How to Grill Bison Tomahawk Steaks! LIVE With Cody Rich for Raise ''Em Outdoors

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we're there hey everybody how you doing the bearded butchers are hanging out live on a saturday afternoon beautiful beautiful day in ohio march 27th and we're mid-60s so today we're going to be doing some tomahawk some bison tomahawks cody rich you may remember him um came all the way from bozeman montana he's here and we're going to be talking about a foundation organization that he's involved with yeah but more importantly we're going to be doing some bison tomahawks so as we gain um some viewers or subscribers here you feel free um to pop some questions over there hi there um and we'll try to get some questions too but um let me grab this here for from you seth we've got the traeger 885 and we're going to be talking about a way that you can actually win this grill um a raffle that we have set up so we're gonna be talking about that but over here more importantly we've got two bison tomahawks um we're gonna be throwing them on the traeger you guys are familiar with uh the rear the reverse layer method what do you think i think you can hammer one of those fernando watching from chile yeah look at that so i'm gonna be doing some seasoning i'm gonna be doing some grilling cody's gonna be doing uh sort of a podcast style interview and um he's gonna explain raise them outdoors we're gonna have a good afternoon stay tuned follow along you guys are in for a treat yes so um just to touch on it briefly and then we'll circle back to it cody's organization is called raise them outdoors and the organization is to get more kids um basically all kids involved in the hunting fishing and shooting sports outdoors obviously so but i think we should start by getting these steaks on the smoker let's get the steaks on the grill that way they have a time to kind of come up to temp we're gonna do reverse sear um and then while the grill is working its magic we're going to go into um sort of the podcast so yeah without further ado go for it all right i'm gonna take over because uh these guys are better looking than me but we're gonna do some tomahawks these guys gonna teach me to do tomahawks right out the gate and we're gonna do reverse sear starting with our black seasoning goes really good on red meat so we're just going to start with a a nice liberal coating of seasoning on these we're going to hit them on all sides and pretty simple process we're going to put them on the trigger we're going to take them up to about 110 degrees and then we're going to sear them on the birch barrel that you see behind me so if you go to the raise them outdoors page you can see what this event is about you can put in for the trigger and we just got word that birch barrel is going to throw in a birch barrel as well so go over and uh help support the kids can we put a link in there how does that work well we're going to figure it out right now let's see here just don't aim i don't think that's going to do it um yeah don't end it i don't think you can put a link on it i can just yeah all right so just go to raise my doors instagram or youtube either one yeah yeah so um you're on youtube so if you just search raise them outdoors on youtube or open another browser or whatever but if you if you follow us on instagram we put up a bunch of links on our story today go to our bio go to the link tree you can find the razor mount doors link and you can go from there yep but i think it's really important that we point out an opportunity to win this um particular model the ironwood 885 as you guys know we are really high on this grill so when reverse searing obviously the first step especially with something this thick is low and slow um whatever method you're using today we're using the pellet smoker but we've got it set to 165 and we're just going to let it go until we reach an internal temperature of about 110 and then we're going to switch over the birch barrel for the for the sear so reverse sear is essentially get it to within about 10 degrees of your internal temp get it to a hot surface and sear that outside but we'll talk our way through all that birch barrel going it is let's come check it out we got the birch barrel going and she's hot so we're currently at about uh close to 700 degrees on the birch which that's going to be perfect to sear off these tomahawk steaks on go back up when it comes time we're ready to go okay so we're going to be giving away we're raffling off excuse me doing raffle tickets for a birch barrel and we got raffle tickets for the traeger both of which and if anybody wants to comment and put the link in there that would be really helpful because we didn't think ahead we should have like a thing can you do that you guys are youtubers like you put the thing up there let me see we need we need uh spencer yeah we need we need our seo guy so tell us about these bisons scott is it is that multiple bisons um well i think it's just bison as the plural and singular form these particular animals were about 500 yards behind us um that's where they spent their entire life and then we butchered them um so they came from our herd right through the back door and um they're it's they're gonna be awesome like when we did the the porterhouses yeah i mean absolutely amazing so i wanna talk a little bit about some of the history stuff what's uh so i was just talking to your dad and he kind of started with bison and that was like nobody did that it was unknown he was kind of the black sheep of the the community because he certainly was especially in ohio um bison certainly the cornerstone of our foundation because this whole existence started with a dream um with bison uh my dad wanted to raise bison and he wants easy top of butchers that's right yes so he wanted to um i'm not i'm not touching you i just need your phone okay he wanted to put a package of hot dogs on every table in america bison hot dogs to be specific and we're kind of living that dream because um while we're not doing it with bison we only sell from our retail store here we're doing it with this brand um in fact that's his face right there by putting seasoning spices and sauce all across the world because it it's a way for us to to actually reach literally anybody watching um so his dream was kind of realized through the beard of butcher brand um but we always our first love was bison and remains so so like when we get an opportunity um to throw something on the grill it's going to be like so talk a little bit about those early days when he was basically struggling and it was just a you know labor of love and it was not what it is today because it took a lot of years to get to this point right yep so we'll talk about this lot and we'll say like you know what you see now if you stumble across our platform it's very you know the tip of the iceberg underneath it is this this 20-plus years um when my dad first purchased the the meat business um it was because he was having bison butchered here and he wanted to take full control well actually the previous owner was was getting out of the business so my dad while raising bison with really no intent of of actually owning the processing step when the when the opportunity presented itself he bought the the slaughterhouse and with it came a established business of custom slaughter not just for bison but for for mostly beef pork lamb um and at the time this was 93-94 when that transition took place when he bought it um we were you know we'd grown up a farm and we've been around butchering stuff like that on the farm we certainly weren't um butchers but we came in to i guess start working helping out practicing and uh and so we learned from the the very first step which you know something arises livestock how to take it through the solder step the dry aging the processing and then to make further processed meats like the the snack meats and stuff like that but um it was very tough early on because um with the you know the general nature of the business it's a tough business especially if you're involved in the slaughter operation but the um the previous owner after one year of non-compete opened up basically this the the custom butcher business again down the road well my father was counting on that to pay the bills um because he was trying to establish the bison business um and and sell more meat but he didn't have those sales so he needed the custom side of things and when the previous owner opened up the custom customers that were loyal to that former owner went to his new establishment and so the answer was um ostrich and deer so at the time in 1995 through 1998 ostrich was really popular healthy red meat or alternative so my dad started butchering ostrich for guys is a custom uh you know basically an option and a lot of people got into raising ostrich really quick so um i think about 96 or 97 we did like um you know 30 40 ostrich a week they all had to be hand plucked and skinned and cut and um and then in in the fall we started um deer processing for local hunters because what was the goal like i mean stay alive alive it was just literally don't make it don't die make them worse that was that was it absolutely do you think your dad always had this like you know i want to make bison the meat oh yeah oh for certain yeah like the way to get there is like we gotta you know do custom processing or we gotta do ostrich like he's doing that that was that was exactly exactly it take every amount of work possible just to keep the lights on um just real quick could somebody comment and and let us know if you can hear okay because we'll just talk louder we have a little bit of road noise um just let us know that um you guys can hear and maybe we'll just step up the volume a little bit okay everybody say everybody's saying the sounds good so that's cleared up good so um but yeah the the the bison you know dream so to speak um was you know perhaps maybe to to grow it to a national product delivered by um you know so the name white feather came from the pioneer heritage my hand my family had and my father and mother had named the business wife for the bison company so the goal was to put white for the bison company products on you know every table in america and um and and but what happened was the custom meat business kind of took over and bison was always there but you know maybe more or less got moved to the back burner but through the bearded butcher brand we've kind of with seth and i found in that side of the business we've had a way of actually getting a product that was kind of our parents dream was getting a product out to the master so was that intentional when you sat down you're like you know what we should create this it'll be giant um we're guaranteed success uh i know what was i mean what was like the step between i would say like what your dad built and you take it you guys take it to the next level like what was the thought process or like what was the intention it so we we just really enjoyed cooking and we wanted a really good spice because like i know personally at home i had you know garlic powder um onion powder salt you know maybe some paprika and all these things in my cupboard and i would just make a spice maybe as i was growing whatever seth took a recipe that um came from his his wife's mother and he started tweaking with it a little bit it was some i don't know some recipe they had and so we we decided to take and start putting that on pre-season products for the for the meat store um it didn't have a name didn't have anything so with with the uh as people started tasting it they were they really liked it because it came uh you know pre-season pork butts and things like that we started putting those little tubs and and selling it and still didn't have a name and we knew we knew when people started coming back in the shop requesting more that we were like all right we need a bottle of stuff we need to brand it we need to start selling it yeah we're in fact giving it away most of the time but um uh a guy that worked for us at the time said hey um well we actually this was like 2011 2012 and beards were becoming really popular so we got um a competition going amongst ourselves and a couple of the guys we worked with about growing our beards well we um seth actually sat down one day and he started a um a facebook uh like page or whatever called the northeast ohio facial hair club good reason to go out with a bunch of guys and hang out yeah we'd have these meetings or whatever so he's like you know you should just take and brand that uh preseason stuff as as as the bearded butcher or you know bearded butcher approved so we got a sticker made up and his wife um made a character of our dad's face from a hunting video or a photo that we had and it was just like literally like this will be the stamp of approval on the preseason products with our spice and it'll be it'll say beard of butcher approved and our dad's always had a beard so we're like you know let's just let's just um put everything together you know the the the fact that this was our dad's dream the beard thing uh you know he's always had a beard the beard thing's cool um and we got this uh club going we're just gonna say that the the beard of butcher approve this product and it you know everybody loved it it came in the store so we started putting it in actual shakers and things like that and then you know three four years went by and we're selling it off the countertop and i was like i'll throw up a website you know um build a website and just through it on there during during that process we we figured that we better start our trademarks because we we kind of felt like hey you know we're on to something here and we better protect it because if our name starts getting out there we're not you know properly trademarked things could go bad for us so that's something we we spent doing in the early years is making sure we got with our legal advisors got everything trademarked so if it's beer to butcher and it's in the united states we we own it we own it all stamp approval stamp of approval yeah yep yeah we are the beard butchers if you see anyone's other ones out there they're not supposed to be so yeah just just for for clarity and frankly i recall at the time you know i went to a meeting at the attorney's office and and all these trademarks they were going to prepare or whatever and i was like you know kind of swallow kind of hard because it's like we didn't even intend for the business to become you know national brand um but i'm glad that we had the for the foresight at the time but as um and then the deer thing we were uh we were starting to get involved with you know the spice was was kind of getting our name out there and a local outfitter store asked us to do a demonstration um at their store a live event in october of 2016 to basically fabricate a deer in front of a live audience so seth shot a doe um the weekend was coming up he shot it a few days ahead of time we had to hang in the cooler and the day before the event they pulled the plug they're like well the weather was kind of warm but they they just got cold feet and so um i obsessed like well it was a friday and we had planned our whole day to go down to this outfitter store and cut the steer success like we got to cut it anyway um let's just put it on facebook just the live video here's my cell phone let's video it let's put it on facebook so i'm just literally holding the phone and he i i said hey i'm scott perkins that's got a deer he's gonna cut the deer or whatever very first phone uh very first video forgot i think two people watched it live and just literally just cut through the deer forgot about it a month or two later i was like did you know that video has like over half a million views i was like no way so we had a facebook page that went from about maybe 40 50 followers to like 12 000 wow over like a two week period yeah yeah it just it just absolutely blew up so he's like we had a youtube channel but i think it had one video it was just like a walk through the plant and no views or maybe a few views whatever it had been sitting there for a while i think since march so it was later that year and he's like i'm just gonna throw this video up on youtube so again um it's it's not in um it's not in the horizontal format it's vertical it's one shaky one take whatever but again it just went crazy on youtube and that was kind of the beginning of the youtube um following if you will just was how to cut this deer that was the i would say that particular incident was the the launch the catapult yeah kind of a business question for you guys look like you guys have done a really good job of taking happenstance and running with it like taking things that are that just happened or started to go well and you ran with it so you know some people like man we just fell into this or we got lucky how what advice do you have of knowing when to like follow these little threads of success and take like the seasoning for example you're like oh man people like this we should do a thing i think that or like forcing it and knowing when hey people don't like it so so a couple of things are if you want to go back and forth i think you're going to go the same same route okay well if i don't you can add to it so you know it sounds cliche but you know you go with your gut but one of the more important things or the timing i think and then you you think about stacking trends too so like you know beards and then the seasoning but barbecue started to get really hot and then also like knowing where you're you know like shooting a deer knowing how to cut it up whatever so we kind of stacked a few trends together but in the um in the regard to like the product whatever there's probably hundreds if not thousands of people that have tried the same thing or are trying the same thing but one of the things that we learned early on was that um we wanted to remain really authentic and i think that's what is um it resonates with our audience is that we um we're just we're really passionate about cooking food meat basically uh you know and um so early on i think was one of like gary vaynerchuk one of those said something about you know because obviously having smartphones or whatever it's like you got this phone in your pocket just start documenting what you're doing yeah and get it out of your pocket reverse the screen point at your face and just start showing people what you do yeah and yeah the audience is there and that that they like it because you know as far as you know various platforms or various companies or whatever um just a weird way that social media works is you can't fabricate the likes or the comments or the subscribers or whatever you might be able to leverage some some way of gaining some but for us we never did that it was always about whether it was one or a hundred thousand whatever this is just what we're doing and we're just gonna have fun doing it now obviously as things gain traction we might put a little bit more focus into it and that's with the spice we kind of started working with different recipes and coming up with different um different flavors but it was really it was just kind of one of those things that like we went with our gut and then we just really you know with regard to the authenticity is we're like we're just going to do what we do and just see see where it goes so the other thing too is being raised with a military father he taught us he instilled it in us that um to sort of foresee you know down the road into the future and he's always saying you always got to be thinking about the next step always always be thinking about the next step so i think he's given he instilled in us the ability to decipher um through certain situations so we we know who who uh you know what pony to hook to our cart we've we've definitely had to kind of pick and choose as this thing has grown who we want to get involved with and just kind of see you know people's intentions and where we want to take the brand and things like that but i think it all boils down to that natural ability to to be able to make decisions yeah and you just making comes into play and you just you just know and with this one with the brand um it just you know if we had to go back and redo it man it would be tough well that's just because it just it just it just went like a wildfire somebody was asking me about this other day and i was like you know when i think back like seth mentioned you know because he's like did you did you guys go to school for marketing did you get a firm involved and the answer is no and i was like you know it starts with one it starts with one follower one like one comment but one thing that we always tried to do was um you know interact and like we would literally sit down with our phones and it you know it might be you know year after dinner or whatever and and respond to messages kind of get a feel for what our audience was asking for and then try to maybe deliver some of that but um and then we just you know it we have a skill set with regard to the the butchering that we didn't realize was um i guess becoming more rare and in regard to not the fact that um like taking wild game or whatever but like with regard to multi-species knowledge of how to take you know say six or seven different animals from livestock to you know basically a commercial uh you know product yeah um which in our industry has become more consolidated so you might have one guy that does slaughter one guy that does a mid processing step or even specific as you know one species one piece of cut you know like he might be able to break a loin from a steer but if you handed him another portion of the steer he'd do it but he wouldn't recognize anyway the point is is like we learned that like it was really and then there's a there's an odd like satisfaction like watching bob ross paint or something yeah when you do the fabrication it's like cutting through butter yeah and we had we we don't watch ourselves so like we didn't know but it's just it's just like this weird thing very interesting satisfying where it goes yeah it's all wrapped up in one um so yeah i mean there's just come some stuff that hit off there or whatever but you know like seth mentioned um you know as our platform has grown it's still um inclusive to the family there's no um outside presence in the sense of like any financial backing or influence just regarding hey you guys need to do this or hey you guys need to do that so we're free to do what we want but we are starting to see some um some copycats pop up um you know replicating the logo replicating the name adding a little something to the end of the name or whatever and we'll just have to work through those as we go but we are the a little bit of a mixture of just like you know homegrown um but we try to make sure that we do all the things on the back end to make sure that as the the brand gets out there we have to protect what we built yeah we're gonna get to the tomahawks and check out those but one more question is was there ever any like imposter syndrome where you guys didn't feel like you were worthy you're like why do we have a child oh we still do that yeah i mean i think sometimes it's like you know it's just maybe it's um you just thinking about the number of subscribers that we have on youtube for example and you know it's it's a great honor but at the same times yeah it's like give your city going why is something yeah it's like and you know um we just want to be real though i mean we don't we that's what we want to portray yeah you know who whoever is watching us is going to come here and visit our shop and if they run into us we want to be the same guys they see on youtube so um just just real human beings we absolutely love what we do um tons of passion for it and the cool thing is is that throughout this whole process we've got to meet awesome dudes like you yeah so it's like it's really i mean it's opened up these doors that we never ever imagined it's just it's just been it's been incredible yeah i'll joke with like um occasionally oh here's an example one of the local high school groups or whatever asked me to come speak and i was like as i stopped and thought about that or i try to talk about it and that's like you know when you ask a certain demographic of young people like my sons you know let's say they're 10 to 18 and i think the number one question was or is what do you want to be when you grow up it's a youtuber and i was like that's really weird like i never thought of myself as a youtuber um because when you think of youtubers you know maybe uh certain names pop into your mind or whatever but like in regard to our like that well yeah exactly and the network that we're in like you know it's like well we have um you know a lot of subscribers which is which is a great honor but yeah it's it's weird i've always thought that in like we cut me we don't make videos yeah and like but we try not to like um ever make like a video just because we think it'll be clickbait yeah we're striving like that you know just we would rather just wait and and capture good content than just you know try to get something out of the air the other thing too a little bit to our fault is we won't we won't stop butchering that's like we're still like if we were mechanics we'd still want to put all the tires on youtube yeah exactly we really would be yeah we're just we're just butchers making youtube that's all we are yeah um if somebody has a question for us i think that'd be kind of cool we're probably not going to be able to get to them all pop a question in the comments below um if we get to them we'll try to answer them we're going to check on these stakes uh and maybe we'll go in we'll do a quick tour of the retail yeah um and just kind of go from there but like this refresh about we're doing raffles so yeah laughing off go ahead all right so raise them outdoors cody rich is here he's a chairman hi guys i'm also the video guy today yeah he's our our videographer we hunted with cody rich in montana great friends um so he's on he's a chairman of the raise them outdoors go to our instagram link tree click on in our bio you can find raise them outdoors go to their instagram cody rich the rich outdoors you can find it there just a great cause in getting kids into the outdoors hunting fishing these guys they go around all over the united states they set up camps they they do archery they do some hoping to get into some cooking just it's all about presenting kids with their first opportunity to get into the outdoors that they may have never had and that could set them up with a skill set for life so um this so this raffle that's it's going to end tonight at 8 p.m eastern standard time there's some fantastic items on there um there is including one of these triggers and ironwood 885. take it away you know more about than that than me okay so anyway guys we got a raffle going on um and we're raising money to help do camps across the nation get kids involved in the outdoors we got a couple awesome birch barrel which we're gonna do our reverse sear on over here is going to donate or is donating one of these uh birch barrels to the raffle so if you want to win that you can go buy tickets for that one you can also buy tickets for this one the uh the traeger and we're doing some tomahawks that are looking pretty good man so yeah so as soon as we meet temp on these we are going to transfer them over to the birch barrel we're going to get a nice sear but uh i think maybe in the meantime we will head into the shop and give you guys a quick tour and cody if you can read some questions just a question yeah hit up the questions um we'll pick some as cody reads them off and we'll try to get them answered for you so uh come on into the shop all right guys the link for the raffle you're gonna have to either uh go to the youtube for raise them outdoors go to beardedbutchers instagram and it's in there or my instagram uh we can't maybe we don't know how to do the link in youtube so uh it's right there it's on galabid so it's forward slash reo21 so if you go to instagram the beer uh beer butcher blend uh i got a shadow oh sorry go ahead click click click the link in the bio go to raise them outdoors that's going to take you to the bidding page and you can you can see right there there's a trigger there's a birch barrel there's all kinds of cool stuff on here so and just remember this is all to get kids into the outdoors so let's raise some money uh the question i just got on here was do you think i'm gonna butcher this because it went away but uh the trimming the bone on the tomahawk is that cheating cheating as in no so it's just presentation so it's if you leave any scraps on that bone they're going to turn gray they're going to turn brown they're going to shrivel up and just looks bad so i'm not sure how it'd be cheating because it's all about presentation it doesn't look good you're not going to want to eat it bottom line do you guys ship me to private residence so we don't um we are currently working with a couple companies um to get that process potentially started in the future we do have some really good recommendations one of them being our friends over at e3 ranch go check them out they can hook you up with some amazing products that they'll ship online so we always recommend those guys us sakura farms wagyu beef you can check out e3 ranch you can get some really good barbecue items there those are two guys that we would uh two companies that we would highly recommend do you guys let your sausage casings dry in the fridge before smoking i'm saying no so we wet our casings it's a collagen like a fibrous casing mahogany we uh we wet those and then um we just we use them and we hang them and we smoke them all right um let's do some tour yeah let's do a tour okay so you are in scott you pay attention when i was looking for comments on men's phone my son um so we're in um a section of our retail store here in 2019 we built on to the front of our store because when the previous building was not designed for retail we had can we pop outside and get a quick quick let's get a quick shot on the front of the building okay we're going outside guys [Applause] yes so if you pulled in this building three plus years ago looked a lot different than this it was it was more or less just a um good custom built it was very indiscreet and likely driving by you wouldn't you wouldn't even stop here you wouldn't have a purpose too so we did a big addition retail edition in 2019 um we're blessed that our brother-in-law's company um is a commercial builder so they did all this for us the design work we worked with them four months start to finish they while we worked in the hub of the building and we put our retail store around the side they built all this in four months time and we moved back in in october of 2019 and it was um very quickly we started to find out that we would have never survived in the old space you want me to take over on the phone i could see your art cody's arm was starting to shake a little bit so i'm gonna hold the uh phone and cody we'll do some interview podcast style with scott and we'll just work our way through it let's give let's just do one of these numbers right here okay so i won't be able to see myself but i'll just have to work my hop in there cody okay in our store we've got um the merchandising freezers now we get this question number one number two questions on our channel number one question is um do you ship me no we do not uh frankly we put in um quite a bit of our processing power just shows me in these retail merchandisers somebody said it's hard to hear speak up speak up a little bit right now the only way you can purchase our meats um is by physically walking into our retail location still louder yep i'm shouting the camera around the camera yeah all right maybe this is better so retail uh sales only but you walk in and obviously we're um from a lot of our videos you recognize this spot but in here is where we merchandise all of our meat obviously the green egg and the traeger are great ways to cook the meat so we sell both those grills but i want to show you kind of where all the action happens and that is an area that you'll recognize right off the bat and that is our main processing floor now right here is the essential hub or original part of this building it was a block building that was built sometime in the late 40s or early 50s this is the area where we say all the magic happens over the corner is what you're used to and wait i want to i want to go with the song too yeah cody and i were in here and we talked about this last night this thing is so cool like i feel like this is my favorite piece of butchering equipment amazing period anyway tell us how old it is frankly i don't know this it's got it's got to be 50 60 years old yeah it's a butcher boy b16 maybe maybe somebody out there knows throw a comment down yeah we'd like to know but this salt the really weird thing is like just the the working around this area go ahead and swing your hips a little bit that's that doesn't never let me around around the saw i'm afraid that like you know the backup quarterback comes in and then you don't get your job back i've uh i've swung my hips that's been my dancing partner for like 20 some years so when we break we come off the low rail out of the cooler and um you know basically our heavy lifting is taking and breaking the animal from a side down to a two quarters comes out on the lower rail and then we just seth breaks off this rail cuts go one direction and um and the uh meats that are fabricated for ground meat going in how many hours do you have on this on this machine so literally um i started on this saw when i was 18. came in here on a monday morning the meat cutter had quit over the weekend so i started when i was 18. i'm 41 now so what's that 23 years 23 put dude let's do the math don't count don't be dna 4 50 hours a week so we we did some math cody's cody's we did some um conservative estimates because for a 20-year block of time we did custom harvest where 59 800 hours yeah 60 000 hours you heard it that's a lot of hips swinging on that saw the bearings have all been replaced what about what about my bearings right so we replaced the bearings in the top pulley and the bottom bullet boy and obviously the blade gets switched i can still throw down a good line dance but not true as far as repetition and whatever so we did custom butcher for 20 oh let's just take a 20-year block so on average um we would do about um 500 cattle and 750 pigs every year that's just a cattle and pig so before i lose it butcher boy has been around since 1955. right wow so is that early model yeah we think so and like i said the uh butchering in this building this black building was built sometime in the 50s so it was probably pretty new when it was like where's the serial number someone will look it up for us they probably will oh on the front front panel okay someone look at this up okay so are you ready you ready for your serial number it's going to be 66-8041-8041 so 6.8041 okay hopefully someone can look it up that would be awesome i want to know i want to know how this thing is i just think this is the coolest piece of equipment they have some amazing equipment in here and the new packaging stuff is insane but like i can't we came in last night and i was like this is the coolest thing well even just like so it just it's history it just sits here and just with the butcher boy down the side it's um yeah it's it's definitely a relic so um but yeah just the nature of the business you know it can't wear you down but repetition repetition repetition that's why when it comes through on the youtube videos you know being able to break a whole carcass because you know if you take and you look at the the cattle and just the pigs alone we estimate that we've been involved in the the from livestock to finish of something like 10 000 cattle and in in 15 000 pigs so if you do that honor you know the muscle membrane everything's there um but so we went we went hunting this year and unfortunately we didn't get it killing elk but scott and i were gonna race and see who could break down an elk faster i'm pretty sure he was gonna beat me but i still think i i think it would be close we'll see we'll see i mean there's hey there there's going to be an opportunity someday i feel absolutely i also feel like uh if we're in grizzly country i might beat you yes i think that's probably we were when we went hunting we were terrified of bears and um so initially we went to a spot and there weren't weren't any bears to worry about and then the second spot it was like everywhere there was like if you were near a trailhead it was a sign like there's gonna be bears and then like well we should probably like hang our food and things like that so we were we were like how you know and cody's like well they don't really well they're not supposed to attack you at night but recently one did so they kind of broke the bear kind of broke the rules but after i told them that they were very scared of being in the dark yeah we won't lie uh i want to talk about that i want to talk about uh meat quality and so something that like raise them outdoors one of the things we get kids into the outdoors somebody just asked for the link again so maybe i should throw that out either gala g-a-l-a-b-i-d dot com forward slash r-e-o-21 so reo21 that's going to be linked to the auction if you guys want to go to our website it's raise them outdoors raise em that's you can find out all about our organization what we do our camps what states we have camps in all that good stuff but by and large we're here to help kids get in the outdoors we feel like it's kind of been lost in the generations and there's so many kids that just don't have the ability to get outside to learn how to fish learn how to hunt learn where their meat comes from and actually we were talk seth and i were talking we should do a bearded butcher's version of the camp where we do some hunting or some archery some fishing and maybe some meat processing because like we were talking about kids most people human i mean a lot of people my age our age don't know how to process their own meat how to take it from an animal that they've just harvested to making some awesome summer sausage or breakfast sausage or whatever it is so we're actually talking about doing that maybe we'll uh if you guys are interested maybe we'll do an ohio camp where people learn to butcher i think we have more parents sign up for the camp than kids and drag their kids along but uh that's that's what we do and you know we try to get kids to experience what it's like to harvest their own food uh to be aware of where their food comes from and those type of things so whether it's you know you guys butchering you know grass-fed beef and and bison just understanding the quality of food and i think that's what people are interested in these days is like i want to know where my food comes from you know even if i buy it from you guys like i know that's i can trust the the bearded butcher's stamp of approval that's like hey that's a good quality piece of meat so kind of talk about you know quality of meat and how important that is to you guys as a butcher shop absolutely so do you think we'll get service just in the inside the cooler just make it won't we pop in there just real quick these folks would probably like to see hanging beef and then we'll pop back out here on the floor maybe just make a loop and go out the other door yeah we won't lose them so care about you it's paramount to our existence that we know everything about the meats that we source and like cody mentioned we're going to lose service we got to go back out here one of the ways that you you know so the the connection to the outdoors um is that you you know harvest something that you basically found free range growing wild right so essentially organic um with regard to our sourcing you know we work closely with um area farms if we didn't raise ourselves like the bison um we've got a small network of area farms that we source from exclusively and so we know exactly where it came from how it was handled but what happens is like you know and when it comes to protein literally every cell in your body needs protein so like when you start talking about the fundamental makeup of us the best fuel sources available you there's you know that saying you are what you eat but you are what you eat eats too so like when we have these sources um there is a difference like joe rogan will even talk about this like when you know when you eat meat like you may you may be a tiny bit like a little bit more like aggressive because you're just like i gotta kill it i gotta eat it like and that's a little bit of our fabric too but then like when you do eat like these really clean-sourced meats you feel different so you're gonna you're gonna have like this great energy resource and you're just gonna be um essentially a different human being or maybe possibly the the best version of yourself that you could be so meat quality you know begins with the actual livestock itself whether it's free range whether it's farm raised and then once you take that animal from harvest to you know whatever the process is until it gets to your plate um there's a lot that can affect the quality so with regard to harvest um you know obviously clean shots of you know marksmanship for example something that is taught in the camps some of them maybe i mean i remember my my grandfather teaching me um you know how to set up you know the the front sight and you know look through your sights on a target i think he probably learned that in military yeah but these are just important fundamental things because we actually do squeeze the trigger or we take you know on the commercial side when we when we harvest an animal um that affects meat quality um you know if there's uh you know a lot of holes pumped in this thing the adrenaline is flowing um it's going to impact it but then what happens is then you know the next step is the meat you know cleanliness so every animal comes with a hide wrapped around it and um you know a bunch of hair and things like that so obviously you're going to try to get get that carcass as clean as possible and then it's pretty much about time temperature from that point on because the the nature is it's going to be breaking down now with dry aging we just slow that process to super slow finite process that we control and and we are actually able to get a little bit better product in the end um would you say that like quality of an animal's life is changes the taste of that animal once it comes off oh absolutely so one of the things about being in the custom butchering business for so long is we saw a huge variety of animals that we had nothing to do with their care and how they were raised they were just simply presented to us at our back door and we hated it when we received an animal that somebody hadn't put the proper care into raising because the quality um so obviously tastes too but the quality even for just from a butcher perspective from a butcher perspective yep um you're immediately going to be able to tell that the meat's tougher it's slimy it's uh it's it's you know if something's malnourished it's just not going to have that's really anything to pass along yeah dairy cows are probably the worst i mean a dairy cow spends its whole life producing nutritious milk none of that's going into its bones and muscle and then you butcher it you're just gonna have some crappy slimy you know used up um uh what the heck's the anyway the technical term for um for basically starvation we've seen animals that way they're essentially like the muscles eating itself and then whatever so and two like when you harvest an animal occasionally something in the in the wild maybe was hit by a car shot or whatever um you can recognize that and you're like i can't eat it or whatever um but yeah the and we talked too about a little bit about like um yes sir just a real quick intermission somebody commented said we should probably go check the stakes which i agree we're about 50 minutes in well um and we have my phone i can just look on my hey we have a treasure app um the other thing is cody if you could hold this for a second because i need to go round up a phone charger because my phone just barked at me so i don't want a dead battery okay all right scott ron how's our stakes looking you're on camera we're checking stakes they're getting they're getting close 380 degrees we're gonna go check this is a very serious thing you can't screw up tomahawks i feel like that's it's dangerous okay where are they at 80 degrees 80 degrees what are they internal so we're going to go about 110 um 120. they're not going to take long to reverse so tell me a little bit about the ironwood and how we're going through the process why the iron wood is cigarette yep so meat over wood fire i'll say it again meat over a wood fire that's what we preach because we feel like you get the best quality best flavor when you're cooking meat over a wood fire that's low-tech stuff it's been around for millennia so what traeger's done is just married high-tech to that low-tech so we literally have pellets wood pellets that are just simply pressed hardwoods there's no additives just the simple moisture and sugars in the wood hold the pellet together and what this is doing is it's using the high tech i.e a small computer to drive pellets um along an auger and it delivers them to a fire pot which is just a basically a hot rod with a fan blowing on it and there's a variable speed motor blowing the fan so we're able to actually turn this you know this low-tech wood fire into a high-tech system that cooks meat perfectly with wood every single time so with the traeger we're able to take and set our temperature as low as 165 or as hot as 500 and it's gonna be within five degrees and it's all done with simply wood as the fuel source um so you're going to get this awesome flavor you're going to get this great wood fired flavor um on perfect because if you do this over um you know a campfire it's going to be a lot harder to control your heat so it's basically just taking that wood fire putting it in a box and giving you delivering you great wood fired food every time you use it okay what's your thought on the letter kenny method of cooking steaks was it salt pepper one minute each side flip the first thing we would do is throw out the salt and pepper we're a spice company cody and then i want you to argue this so what my point is like cooking it fast and hot verse this way because i think people are concerned that we're overcooking these because well see you have to look at the thickness of these steaks so you have to look at the thickness and if you cook these fast and hot without doing a reverse sear so the low and slow actually brings the internal temperature of the steak up and then you put it on your your sear which cooks the outside so if you just did fast and hot without that first initial slow process you would have a steak that's burned on the outside and raw on the inside so my argument there is don't abuse your meat that's a good motto to live by it it doesn't like to be like seth said i'm going to have to keep it nsfw here but thrown around placed on you know like we always talk about this with me regard to the temperatures that if you have these knee-jerk situations where you know you have something frozen i know there's methods where you can cook meat frozen i've done it myself but i like to treat it with it's gonna this is gonna sound complete like like tree hugger stuff but like with respect throughout the entire process because if you do that and and i'm talking like even like the harvest the animal and like you're it's it's it's a great thing to have me like it's one of the things that is you know like say for example if you visited my house 150 years ago i wasn't giving you a salad i wasn't going out to get the cabbage that had in my you know basement from whatever it was how can i give you you know make a roast or something like that like meat is an incredible resource so when we talk about cooking or whatever i just don't like doing like uh take a steak for like this for example like seth said it's so thick we're just gonna kind of we're just gonna have a long slow process here with this of raising that internal temperature slowly and then we do want that sear on the outside because that's that's great flavor and it locks in all those juices but with regard to the um the harvest the process and you know i was going to get into this and i'll circle back to it um we'll circle back um we uh we knew we were going to go there yeah i knew it was going to be yeah yeah so we'll circle back the the meat um the process of of even like caring for your packages like when you put them in your freezer or whatever if you're kicking the stuff around the bottom of your freezer and then it's not vacuum sealed and it just it's gonna meet in a freezer is um it's inherently safe like freezer burn does not affect the quality of meat it only affects the flavor and what happens is it's a very low humidity environment your freezer is so it dehydrates it so if your package is broken and your meat and your freezer turns white it's just super dehydrated and it's going to taste like crap my point is is like when we shoot a deer or whatever like we carefully package it and like get stacked in the freezer and like oh you know out comes the package or whatever and um you know with the exception of llamas carrying your pad your your bear patties but anyway i'm just i'm making an inside joke here go watch the video the the elk hunting video the meat that we we all we always try to be coughing careful cautious and treat it with reverence throughout the whole process and i think that has a lot to do with the with the end result the flavor and the animal too so i was gonna i'll touch on this now so we talk about um you know whatever agenda that is being pushed as far as meat meat and we're aware of it just like for example the milk industry was um has lost about 30 of their revenue that they'll never gain back to alternatives now these came out in the 80s well the milk campaign milk was campaigned very well through the 80s with olympic uh athletes and things like that remember the milk mustaches well alternatives came out like soy and things like that and it kind of blindsided the milk industry well the same things happen to the meat industry we've got alternatives to meat um and and you know if you look at it from an ethical standpoint you know animals that are raised for food um you know i i guess an argument can be made like you know whether you're using some sort of breeding process to actually produce the animal but my point is the actual um you know the slaughter of the animal the the options for an animal um to perish are actually slaughter is the most humane way that an animal can be um you know basically convert it to food or take it yes so prediction predation um if nature's metal it it's not gonna go well like you're gonna get drugged down by wolves or um you know shoot on from the back to the front whatever you're gonna have a slow painful death um old age it's not a realistic um end for for you know ex exception of maybe a pet which um you know animals in the wild like they're likely gonna starve when it comes to old age yep the teeth are gonna be gone they can't chew anymore or you know the winter um i don't know what winter kill is like maybe in your part of the world but it's probably pretty big it's generally boiled down like starvation yeah exactly starving to death um so i guess my point is that like with our approach to meat and regarding um the life of the animal it's like you know we understand that we're raising animals for a purpose of food but that particular you know event solder event is done in a absolute reverent or otherwise humane manner so that we get and i think that has to do with the care of the um or the quality of the the product too um there i don't know the all the technical side of it or the the science behind it but there's hormones that are released um when an animal is you know under undue stress that are going to affect me quality yeah i say i think it's time for some comments okay i'm gonna do something what questions do you have for the beard of butchers and cody rich we'd love to answer some questions get those comments flowing we won't be able to get to them all but uh cody if you could grab a few we yeah i'm gonna grab some comments but just to kind of touch base anyone who's just showing up wait are there plans uh anyways just showing up we are doing a raffle for raise them outdoors non-profit that helps kids get involved in the outdoors and we are raffling off this beautiful traeger a beautiful trigger brand new one not this one uh and it's actually gonna come with a six pack of seasoning as well from these boys so we got one of those with a six pack of seasoning and we're also gonna do seth you're in the way sorry we're gonna do a birch barrel as well so if you guys want to buy tickets to win one of these help support a good cause go to gala bid g-a-l-a-b-i-d dot com forward slash reo21 and someone asks oh no that's probably for plans for shipping me no uh candace that one but they are going to cover shipping on the trigger if you win well i'll address that one shipping me okay so one of the biggest it is coming up a lot number one question is do you ship me yeah so there's obviously um a a big logistical thing that needs to happen if you ship meat um time temperature meat needs to be kept and there's companies that do it well so what we're working is nailing down the right partner and we think we have it narrowed down to a partner that can provide basically um everything in our store in the regard of the grassed beef the the even like the seafoods that we have the pork um and then we have another partner that we're working on for like the the prime or the grain finish cattle um because we obviously like the 100 grass fed and then we do the the all-natural grain fed and then another partner um which we've already linked in the past that does the the wagyu so we pretty much have it is pronounced wagyu by the way because all you have to do is search it on the internet and they actually pronounce it for you so a lot of people it's more like guttural like but i wasn't going to do that on the video so technically it's not wagyu it's wagyu just to clear that up japanese cow yeah but um we're very close to revealing the the partners that we have providing links things like that so um and essentially we'll be able to put our stamp of approval on it and you can get me just like if you were walking into our store and purchasing there so we we hope to have that um all the logistics put together for that very soon of course you'll hear about it so they also asked about shipping seasoning so you guys should ship the seasoning absolutely you're gonna find um all the spice blends the sauce as well as a lot of our grilling tools that we know and love we're putting up there too shipped to africa yep yep absolutely um so yeah if you go to our our website there's there's actually a lot to dive into there we've got a a section called the butcher's block we do a bunch of blog posting just everything related to cooking grilling outdoors hunting different stuff you need equipment et cetera et cetera um it's all there the other thing spend quite a bit of time there the other thing too some people forget the amount of videos that we have on our youtube channel so if you have a question about how to do something maybe go back through search the videos because there's potential that we posted it maybe a few years back um so if you're wondering there's there's possibility that we already have a video for it it's just further down in the queue so i want to hit one one one person asks what's the best way to cook a prime rib for easter well one of these grills that we have one of my so it's likely you know unless you have um you know an outdoor smoke or whatever oven is probably gonna come into play one of my favorite methods is where you um you'll turn your oven up to 450 you'll put the the price and you can search this on online because i won't have all the parameters just right you know right off the top my head but um you put your prime rib in the oven for i think it's like 450 for like five degrees or five minutes and then uh based on the weight of it you just uh turn your oven off and you leave it in there for a certain number of hours i've done that personally before i had any of the outdoor cooking methods and it was fantastic so that's that's one method that may be more universal um obviously if you have a trigger or any pellet smoker most of them most manufacturers put out recipes that's a great way to do it um a komodo style like the big green egg or even the birch nearly every one of these manufacturers has a particular recipe but my favorite my favorite one is oh do you want to hit on that one no go ahead i would say my favorite recipe for the prime rib is to cover it in salt um so you put it in a tray cover it in rock salt and it goes in the oven for it's 500 degrees and i think it's like five minutes per pound or something that's pretty quick but it has a super salty just delicious nice nice yeah somebody asked if triggers ship um their question was shipped to kenya so both of these manufacturers were featuring here today the traeger and the birch barrel they do ship so go to their website see how far they ship that we can't guarantee um check them out there and you can see if they uh if they ship to your part of the country we hopefully don't ship through the suez canal yeah there's a boat locked there right now so uh five degrees to go until we hit internal temp on these awesome tomahawks and then from there we're gonna go to the birch barrel um it's time for a few more questions something you want to know about the bearded butchers throw it in the comments uh someone asked about boning knives when they're back in stock they are back in stock yes our favorite victorinox six inch boating knife is on the website and it is in stock another question that came up it was the ostrich is there a video of you guys this is ostrich butchering no so that i think we need an ostrich there i there's some photos um i think maybe in our history video i think there was a photo in there there was one blip but um so we will or can butcher an ostrich when we find one we actually went to an exotic auction um looking for an ostrich not too long ago and we were unsuccessful but uh how excited are you to butcher another ostrich i don't want to not at all yeah the the the you get around the animals and they're they're really dumb like i know that's like everybody knows that ostrich just barely bury their head in their sand or whatever but they're just really hard to work with because like they they have this periscope up here so they don't see you know like what like really what's in front of them or which direction they need to go they just try to follow their head and you know they're made for the serengeti or whatever so when you get them in these confined spaces you have to kind of get behind them and like guide them where they need to go and they'll peck everything yeah so if you're wearing a wrist watch or a wedding ring or anything like that then they'll try to try to peck it right off your body but then um they're covered in feathers with the quill is like the size of a pencil and you have to pull them out oh do you have to play is it plucking out you have to pluck them and then skin them so you so you don't so you don't inside them you don't sculpt them like you do you know a chicken or a turkey and then pluck them you just you just pluck them so it's real hard on your fingers it's like plucking out fence wire yeah i mean think of it as doing you know a huge turkey yeah and but they they have like the average weight of like the males dressed is like what like 150 to 170 pretty good size like a carcass after so the bones are they're a bird although they're flightless their bones are like almost weightless if you cut them open they don't have marrow in them it's more of like a honeycomb um material inside the bones so once you super super light once you do get them butchered you get like an incredible yield off of them it's almost like i i don't know if i would call it an incredible eating experience though no they're okay they're red meat so they're okay it's really no fat it's um it's very rich it's uh it's kind of a livery taste and you know they're it's almost meat's almost purple yeah they're like they're a rat tight so when we when it came to slaughter for the usda we had to get uh you have to have sort of a different uh certification for every species that you do so they fall under a rat tight which this is a really bizarre thing okay this means nothing to anybody besides us but he's just going to keep talking and our steaks are going to overcook are they are they ready they're ready go go ahead you go stop talking no you finished what's going to say how stupid it is so bison okay we're cooking bison bisons our national mammal okay did you know that cody i did not yeah it's our national mammal now the usda in their infinite wisdom still classifies bison as an exotic really however ostrich i don't know was leveraged from the the the ostrich industry or a lobbyist or something they were successful in getting ostrich taken off of the exotic list and put under the um what they call mandatory inspection so something that falls under mandatory expection the the usda covers under their inspection act in other words if it's commercially processed for food in the united states the establishment doesn't pay for the inspection the taxpayer does basically part of the inspection act was the the government sends an inspector here as a mandatory step to make sure that the food arrives to the consumer safe so they gave ostrich that qualification but they they've kept it from bison so if you're watching this some congressman or a woman somewhere why are our bison still classified as an exotic that we as the as the industry processor have to pay so we now have to pay for the inspection of the bison it's not it's not a mandatory free service that the taxpayer we personally have we tell our expector we're slaughtering bison and then they they actually charge you for an exotic um fee while you're harvesting so before i complain about the prices of bison keep that in mind talk to your congressman or woman because why are we classifying bison as an exotic when it's the only native boat of bovine to this to this continent all right there you go off the soap box let's eat some time to finish some steak throw some comments in we'll try to get to a few we've met temp of 110 degrees is that smoke rolling out of there you could own a treasure ironwood 885 through the benefit that cody rich is doing with raise them outdoors we've said that we've commented the link a couple times if you didn't hear it go to our instagram bearded butcher blend go to the link it's in link tree click the first one raise them outdoors go to the gala bid you know the rest enter the raffle we can ship one of these to whoever it is so the raffle is open now and it ends at 8 p.m eastern standard time so go what's the date today 27th so march 27th yes we need to mention the date in this video because if somebody watches it later after we make it uh public and on our channel um that after this date the the raffle will in fact be over but today is march 27th 8pm eastern standard time it is still going on so pop over there help support these kids let's get uh children into the outdoors okay you're gonna ruin the tomahawks all right quit talking we do love to talk we've been known for that so [Music] scott just lifted the lid on the birch barrel so tripod design we have hard lump charcoal rockwood we love rockwood charcoal we have um the grill is filled with hard lump charcoal it's sitting at about 700 degrees right now so very cool tripod design you can use it as a grill you can grill smoke bake all kinds of cool stuff with it and then at the end of the night you can gather around it you can uh entertain your friends and family with a campfire in this unit so it's not going to get the great brushed off we're going to finish these steaks we're going to take them to temp which is going to be about 125 to 130 degrees let them rest slice them and see what we got you ready for me yup i'm thankful we did all those youtube videos one take no uh you know no edits which generally speaking our our videos are pretty much i mean they're edited just for time but they're not we don't do a lot of retakes man listen scissors oil yeah so i just told scott that we're gonna grab a little a little bit of foil we're gonna wrap these bones with some foil to uh protect those bones from charring so i guess that's something i should have done prior but i got a little bit too excited because the the smell of these steaks is just there's no take two no take two don't take two on something like this so how long does it take to bring back up to temp when you're we're going to be just a few minutes per side how big of a sheet so someone asked if they came into the shop what chunk of meat would you recommend to any them um we usually try to find out a little bit more information about somebody like our kids involved all this other stuff but um with regard i mean for me like a bison filet is the top of the line like you just it does not get any better than that um if if you're just wanting something to like uh taste our seasoning we do boneless skinless chicken thighs with the original on it that's like one of our og's my family usually revolves like different meals and that's one that we always go back to like the kids all eat it and everything like that but we typically if you're coming into our shop and you want top of the line a bison filet or one of those porterhouse or one of these tomahawks that's that's it for me i always choose bison if you really want just like just a nice buttery flavor you can go for your uh for your wagyu um super rich it's like eating velvet cake it's just amazing um but we have a bunch of different choices we usually try to find out what's specific so when uh how is someone ask this is a great question how is bison fat when you eat it compared to like beef fat versus other fats is it more of a beef or just like it melts in your mouth yep so it's more of a sweet um we would we kind of find that it's it's a little bit more sweet than um than your typical beef so beef has more of a butter flavor bison has more of a sweet flavor how's this going set we're done and that's it oh got a nice bark on him there that was probably four minutes maybe maybe two minutes aside we hit temp of about 125 and i certainly do not want to overcook these so now we're just gonna let them rest for maybe 10 minutes five five ten minutes and then we'll slice them all right tell us a little bit about the berkshire oil here scott so one of the things like i said meat over a wood fire we understand that with regard to the traeger um i'll sometimes i'll use analogies like it's vehicles or whatever like that that's electric so it's going to have an electric source this birch barrel is really utilizing that old technology of just more or less like a campfire but with some features built in that allow you to control temperature one of the things being this this handle system because what you could do you saw those stakes in there is um i've just lowered this handle and i actually locked it but at this point i can lift this up and now if it took my grate with it so i could leave something we did this on our bison versus beef video we just left something up here smoking we did it with our goat video where we actually hung the pine quarters from it so it has a bunch of different features built into it proprietary features that allow you to take almost what you would have out of a out of a campfire but a whole bunch of functionality so essentially probably the easiest way to say it is i'm building a campfire suspended in this tripod and then i'm able to manipulate my temperature of my campfire and i'm able to raise or lower my product accordingly so that i can get all the versatility out of uh of a smoker grill with a campfire and then does that make sense yeah one of the things i like about it is uh the fact that you can have a campfire afterwards you can kind of hang out great point so once your food's done cooking you can lift everything up out of here um it's a great resource for you know on on patios sometimes you have those propane heaters throw some wood in here you got a nice place to gather around nobody ever wants to gather around a microwave so remember that help me take over for a little bit sure okay i got that so cody's arm's probably getting a little shaky yeah since he is the guest from bozeman montana i thought it would be best if he got served first so cody's gonna get served first maybe scott you wanna do the honors of the slicing i will but i'm not gonna do it just yet no we've got a few more minutes let's rest for uh at least another couple of minutes don't insult the meat as seth would say don't use your meat don't abuse your meat so cody yes tell us about your podcast i feel like people should know tell us tell tell people about your subscription-based box that oh no no we're not getting into that stuff okay no we're not like this is for raising raising stuff but okay well let's give this a reminder what this is about so this all this stuff guys uh one big thank you to everyone who has joined the raffle i hope you guys win but i'm with raising outdoors today and we are a non-profit across the nation that gets kids involved in the outdoors teaches them about hunting fishing where their food comes from where their meat comes from all those things just introducing kids to to something that you know changed my life change like seth and scott same thing you know changed our life absolutely made us appreciate even this beef right or this but this bison beef whatever it may be and you know we appreciate where our meat comes from and just the outdoors in general i mean it's changed my life i know that's a lot of the the founder of raisin outdoors that changed her life and so that's what we want to give back to all these kids that don't necessarily have that so what we're doing today is we're raising money to help put on camps across the country get kids involved get them outside teach them what it is to you know shoot a little boat what it is to go fishing catch their first fish and all those cool things so we really appreciate you guys donating and and and buying raffle tickets so we're gonna raffle off the birch barrel you guys just saw we're gonna raffle off a traeger as well and there's also an auction you guys can buy some bearded butcher seasonings there's all kinds of stuff in it too we got garmin's we got finals we got all kinds of really cool stuff if you guys want to go check it out it's galabid.com21 huge thanks to the guys at greater butchers for helping us out and to you guys the audience for really just being here and being supportive of anything they support so i want to thank you know bearded butchers and you guys as well um thank you for for helping out but that's what we're about and we're trying to donate if you guys want to check out more about the nonprofit you can check that out at raise them at our r-a-i-s-e-e-m and you can see more about our camps what states we have we have texas camps coming up we have oregon camps coming up we're hoping to get a camp in ohio with these two and we have camps all over so go check it out um this great organization and getting kids in the outdoors that's what's important that's the most important thing is that next generation getting those kids into the outdoors and that's what this is all about i'm gonna swing around here let's get the uh the sun is starting to go down just a little bit in the west so i think we're gonna have really good lighting and um these stakes have been resting i i cannot believe that seth is actually letting me use a knife do the yeah use the knife what if i totally screw this can we move back just a little bit because i'm actually having trouble seeing over maybe over there yeah let's move back just a little bit okay can you see better in the darkness let me go over here okay there i can see okay all right yes no do you want you want to just move and let's just move it inside okay i'm having trouble with the sun so we're going to move it inside the building ahaha it's cooler in here too is that better for you is the lighting a little bit better what if i just i just dropped i i don't obey any of his commands there we go look at that so we wanted to show you how to cook tomahawk steaks and i think we've achieved that now we're gonna find out if that is true cody being our guest i'm going to assume you something completely absurd seth out no seriously get in on this i'm going to slice these bones off and and set those aside so i'm gonna get this bone off of here put that down there which we're gonna gnaw on that here in a little bit don't you worry or if charlie's out here he's gonna take care of it for us so the cap the cap is actually one of my favorite pieces this this piece right off here but i want to get right down into the center of this thing too and the other thing you'll notice about bison is the fat is a little bit more yellow there's probably uh something to do with a little bit different mineral content i don't know about you guys i'm pretty sure the cook nailed the nailed that one that looks super so 125 degrees is where that went to and you're gonna get a nice rare um center if you want to go more towards a medium just go to about 130 135. i'm going to cross-section some of this so we can get a samples good good hunk the kids started showing up how did that i know right they always come around six pack over there in a four pack all right guys grab a bite okay i want this cap case look at that oh wow that's so good how do we that bite is why we why we do this it's it's so good that that flavor and it's always so tender when you when you deal with bison so there's that sweet flavor that it has yeah be honest cody is it better now no high-end steakhouse all over the world i take this i'm in here boys over high-end steakhouse that's not scripted that's the honest truth grab yourself that's so good see that fat right there we're just gonna hammer down that is delicious somebody said it's so hard to watch we don't mean we don't mean to do this to you guys you should taste it let's see what happens here taste that with the fat see if you can pick off any of that it's more like a wild game fat but not like i was gonna say i feel like it's more like a wild game flap but it has like it's not off-putting no but it has i mean like the texture of a wild game fat but it kind of tastes more like a beef yeah well it should be pointed out and viewers will know this if they watch our video bison versus b bison are in the bovine family yeah so they're elk are more closely related to deer excuse me to horses than they are bison so you can see the bison in the background on the wall some people were asking about our spices i have a six-pack cody has a four-pack with the sauce both of these items are available in the auction that we've been talking about with raise them outdoors so if you guys want one go over that auction support a great cause um if you missed the auction go to you can stag one of those we'll ship them all over the world um i think we're pretty close to wrapping this up so we are at about an hour and a half we said half hour yeah we said a half hour so that and it's an hour and a half we hope you guys enjoyed it uh just as we're getting ready to part ways we're gonna eat some of this steak we're gonna gorge on bison steak uh maybe we'll take time to answer a few more questions somebody said they just bought the four pack thank you very much somebody said we'll change your life thanks for that uh how long does it take to ship to kenya it just depends on the carrier so it's not going through the suez too soon yeah um somebody said hi from australia howdy mike cheers somebody said hi from new zealand thanks heap do more hunting videos so that's the plan i agree that's where cody comes in we're gonna make another trip out west uh to see cody for sure hello from poland well done uh who wants to see a bear video who wants to see us kill a bear those bear burgers the boys the boys want to do that so we'll say i have it on record was it seth that said bear burgers were his favorite meat that he's ever had amazing his favorite burgers they're yeah they were they were amazing we ate them in the mountains and then we went back to cody's and we cooked him at his house so bear is black bear is phenomenal i will say that there's a there's a difference when you eat something on the mountain i uh there's a difference when you eat something on the mountain you're starving and you've hiked and you you just can't even stand up anymore i think one night seth had three dehydrated meals three of them i was that hungry their burgers taste really good when you need three meals to eat dinner all right yeah so um throw your ideas in um let us know what you guys want to see we have more videos planned don't forget to follow us on all the social media channels uh beard the beard butchers uh on facebook bearded butcher blend on instagram we've even got a tick tock you can check us out there the bearded butchers uh one more time cody tell everybody scott's pointing at his son ben he's gnawing on that bone how is it pretty tasty all right one more time as we depart thank you everybody this has been awesome yeah tell us what this is about yeah thanks one more time to everyone this is uh all for a non-profit called raise them outdoors we're about getting kids in the outdoors teaching them about where and how to get their own meat how life works and how to hunt and all those cool things uh that all three of us love to do and uh so this is a big uh wrap we're gonna raffle off some prizes for that so we have a fundraiser going on right now uh over at gala bid g-a-l-a-b-i-d dot com forward slash reo21 you guys want to go over there we're doing a raffle for a brand new trailer ironwood 885 and a birch barrel so go get some tickets we're going to select that at eight o'clock tonight today is the 27th so you see if this after march 27th uh it's not going on anymore but you can uh go if you if it's over go follow raise them outdoors on youtube yep um because this will happen annually correct yep we're gonna do this annually and uh if you wanna see a really really cool kids hunt that we did uh in montana we took a couple kids on their first hunt and they absolutely had a blast it was really cool to see so that's over on our raise them outdoors channel and we're gonna do a lot more of that stuff so if you guys like hunting content and seeing kids getting the outdoors go follow raise them outdoors you heard it next time it's the beard of butchers along with cody rich our buddy cody from bozeman montana you guys are awesome we love every single one of you don't forget to subscribe because we got tons more coming enjoy yeah thank you you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 167,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bearded Butcher Blend Seasoning, Scott Perkins, Seth Perkins, Cody Rich, Raise 'Em Outdoors, Burch Barrel, Traeger
Id: jkejhoC_qVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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