Stellaris Battleship Design - The Final Class You Need

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everything they've built will fall and from the ashes of their world we'll build a better one so you finally research battleships and you want to know cost effective designs that you can use to defeat other players and other empires let's dive in and find out if you enjoy this video please annihilate that like button once battleships arrive on the battlefield of stellaris they should begin to form the mainstay and majority of your fleet and this first design is pretty much the workhorse of any battleship fleet this is an artillery battleship let's look at what's going on here so what we've got is a whole host of large slot weapons here we've got neutron launchers at the top and then we've got a single x slot on the front i've done the testing so that you don't have to and i can categorically tell you that when shooting against other ships ships from other empires neutron launchers are the best weapon you can have at your disposal in this large slot this is going to be exactly what you want to have here neutral launchers have the longest range of any weapon other than an x-slot weapon at 130 range they have a massive damage output which will reduce the chance of other ships being able to disengage from the combat because they're going to be dealing so much damage they will reduce the number of chances that enemy ships do actually get to disengage they also have a fantastically large damage bonus against hull which is what a majority of ships are going to be made out of until you start getting quite late in the game and getting lots and lots of repeatables ticking up on the front of our ships we've got something which is key to the versatility and power of battleships and that is our spinal mount bow so we've got here a giga cannon the reason i've gone for gigacannon is i've done the testing on it and before repeatables come into play of the three x-slot weapons those being giga cannon focused archimeter and tachyon lance the giga cannon is the best weapon you can have because of the proclivity of shields to deal with neutron launchers neutron launchers are going to be the mainstay of your damage output but they will struggle against shields neutral launchers have a minus 50 damage reduction against shields so if you have in your x slot a giga cannon this is going to do extra damage to shields which will be the first point of contact with an enemy fleet when you come up to them while still doing additional damage to hull and yes a slight reduction to armor but from an economic perspective armor is not advantageous to use if you're using armor that means you're using extra resources on your ships so for the same cost you will end up having less ships so whilst yes you will find that giga cannons will have less effectiveness against armored opponents as opposed to something like a tachyon lance or a focused archimeter the fact that they are using armor means they will have less ships than they could have otherwise had and that basically makes it so that giga cannon is the best weapon to choose yes you could use a focused archimeter as well but the damage output from a focused arc emitter is quite a bit lower whilst you are ignoring shield and armor if you're coming up against another player they're almost certainly going to have crystal hole plating on their ships so they will have extra hull and even if they don't this is not necessarily the best weapon to choose i have done the testing on it the link to the video doing the testing is in the description if you want to check any of that out it's also important to note that by using the focused arc emitter we would have to change up some of our artillery large slot weapons because it would be providing no anti-shield support so we'd probably want to change one of our neutron launchers out for a kinetic artillery that is going to degrade our damage output and the power of our fleet overall in terms of being able to do damage so that and combination to the reasons i mentioned before is why before we look at any repeatables important to note here as well that no repeatables are being talked about but before we look at repeatables it is definitely the mega cannon or giga cannon you want this ship is going to have the artillery combat computer as well we want to increase our fire rate and our weapons range because when we got increased weapon range that means that our spinal mount weapon as well as our large weapons which have very long range they're going to be dealing damage first against the opponent we're going to get an alpha strike in and we're probably going to take out a good chunk of their fleet uh we're probably going to take out somewhere in the region of 20 of their fleet if we get to fire before them that is fantastic and as i've said before giga cannon we're going to have a balance here between anti-shield and anti-hull and armor damage by having neutral launchers and giga cannon these are the best weapons to have in these slots in terms of our defenses i am going to recommend you go for large shields because you're probably going to come up against neutron launchers uh if you're attacking other players if not even if you're not coming up against neutron launchers you're coming up against most things shields are quite cost effective yes they do cost alloys as opposed to crystal plating which doesn't cost any alloys just a few crystals and you get quite a large hull points added but having shields they regenerate they are relatively cost effective and i would generally recommend on this ship to use up all of your available power to fill up with shields and then everything else left go with crystal plating that's the best choice from an economic perspective for defense we don't want armor it is twice the alloy cost of shields for the same hit points added and it's really very very expensive into our auxiliary slots i'm going to definitely recommend you go with auxiliary fire controls they're going to add plus five to your accuracy which will bring up your accuracy of your neutral launches to 100 and your giga cannons to 85. that means that as long as you're coming up against other battleships which have low tracking and even cruisers your neutral launchers are not going to miss which is really really good now of course this ship does have one weakness and that is it has very very low tracking so if you come up against corvettes or a corvette swarm you are going to have some issues but there's something we can do about that this is the carrier design that i'm going to show today all i would recommend you do is swap out your core from an artillery core to a carrier core throw in some advanced strike craft they're going to have quite high tracking and accuracy they will deal very well with corvettes and any missiles those corvettes have to fire i'd probably recommend going with guardian point defense over the flak just personally i think it's a better weapon you do want to stop those missiles coming in uh and and your fighters are going to deal with enemy fighters anyway and finally stormfire auto cannons down here we do want to have some some high accuracy and tracking weapons because basically the point of these carriers is to negate any any other threat that your artillery battleships cannot handle they i would also recommend having them with the artillery combat computer here as always though that being said you could switch a single carrier in each battle in each group over to be the carrier combat computer this will increase the ship engagement range for the entire fleet and that means that all of your other ships are going to be benefiting from the artillery combat computer that extra fire rate and weapons range but you will still get your fleet benefiting from the carrier combat computer that's quite a nice sneaky move to do with this ship i would recommend and i've done the testing here you run them in 70 artillery battleships to 30 carriers if you don't know what you're going to be facing and you're facing another empire or another player if you're facing simply artillery battleships drop the carriers only run artillery battleships that's because you need to make sure that your artillery battleships are able to deal with theirs carriers do are not as strong against artillery battleships because they're missing these three extra neutron launchers which is half of the power output of a battleship it's also important to note that these carriers and their fighters when you engage the enemy they will deploy but they will take time to get there whereas your artillery weapons and your x-slot weapons they will be firing from the beginning of the battle and the beginning of the engagement meaning that you'll already have destroyed quite a few of the enemy ships with your ex-slot weapons and your large weapons before your carriers even get to the battle so i've talked a lot about the ships you would use when facing other empires and other players but there's something i really do need to mention and that is what are the ships designs we're going to use when facing a crisis if you'd like me to make a video on that topic please let me know in the comments section if you'd like to optimize your cruiser designs click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 334,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris lem, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris battleship, stellaris battleship design, stellaris battleship design 2021, stellaris best battleship design, stellaris best battleship design 2021, stellaris battleship build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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