How to Catch A Liar: Psychological Tips, Tricks & Tactics For Reading People and Catching Liars 2018

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[Music] [Music] you welcome to hip no thoughts a couple of caveats before tonight haven't realized it already if incorrect are politically incorrect metaphors swear words the word boobies offends you leave now they have given me less than an hour to compress a lifetime of study so here is my commitment to you I will take you as far down this rabbit hole as I can and the time we have and I will show you where to go for more if that's what you want to do is that a parrot is that a fair deal all right so first of all today's class my name is David Schneider in case you didn't know because I'm such a shy and retiring type really what we just did even with or without the music is one of the most important things you can do for yourself every single day one of the running themes in all the courses I'm teaching both for the last three days today Saturday Sunday is this one thing your physiology controls your psychology now that flies in the face of a lot of what we've been taught we've been taught we can use our mind to control our body and that's true enough to be true except when the proverbial fecal matter hits the rotating oscillator then your butt puckers up in your brains drop out that's one of my by proxy mentors used to say all right here's what I mean when I say this everything we're gonna be talking about whether we're talking about lie detection which we're gonna go we're gonna focus on the 10 or 15 most reliable indicators that someone pay attention may be lying there is no one single indicator that puts that deception the best you can do is an educated guess now the question becomes once you've figured out okay this person might be being untruthful how far down that rabbit hole do you really want to go you see most people don't believe lives because they hate lies because they have to they believe them because they want to there are ten key indicators which we don't have time to cover to ten key indicators that create a lens that's I don't have an eraser so I'll just have to do it the hard way the ten key indicators that create either one of anyone any one of them by themselves can create a lens that makes you want to believe deceptive behaviors that will cause you to interpret certain qualities and characteristics particular to sociopaths narcissists and Psychopaths as something else ten of them you only need one to start to blur to turn your your reading glasses into rose-colored glasses as one of my sources used to say these are all these are all by the way attractors attractors the ten that we're gonna we're not gonna talk about them all I may for help I'll have a list we're gonna go more into them in on Saturday morning we have a longer break out it's called speed attraction 3.0 we're gonna be talking about how to make someone like love and trust you in bordering on love literally in as little as twenty minutes we're also going to show you how to take those feelings and explode them into marriage level intimacy sometimes in as little as 90 minutes we're gonna show you how to use these things outside of romantic contexts so if you're going anybody do networking right anybody ever go to singles bars now I wouldn't do that either right we're gonna show you actually how to position yourself in certain places so that you are far more likely to get introduced to people people are more likely to introduce you to them to other people it's really cool we're going to talk about a little bit about how to connect with people through stories because whether you realize it or not you're the human neurology is hardwired for stories the neurology is there every time you hear the words once upon a time or that reminds me of a time when your brain changes the hemispheres of your brain and the listeners or if you're the listener they synchronize they literally start to sync up that's what the neuroscience tells us so one of the most powerful influence tools you have is story and metaphor right we're gonna talk a little bit about how to use those tomorrow to create powerful connections chemistry's and things like that it's a very deep well but we'll give you the things you can go out and start playing with right away how does that relate to lie detection Liars can't tell their story backwards if you go to Chicago if you go to Chicago Chicago up until recently had the highest number of false confessions in history because they were you they weren't using what they call narrative interview technique narrative inner techniques where you have them tell the story as you listen to the story you have to go into a very special mindset if you are going to go into the mode of trying to detect deception you have to take on a certain mindset and that is you have to start looking for deception and ignoring everything that may be true right you have to start ignoring everything get stopped you have to look for the points that don't match and you have to keep that you have to keep that mindset throughout the story or throughout the the process it can be very energetically taxing okay ten attractors that will actually count against you in psychopaths narcissists dark triad personalities as we like to call them they do this all the time this is how they succeed bad does bad often looks good so when I say people don't believe story lies because they have to they believe them because they want to this is how it works all right story and narrative will cause your brain to sync up when somebody goes into a long elaborate story your brain goes to into a hypnotic state okay so if you are going to engage in the process of telling lies are not telling lies but although we do that for a living whether you realize that or not Freudian slip there you have to shift your state you have to become deception oriented you have to look for it okay because if you start agreeing with their narratives if you start buying in to what's going on best analogy I give you anybody here ever have to have write something Johansson okay can we get more chairs for these wonderful people it's well okay great how many feel that ever ever edited it's red it's red written something edited it thought it was good put it away came back found all this you missed everyone that's cuz your brain fills in all the stuff that it's supposed to be there it auto corrects so unless you edit the document you've written differently than the way you wrote it your brain will fill in all the good stuff it's the same process when we try to detect lies if you don't have the mindset of becoming a detection of deception bloodhound if you don't operate from the presupposition that they're probably lying then you'll probably get sucked in and miss a lot of stuff now that being said even the best trained people in the world only have about a sixty percent hit rate sometimes not even that when it comes to detecting deception okay this brings us to the study what we call kinesics kinesics is a study of body language which we're going to be doing a big class on that can be sick sister back when I was in college I was you guys know I'm a lifelong martial artist right I don't have to spend 20 minutes giving you my curriculum but I write I'd one point in my life I said okay I want to continue to study these things but I also need a day job in case this I want to do doesn't quite pan out so I started looking at where my interests really lying and where could I make money and and earn a good living doing the things I love to do and I looked at and I went I was in Community College at the time I was looking at police or criminal justice I wanted to be you know profiler like Quincy guys remember Quincy you do you're old like me CSI Criminal Minds that kind of that's that was my thing that's it's still a thing for me I just geek out on it right but I was also very interested in martial arts and the martial arts I deal with focus specifically manipulate the energy points and the acupuncture meridians of the body so I wanted to be able to play in that field and research more on energetics so I got to this crossroads right I'm studying I'm duel measuring I do a minoring at the time minor in criminal justice minor in pre-med or whatever because I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go so I looked at criminal justice I looked at how much they make their stress level their life expectancy and promptly chose health care right so but I'd never lost my passion for this now that coupled with the fact that I was the classic bullied kid growing up I was blessed with a very sensitive nervous system bad hygiene and poor social skills and a desperate desire to be liked put that together I usually found I usually found myself either telling or other target of some very vicious lies I became very very traumatized by that not to the degree that I was debilitated but I came I became very hyper vigilant I became very always trying to figure out what people are doing and what are their motives and what are they gonna do next little did I know that what turn did what started as a defense mechanism would become a career fun by professionally paranoid right when we start to study body language and whether we're doing this in terms of understanding how people are attracted we'll show you the body language of Attraction so that you can speed read couples and what degree of intimacy they're in from a distance we're going to do that either in speed attraction tomorrow or people reading for fun and profit on Sunday they're lost yes there will also be a large component of face reading so I know you guys hate that right because it's been another passion of mine first thing that understand no single body language queue indicates deception you must look for changes in body language in a timely window in other words within a 3 to 5 second window either before after the words finally you must look for clusters so first no single clue are no single trait indicate deception unless you're a lawyer in which case your mouth is moving it's over all right hypnotist we're probably up to something you know timeliness third clusters clusters is the big one in order to determine clusters and deviation you have to have what we commonly refer to as the baseline in other words if you don't have a measurement of what this person is like normally how they are on a day to day basis you have enough foundation to calculate deviance all right the highest best trained people in the world are 60% accurate mostly because they videotape all of their interactions and they watch them over and over and over again in that state looking for the discrepancies now there's a gentleman named of dr. Paul Atman I'm a huge fan of dr. Eggman's work very very complimentary to the Chinese face reading stuff that we do there just in two different directions Chinese face in in dr. Eggman's work he he discovered a phenomenon known as micro expressions these are momentary flashes of change in the facial muscles that indicate when we're trying to control an emotion so many times when people like and you'll learn to look for the use as time goes on which is one of the most important ones with Psychopaths and sociopaths specifically is something called duping delight duping delight is this little joy that we all get and we pull off a lie you know we got someone right but what happens if they try to mask it and so you'll see this little fraction of a second up turn if someone is telling you about the worst case with a most horrible tragedy in their life and they're smiling that's one right as a hypnotist be aware of that be aware of that that's an incongruent body-language indicator which means there's probably a deep well that's going to come up if you can get them to to that space that makes sense two things baseline clusters cluster is any two or more body language cues happening within a timely period once you've established the baseline so if you're talking to somebody and they are normally you know just kind of open right and then you say something and this happens hmm let me think about that right how many how many changes did I just have hands cause I shifted back I touched my face and I looked away flag that's a cluster right micro-expressions oh you then do candlelight well do need alight is is a kind of memory present answer duping delight you can do yep you'll see this in a lot of people who first all sociopaths narcissists they all think they're smarter than everybody else right if they believe that if you're not smart enough to catch it you deserve to have it oh yeah I've been oh I've been playing a lot of swimming in that pool for a while that's why I'm a little bit you know humble yeah number two is timeliness how many people you are old enough to remember a guy named Richard Nixon you don't googling God we have so many Millennials now there's a there's a particular speech you guys might remember oh yeah I'll do what it's a little more timely in a minute just things I am NOT a crook right now that's a timeliness issue because if to make it more legitimate he was like I am NOT a crook actually should have done that either but he bastards anyway so to make it more congruent I am entrust his arms their life so I am NOT a crook right but he didn't if you if you go and you watch this the scene you listen to the time he goes I am NOT a crook the timings off right but in order to calculate that you have to know what they're like normally what they're like normally all deception indicators are actually litters of stress they're indicators of building arousal arousal building in the body so once you know someone's normal stress level and you have a baseline you know what they're like normally they might now you have the place to start what you're going to look for now are stress indicators you're gonna look for them in clusters within a three to five second window on either side okay pay attention to how animated a person is one of the first thing I was I had a whole list of things that I was gonna share with you called the Hanson 15 it disappeared some narcissists took it first one you want to look for is what we call the freeze okay so someone's talking they're like like can I get you Holly for a second alright can you pretend to be my wife you pick nothing like my Chinese wife but that's okay right so and maybe I'm gonna be the husband and I was out late doing something naughty you don't know that you're just asking where I've been right and I'm gonna be my normal self and I just I'm gonna make it really big and obvious for you is that okay okay hi honey I usually wash snap all kinds of I'm telling you the boss was a we got this last-minute client you wouldn't believe it [Music] thank you now that's one and done that's one cluster that's one situation now what you want to do is you want to oscillate you want to go back to something non-threatening if you get a response that elicits defensiveness deflection on the massive body language shift similar to what you see and by the way once you know what to look for you'll see this everywhere everywhere remember it does not mean they're lying it means they're stressing out more than they were a minute ago all deception indicators are stress indicators positive or negative right attraction is a stressor right when how many guys have noticed that when women are really attracted to a guy and around someone they really like they kind of do this they start touching them you know various parts they start grooming these are all relax a time what's the word I'm looking for symptom suitors yeah there are there things self pacifying gestures people think like they do to calm themselves down when they're experiencing levels of arousal now also again this is a deep well I don't have a lot of time I'm just gonna lap it on you if you want to keep following me around to all the trainings you'll get more cohesive stuff so there's this other phenomenon called a fellow's error or a fellows flaw depending on which you pull from and that is where when when in the presence of something that stresses you out people start don't they they have very very exaggerated stress responses to the point where they often come across as deceptive when they aren't if you remember the Shakespearean play a fellow right when the fellow confronted Desdemona she got all crazy he thought she was lying boom that idea again three things that can happen stressors no deception nothing is a deception indicator look for the look for the freeze this is the big one if they're talking like this she Polly says something to go what I mean my time right they literally freeze that's the big one at TSA looks for when you bring someone in and you start to interrogate them if they're normally animated very outgoing and also need to stop big flag okay look for self soothing gestures look for people by the way it's a it's a myth that Liars can't make eye contact only bad ones can't do that Liars can't hold eye contact they hold it very well okay because we all know that the first place people gonna look is in the face alright so that's the first place we learn to control except for the micro expressions the micro expressions sneak out because we can't consciously control all that emotion percolating beneath the surface right typically there are three kinds of lies lies of falsification lies of omission lies of influence okay the book you want to refer to for that is called spy the lie spy the lie there's a there's a pickup an e-book to that which I haven't gotten through completely yet which i think is also pretty good it's called get the truth you see once you've discovered deception or the possibility of it now you got to make a decision how far down that rabbit hole do you want to go because if you pursue it the dynamics of your relationship will change I find it much more useful to detect deception and just watch what people do being prepared than just calling them on it because you burn a lot of bridges that way does that make sense another thing I don't have a chair so I can't show you something one other is okay one of the things you want to look for when people start to lie is crossing gestures specifically there was one I was taught to look for in kinesics it's called the triple cross so the cross their legs across their arms maybe they'll cross their fingers all right and then they'll shield themselves remember the human brain moves towards pleasure and away from pain most of us don't get joy out of lying it stresses us out we move away from it so can I use you can Holly so when we had Holly up here one of the first things that happened was the minute I found my way I was in this normal calm hey honey how she said something in postural shift it won't always be a full step what you want to look for when you start to decipher body language is the postural sway and their ventral orientation how close is the centerline of their body to the centerline of their body the closer it is the more intimate that relationship is the more trusting that relationship is if Holly and I are in an argument I'm gonna start to do this I'm gonna start to change proximity and move away right so ventral orientation if we're sitting in a bar you see that you'll see you go to the bar watch this and people who are sitting next to each other and we're into each other their proximity starts to change and they start to do this Hey when people are not sure that maybe they're stuck in close proximity to somebody but they don't know them they'll engage in what we call blocking mechanisms they may have to orient towards that person but they'll put a barrier they'll put an arm here as opposed to here understand the difference so when you watch for these things look for blocking gestures blocking gestures if they bring if you're in the middle of a deep interrogation type process they start bringing God into it warning they start bringing God into it might might have feet thank you Tony give it another big round fall just pick it on her day my instructor you say Danny Johnson you say they're lying to you yeah that good old southern boy accident they're lying to you right so look for blocking gestures look for soothers in other words if they touch their face if they respect their nose they tend to rub their nose a people tend up when they lie they tend to touch their nose a lot of course they could also have allergies right watch their blink rate and theirs and how they squint when peep remember these are all individual traits in character the lexicon is longer than I can name if you don't have a baseline you have no place to start so the baseline is always going to be what is their normal speed at which they speak how is their normal what is their normal posture how close do they normally stand to you if I can get a baseline of their pupil size that's where I like to play remember the one of the it is maybe a fraction of the people on the planet who can do anything even remotely controlling their pupil dilation so when the way it works is when people see you and they like you or anything they like for that matter their pupils dilate okay when they're distancing or analyzing or criticizing or cognate in some way they shrink it's a fight-or-flight response okay the only two times that pupils really dilate is when you're extremely attracted or stoned or you're terrified so if your work if you're talking to someone male/female doesn't matter I'm in California it kind of goes every which way but loose right and the pupils are really big first thing you do is look at your feet if there's no puddle they're attracted but we want to look at their feet anyway why because the feet of the one thing is are the body part we pay the least amount of attention to so if I'm engaged in a conversation I'll pick on somebody else up to come on this lady here so we're talking and we're doing this thing and she's starting to we're starting to get into a topic that I find it uncomfortable if I'm starting to feel uncomfortable first I'll start to posture ly shift away my feet may start doing this if not you gotta know if you can see how my feet are starting to angle away right so if I'm standing can I use you I'll use you right pretend you're a hot woman going up that's better I like him already I'm California so one of the things that's taught in the old school pick up in because introduction worlds is what we cut will commonly referred to as the false time constraint false time constraint okay if you walk ups that they only got a minute I just need to ask you a quick question they stopped keeping time so literally if he's if this is a hot chick standing at a bar right I walk by hey look I only got a minute but I was what you have a really really nice energy I used to do some kind of physical activity you have dancer a model something like that yeah okay excellent so now first I grab his booty I'm gonna bad idea but now notice what he did as I walk by I notice and I like oh hey look at my feet see how I'm half in half out he doesn't consciously see that but his proprioceptive system has motor neurons and picks it up so as I'm talking it looks like I'm just gonna ask a question and leave but now I'm gonna open them with an opinion or something like that and you can just launch into a three magic questions protocol you can go into some of the storytelling stuff we got opinion openers whatever because it creates they stopped keeping time whereas if I just walked up and started talking maybe like all right thanks Ron applause okay go get a baseline look for clusters lepen cluster is any two or more body language characteristics that shift in this in within a three to five second window now you want to look for are they consistent you bring them you talk about something that may provoke them you calibrate the change talk about something non-threatening something different see if they go back if they go back circle around ask again in a different way notice what changes alright wash rinse repeat ask a question calibrate the response circle back wash rinse repeat if every time you approach that subject you get a consistent shift from the date from the baseline they may or may not be the exact same things they usually are are similar too it's amazing how consistent people are with their gestures which by the way if in case you didn't know gestures are the language we had before we learned we evolved speech as human beings its primary to every other communication system that you have so when people talk about their shit-shit being a technical term specialized that Nanak influence techniques you off a therapist especially you'll often hear people say you know I got this block and I just can't figure out what it is or where it is if I could figure out where it was I could do something about it but I just can't figure out where it's at or thump or sometimes just this got this problem I just can't figure it out well they just told you on a subliminal neurological level where around them that information is stored and what direction it's moving to maintain itself how many feel familiar with the spending technique I teach if all you did was have them grab it spin it the opposite way their would go away literally yeah any times don't believe me find a human in their natural habitat and spin that away and if you have that you have them become aware of it turn it into a color physically reach out and spin it the other way gets even stronger all right those you've been to any of our classes you guys know happen how many people came to personality transformation yesterday last three weeks you guys gave me a coming up hell yeah Systems purging right how we doing on time okay baseline clusters provoke relax provoke again look for shifts in posture either towards or away from look for deviations in your baseline if you can calibrate pupil dilation if they lie or they're trying to make something up or something come up with something cool to say the first thing they'll happen aside from the NLP I accessing cues is their pupils will tend to shrink I call it the pupil dance you'll literally see the pupils peoples gone for mowing blowing blowing one depending on where they're at in that continuum of emotion right remember deception or deception indicators are really leakages of emotional stress that we can't physically manage or consciously or manage with our neocortex your conscious mind of the three parts of your brain your reptile brain your limbic system your neocortex the neocortex is the two-year-old of the system it's the one that yells the least and has the this capabilities it's the least informed in the last to know when we start looking for deception indicators what we're looking for or the pieces that the conscious mind couldn't manage effectively okay they're in congruent they're out of proportion to the rest of the system but we got to know what the baseline of that system is also look for crosses anytime people start crossing themselves whether it's the legs the legs will often give you the best most accurate information because one of the things that happens is if they can't if a person cannot physically move all of them away they will move a part away so if I'm sitting here and my feet are nice and flat on the floor this may happen all I'm do it if these are my legs and this is the stool all that happens is this I just move my feet backwards okay again small things together indicate arousal arousal is usually an indicator of potential deception I keep using that word because I need you to understand as far as I can tell as far as polygraphers can tell there is no single trait that indicates deception going back to this how about editing old editors how many people here know the old editors trick that if you want to find uh if you want to find all your more errors start from the beat the back and work Liars cannot tell their story out of sequence they generally can't unless they've really really rehearsed it which most people just don't they can't start in one place backtrack go to another place and be consistent in their cues so it's called narrative interview technique okay cycle back through of the three categories of lives the most challenging to catch what we call lies of influence lies of influence our lives of perception their ways their their their attempts to distract you or move the direction of the conversation towards something other than the lie so a common live influence might be ask your husband or your wife have you been cheating on me an honest person will say now I'm not cheating you all right pardon my french not really right but someone who's participating in a lie of deflection might say honey you know I don't believe in things like that right so if you weren't looking for the discrepancy you might miss that and assume it was a denial but it isn't somebody woman has a big rich flat maid comes in for 20 years cleans the house one day she comes home her favorite bracelet is gone she calls the cops cops come in they start interviewing everybody they pulled up the MEI they bring up the MEI they ask the maid did you take this lady's bracelet I have been her maid for 20 years I'm retiring in a month oh why would I ever do such a thing she took it look for deflections look for deviations from the conversation that go to the person's character rather than the act or the behavior you're asking them about does that make sense and be ready pay attention pay attention okay look for tapping gestures again these are all stress indicators things that may indicate stress what's one of my favorite ones Oh nan fluencies if you're paying attention to a person's voice quality does their pitch go up does their voice speed up do they start getting inconsistent in their delivery and consistency is actually goes to a channel of communication we call honest signals based on the research by Alexander pennilyn over at Stanford he discovered four distinct channels of nonverbal communication that happened in socially competitive groups one of which is consistency consistency and is actually on a continuum with variability house don't have a that's alright now just do this this is why I always carry a spare and by the way how many people who would actually like to make more money doing public speaking and hooking more clients and things like that okay pay attention one of the honest things I'm talking about which goes directly to this these non fluencies these inconsistencies in a person's speech pattern is an honest signal known as consistency in variability the book is called honest signals by Sandy Pentland there's a companion book I recommend you pick up called power cues by Nick Morgan excellent way to actually apply some of these things consistency is how smoothly and fluidly we can deliver a process or a program or a teaching it goes directly to the amount of credibility we have in people when we teach we want to have a high level of consistency in how we speak we don't want to have high you know really squeaky voice really low voice in irregular pauses that makes us more inconsistent the more consistent we are the more credibility we have the more people tend to do what we say so for leadership applications sales well maybe coaching applications specifically teaching applications you want a high level of variability or now some consistency see how consistent I am right in in your presentation the other end of the scale is what we call variability now obviously this is the bad stuff there's this happy medium the further along the continuum you go the more changeable you come across as being the more open you seem to out external direction right at the total if the far end of the scale someone who is extremely right inconsistent which is where we start to see our deception indicator hums hers Oz pauses high squeaky voice where they used to talk like very white you know and these are what we look for changes in the baseline changes in their posture changes in their orientation do they go from an open posture to a closed posture do their pupils dilate baseline baseline baseline if you're gonna start on this process yeah that's where you got to start you got to pay attention you got to look who's the person in front of you does their variability and consistency change when they speak when they present right by the way most of the research that Penland did was in large groups of people with the sound off and with these little devices they called so Shyama ters they were able to predict the decisions a group would make with 80% accuracy sometimes more with the 30 second slice of the video monitoring these honest signals this is one of four I don't have time for all of them but this is the one we want to look for most often when we're dealing with lie detection and deception okay let's put this over here and I have 10 minutes left I'm speaking really fast because I'm trying to get as much into you as humanly possible normally I would have you all shake each other's hand and give each other raspberries but yeah some of us miss those things all right so what's the first thing we look for baseline and we look for and we look for changes how clusters clusters if you can get training in micro-expressions great you can go to doc Paul Ekman comm there's that he has a training program Mike Mandel is going to be doing a whole course on hypnosis techno graphology for hypnotists the traits of deception tend to show up in handwriting just an idea unfortunately nobody writes anymore we all title write my handwriting analysis stuff was based on cursive so I'm okay but graph analysis is of ice one of most powerful skills I ever learn until I learned and once I learned face reading everything made sense I saw the matrix there's a lot of direct correlations between what goes on in your handwriting and how your face develops micro expressions are things you do in the moment when you're trying to suppress that momentary emotion okay face reading Chinese from the Chinese beside is the consequence of a lifetime of micro expressions and events in your life so they're very complimentary look for people try their faces last wash theirs posture watch their orientation watch how they self-soothe right they touch their nose they start scratching their nose they weren't scratching their nose before flag it time they start stumbling over their words it's usually cuz their stress level and their brain aren't at sync okay I was a great example of that this morning because everything that could have gone wrong went wrong you know that your sister so I said it please what I normally do anyway right after a while you stop taking yourself so seriously seriously a couple some other things um did did you get all y'all get those little red notebooks by the way all right those and there's a postcard that came with it you guys got that all right so get out those little red notebooks for me where's my little red wagon oh sorry a couple of things that I want to just cover with you guys before I turn you off into the void those are my gift to you for you to take little notes or whatever but I like it to take out one piece of paper and I'd write you I'd like you to write your name phone number and email on it I know five minutes thank you and went once that's done I'd like you to pass it to the center aisle and as you do that I'm going to explain why how many people ever seen this particular notebook if you've been to the hypno thoughts last two or three years you may have seen them raffling these off during the session right what this is is my product catalog and my course my live training calendar for 2018-2019 in this book in the back of the book is a problem as a package called the mondo supremo I want it all packaged what that is is any two live events with me anytime in the future two full-length video training courses each are valued at around for 1,500 bucks each the trainings are around 1900 each plus any five smaller digital video courses that I have now I'm not telling you this because I'm trying to sell it to you I'm telling you this because each day they're going to be raffling off one of these for free you will come in come train with me to trainings to full-length video courses five videos but there's more every day when I teach I am going to be raffling off one of those packages for free and we're going to do it at the end of every training so if you don't put your name in the Hat you can't win anybody want to train with me for what no but give it so so you can take your slips pass them to the center aisle Tina and Seth will come around and collect them right at the two-minute mark we'll go ahead and and draw the names and we'll award our winner okay in the meantime while you're doing that I'm happy to take any questions that we have yes we do yeah I find the Sandi's book was very very good in terms of the research and the what Nick Morgan's book is excellent in applying and making these things workable as a technique yes I think I forgot okay but they weren't that's what we call a tell there's some people there are things that people consistently do when they lie poker players study this all the time the question was the question was I had this he had this she had this gentleman was oh and every time you tell law he'd do this all right how could you tell he was lyin right we would call that a tell if this were a poker training or something like that that's a Tallis to tell us if you like people like I said people's behaviors even when they deviate from their baseline are remarkably consistent where we get a little bit more variation is when they start describing their issues right if somebody has a block it may be here if somebody has something just never get around to it might be here right but when they lie there's almost always a consistency to it question yeah [Music] in this training but since you asked NLP teaches us that people people access different parts of their neurology through where they move their eyes now this is true right this is true left from my perspective right people always get that written so we'll tell you what let's do it this way no we're gonna do it my way so this is the right side this is the left side if you take the eyes you divide them through the center you have the lateral quadrants you have downs here okay to keep it really really simple up is visual when the eyes go up or sometimes they just kind of glaze off and go straight ahead they're accessing a visual modality okay if they shoot off to the left or to the right you're usually accessing your auditory cortex which by the way happens quite often when people are trying to rehearse what they're gonna say in their head before it comes out you'll see them shoot their eyes to the right however you'll also see people who don't speak English as a native language who speak English as a Second Language do this especially if they're still just learning because they're literally listening to what you said calibrating it figuring out what they're gonna say next and then shooting it out happens like that okay which is why you need to train okay when I we could go really really far into the minutiae of lie detection and things like that but you don't have the skin thought of you don't have the skill sets the requisite sensory acuity to catch these things but you can see the big stuff you can see the big stuff the shifts the turns the crosses you can hear the changes in the voice you're not going to see the dilation of the left nostril as they as the right side bless you're just not gonna see it you you can train for it but you're not gonna see it this stuff you can see right so start with those in body language people reading for fun and profit we're going to show you how to speed read people from across the room you'll be able to tell who's into who who's not who's having it who isn't how close people are doing the mating dance stuff like that anybody want to win something feeling the great Karnak you tell them the old people McNichol come on down [Applause] for you a lot of that all right you did - moment well that's what real capsule tenant if you don't have to have the ten o'clock p.m. and we're stuff okay anyway on your on your lap excuse me ma'am this is another gift I have for you each and every one of you the only reason I'm up here is because of you dad I'm a narcissistic training but every year you guys come in you show love and when I come in in advance I want to give that's that's what I'm here for you people will tell you it's all I want to do you're welcome this is my way of saying thank you this is a gift card on the back is a coupon code htl 2018 if you go to my NLP powered comm website you can purchase any training or any video it's good for one transaction 60% off nice 60% my gift for you thank you all so much for coming we'll see you tomorrow speed attraction sure
Channel: Dr. David Snyder
Views: 23,381
Rating: 4.8664441 out of 5
Keywords: body language, lie detection, how to catch a liar, how to read people, kinesics, face reading, interview skills, psychological tricks, mind control, mind power, rapport, richard bandler, milton erickson, Paul Eckman, micro expressions, success, charisma on command, self help, self improvement, personal development, spy the lie, deception, protection, conversational hypnosis techniques, covert hypnosis, social engineering
Id: iuUmghM87xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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