The Best How to Butcher a Deer Video EVER, by The Bearded Butchers at Whitefeather Meats!

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folks except for set Perkins Scott Perkins that's got a deer here you harvest it so we're gonna get started and show you guys how to cut it up first of all tagging strictly extremely important make sure you take your tag with you everywhere you go make sure it stays with the carcass and the meat throughout the processing what's the hide with the mount whatever you're doing make sure you keep your tag with your deer at all times so we're going to go ahead just get started breaking this deer down I'll show you how I would do it normally I would use our bandsaw if I was doing it here in the plant but since most of you guys don't have a bandsaw in your garage today we're going to do it without the use of the saw I might use a handsaw once in a while but you'll get the idea feel free to comment if you want any questions answered so the first thing I do is reach inside the carcass and pull out these fish tenders and these pull out real easy once you get them started they they come they really just they come right out and as you can see this deer is extremely clean so when your field dressing your deer be real careful that you don't fill the insides with feces or stomach matter or things like that shot placement is very important I know sometimes we can't help it and you know we get a gutshot deer or something like that just make sure in that case that you get it cleaned out real well after you feel address it that plays a very important role and how your food is going to taste on how clean your carcass is so let's go ahead and get these fish tigers pulled out now just refer to these as fish tender some might call them tenderloins basically these are what you would have as a tenderloin on a beef not the same thing as a back strap he'll get to that so there's a ball socket right here just go ahead and break it at that ball socket on both sides applying just a little bit of pressure to get a pop off of there so there's your hindquarters we're gonna go ahead and zip the shoulders off this is just purely held on by muscles so there's really no soft cutting needed with those [Music] for your flank meet off make a cut right down along the back they cut along the top this is the portion where he's actually going to extract what most of you are going to refer to as the back strap this peels out real easy once you make these simple cuts you just take it all the way up into the shoulder or up into the neck here we'll clean these up a little bit more once we get the rest of the deer broke down and for most people this is a lot more intimidating at home than it really should be breaking a deer down really it's all about knowing where to make your cuts what bones to follow and everything pretty much just pulls out by a pipe scene we'll go ahead and pull the backstrap out on this side too pull a little bit of this rib meat off as we go here having a sharp knife is extremely important whenever you're doing something like this definitely want to make sure you have a sharp knife you guys could do this type of processing and gear camp that way you don't have to bring the whole carcass home you could you could literally have it done within 15 or 20 minutes at Deer camp a little bit of neck meat there take the rib meat off you can see the shot most people don't understand that when you make a shot on a deer how much damage it actually does so this deer was double lung rates broad head and it's very minimal damage but there is some you hit the deer in the shoulder of the shotgun it's gonna it's gonna mess things up so when you go to your local meat processor wonder where all your meat is that's where some of it ended up well spend a little bit more time on this picking a little bit more of the meat off here but for now I'll show you how to break down the cuts that we have already pay off this is our trimmings pile so we'll go through this here after awhile I don't know if we'll do it on the video or not just cuz it takes a little bit more time so trimmings will be in this pile we have our hindquarters we have our shoulders that our back straps there's a silver skin on the back of the back strap it's real important to get that off week before you cut it into steaks if you don't take this off it can be a little unpleasant Dean so what I do is just strip it off the back of the back strap like you're playing a fish so that at that point you go ahead and just cut these up into real nice chops same thing on this side and when you're cutting a lot of this these cuts that you make if you just make simple cuts a lot of it you can just pull apart by hand here again silver skin is a bad off beautiful piece of deer meat right there go ahead and break the hindquarters down now show you the different muscle structures there's a knuckle right here let's give that a pop that shank comes right out follow this bone structure here pull this main femur bone out this is where your jerky and stew and roasts and things like that come out of your real nice real nice cuts continue breaking this down doesn't be a sirloin tip our round tip on a beef makes an excellent deer roast you can cut it in the stew whatever you'd like breaking the rest of the round apart there's three muscle structures inside the remaining portion this round we have top around I of round and a bottom round these are what makes the best jerky top round being the best [Music] it's important when you're cutting deer this doesn't have a lot of fat on it but you don't want to leave a lot of fat in your venison that's what's going to give it more of a wild kind of a gamy taste so it's important to get the fat out of there here again when field dressing an animal you know I realize that you're under many different circumstances it's not always easy keeping things clean if a deer is going to get dirty while field dressing this is an area where it would get dirty so just remember take your knife and just peel that area off and just just start it so Zach whanoa just asked do we process deer exactly do not process deer this is strictly for home educational purposes we hunt we love to hunt that's what we do so we thought it'd be kind of cool to show you guys how to do this at home a lot of people have asked so we figured it would be pretty cool to do a video and just show everybody here again we're pulling that femur out we have our round tip our sirloin tip another wonderful roast or jerky stew meat anything like that there you go that's right good luck explain them what just happened Oh whatever pop didn't say and tell us he's going out hunting a big one this weekend pick up some steaks with a store from the store take along with them so that's all part of it you know this experience is really an enrichment experience or can be for yourself for your your family or your buddies wherever you go you go into deer camp you're hanging out you're having a good time it's not always just about harvesting an animal it's about spending some time out door spending time with family friends what have you enjoy God's creation and and the if you do happen to harvest wild game that's that's an added blessing at least that's how we look at it a lot of times absolutely so continuing on here I just broke these shoulders apart they on the shoulder there isn't a lot that can be done with it other than ground venison stew meat roasts you know that sort of thing if you want there's a top blade steak right here that can be pulled off which is the same thing as a flatiron on a beef they're not big but they are delicious takes a little bit to get the meat out of there separate the the tendon out of the middle of this but that's that's a deer flat iron so if you want to go to the efforts of peeling that out you can the shanks will continue to trim those out make some ground venison out of those I'm gonna finish up here with some just some cutting fish tenders you know we we've seen or heard this in the past perhaps you know I would say a majority of everybody is aware that these exist but they the Tenderloin of the fish tender really is the best piece of meat on your entire deer carcass and you can do what you can give you completely message people have they've not realized that it's in the carcass and they've thrown it away or you you are field dressing your deer and you you hack them all a bit so those really are your best most choice pieces of meat that's the same as the flame in yon on a beef so you won't want to make sure that you get a hold of these I'm sure most of you know that but just a reminder don't hack them up when you're field dressing and certainly don't forget about them throw it away with the cartridge I want to show you how we cut deer jerky that's always one of the questions a lot of people ask is how you cut your jerky so this is the venison top round it's always a little little blood vein that runs through there pull that out it'll make some unpleasant jerky as you can see the grains in this top round are running this way so you want to cut it against the grain and we usually cut it about an inch and a quarter to an inch you know inch inch to an inch and quarter thick cut it against the grain like that and then take each of these pieces lay them down and go this way so you wind up with real nice uniform strips of jerky where the grains actually go across the strip so it makes for a very pleasant eating experience you're not gnawing on a on a strip of jerky that you that you can't chew so this will get made into a venison jerky we're gonna season it with beer butcher blend seasoning you can use a 1 bottle of our seasoning on venison jerky and that'll get you anywhere from 11 to 13 pounds of meat you can season with the beer butcher blend seasoning can really be used on the entire beer we're going to be sampling some venison brats tomorrow at the fin that we use the beer to butcher blend seasoning in we're gonna be sampling some of this deers gonna be gettin sampled at the fin if you guys want to try some backstraps in one of our four different flavors we're gonna be sampling them right there so simple deer backstrap you know you can cut them however you'd like some some guys will roll this up they'll tie it they'll make it roast what I like to do I like to cut them an inch and a half or so thick so that way you you wind up with a real nice thick deer chop you can butterfly them some guys will do that you could even take this you could you could slice it long ways open it up fill it with whatever your favorite ingredients are and then tie it so those are deer chops you can see there's it's no gristle or anything like that on them anybody can do this at home it's it's really not difficult I'm sure it's intimidating for somebody who doesn't know how the the most important thing in my opinion when you're going to be processing a deer is to have a clean surface a sharp knife outdoor edge makes a really good knife you can buy these in the fin pick yourself up a really good knife keep it sharp learn the different muscle structures of the deer once you learn the different muscle structures it's going to be so much easier for you to seam seam the venison out so just overall what we did this is what's left so this is the deer carcass right here we will continue to pick on that and we'll get some more meat off of it cos certainly we wouldn't throw this away without taking that edible meat off of there we have our fish tenders last night we cooked these on the Big Green Egg we took them out of my son's deer that he got this past weekend and they are phenomenal we used the chipotle beard butcher blend seasoning and it was better than any Steakhouse so venison fish tenders strips for jerky these are deer chops cut from the back strap I have round round tip sirloin tip make awesome roasts you throw these in a crock pot favorite veggies throw some whatever flavor a beard of Butch blend seasoning in there you want amazing dinner bottom brown you cut those in a jerky top round more jerky these are shoulders so you could this has a bone in it right now you could use this as a roast crock pot roast you can pull your flat irons out if you want if you don't want either of those simply trim this out into your ground meats these bones will continue to clean these bones up and make sure we get all the meat off of them we don't want anything on this deer to go to waste you know this this deer lived its life and we harvested it I was actually blessed harvest it two nights ago and we took I took this deers life so that it could give us life and that we could continue to live so we respect these animals a lot we don't just kill for the thrill of it there's so much more to hunting than just killing so we'll continue to go through these pieces trim out we'll make some ground venison we'll make some Smokies we'll make some blunting and that's pretty much how you break down a deer so everybody have a great season stay safe wear your harness please wear your harness and period of treestand and we'll see you tomorrow with another firm have a great day
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 3,619,357
Rating: 4.8310456 out of 5
Keywords: whitetail deer, deer, cutting, butchering, deer hunting, how to cut a deer, deer cutting, bearded butcher, harvest, ohio, ohio deer, ohio whitetail, outdoors, bowkill, bow hunting, fin feather fur, whitefeather meats, bearded butcher blend, bearded butcher blend seasoning, knife skills, deer cutting demo, butcher demo
Id: V-q4IVBrL0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2016
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