay and we're going to click on this colorize button little known button within hue saturation we're going to click on colorize there we go and now i'm able to simply change the colors of anything in my image you can see really really easy change the hue and saturation but let's check this out remember the inside of the hoodie that got selected when i did my quick select right so now you can see it's not included in the selection that's not a problem because we're working with layer masks all i have to do is simply click right here on the layer mask for the group you can see it's got a white outline there and i can just simply go inside my brush tool and i can paint this visible so i can say yep you know what this effect we want this to be visible on the inside of the hoodie as well and you could use this tool to make a different color on the inside of the hoodie as the outside of the hoodie for instance there we go and let's go ahead and make it visible there in any areas where your layer mask mist super easy just remember you can always go in here and clean up your layer mask and get it exactly like how you want it there we go and that's looking really really nice you can see we discluded the skin here and the skin there but all the clothing is is really really well represented so back to our hue saturated hue saturation adjustment layer you can see i can change this hue incredibly simply i can change my saturation so if we want like a nice lavender that's really easy to do as well now if you just want to change color this is all you have to do but if you want to create a white or a black those are a little bit more tricky and that's why we added this curves adjustment layer because we want to make sure we can control the lights and the darks so let's go ahead and start off by creating black so here in our hue saturation adjustment layer you can see we're still on our colorize function okay i'm going to go ahead and bring my saturation all the way down okay which in this case you can see is just gray now i'm going to start by bringing my lightness down as well and you can see it's looking pretty good pretty good pretty good but as i bring my lightness down to about here okay it looks black but it looks super fake right like that doesn't actually look black because black still has light colored highlights on it so what we want to do is just bring this up just a little bit and you can move these around as you please and then we're going to go into our curves adjustment layer and i'm going to make my darks a little bit darker and i'm going to make my lights a little bit lighter because those should catch the light a little bit more so you can go in here and kind of work with your darks and lights to create something that's going to be a little bit more representative of true black and you can change it to get like a dark gray or something like that so as you can see that's going to look a lot more realistic than just taking your lightness all the way down to zero that's not really going to work so how do you do white just the exact opposite you take your lightness and instead of going all the way to the right because that's not going to look good not going to look good we're going to go to right about here okay just create a relatively light colored gray and then you're going to go into your curves adjustment layer okay and then we're just going to bring our lights a little bit darker and our darks a little bit lighter there we go so we're kind of using the opposite opposite formula that we were with our blacks to create our whites and you can continue to adjust these and make them exactly like how you want but it kind of gives you control over all your light and dark elements we can make that a little bit lighter even and then we get a much more realistic light and a much more realistic black and then in this case all we really have to do is take care of this area here especially when we create white okay we want our layer mask to just be a little bit better than that okay this layer mask doesn't look exactly correct because we were just doing it with a regular color adjustment so we didn't need it to be much better so what we want to do let's go ahead and just give this a nice little fade okay there we go so we're just gonna fade that in with our brush tool all right and then we need to just bring the hair outline back over top of our hoodie so how do we do that well it's actually easier than you might think what we're going to do is actually create a selection from our subject's hair so we're going to go back to remember earlier how we did select subject we're going to go back to that let's go ahead and make all this invisible we're going to go to our background layer i'm going to go to select and then down here to select subject once more it's going to do a nice job selecting my subject's hair now with selection with selection subject active i'm going to create a new layer and then i'm just going to use my brush tool we're just going to paint red on here we're going to use this just as a selection okay so let's go to our brush tool we're going to go ahead and just paint right here on the edge and this is going to be used as a selection there we go let's control the command d to deselect it we're getting a little bit more advanced than just simple hair color but we got to make sure your edges look good too so let's say we have that white okay now i have this edge that i can use as selection i can just simply rotate this around and then this can become something like the bottom of my subject's hair okay so because i have this red little selection like that going to hold ctrl or command and click on that to turn it into a selection and then on a new layer right above that we're just going to use our clone stamp tool okay so our clone stamp tool s for our clone stamp tool and i'm just going to sample and paint this the current and below let's hit ctrl command h to hide it and i'm just painting some more hair right below that area okay it's going to make it look like the hair is coming in front of the white hoodie there we go it's going to make it look a lot more realistic let's do the same thing here so this red layer is only going to be used the only reason i made this is so i can get a really nice selection of hair that i can then use to make a nice clean edge for my hoodie so let's hold controller command click on that hair again we don't need it anymore and on this same layer there we go we're just going to go ahead and clone stamp in in that selection fantastic and that's going to cover up any areas that we need because this area was in shadow remember early on so we didn't really have to make a perfect selection when we were working with just dark colors but as soon as we changed it to light obviously you can see this is not going to work it's not going to look realistic but there we go all right let's go ahead and take a look at our different colors including black and white so we're starting off with our original color here we are switch to green here's our black version and our white you can see all completely done just by making a selection of the clothing using that colorize feature within hue saturation and then if you need to add curves or levels to bump your contrast to create black and white thanks so much for watching hit that subscribe button to get a free tutorial every single week and if you enjoyed this video give us a big thumbs up it helps us with that youtube algorithm so we can keep pumping more great videos out your way every single week thanks again and i'll learn you later bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 43,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change color in photoshop, how to change the color of anything in photoshop, how to change t-shirt color in photoshop, how to select and change colors in photoshop, replace colors in a photo, hue saturation, change colors in photoshop, learn photoshop, how to change colors in photoshop, change the color of a shirt in photoshop, swap colors in photoshop, changing colors in photoshop, change any color, change color to black in photoshop, change color to white photoshop, photoshop
Id: unMiWgX5OfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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