Self-Talk Techniques to Unlock Confidence | Jim Kwik & Melina Vicario

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the first step is to know that we actually live in our mental world we think that we can grasp the world but we only grasp tiny bits the James Bond rule says when we say a phrase that is going upwards like life is great it in the unconscious mind it sends the message of doubt and uncertainty welcome back to the quick brain podcast I am your host and your brain coach Jim quick and the topic we're going to talk about today is one that we get a lot I always talk about 10 different ways you could upgrade your brain and one of them is managing your self-talk you know I do believe your brain is like a super computer in yourself talk is the program it will run so if you tell yourself you're not good at remembering names you're not likely to remember that person's name because you program your super computer not to but we're gonna go deep into quieting negative self-talk and maybe reframing it in a way that you could persuade and influence yourself to really not only learn better but get the desired results in terms of your life that you really want and you deserve and so we have a very special guest here live in the quick brain podcast studio uh Millie Vicario she came all the way from Argentina Argentina for this conversation so thank you so much she's really an expert in mine Technologies and we're going to talk about some of those Technologies today and also a really a notable biohacker you know we were geeking out before we started filming about brain hacking and biohacking and she does that you know at scale she's an author as well so Melanie thanks for being on our show thank you so much I am so excited to be today with you and this awesome Community yes I mean you really I love your energy um you know for the moment we met uh we also you connected with our team with our Spanish-speaking audience for our our social media we'll put links uh then our show notes always at forward slash notes as well as your website to your social media to your book um I know you're running a biohacking event as well I mean you have where many different hats you and I could talk for hours but I wanted to really hone in on your experience with that inner voice you know when we're talking about your inner voice and sometimes uh people have it's not just the words you say but it's also how you say it but before we do that maybe you could give me just two minutes on your your journey in terms of how are you first exposed uh you know what was your inspiration was the were you just kind of born with the these you know this these understandings or did you go through a process this process has been so meaningful for me because I have been painfully shy scared and a lady that used to stutter I could not even speak fluently in my own language in Spanish because I was so scared and anxious and this happened not only when I was a child but until I was around 30 years old until I was fed up with this and decided to go look for my my own resources which I curiously find moving from Argentina to China and I found a lot of resources in myself unconsciously that I could not explain but I could use so after that I thought to myself how can I make these processes learnable so that I can apply them every time I need them and program them in my own mental world and how can I teach other people to use this powerful mental strategies so that everyone can actually create their desired life and this is how I found mind technology this user manual of our mental world how to think on purpose and then I learned by hacking combined both of them and so you have the hardware and the software you know I know you trained with some amazing Minds Brilliant Minds Like Richard bandler you're also a tech journalist which you spent a good amount of time with CEOs and seeing what they were doing to create their companies and their teams you know and innovate and you were exposed to biohacking in Silicon Valley yes exactly I was after learning mind technology and going to Stanford to learn Neuroscience I was looking for something really really practical and at that time I was working as a technology journalist and I knew a lot of very successful CEOs and entrepreneurs managers of venture capitals so I went to them and I said look I will ask you this this is for my own personal investigation what do you do to be so full of Vitality and sharp healthy the way you connect with people is awesome like you you create a meaningful relationship what are you into what do you do and this was in 2017 and all of them said look mainly I will tell you my secret I'm into biohacking and I was wow there is something here they didn't know each other most of them this is how I thought there is something here I went to San Francisco and I started looking for the biohacking community and I went right away to the biohacking conference and I signed up to learn from Dave Osprey directly this was in 2017. yes I spoke in Pasadena every year we've had Dave on the show multiple times and so it's interesting because you're in Silicon Valley talking about technology but the ultimate technology is between your ears you know but you're right it doesn't come with an owner's manual so what I want to talk about in this episode is how to monitor and audit your your self-talk so you could have conviction instead of uncertainty and doubt how to be able to use it that narrator in there to not squelch your dreams or create uh uncertainty you know with your goal goals but really to be able to move forward fast with confidence right so when you're working with a client and you're helping them through that where do you normally start the first step you know that we think that we live in the world but we actually live in our mental world we think that we can grasp the world but we only grasp tiny bit like generally seven plus minus two chunks of information so we unconsciously delete distort and generalize a lot of information the quality of our life is actually the quality of our mental world how bright it is in there how much we can program this holographic mind in which we live the thing is we talk to ourselves when when we come to this inner voice sometimes and because we do this automatically and we are not taught this when we are kids when we say something useful to ourselves we say it with such doubt like maybe I can make my dreams come true and then when we say something that is bad to us something that is not aligned with our desired Destiny we say it with such conviction like I am so stupid there lies the problem so there are some persuasion engineering tools that we can apply so that we can re-engineer this self-talk and the first one I want to tell you is one of my favorite ones it's the first time that I tell this in a podcast so I'm very excited and it's called the James Bond rule the James Bond rule says when we say a phrase that is going upwards like life is great it in the unconscious mind it sends the message of doubt and uncertainty then when we use a tonality going downwards like life is wonderful or the pen is on the table it sends a message to our unconscious mind of certainty and conviction so let me explain this with an example everyone here probably knows about James Bond like you know about you know who changed people in your in your home or wherever you're listening May thinking yes yes I know James Bond so what do we think about him he's very confident he's very certain he's in control he's powerful we believe in him we trust him we could even put our lives in his hands to defend us right and how did he introduce himself Bond James Bond yes and you are all probably thinking about this or saying this in your house bye James Quick my name is Bond James Bond in the downward inflection with the downward inflection imagine for a moment if he would have introduced himself like this my name is boss James Bond feels different it feels different it's the same words but it feels as suddenly we maybe are not certain we don't think he's that strong anymore so how can we use this the James Bond rule when we talk to ourselves when we say something that is good for ourselves like I am wonderful I will make my dreams come true you do it with the downward inflection like James Bond and also this is this works both for our inner voice and for our outer voice when we talk to other people it is very important because think about how you're introducing yourself and what you do for a living for example it is not the same to say my name is Maria I'm a biohacker I will teach you great things for the future then in the unconscious mind people listening this it's doubt I'm not certain about this but then if we change my name is Maria I am a biohacker I will teach you wonderful things for the future then and or actually when you're giving hope to someone else and you tell them everything is going to be all right life is good life is wonderful with the downward inflection the message in our unconscious mind that is what is running the whole show it is yes certain I believe this I trust this so it's such a powerful way to talk to ourselves and to other people right and it's interesting because when we're talking to people we know this unconsciously if I'm coaching somebody and getting them to you know read each day or and they say I can read like it's not you know like or I will I will read right it feels different I can do it right or I can and it sounds it sounds different so you're saying it's not only what we say but it's it's how we say it to ourselves and to others absolutely and this is how we come like to the second rule that I love sharing these are really really powerful that we can start using right now the round boys rule round voice rule do you have too much to read but too little time are your shelves full of books that you haven't read yet and become shelf help not self-help and that's why I created the quick reading course 15 minutes a day 21 days will absolutely transform your life just go to forward slash reading use the code podcast 15 and you'll get instant access a rule that says when we talk with a round voice that is the voice that comes from our diaphragm so when we're speaking we take the air to our diaphragmat and we talk like this and we say relax trust soft this kind of Boys opens a door to our unconscious mind the unconscious mind is listening when we use this kind of voice even our inner voice both our inner voice and outer voice bear shoes if we say relax now trust very well like this is this is like the opposite of a round voice this is what we call a spiky voice and of course I'm going to the extremes here but most of us generally people are somewhere in the middle and if we can make our boys more round when we talk to ourselves and to others we can talk more effectively to the other people's unconscious mind and also to our unconscious mind that is powerful and subtle so how do we get our boys to be more round you can download any free app that is called oscilloscope and then you talk to the oscilloscope and you say first you say like simple words like relax soft hello and you will try to see in the oscilloscope something round you talk through here and you say round whereas if you are using a spiky voice you will see actual spikes in the oscilloscope so you will practice and you will get the feedback from the app the oscilloscope to make your voice more round more from the from the diaphragm and then what you're learning there to use it in your everyday life even imaginary boys it works the same our own unconscious mind wants to listen to ourselves when we talk with a round voice that makes so much sense and I really want to highlight this because we all have this internal voice inside our head when have we didn't audit not only what we say because we hear a lot of people say well talk positive to yourself use these kind affirmations but if you're doing these affirmations with that upwards inflection then you're saying something that you don't believe right even if we heard it from another person that they you know they say that they're going to exercise every day but it's different if they're asking it or if they're commanding themselves to be able to do that now I didn't want to finish this conversation without talking a little bit about some biohacking because for for me you could have the processes and the software of the self-talk as an example but also you need to take care of the hardware which is your body and part of your body is your brain maybe you could share with our audience maybe three of just kind of your non-negotiables when it comes to biohacking are there certain things that no I know you're traveling right now so maybe not everything is is doable but how do you remain in your in your potential and your and your purpose in terms of biohacking how do you maintain your strength and a level of Vitality when you're going through your day the first one is removing all these toxic things that a lot of people is putting in their skin like not putting any crap with the permission of the world in my hair in my skin actually it was a big process to say to myself I'm beautiful like this I don't need to be smudging toxic chemicals and toxic makeup in my skin to be beautiful because your skin is your largest organ and it absorbs things and they say say that women specifically could walk out of their house in the morning with over 200 chemicals on their body and and thinking about how all that I have to be pretty my skin has to be all like a painting or something like this and to really think no this health is beautiful Vitality is beautiful it was an internal process for me to say the natural is beautiful so saying reducing or eliminating those potential toxins that could affect your your mind in your body yes exactly like we read the labels of the food that read the labels of the shampoo and the toothpaste the cream the everything that that we put in our skin exactly as you said the second one is something that I learned few months ago I have to say I didn't pay attention to this I didn't know this before and it's been so powerful and it is as a woman to respect the menstrual cycle faces to know that I am not the same person in each phase of my menstrual cycle and that it is okay to feel different and to do as much as possible to adapt my training and my activities and my food to these different faces that we as women are are different biologically and there is a great power to do as much as possible to adapt to this menstrual cycle and this is something maybe some some one year ago or something I wouldn't have said uh oh no today I'm going I'm gonna take it very easy because I'm in the premenstrual cycle I would know so oh this is a secret this is something that I should not say out loud because I'm even a little like embarrassed to say no I should not talk about this and now I'm oh it's okay it's part of my power too we've done a couple episodes on this uh where you know everyone's familiar with the 24-hour cycle or circadian rhythm but the 28 day cycle also we had uh Lisa vidi talk about it and also Dr Stephanie estima talk about that that each week you know it could also depending on your hormonal expression you could take on certain activities that will be aligned in nature I'll put a link again to to those podcast episodes and your third one that you're thinking about right now and I know we could probably do 30 of them this is like I sigh of Joy just to think about this and is to connect with the vitamin people the community to be able to learn from vitamin people hug vitamin people help each other put some hope in someone else I make someone smile and get together in community and this is why it is such a dream come true that that the first biohacking conference in Spanish is coming to life so soon this is the way that the Spanish-speaking Community can get together and make sense of all this knowledge in our language create the new neural networks hug make community help each other actually gym like connecting with you and learning from you virtually before and now in person son I can feel the connection with the vitamin people that you are no this has been amazing and I want to make sure everybody has a takeaway here you know our internal voice is very powerful and probably more powerful than we think if we understood how powerful our words are in the language you know to our own mind or and our unconscious we probably wouldn't say or think something we didn't want to be true and it's that powerful not that you have one negative thought and ruins your life any more than just eating one donut will ruin your life but it's the consistency of it but you know what I really want to emphasize here from what you've shared is not just what you say it's how you say it you know to yourself to simple distinctions I think little little things make a big difference and I want to thank you for sharing those two strategies as well as some of your biohacking tips and those by walking tips are are free right you know you're doing less of the toxic chemicals or the toxic people or the toxic news you know and then also you're very conscious of your own rhythms you know by logically and then also you know just being very conscious also of the power of community it's not just our neurological networks it's obviously our social networks because who we spend time with is who is who we become so I want to thank you for spending time with us today how do people stay in touch with you first thank you so so much for this opportunity I want to say this publicly you are a huge inspiration for me being from very small town from very far away listening to you and learning from you allowed me to have huge dreams in my mental World huge dreams in my timeline and knowing that I can make them true for me and for the world whatever it takes so thank you so much for the inspiration you inspire me you inspire so many people how to stay connected well you can connect with me by Instagram is at labio hacker this is how people know me like it's La is there in Spanish I have a website I have a YouTube channel where I have an interview that I did to you five years ago and it's with Spanish subtitles and it's amazing well that's it oh actually I started making biohacking music that is with the round boys with the intonations and you can find this music in Spotify there's one about our unconscious mind and one about biohacking and it's in Spotify and all the the musical platforms as soy tan biojacker perfect I want to thank everybody for listening or watching this episode uh make sure you go to forward slash notes to get all this all the amazing resources because it's not just the external resources we talked about today in internal resources and resourcefulness that we all have inside of us so we look forward to seeing you next episode until then this is your raincoach Jim quick be Limitless [Music]
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 716,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jim kwik, melina vicario, la biohacker, melina vicario biohacker, self talk, self talk affirmations, self talk techniques, biohacking tips for women, biohacking tips, boost confidence and self esteem
Id: h80NGuvMrlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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