10 ADVANCED BASE BUILDING Tips & Tricks Rimworld 1.4 Guide

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hello there and welcome to 10 Advanced tips and tricks for Base building in room world so in this list I have brought up all the things that will make your base a good running operation with happy people in it and everything's well defendable and the like we're not going to cover that many defensive strategies in here and that's not the main focus of this video so if you're looking for whatever is in this video timestamps are down below let's get started with number one I want to talk about X classic the kitchen so the kitchen is the source of food and food poisoning alike and if you can't avoid that by keeping the kitchen clean the easiest way to achieve that is to plug the kitchen directly to your freezer and have no other access to that then only your Cooks will enter the kitchen and this way the dirt production in the kitchen will be minimized keep an eye on this place to keep it clean or just download some mods that are good for keeping Base clean whatever is to your liking but this way you can lower the total amount of dirt because nobody will run through this room unnecessarily and that is really good because food poisonings are really a pain number two the expandable animal zone this one is one of my favorites so wherever you want to defend your base or distract enemies you can put up a Zone where you dump all the animals that you don't like so you can put up as many zones as you want here I've created one called Expendables and I plugged it in here what I store here right now are rats so Raiders have that wonderful inability to focus on important targets they they really pick whatever they can they're really impulse driven and if you even time it and wait until the Raiders are full on in combat with your expandable animals should be something tougher than rats though you can't even take advantage and come a little bit delayed into the fight whatever you do with this little tactic you can put so much use into all those Critters that are practically useless you get another one of those squirrels gifted well that's something you can't do with it and at the end of the day if they don't do anything else they can be dragged up to your butcher's table and transformed into some nice dinner afterwards number three I want to talk about Beauty rating happiness and flooring these three things belong really closely together so whenever my colonies spiral into disaster it has had quite often something to do with unfloored bedrooms or many unflowed areas you know the thing about room world is is they hate nature I don't know what's wrong with them but as you see here everything which is not some beautiful kind of tree or interesting planned I wouldn't just ground it's minus one Beauty and that makes people unhappy over the course of the time therefore just slapping up some neutral flooring is already an advantage when you go for some wooden flooring which burns fast but they're cheap otherwise you start to produce some positive beauty and that is kind of like a buffer for the happiness of your people it's one of the cheapest ways to make people happier by just getting some flooring up and if you can't afford any flooring because you don't have any resource is go into the mountains smoothen out some floor and you have a very very powerful beautiful flooring for your colors seriously Beauty two is really high and makes them quite happy already whatever you do don't neglect flooring in your bases because that makes people very mad over the course of the time soon number four I want to talk about logistics and workshops so or starters I have in every base of mine a central warehouse which is as closely to the center of the base as possible so I'll put it here this time the space is a little bit uh lengthy but as you see here pretty much every miscellaneous item that needs the storage is stored here so whatever you are in the base you need it here or here well it's the same-ish distance so there's no advantages or disadvantages depending on your position in the base this ain't good for big industrial operations though so if you want to put up a drug lab like here uh like I do here you will need specialized storages to achieve that just flip up the priority of this storage this way the people will try to put the desired Goods first into the industrial storage and whatever doesn't fit in there would end up here it's a really good solid thing to use for all matter of things fabric drugs food steel whatever here I have put up the stones for example and the steel outside because they can't rot the Stone Cutters tables over here the mission the Machining what happens here smelter's here Advanced crafting here so we have really low walking distance because walking distances make things really unnecessarily take longer and with these little tricks you can minimize that without much work I really like this because it's easily set up so number five staying with the logistics and the storage I want to talk about explosive storages so here my cam fuel has only been storage here that's because camfield will explode if it gets punched sometimes people are pissed swing a tantrum and I don't know why I even had one swinging a tantrum on an anti-grain Warhead once it's not a made-up store it actually happened that means explosives have to be stored separately don't make the mistake to put them in there I would even recommend you to forbid the items completely out of your general storages to make sure that these things Never Land there also water shells they are the same material or they are also very very explosive and should be stored separately if you want to go really Pro I'd even recommend you to store your chem fuel separate from your shells because you know if somebody swings a tantrum at your camfield this way you won't lose your shells as well because chain reactions happen with explosive so darn fast therefore it really pays off to put good attention to where to store that stuff and especially mortar shells you know they are valuable they're really strategical treasures and therefore it's worth the effort number six I want to talk about defensive designs in your base so not one uh not gonna go too deep into kill box designs here or anything that's not the point here few ground rules that's all I want to talk about first off keep an entrance open to your base that's mandatory because otherwise you'll see more drop potters and breachers than you'd ever like to see and the other thing is either you build them a huge kill box that can soak up all the enemies that will ever enter your base where it can also fall into if you get ever drop potted or well that's my personal preference here I made up a base that has a lot of narrow points traps turrets all those things because you know your base will get breached from time to time you can also make good use of water like you know like I did here because that also slows down the enemy and and they will always seek the path of least resistance and therefore it's very easy to put up ambushes in situations like these whatever you do just keep in mind when you're designing your base that you're going to be attacked at many fronts and these little tricks these little narrow spots here these little Corners help you to break up the enemy because you know being attacked by 20 to 40 people can be very overwhelming but if these 20 to 40 people break up into five squads or so because one part of these is going to try to bash those turrets the other guys really want to kill my animals here the next guys want to destroy some solar panel or or well whatever the more they split up the more different distractions they have the easier it will be for your Strike Force to break up the enemy and if you don't pay respect to enough corners and stuff like that it can be really hard but you really have to find your own flavor of defensive design for your base that's account stresses out enough because there are so many ways to resolve 0.6 so leading on over to number seven energy protection so your energy producing buildings deserve Extra Protection here's a wonderful thing so whenever you put walls around something as long as a Raider doesn't see somebody opening that door they will never intend to open this it's basically Pitch Black in there if you were in the vision field of a Raider and that is something you can utilize so here for example I just put up the windmills inside a stone periphery so this way they will never get broken down here these are basically undefended not so well positioned but you can't move these guys so that's a bad example basically ideally try to put walls around whatever energy producing building you got even if they drop hard right into that even if the enemy drop parts now into this you will still have a huge Advantage by having the enemy Coral in like that a few of them might even split it down split split up and be separated from the rest of the flock again strategic advantage and this is also important because you know energy is a vital part of your base so try to keep these as hidden as possible from Raiders same goes for your batteries wherever you're storing them keep them hidden from writers so number eight I want to talk about the advantages of green energy and what you can't do with it so here we see you can use wind turbines wonderful as a source of food this is one of my favorites but the other thing you can go for as a pretty commonly built the way is you can't go for solar panels in between it's up to you how you want to put it but the solar panels won't block the wind turbines and you know this is one really nice Synergy this way you can get so much energy out of a compact area but I I have to say here this thing would be would need to be a little bit wider leave a maintenance Corridor that's very important because otherwise you will be struggling with the maintenance of these so it should look like more like that alright so number nine I want to talk about infestations so infestations will happen whenever you have a bigger part of a mountain on your base and you're digging into there you will face them so they are commonly feared but I think it's actually less bad as it sounds so first off keep the rooms that you want to be safe from infestations as well lit as possible this is not a guarantee that infestations won't spawn there but generally they prefer darker areas sometimes it works more often than not it doesn't so what's really important though whenever you go towards building into a mountain it's it's mandatory to build infestation proof so here for example I went in for those little choke points here so whenever a infestation will happen I have a very easy time locking down the corridor completely just pay attention to the fact that you don't put these choke points too close to each other because they are ranged attackers on the um in insectoid front and they might use these walls for cover if you put them too close to each other but whatever you do if you have choke points like these and a couple of people with armor shotguns grenades and stuff most infestations become surprisingly manageable the biggest advantage of the insectoids is that they can swarm you with these little design Tricks unique like you deny them this Advantage massively now number 10 I want to talk about wealth and expansion so you might or might not know the wealthier your base the more dangerous the Storyteller will become so that means the more money you have accumulated in your base the more stories people will have heard for your place and they feel like they are something worth stealing there that means in a nutshell I recommend to you if you have a high difficulty rating and you want to survive there your investments in the early game should always flow first and foremostly towards defenses spend that wealth to get stronger to be powerful in defeating enemies by weapons build traps buy armor craft things that make your life easier against the enemy before making your place luxurious if you want to go for those fancy statues and really really valuable builds and floorings and whatnot like the stuff that I built here be sure that stuff will get a lot harder the moment you are wealthy therefore in my opinion defense first wealth later this way you will have a fair chance to beat back whatever the Storyteller flings at you and if not well it's either your difficulty level too high or your preparations were not thorough enough it's a little bit depending on your play style and your difficulty and all those things Rim world is a very very deep game therefore I'm pretty sure I made my point here so that's been that and these things that I really hope that it'll help you in in keeping your base stable because a steady supply of happiness and the flow of things are really really important in getting yourself a powerful setup there so I thank you for watching feel free to drop me a comment leave a thumbs up or a subscription even if you want to support the channel I'd be really appreciating that that being said there's also links down there to patreon PayPal and buy me a coffee and I'd be really delighted if you'd give them a look as an independent content creator I can really use all the support that I can get and if you want to join my community there is also a Discord link down there with lots of friendly strategy and survival game players and I'd really have like to have more people down there so thanks for your time thanks for hanging around until the very end of this video I really appreciate and I hope I'll see you next time
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 4,947
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Keywords: Rimworld, Rimworld 1.4, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Tips, Rimworld 1.4 Guide, Rimworld 1.4 Tutorial, Rimworld 1.4 Tips, Rimworld Playlist, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Lets Play, Rimworld Biotech, Rimworld Biotech Gameplay, Rimworld Biotech Guide, Rimworld Biotech Playlist, Rimworld Biotech Genes, Rimworld Biotech Xenotype, Rimworld Biotech Tutorial, Rimworld Tips 2023, Rimworld Advanced Tips, Rimworld Base Guide, Rimworld Base Tips, Rimworld Base Building Guide 1.4
Id: a5L40zq2y3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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