How to Build Self-Confidence and Self-Belief | Chris Powell & Heidi Powell & Ed Mylett

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I don't see 200 extra pounds of body fat on them it's 200 pounds of broken promises to themselves and when you speak something you start to believe that you can actually make that happen your word is so powerful because you know everything you say comes to fruition stop talking about it because every time you say you're gonna do it and you don't do it you lose more belief in yourself you're gonna fall further and further into that rut and you won't be able to get out your word has to be more powerful than your raisin or experience is why you cannot welcome back to max out everybody I'm adding my lat today we're talking transformations and I have been chasing these two for I don't know a couple months probably right to be on the show and so these folks to my left you definitely recognize them for five and a half years or so they were on ABC hosting the show extreme weight loss and they've turned into fitness icons you can tell if you're watching the YouTube version is from looking at both of them they're two of the fittest people that are married together in the history of the world and making me feel very out of shape let's start out the show today but I'm honored to have you guys here because they're experts on transformation so we're gonna talk about that topic today throughout not just in your body but in your life so if you're interested in making a transformation we're gonna talk about the tools and skills and resources to do that with two experts today so I have Chris and Heidi Powell with me here today thanks for being here I was gonna say you make us feel out of shape like look at you thank you you've been doing this off camera they've been trying to make me feel better about myself for about a half hour everybody just so you know watching you for quite some time you really you really are an inspiration for all of us thank you well you've done that for me for I mean I've told you this too and that's why I pursued you guys because I think you know a lot of people talk about being able to change their life or but you've proven it like there's data to prove that the two of you know how to not only change your own lives which we'll talk about today but you've changed just so many people's lives both emotionally physically financially in some cases and so I want to talk about all that - unless what everyone's dying for me to cover with you guys so I want to start with a 2eu because I think you're both so interesting so if we could just go back like tell them because I think it's a testimony of transformation everything in life happens for you and not to you is what I teach people right and kind of that you guys sort of embody that even like how you met so one of you tell me about how you guys met oh my gosh well you know I go back if you rewind about 15 years you know after getting a degree in exercise science and I was I was training for quite some time I was uh I end up playing a gig is that the good morning Arizona the fitness guy good and after about five months of doing that we had more and more people that were four five six hundred pounds writing in asking for help and you know it I at the time this is like early 2000s so you just you don't see that a lot you know NBC was working on a show called The Biggest Loser and so that was the very first the first thing you really start to kind of highlight the more release in the super obese and so I ended up there's a gentleman who was like 635 pounds of the public 635 pounds yeah okay that started at all and this will lead to actually how there's a little mine here you're like where is he going with watching her face so and he reached out to me and and I was just doing a gig on on the Morning News at the time because I was just passionate about fitness and I'm so excited about this stuff and I had no idea how I could possibly help me but I just couldn't stop thinking about it and he wrote me this huge long letter just asking for help saying that you know he's here the same age his doctor just left his house he was stuck in his basement for two years and doctor said he would live to see 30 I couldn't stop thinking about it so I ended up a week later I emailed him asked him for his address said I just can't I want to come meet you and I showed up at his door I knew is gonna be there cuz he had left in two years and we sat down we started talking for like 10 minutes I was like dude this guy's a pro he's just awesome great sense of humor he was just trapped in the 635 pound body and and I said dude I have no idea where this is gonna go but I'll be back on Tuesday and so I showed up every other day for two years oh my gosh he end up losing 400 pounds and became my best friend and in the process and it was just the most incredible experience for both of us and and at the time so he lost the weight and once he had lectured lost the weight you know he had all the skin his teeth were rotting out he had coke-bottle glasses so I reached out to some of my doctor friends and I got him five surgeries for the skin and got his eyes down his teeth and the guy was he looked like a model and so I mean I'm about to date us here he ended up posting his before and afters on MySpace and it went viral within two weeks we were getting hit up for Oprah and the Today Show in 2020 and so it was this crazy whirlwind this is back in 2005 I was making these systems that would stack all of your meals in there there's a timer that got off every three hours and they tell you to eat again okay so as your cool concept soldier was but I'm not a businessman I'm just a trainer out there just trying to help a bunch of people so I started I saved all my money I sent it over to a factory in China not knowing what I was doing I ended up purchasing 12,500 units I borrowed a lot of money the container ends up making it over here to San Pedro I'm standing there as it's coming off the docks they opened up the very first cardboard box and I pull this thing out and it was just like a trash and I I lost it I literally I crumbled I'm mentally it broke me because that was all of them it was a couple hundred it's probably about a hundred and fifteen thousand that I'd saved up as a trainer another two hundred thousand dollars that I borrowed from other people and I was sitting on a massive container of product that I couldn't sell it wasn't even what I ordered and so I broke and at the same time I was still training hard I ended up herniating a disc in my in my back my l5 s1 and this is back in oh six so a lot of the doctors back in that day they're like here take this it's gonna make you feel better you can function on this it's called vicodin the vicodin while it helped kill the pain in my back it also helped kill the pain of my financial downslide and pretty soon when my back the as far as pain goes it was totally managed but I still felt the financial pain and the emotional pain of losing everything and and ego though just and I'm just gonna speak totally transparently here like but all my friends like I was I was one of the I was the guy that made it how was on I was on the Morning News and I was helping all these people and I was the guy and and they didn't I would I was too prideful to let him know that I was hurting that I was I was hooked on vicodin that I had lost everything because I would just had I had to be that guy forever I was like dude it's Chris Powell he's always got a smile on his face he's always so happy he's always got and I would go home and I was in such a deep depression and I was using opiates to numb that pain I ended up after two years and losing everything I lost the roof over my head and so I had to move out of my I was crashing at my buddy's condo he's he told me one day's I did you can't stay here anymore because I couldn't I couldn't afford to pay him I lost everything I was I was paying for basically every every dime I could make I was in a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a day yeah and I was hooked on painkillers for two years and I haven't shared that that part of the story yeah I mean honestly I'm listening you're first off I one things I've always loved about you is your vulnerability it's one of things that makes people connect with you it's want to acknowledge that but I didn't know this part of the story either I think it's probably millions of people who know you this is super pumped up energetic dude who just always wins yeah that's the exterior right sure and so I appreciate you you've been willing to share that that that even surprises me to hear and I've done a lot of research on you so appreciate that I've learned that the more open I am about this the more I could talk about it it's part of my continued rehabilitation you know and and now granted it was it was when I lost everything and I was also surrounded though by other people that were also they were also hooked on opiates which is you see that it's a really it's a common thread among other people that are addicted now granted it was always my well I got a prescription for it because because my back disc yeah so I covered up with being a legit but after two years of realizing that I'm I can only function with it I got a major problem here and I got to stop and by the way I lost everything so it was when I my old roommate said you got to go the neighbor at the time he saw me packing up everything and literally had a duffel bag in my end my car that was it he saw me throwing my bag in the car he's like dude come crashed on my couch for a little bit not because I needed a place to stay because he knew what was happening with the opiates and so I crashed on his couch and I just grinded it out for three days three good days and he'd bring me water and everything and I just went cold turkey yep brother and then from there I spent six months going around from couch to couch in fact David's family my buddy David that I helped lose 400 pounds they opened up their doors to me I slept on their couch for three months yeah so you took that just but by the way I mean I I know a lot about you that blows my mind crazy that blows my mind that for you to know and for you to share that man cuz there's there's so many people to relate to this everything on the outside looks great and everything's falling apart on the inside right there's also people assistent have some of these addictions it could be an opiate it could beetle it could beat another drug would be to Allah so for you to share that man I had no idea we were we were gonna go there so you literally sort of grinded out the detox sitting there on the couch and then just floated for six months yeah little do you know during that time you're about to meet your dream woman right it's you're about to and and all of these things is we start to talk about them too like they were ironically happening for you I don't think if you have this addiction maybe you don't connect as well with people have a food addiction right you know I mean it's odd that sometimes these the worst parts of our life they really are happening for us doesn't feel like it at the time but like now that I know the after all the seeds are being planted that makes you you now yes you had your first big transformation you had your big weight loss client you had the connection you probably got over what it's like to just be famous as your only identity I would think which we'll talk about a little bit later but but anyway so take us from there does that somehow I think I know where this goes where the two of you end up meeting each other yeah and and you nailed it I actually had no understanding of addiction at all but more I had no I had no understanding of David how he could possibly be addicted to food in fact I really thought that his weight loss was simply physiology and I carb cycle them down and I built a progressive overload for his cardio so it all made it made sense on paper for science and it and and I had no concept of addiction until I realized that I was an addict to myself and it gave me the whole new gift of empathy that if I didn't have it I couldn't possibly help anybody else through a journey of transformation with and it gave me just a whole new appreciation for human struggle and what will what we do to try to escape and try to alleviate the pain of that daily emotional struggle so I really believe this and I mean to jump in there but everyone should hear this like this is a well said thing but it's really true your tests can actually end up being what you're doing right now to be your testimony yeah the tests you go through can end up becoming your test of my hope there's all these people man who know use this icon in the space this is the real you like this is why I wanted you on the show I had no idea we're gonna go this far with it but like it did prepare you for the greatness that was coming and all the other ups and downs that were to come even after this that we'll talk about today - right so it's so beautifully put you're right your test if you choose for it - can become your testimony and that's exactly like that that's that has become my life and I wouldn't change it for the world I look back and if if that had not happened I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now and I wouldn't have had the amazing ability and the opportunity to help a lot of other people I think though it took a few years for you for him to realize that all of that was happening for a reason I don't even think you actually identified as an addict until years after you and I had met and we had started the show so we truly at probably the best point possible it was him straight out of his car straight off of his opiates me I'm still trying to figure out this eating disorder and you know life without marriage if you looked at the two of you you would never know that this relationship came out of an eating disorder and an opiate addiction you totally flat broke you divorced and then this these two people converge and end up within a very short window of time having one of the most popular television shows of the last couple decades on television it's like mind-blowing the person is probably you hearing it back it's like wow that is right though like I believe and we have said this like that is one thing that's never changed it's from the moment we met we even before anything happened like before there was we didn't date for months because we were like you know what we just want I like I was not interested in a man he was not interested in a woman but I it he had it well I'm interested in women you were interested in though we're biceps I love this opening line guys got to hear this so they're at this self-improvement seminar he's out of the car broke recovering from opiates she's divorced she's kind of in like the bar scene a little bit I think you were at the time right right actually coming I was like sure I had never drank in my life never did anything and then about three-month period of time I did everybody did everything and so yeah I I was I was at that himself in our hat on no makeup sweats every day yeah that is true story cuz I did not want a man to look at me I didn't want to look at another man and day two of the seminar December 6 2008 this guy comes up to me who looks like a gym rat and he had my powerhouse [Laughter] anyway he and I really only do that that had our lunch is packed so I was reaching into my cooler pulling out this container and he was like I want to know what you did to get those fight and it came out like that this guy is hitting on me I didn't want to be around him so I kind of avoided him for the rest of seminar the next day he showed up with a gift for me he showed up with his stack system because he really and then I sat and talked to him to the the last day of the seminar and I realized he was not hitting on me he really truly wanted to know what exercises I did to get the biceps that I had and he wanted to feed me show me you have to show you [ __ ] you're listening just jump on jump on the channel jump on YouTube and you can see her biceps they're really amazing order you to but check it out is ridiculous so what I was saying though is the one thing that's never changed is we have always known and been so appreciative that our meeting was for a reason like it's just you cannot you cannot deny it our dreams also don't show up the way we would think so your dream woman your dream man didn't show up the way you would think right and also neither did really the show a really crazy backstory and I know you're gonna appreciate this here but when I was losing everything and at living out of my car I end up running away came here to Los Angeles trying to start over a buddy of mine landed me a couple gigs with other production companies and I wasn't I wasn't in a place for anything to happen yet I didn't know that at the time but I remember pitching to a couple different production companies here I said look guys here's this concept of you know like I go and I surprised someone and I totally changed their life and more than anything it's like I want to be the type pennington of weight loss and I told him that and I spoke it yes hey and I wanted it I wasn't ready for it yet I just kept saying all people how it when I met with Heidi is one of our very first conversations I filled her this dream I was like what what if what if I could be the type heading to the point lesson just going and show these people how to do it the right way so sure enough fast-forward to this conversation that with my friend the casting producer he says let me talk to my boss boss calls back an hour later and says yeah hey we can't fly you out you want to drive out so Heidi and I we drive out we map what what this show would be on their whiteboard we end up making two more trips out to LA within about two and a half three weeks I mean literally just driving back and forth I was only there in the meeting I wasn't I had trained ten years prior I was not a trainer at that time I was only there in the meeting to protect him because when I met him he had debtors coming after him everywhere he had hundreds of thousands of dollars in definitely it was and to me I actually visit I love the business side of it I love it and I saw this poor guy that I'm like I can help you I did loans I bought and sold homes I renovated them I had that that's actually what I did when I met him and so I I poured into that and I'm like you're not gonna go meet with these people in Hollywood without me there because you're not gonna give 10% of another company every company my god it was like he ended up being 20% of this and he was doing 100% of the work he's like oh you can shoot a video and I'll give you 10% of my company there's my man just owe everything and I just everybody were you dating that no yes we were we were because that was we were dating at the time watch the video on YouTube she's blessing no joke Heidi's in the kitchen random phone call out of the blue and it's the CEO of the production company he's like dude we sold your show like what what does this mean because we were consultants on the development of the show and they made it really clear though that the host of the show is gonna be a celebrity trainer Jillian yeah they're looking at a Harley Pasternak and it's just some other amazing trainers in Hollywood and I was like oh Mike oh my gosh hold on heids faced with the show it's crazy hey so who bought it he's like well some cable networks are going back and forth but ultimately and he the guy he's the king of building up this is he goes but ultimately it was ABC ABC bakka show I was like so who's the host mmm long pause you are and then you literally it wasn't even uh it was a mmm I did one of these just phone drop I just looked over at Heidi you say huh I'm the guy and I said what how he said well they saw on they just saw the videos and they just they want that passion for your mind in that moment you're like I'm not ready for this yes that's exactly what happened and I mean yeah 100 yep absolutely and I went oh oh crap that it was Leary isn't it wasn't a moment it was an oh crap moment yes I said what does that mean he says it means you're pack your bags you're leaving in five weeks mmm I would sign me up for another coaching seminar yeah that's exactly what we gave me yeah yeah yeah I think the biggest reason so Chris was under any assumption that all of the transformations had happened especially with David he has an idea and his thought process was it's because I said you're right and I moved him right you realize that I could see it from the outside but the reason David transformed for the first time with Chris and he never could in his life before was because Chris was giving him love like he was his best friend gave him that care and that was such a hard thing for Chris to accept no matter how much I explain that to him and he felt completely inadequate knowing hey I'm gonna do eight more transformation yeah and in his mind he didn't know how to life coach and that's what he was doing you realize he was doing it the biggest thing guys is that that moment the reason I asked Chris is did you go oh no I'm not ready that's the cue that you're stepping into your dream yeah so if you don't have that response you're not playing big enough you're not going for your real dream this is such a huge thing for people to get I was pretty sure you were gonna say that there should be a moment all of you where you get into this room you're like I'm not ready that's actually you stepping into your dream because the number one cue what is some of the steps that you guys have learned from doing the show post poped during and post the show to to transform yourself that let's just use physically for now but I think the same principles apply everywhere what are some of the steps to change how do you do it we we begin every transformation by laying out the there's a true hidden path to transforming everybody's life and it's been there it's always been there but it's just it's so clouded by so much confusion everyone's looking for the the right kind of diet the right kind of exercise the path is in integrity and we can't have a conversation about transformation without having a conversation about integrity first and this is what we cover this is the secret sauce that you don't see on the show but this is what's covered with everyone on day one you're no joke we talked about their diet and exercise we covered that in about 45 minutes for the year done then we say now that that's over with let's have a real conversation about transformation okay none of you and and now we we upset a handful of people in this very first comment because we need to get their attention we say look you're all here because you don't have integrity and you could imagine that they just the sit back they're like oh yeah if you dude you know exactly what they're thinking I said hold on hold on now let me let you need to explain this first of all let's talk about what integrity as integrity is doing what you say you're gonna do when you say you're gonna do it when no one else is watching now I guarantee you you all have amazing integrity with everybody else in the world if you tell your friend you're gonna show up tomorrow at noon Nancy when do you show up she says 11:55 absolutely you do if you tell them that you're gonna go ahead and pick up their kids you're gonna grab you know some coffee for their you know book club meeting you're there on time you do what you say you're going to do when you say you're gonna do it but I just want to see a show of hands and we'll have we'll have a group of 30 people before they begin their their transformation show hands how many how many people here said the diet starts Monday and everyone goes when you see all the hands go up how about 2015 it's gonna happen this year every hand goes up again how about 2016 let's try this again every single hand 2017 how about I'm gonna wake up at 5 o'clock tomorrow tomorrow morning and do 30 minutes of cardio every hand goes up say you guys are great at making commitments and keeping those commitments to other people but you cannot but you can but you do not keep commitments to yourself and that's why you're all here and that's what we're gonna change this is your year to take it all back this is your year to completely change your life but in order to do so you need to honor yourself you'd have to make yourself a priority you we are gonna teach you how to love yourself enough so that when you do when you do give your word you will honor that word to yourself we believe in you and you don't believe in yourself yet but there's a formula to believing in yourself and what we're gonna do and every single one of them they're in such a deep dark place because you know the folks that we're working with they're four or five six hundred houses are trying to get out we explained in order for them to get there what it was an all we see when we're looking out at this group of thirty people it's not I don't see 200 extra pounds of body fat on them it's 200 pounds of broken promises to themselves oh my god you get it it makes sense and I know you get it because this is the life that you live because you it's amazing this so you've got all the homes you've got what you've been able to create it's incredible it's because you have integrity you have personal integrity first and then that translates into your integrity with everybody else you just taught me something just so you know big huge thing you just taught me I want to tell you what it wasn't I want you to talk about it or you can talk about Heidi so I actually probably have one of the roots of my content is how to build self-confidence and I have consistently said for 25 years that self-confidence is the habit and process of keeping the promises that you make to yourself having said that Bill so I'm glad that we stand there you just said something that's a layer deeper than I've said it before and you said it's got a connection to needing to love yourself in order to do it so one of things I've not backed that up with enough man I just want you to know like I'm processing that right now is I've not backed up enough with teaching them the reasons why they haven't and so is it your conclusion that some of that has to do with not loving themselves enough in order to keep the promise is that part of it yeah well and I it's that they don't want to even themselves under like when you try and fail and try and fail and try and fail so many times you don't believe you can do it and and it's all connected that I don't believe I can do it and I don't love myself are directly the brother and sister when one of them exists you're gonna not even try it at some point or if you say something you're like hey I'm gonna do XYZ you already know before you say it or as you're saying it that you're not going to actually do how do you establish how do you break that pattern is it a social circle that they keep is it what do you do to get them to begin to do it there there's a lot of things well first we establish why they are where they are you can will ask will ask all 30 of the individuals they're really struggling they're in a deep dark place how do you feel about yourself I hate myself I hate myself look at me I'm a disappointment you hear this common denominator among everything so let's map how you got there and literally remember they didn't start there they started with their esteem their confidence their you know their their self-love it was at a certain level and then they made a promise then they broke that promise and so there your integrity and your dignity and dignity is that esteem it's that confidence is self-love they're intertwined when you break your integrity your dignity takes a hit and then they again and then they do it again and then what happens though that they after a while after so many so many failures that you start making silent promises here's the catch so it's like hey diet starts Monday and everybody has been in that place where you you tell your family and your friends hey guys diet is it's gonna start Monday I'm doing it this time that's usually where most people start and after so many times that they that they fail them you know Wednesday also you know you're in the break room and your house on a pizza and your co-workers like dude I thought the diet started Monday you're like okay I'm never gonna tell them when I when the diet starts Monday again but integrity personal integrity doesn't know the difference whether you say it out loud or whether you say it to yourself and so they start making silent promises okay tight starts Monday they'll say it to themselves and sure enough they break it and every single time they go lower and lower and lower in their belief and their confidence in their self-love and their dignity it just takes a hit too they find themselves at 400 pounds or 500 pounds or drinking started you start drinking at 10 a.m. you start taking your your opiates you whatever it is because the thing is you feel so low about yourself and you've lost your belief in yourself so in order to get out all we have to it's so simple we reverse that process mmm and we say it is our job now that we and we luckily cover that in exercise in 45 minutes now it's our job as your coaches we're gonna get you out of the hole the same way you got in and we're gonna teach you how to love yourself and how to believe in yourself and how to be absolutely unstoppable and at the end of one year 365 days you're gonna do something extraordinary that the world is their jaws are gonna drop and they see what you're able to do and that's exactly what we do it we've done it 76 times and as humans if the power of the human mind of the human hat and we say look here's where you are you're in the lowest of low you make one simple promise to yourself and we let everybody select what that promises it might be five minutes on a treadmill might be drinking extra quart of water might be eat breakfast I don't care if it's pancakes or oatmeal it doesn't matter they can promise yourself and keep that promise and that is that is what we call their power promise power promise power promise it keeps them in the game of transformation it keeps the transformation going the power promise but the idea behind I'm loving this you have to keep yourself winning you have to keep winning yeah it you just said the next thing it's like once you know you can win at something when you make one small commitment and for some of our people believe it or not it's as simple as brushing your teeth every day like what is one thing you can do every single day that you know without a shadow of a doubt you can do forever and ever and ever do that you check it off the list and you went and you create something called integrity momentum that's one of the words that the phrases that we use quite often and once you build that integrity momentum and you master your first power promise again say it's just brushing your teeth every day for two weeks it seems so small and it is so small but when you know that's all you've committed to and you've successfully done it for two weeks you feel like a champ and you feel like hey if I can do that what else can I do yeah so then it's like alright let's add one more thing and you'll continue to build and build until you're well and the thing I'll ever event sorry about this whole topic the most is you learn that the power of your word has that like your word has values and when you speak something you start to believe that you can actually make that happen in every area of your life not just weight loss and transformation it could be hey I want to I want to build a multi-million dollar home you got it in three arch pay I'm going to do that your word is so powerful because you know everything you say comes to fruition and you can manifest it I probably have not ever had something said and I don't mean it's disrespectful to any of the other unbelievable guests that I've had but I don't think something's ever been said like the last seven minute segment here that I agree with more like and everyone I want to stay on this cuz it's so wonderful because you do it in the most dramatic evidentiary way which is someone loses hundreds of pounds if you were just listening to this and you kind of started to hear because it was entertaining but you want that doesn't apply to me because I don't have 250 pounds of extra weight you have your addiction your addiction could be hiding from your dream and watching television so as you that can you show up to the show and could be you've had this big dream and maybe you shoved it so far back in the back of your mind now because of these broken promises then it's not 200 pounds of weight it's not alcohol or drugs it's not even maybe a bad relationship it could be all those things it could be just you're not living your true purpose you've moved all the way away from it and you're lacking these promises and if you started to make them you're gonna get life momentum again and I so agree with it being something initially that seems so basic and that you get credit for sokeep if you don't mind where you no more please it is all about making it's it's when you when you give your word to yourself again whether spoken or whether silent following through that like it could be I want to start a podcast yes or I want to create a product stop talking about it cuz every time you say you're gonna do it and you don't do it you lose more belief in yourself you've been falling further and further into that rut and you won't be able to get out your word has to be more powerful than your reasons or experiences why you cannot wear a word has to have power over your ex what makes me think when you're doing it like I watch you both talk with this energy and it's like it's like like and by the way that is part of your giftedness too is you're transferring energy to people all you coaches out there part of it is just transfer of energy to people energy can be belief love physical energy like we're talking about here but what happens everybody that they're giving you is especially those unit if you the body is the best place to me to transform your life because you can create evidence there even if it's that you're not 400 pounds or 200 pounds overweight but you're like I want to get more fit the body's a great place to begin because what starts to happen everyone when you start transforming your body this mind starts to be like as Heidi just said it's almost like a weapon as they begin to grow as they begin to they say okay you look I make a commitment and I'm keeping that commitment and after I keep it for a while it's like oh wait what else can I do I'll make another commitment I'll keep that commitment wait what else can I do now the social group around that's incredibly important obviously because it's your you you know there is I know a lot of people say you know you're the average of the five people these are the most and there can be some truth to that but at the same time the reality of it also is that for a lot of the folks you know they seem to be a little bit I wouldn't say stuck in the situation but the thing is that their social system whether it's their aunts or uncle's the people that they're immediately living with are there they're their friends the so many of those people are not supportive of the transformation and that is a very difficult place to be when one person has this deep longing desire for change and they begin to take those steps they start to believe in their self and the other people around and start cutting them down and so we always say instead of you don't necessarily cut off those people because the things they are there you do have friends and family and there's there's some sometimes a need for that B it's important to expand your group and when you expand your yeah and you also have to understand coming from a place of compassion those people like your drinking buddies that want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings on Friday night and they're like oh can invite ed anymore because it's not drinking you know or ed doesn't want to have the chicken wings his eggs all healthy now all the time so at the same time why are they saying where is it really coming from it's coming from a place of fear they don't want to lose ed they love you and they you are comfortable for them and and this is their family and you're their tribe so a lot of times they're they might be sabotaging you not because they it's not as malevolence or maliciousness it's just because they're just terrified to lose you and it just they love you so much and they're so scared because you're elevating your life so it's shining a huge spotlight on the areas of their life where they're too scared to change this is the hard question someone loses 200 pounds they're in your environment I want to call it there with you through a year and it's two years from now what has been the results post this structure around somebody in other words do you find a lot of people go backwards and if they do go backwards what do the ones who have go backwards have in common and the reason I ask you that is I say to people all the time in the business world I have more friends who used to be rich than are currently rich all right it's really interesting I have more six I have more friends who used to be successful at something then actually currently are so there's something that happens where people stop pursuing their identity stop the improvement process I'm not sure what it is but what is your experience with the two three four year type results and the ones who don't stay fit what do they have in common what's the things they do that shouldn't be done yeah we have an answer to this because that has been one of our greatest like points of pain is solving that problem I know because it you know and let's again in all transparency there we were the hosts and trainers and coaches on a show that was on television and television brings such a unique ingredient to transformation and that it actually plays off of the individuals and not in a bad way at all but ego because what happens is that no matter what when we we would run for 365 days and that individual knows that at the end of the 365 days their story will be told whatever that story is and so they don't want to look bad in front of the world and so there's this constant driving force behind it and we can sit there and we can teach them integrity and we can take them through that process and it's it is real and it's happening we actually get to experience the beauty of a human being believing in themselves and loving themselves over a course of a full year that's real yeah your dad that's genuinely real and at the end they've lost 200 pounds they get up on stage their chest is out their chins high they don't care about the fact they lost 200 pounds they're a promise keeper to themselves they've got integrity and dignity like they're living then and but there's also that pressure that you're awesome pressure that was always there that goes away all the lessons were still there they we the lessons were learned but then they go back to Raleigh North Carolina they go back to Topeka Kansas and they go back to that social circle they go back to their old daily grind and everything and sure enough all those old triggers start to fall back in and we have close over 50% of our people not getting all the way back people only had a handful gain all the way back but I would say probably two-thirds of our people have gains yep 40 50 sometimes even a hundred pound pack you have granted we've helped them lose like 200 sure they're they're doing better than they were before but they've still gained weight back they still and here's the here's the thing and what can when it comes to it could be weight-loss it could be business it could be whatever it is you're looking to do we can trace every single one of those back slides as a back sides are gaining weight down to one single broken promise it all comes back to integrity every and I implore everybody who's listening even take take some moments to think about your friends who've who've fallen and they've lost all their money and everything it goes it all can be traced back to a single broken promise because where there was one day after the show but we have to show a month after the show a lot of them they maintain for a while and then all said after a month two months three months they started to gain weight and they started to gain weight and when we actually comfortable and then when we go back to them we said what was the moment so we go back to him what was your promise it all comes down to that foundation whatever was that commitment that they may wear it drink in that extra quart of water was it walking on the treadmill for five minutes what was it where and what was your power promise they go oh my gosh they stopped keeping it I remember there's one day that my husband needed me to pick up the kids from from school and then this happened and that happened and I didn't do it and then the next day came along and I said it was just a fluke but you know what I did it yesterday I'm just gonna do it again today and one day turned into two to turn into three three turn into four and four turned into four years and now here I am and I'm a hundred pounds heavier you make it back to breaking the power problem every single one Wow single one across the board I believe that's right yeah I believe that's right wow I can it's slightly different tactical way of looking at it Wow but but that's that is spot-on when it comes to what actually happened and and every time you can always find out one thing what I think you could I'm so sorry that's the same reaction that they have when we all of a sudden trace it all back all the way back the gentleman that helped me was 400 pounds he ended up gaining almost all the back he got it to 600 pounds again he traced it back to one day when he walked into a gas station and he he was free of soda for five years straight he walked in there and he went to he'll put his cup under the diet coke and he saw regular coke he said and he thought to himself I'm gonna regret this filled it up with coke went from 250 pounds to 600 pounds again and he traced it all the way back and when we finally identified that he went wow that was it sorry I mean in replicate because that's a really important thing and I think like we said everyone can trace it back to one thing but if we look at it from a different perspective the reality is that the ones that understood the difference between something we call the transformation game and something we call the weight loss game completely have had an easier time which keeping the weight off so weight loss game you set a goal in the weight loss game and you do anything you can to reach the goal of the transformation game there's actually a purpose behind the goal and you won't necessarily always do everything to reach the goal you'll do everything to fulfill your purpose and understand and know your why it's like the weight loss game we had people like Chris said for camera that would do anything they could to hit their wins so they could win the prize or you know not be looked at this way where they were forgetting all the foundational principles they were forgetting and we can preach it till we are blue in the face it's not about losing weight it's about your integrity at the end of the day how do they get access to you for more of this so it's that it's transform if they go into the App Store right what are they gonna get if they do that what is it okay so obviously with the show we're working with 15 people yeah okay you're gonna get everything look we've so we've mapped transformation and we started mapping it back in the early 2000s like a whole journey and so aren't we made a commitment to ourselves on season one where he said when when look we can only work with 15 people year but we've got over a million emails from people asking for help and we said our it is our responsibility to create something with integrity for them so how can we teach them what we're doing here so really we took three years to build the largest transformation digital platform in the world this is physical we're talking physical here yes I mean you download the app you tell the app who you are it's gonna ask your biometrics age weight height gender your do you tell what you want to do yeah I want to lose weight I want to get lean and shredded I want to maintain I want to I want to gain some weight and muscle well and then they'll ask you well what do you have available to you at home body wave you can do an Iron Gym you can do a cross training facility you can do anything and then we literally knock the whole thing for you we create a totally custom blueprint to guide you through transformation but every week we jump on there with life lessons we talk about exactly what we just talked about today we talked about integrity conquering your fear identity surrounding yourself with other people with support and we actually it's not just an app we actually have coaches that will support you in the process with the EFT if you choose that you want that one-on-one support with the coach who does exactly what we do so it's it's a whole ecosystem that we're building you know and we're about speaking games into existence because like that's it's happened for us and there's some in there is power beyond what I can even comprehend behind yeah we are building a full ecosystem live stream so you know off camera guys this is their life straight there's a culmination of their life's work yes really I want to say for those people that don't want to buy an app hey you don't want to pay for an app I would even step I'm all about free I want their best life give you in fact this weekend I have three people staying at my home it's just how we the only way we know to be we have the most amazing free Facebook community okay and so I highly encourage everyone listening that wants to take that step or just wants to be a part of something how do they go there right it Facebook search transform with Chris and Heidi app users the land in right now it's a group of forty thousand people it was created by the people for the people there so I mean just the stories and the love and the energy it is a place where people grow and become their best self we we talked about expanding your circle if you don't have that love and support at home yeah that's what this community is for we built it for and it again the people came and they continue to love and support each other so join us if you don't get that love and support and you don't have to be an app user just just join the community it's absolutely free and everybody supports each other in the process okay okay so there we go there then also and I want to say once we tell you what if I'm I'll tell you know the reason to find them and I don't do this on my show normally to this extent but also Instagram for both of you and then probably your YouTube channel for now for Chris and a joint but mine and it's real Heidi Powell everywhere you go the Rick the reason I think that your two are special I told you this one we met is that there are skill there are people that are good one-on-one and there are people are good in groups it's a very rare skill for someone to be able to truly transfer energy through a camera or through that's why certain people get larger followings in social media or certain frankly podcasts or TV shows do then the ability to move energy through a camera it's not an easy skill it's something both of you can do it's a it's rare that both can do it and so the other thing you get by engaging with them is it's it's like what you're feeling right now you all listening to this this is rare or watching it feel like you're here with us and you watch a lot of people talk guys where you're just that's not the case you're almost passively so you feel like you're here with us because that's a skill that they have so they can influence you and move you so I want you to engage with them now end up in and I just I love your what you're doing we're running out of time okay what am i I know I feel that way really strongly to like I really do we have to do this again we will we're gonna do it again I can already tell but I but I wouldn't let it get one things I like about both of you also I love is there's also this this the two of you there's this relationship and the same principles by the way that's calling your YouTube channel you cover it's like QAS with the two of you and stuff like that right what I love and I just want everyone just get a little extra gift at the end it's probably a preview of where we'll go next time everyone but I wanted a little gift here I have a lot of content but one things I talked about is vulnerability is a gateway to magnify all other emotions it's also the way that you connect with people it's what you're both great at I am a super flawed human who's willing to share some of my flaws with people not all of them that some people can relate to me I have one that people don't know reckon I have laws that I'm willing to share you I think that's true of the two of you two we're not trying to be perfect and the two of you don't propose to have a perfect relationship all the time either as well so they're running their business they've been doing transformations let's be real there was a transition you had a very popular television show not exist anymore that had to be a difficult transition identity wise I would imagine for children a business public personas like there's a lot there sure just how do you navigate your relationship and if you're being honest what are one or two of the significant issues the two of you kind of deal with over and over again and we just for full transparency we actually see a marriage therapist here in LA we travel because it's really really important to us to make sure that foundation is solid and we remember like our our wedding rings that I saw a best friend and his is my best friend so it's to remember we're not husband and wife we are on paper but we're best friends and how I I have to remind myself of this what I talk to my best friend the way I'm talking to Chris right now or do I need to change that am I talking to him as a husband that is stuck with me and so keeping that in mind is really helped but I will say it has not been easy and but it's been amazing and I think the harder it has been and it's true we've gone through some massive difficult things that would break most I think would break most marriages but I think as a result of working on ourselves and working on each other working on our relationship it is so much better than I ever could have imagined I will probably get in the car and something will be bickering about 15 minutes I'm curious let us have a picture if you don't mind share how often is there disagreement a pretty good one like I mean yesterday even ed I didn't like her tone so I was asking the question because you were busy responding to an email and I was simply just asking her a question she's like I'm busy was fine-tuning so I took out my phone I was recording her tone so I left her in the car and I got her bags out and I went huffing and puffing into the hotel I check to say that I went up to the room do you remember this now I get in my zone right I'm like this it was one of our people he really needed our help he was struggling really badly and so I was trying to make him feel better in the hotel and he wasn't there and I had my stuff and I said they're like are you okay miss I'm like yeah did did a guy like really muscles check in they're like yeah you said you were coming I'm like do you know what room we're in so I'm trying to call her picked up and I said hey I'm sitting on the elevator I might not lend the door closed because it's gonna finally he ends up after a couple minutes giving me the room oh nice but I had to give her my peace of mind I was like I don't like your attitude so you need to keep your distance from me right now he's gonna fight back we've got I kind of like yeah I think you want to go work out let's go you know okay that's a good tip yeah you say wait I'll play for you after the show right now are you okay be placing was actually good mic guys I'll tell you you very calm neither one that doesn't seem that dramatic does he do that by the way well he will he like kind of play up the disagreement escalate it or D and you deescalate or does eventually just get away and calm down that was awesome and to his credit cuz i do think more who he I am a very different person than blue Chris married and it's because I didn't believe in myself I didn't I I just kind of was like there too and so it has been rocky because there's been an evolution I mean who I've become and and he was he was the man and still is to me there is no man like Chris but it is as the dynamic of a relationship shift no matter what it is you kind of come together the puzzle pieces fit perfectly as we were and so as someone or a side starts to develop or change yep it does throw it off a little bit and there have been some growing pains around it it's like I I was always behind the scenes on the show for the first two and half year I yeah so we have peers it was me in Arizona having people can see with us no one knew and it wasn't and and me doing the behind the scenes stuff where he was flying because it just one person couldn't do it and it was when the producer saw that they started pulling me on camera and Chris like to his credit he was my biggest advocate and getting on camera was the most uncomfortable it's hard to me I was terrified terrified of failing terrified of looking bad I everything but I hurt so it's not much I took off and people they loved her and it was great and as it started to go again I was always the man and and and everyone kind of supported it and as her brand started to grow I found myself like harboring resentment toward her you and this is just after like lots of reflection here like harboring resentment and not wanting it to be bigger than mine yeah because of pride because of ego because of the male ego but also when I really started doing some digging like deep down I was terrified of her not needing me anymore and then I was scared of her leaving me and that's something that I've just been being totally real yeah and when I when I finally peeled back all the layers that's what it came down to I didn't want her to not need me anymore brother you're on real you are on right because that's we said this earlier in the show you're incredible this big strong buff stud like I help people and then you strip it all way down but the power of this is because I've seen this with me and business relationships and marriage everything if you strip it all bad guys well why why what you're worried someone's leaving like if you just get to it like that's so honest like eventually when you strip all the things but what if this what if this whether it leads to this place of this fear that someone's gonna leave and it's just a miraculous it's amazing to me that such a strong man can show what would appear to be weaknesses but I actually think those are strengths I think an acknowledgement of stuff like that is like takes a really strong person so even in that in Heidi's case saying look I am the one who's changed and grown a lot that takes a strong person to admit these things I think the two of you by the way I I just like I was fan I just think the two of you are extraordinary okay you're extraordinary you feel the same way about you it's incredible what you've done and what you've built when you continue to build and the people that you you motivate and inspire like you're you're here on earth for a very powerful reason you are a you are definitely a tool there are millions of people who would agree with you that I have definitely a tool there are millions of people who are nodding with you right now finally describe this no I appreciate that and I do feel like we're gonna do this again I I just feel like I already know what's going to happen that this is gonna be one of these viral things that takes off because you just don't get this kind of insight from people that have achieved with the two of you have achieve so last thing I'm gonna before we go I want to give them just a gift if we would okay so you cover a little bit and by the way the reason I want you to follow them on social is because you'll get almost this mini reality show that you're watching right here on their marriage on their family with their beautiful children it's like it's a it's kind of a blended family initially too because Heidi had a couple kids when they met and it it's just but they're just a family they're just this amazing family just trying to help people just trying to make a difference so someone's watching this quick answer I want to change my life you've given me all these keys right today I need to start right now something I want to start losing weight I want to start my business I want to start finding a better relationship I want to start pursuing my faith again just give me one thing each of you one thing that you would say begin here what would you tell me to do tough question huh it's super easy okay cool make one small promise to yourself in that division whatever wherever you're going whatever you want to do make one commitment that you know you can keep that will get you further towards your goal that's something you can keep every single day every day okay I would say that first and but since I can also add one other thing speak it into existence don't just keep it up here write it down enroll other people there's a whole new level of accountability that comes with that and so it's really important that they to manifest it keep creating it you know you you had dr. Joe Dispenza on any everything starts with the thought thoughts turn into words and words turn into actions you know and then etc so you it starts up here you got to get it out and you have to make it a reality okay awesome stuff this is why I do the show this is why do the show like when I pictured my show this is what I pictured is like the ultimate version of it what we did here today so I'm so grateful for it and you showed up so thank you so much thank you everybody I know you loved today as always share the show will ya I mean you're watching us on YouTube subscribe to the audio more people as you know you just experienced it the need to they need to know what's happening here they need to learn these things need to be inspired remember this also every day on Instagram the max out two-minute drill every day I make a post 7:30 to 8:00 Pacific time that's 10:30 to 11:00 Eastern right now when do I make a post engage with me there make a comment everyone who does that terney notifications on everyone is the first two minutes I pick a winner every day they get would you do one call what you do a call of course okay all feeling so there we go he's gonna get a chance to get a coaching call with them you get coaching call with me my other guest maxes out gear my book tickets to see me speak we're gonna do one soon when you come on my jet with me to a city and we just talked for five six hours and then go have dinner so engages me or if you missed the first two minutes just make a comment every day and I'm gonna pick a winner they don't people to just comment every day because I want to connect with you I want to see your comments I read them I respond by the way here's a little secret those of you that start to connect with other people on there and comment on comments you got a really good chance of getting picked as well so you may want to do that so follow me on instagram share the show with everybody god bless you and max out hey guys thanks for sticking around if you'd like more click the videos right here they're exactly what you need to see next and if you're new here hit subscribe and become a part of a maxout community and tell me what you think about the videos in the comments below I read all of them every week and I select winners to get all kinds of prizes gear coaching calls with me make a comment
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 108,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed mylett, mylett, chris powell, chris powell workout, chris powell extreme weight loss, heidi powell, heidi powell carb cycling, heidi powell abs, extreme weight loss, entrepreneur motivation, life strategist, motivational speaker, how to gain self confidence, how to be successful, best of ed mylett, chris powell workout level 1, chris powell extreme makeover weight loss, chris powell workout level 2
Id: p-v00u0ActM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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