How To Build Efficient Base In Rimworld Base Building Guide

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hey everybody and welcome to another Rim guide I'm your host Newbert and today we will be talking about base design and efficiency now there will always be other ways to do things but if you're not sure this guide is an excellent start for whatever you are trying to do starting out kitchens and fridges part one kitchens are an essential part of each colony unless you prefer nutrient paste of course but that's not what we are here for are we it's time to build a kitchen that will stand the test of many colonists and mouths to feed a kitchen that serves quality food stays clean and works fast so listen up because it's building time to start with the kitchen you want to find a space with enough room for the kitchen and fridge on the side of the base closest to the fogs this will reduce walk time during Harvest and having the kitchen by the fridge is pretty self-explanatory the kitchen should be just big enough to hold the electric stove with only one door in to stop people filthing the room passing through it all the time next you want to place two single shelves on either side of your stove and filter the ingredients to make sure there is always two types at the stove find meals anybody and finally you want to sterile tile the room to remove any risk of food poisoning the door to the kitchen should lead right to the fridge where the haulers can bring ingredients in and out also they will haul out any cooked meals if you set the Cook Station to drop completed meals on the floor the last time the chef spends walking the more they will cook keep that in mind next for the freezer you're going to want to use tightly placed shelves to maximize storage space in here you can also add a new dispenser if you like I prefer not to here there should be straight paths from The Fawns into the freezer and another door leading to the dining room so Palms can grab a snack quickly while hungry remember ponds will only walk 25 tiles to find a table to eat at so you want to keep your dining room close to the freezer now onto the dining room dining rooms are an essential pot of Rim wheel what would we do if we had to eat without tables make food you walk with ponds haven't invented the walking taco yet so we would all starve and die that said there is a Litany of mood Buffs that can be gained from the dining room starting with having a TV at the dining table adding statues and games to play if you can combine the rec room and dining room and make it beautiful you will get a consistent awesome mood buff to all your colonists all the time combining that with great food and you will be a hard pressed to find someone near a mental break now if you don't like making individual bedrooms you can line the walls of this room with individual beds and all your pawns should be plenty happy with it granting the great Barracks buff however we can always build individual rooms individual bedrooms are pretty simple get a 12 tile room thrown the next one Statue with an excellent bed and you are good to go especially with some carpet if your artists and Builders are not so talented a few plant pots and carpet will go a long way to make your pawns day there is also the option of adding some fancy chairs to the room as well if you don't want to attend the plant pots just make sure the space doesn't get too cramped or they will be unhappy regardless of what you do while we are on the topic of building it's time for a shout out from the people that made today's video possible are you looking for a Minecraft server hosting that won't lag and explode from hundreds of months oddblox hosting is the odd one out all plans include full access to some of the best gamer CPUs and Hardware with no limits on how many CPU threads are used plus you get a feature packed control Channel fast startup times strong DDOS protection and a 24 7 support team guaranteed to give you a fast and reliable Minecraft server guaranteed all your money back stop lagging and start gaming switch to oblox hosting today at Link in the description now let's get back to that Base building workshops are not as fancy as other rooms in rimworld however you can make a solid effort next to each workstation place a single shelf and filter it for ingredients for anything you would like to mass produce with to reduce the walk time of any pawn and to ensure they don't stop working place a cloth chair at each workstation and be sure to build some statues around to keep everyone happy and comfortable that said there are certain buildings that need their own specialized spaces to avoid making a mess namely the Stone Cutters table and the smelting table both of these items require resources that will not deteriorate outside side and produce resources that will also not deteriorate you guessed it outside it's best to build small six towel rooms with cloth chairs against the outside of your base to the house these workstations and build stockpiles outside to hold stone blocks and slag chunks you wish to process and when complete the steel and Bricks can be placed outside as well to conserve space that said it's best to keep a few shells dedicated to Steel inside your main Workshop to reduce walk time at this point you probably have a lot of rooms in your Colony with plenty of hallways so before we go any further it's best we discuss the best way to go about hallways hallways should always be more than one tile wide this way in the event of a raid more than one Pawn can get after an attacker at a time the corners of runes have no need to be walled either this is a great way to add the occasional statue or item shelf or heater along the path in your Colony maybe even some flat pots skull spikes if you have slaves there's plenty of options for this underutilized space what did I say slaves let's get on to the next part of this script the free labor party every now and then you're going to come across ponds that are unwavering Pawns in your county that can't be recruited it's best they be put to work or harvested parts and chopped down as needed the best way to get free labor is to build a contained space kind of like a penal colony a walled box that has a nutrient paste dispenser attached and a place to dine and do Recreation as well as bedrooms but with no real exits the only one leading to a small kill box with a door system that allows your pawns to get in create a zone that ensures that none of the enslaved pawns will leave the space and you're solid use them for whatever labor you like a great use for these pawns is deep drills and stone cuttings since they do not need to leave to get any of the resources they're using and if any bugs pop out of the ground they are just free food for the new nutrient paste dispenser they also can be made to meltdown slag chunks which is very efficient but son will need a hole in the slag or you risk an escape eventually someone is going to need to go in the rip scanner so it's best not to lose anyone now next up on our list of slightly better accommodations prisons prisons should be very pretty nice places to house everyone you could want to recruit think of it as a welcoming Center we are here to convince any Raider beyond the reasonable doubt that your home is awesome and there sucks so they should stay statues carpets plant pots good food and games goes a long way to recruiting prisoners faster and if you're certain they won't mental break and try to kill you you can speed this process up by having a small prison set up inside of your researcher your researcher will talk to the prisoner while they work helping to build a relationship faster thusly recruiting the pawn faster next up is the research room we all know these rooms need to be cleaned but how many of you build Mech stuff in here well I do too but neither of us should this room doesn't need all the most expensive stuff in it and it definitely doesn't need dirty mechs crawling around everywhere it always seems to be the place Raiders drop in as well but maybe that's just me anyways all you do dads and do hickeys go in here stereotype left floor and Lee's promise to keep two researchers before you have high-end Ventures and you should be solid moving on the hospital is a vital part of any colony and should be placed near the front most entrance of the base so that any wounded pawns or Raiders you capture down Travelers Traders you name it anyone you'd think needs medical attention can get quick and immediate access to a doctor the hospital room should be lodged very large in fact 90 tiles inside this isn't an exact number but make it big the idea is to put all hospital beds near the door and have no other exits to the hospital if you can't afford to sterile tile the hospital this will ensure it never gets dirty get eight beds hooked up to a vitals monitor near the door as well as assorted medicine and you should be good at the moment there is now no low power way to efficiently store Hill route near the hospital so I recommend a single floor tile stockpile to hold equal medicine and set critical to ensure not too much is out of the fridge at one time and on a final note for hospitals ensure you have two doctors one for day shift and one for night shift this way you will never be late on a vital tent also maybe add some statues and a TV so the room Beauty and Recreation can counteract those giant pain debuffs you're welcome in advance it's time to talk about zones and why you need to use them more I bet you have some wimps in the county that are really good at crafting why let them wander off into danger when they have those tasty skills create a nice park in your base for pawns to get that nice Outdoors buff if they can't leave then Zone them to be permanently indoors even better Zone them to only be able to go to work to eat bed and have fun with nowhere else available this will make for a highly effective crafter do the same for your chef and even some haulers you can set up hauling pass for different hauler groups to effectively Supply an ultra base it's time to talk about walls not kill boxes just the walls I bet you build them I bet you've double layered them I'm here to tell you when you want to build double layered walls it's best to build a hallway that wraps around the entire base with some sides having doors in or out building walls this way allows you to safely move pawns around the colony during a breach and having the inner door gives you the ability to take pod shots at the enemy easily allowing you to move along the walls to improve this you can stagger the walls allowing you to fire back at anyone that gets inside the walls with you shooting around the edges at I find this to be necessary in the weight game when very large drop pod rains start happening but not so important during the early to mid game it's time to talk about hazardous item storage let's start out with mourners I like to build one tile rooms with single shelves in them out on their own near the mortars to store any shells we have any anti-grain gets two walls of marble and two doors of marble I found this contains the explosion at the cost of the first layer of wall and to prevent any stupid pawns from smacking them I like to place a wood wall in front of the door and tear it down when I'm ready to use the shells I do not run any power lines under the room to avoid any damage and this is really all you can do next up is chemfield now it's important to note that chem fuel explosions get larger based on stack size so it's important to understand how to store this material to avoid losing your whole entire stash this method can also be used for the anti-grain shells and other mortars if you like it's best to store chem fuel in a compartmentalized room similar to the mortars make a hallway with one tile marble rooms or other strong Stone and place a shelf directly behind each door filtering them all for chem fuel if one of the sets of chem fuel explodes it won't explode all the chem Fuel and the chem fuel that does explode will be contained luciferium should be stored in a one dollar room that has no door and simply remove the wall when you want to use a dose and lastly talk sway should be kept in a freezer in its own box on the edge of the map that itself powered right like powered on its own until you have pods to ship that waste away or equipment to destroy queenly I thank you all for watching this video and if you think we missed anything or have your own tips feel free to leave them in the comments down below I'd like to thank all the patrons that make videos like this possible we couldn't do it without you guys I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Noobert
Views: 150,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld, rimworld base design, rimworld base guide, rimworld how to, Rimworld how to start
Id: fyMxEw9gJRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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