How to Build a Workshop A to Z

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hey guys jeff from home renovation today's video is all about how to build a shed today we're doing the framing sheathing and the roof sheathing everything you need to know so that you can build your own little workshop or shed or tiny house pretty much everything you're going to need to know to build anything in this video let's get at it this lab was done what four months ago been a while all i know is that uh because of the supply chain issues this year we've been moving our projects around all over the place just to be able to keep working all day every day getting the shed done wasn't a big priority but we're getting near the end of the season we got maybe two good days of weather coming up so we're building this shed in two days that's all there is to it we're just gonna have to get it done kind of gone through the plane with my son real quick what we're going to do so we're going to just jump right into it realize we're on our own concrete slab if you didn't see that video you can click the link up here we'll put the information in the video description as well basically we have a concrete slab and we've got j-bolts in the concrete now there's a lot of different building code out there some places you're going to need more than what i put in i just did this to hold it together because we do get some pretty good winds out here nothing too kansas-like but it gets windy across the farmer field in the winter so we just want to hold it all together make sure that we get a good seal so we don't have the plates lifting and stuff like that and off recycle and we're going to get into all of the how and what we do we're going to basically cover it all mostly hand tools a couple of power tools but we're going to make this so simple that anybody can build it we'll show you every step so you understand the process and the materials and the tools and the fittings our screws the nails will cover it all let's jump in this maddie we need some two by sixes i need you off the ladder more than that all right oh we're gonna start out by building our back wall it's really simple there's nothing to it it's just two by six limber it's gonna be two by six on the back and the front because that's gonna carry our rafters for the roof and that's a lot of load so we want to have some good bulky meat there we're going to go with pressure treated plates and soft wood lumber other than that we're just going to stick nail it all together 16 inch on center we're going to build it in two sections though okay because it is heavy and we want to build one part of that wall there and then build the other short wall right next to it right away that'll keep it from falling over and that is gonna be nice and safe right here in the middle it's the door there's nothing on the back it's empty we don't we don't have anything going back there we're doing the front wall so the first part of the layout just to understand this i always recommend have the outside of your lumber just a little bit past your concrete it's really hard to get a perfect pour unless you spend a lot of time with your framing my experience with most homeowners is the frame that they're working with is generally like mine a little wobbly so i like to go a little bit past on both sides like just a quarter inch a half inch or so and let's give it a shot and roll that over look at the size of that dent you got a good shadow there oh yeah so that's my dent right when i'm putting my wall in i'm going to slide it over to the bolts i'm going to lift it up i'm going to tap it back okay so really what i want to do is i want to just cut like this just past my dent it gives me all kinds of flexibility all right let's do the same thing over here just a little bit past half now once i notch that out i know that i'm going to be in a position where the washers that i'm using are going to be over top of that wood i'm not going to have any concern all right here we go [Music] when you're doing this you generally have to cut past where your hole is going to be made because you have a round blade there you set that on that nut there we go now we're in good shape here now so the process of building a wall it's really as simple as taking your bottom and your top plate and i buy these dewalt tapes because they have a red square on it and that literally means that's where the stud is so i'm going to have a stud here and i'm always going to mark on the left and i'll just run across marking the top and the bottom plate at the same time and then we can nail this all together that's more like it now the process here is just his mouth get on that line try to get it kind of flush one nail for every two inches of dimensional lumber you're dealing with two by six makes three nils so all right all right guys this is a sill gasket it's just basically foam plaster right we're gonna put it on the bottom just staple it on what it does is it creates a seal between the wood and the concrete for all those imperfections all right it's like an air sealer and it kind of helps to keep the bugs out so if you don't have a vapor barrier underneath your concrete it also could act as that as well you want the smooth side against the wood and the ridgey side against your concrete whoop all right so i was gonna have you put nuts and washers on those after we lift it up okay let's get it in position all the way up there you go okay and then bunny hop it back there we go it looks pretty good now you want to hold that okay all right you want to bring it back towards you a bit that's looking good i intentionally i'm trying to hang off the edge of the concrete bitmap so that all the water diversion is away from the building okay we're just tightening down the washer till it's denting into the wood okay there that's gonna keep that lumber from going anywhere now we're gonna build a sidewall going from the eight foot to the ten foot front right so here's the shed okay this is basically 10 feet tall and i'm gonna have four windows across the top so what we're going to do is build eight foot three all the way around like a great big square all right and then we will add the height with the windows and then we'll angle it backwards so we get our slope so we'll have a wall like this we'll add a wall and then we'll put the slope on and that'll make the roof so by keeping eight foot three all the way around it makes our life simple we don't have to do too much cut work unfortunately i bought a bunch of ten foots instead of a bunch of eight foots ah maddening so i got to cut all my lumber now [Music] all right so we're at the point where it's time to put the two walls together one thing you don't need to do here is use a level and i know this might be counterintuitive but when you attach two outside walls and you go flush on the outside corner it automatically squares the wall now when we go to add the third wall then we'll worry about level but i'm pretty sure it just self levels eh for the most part um yeah i'm going to agree with you because we're on camera yeah of course it does okay we should however though level the wall we supported we're going to tie it all together because it tying this corner together well automatically oh jesus okay okay okay good it's not going to fall over now all right reality is sometimes you do the math wrong i don't know what i was thinking i ended up giving nate the measurement of the total height of the wall which is eight foot three because it's eight foot lumber with the top and bottom plate and then he cut all of the studs eight foot three like i asked them to which made this wall extremely high so what we've done is we've attached two by four with screws to all the outdoor outside studs marking them i'm going to cut them all i'm going to lift the top plate off remove all the lumber and the nails and then stick it back on again yeah yeah yeah yeah i know all right it's not the end of the world but also important i want to mark where all the studs go now because our marketing is on the outside but i don't want to have my ladder in the dirt so just take a few minutes we'll get this all corrected come right off the back end of this thing if you're not careful unbelievable all right all right [Laughter] yeah anything can be used as a hammer all right now it's attached now it's time for the third wall [Music] hell i come 40 000 miles over here to see what them a pretty little lips gonna [Music] but every single time that i come around another man trying to keep you down [Music] rodeo i've been around long enough to know some things you can't take back some things you just gotta [Music] so [Music] [Music] well you [Music] wow that's spooky okay that's spooky this side's good the other side is a little twisted but it might be because of that yeah this one's really up that one that corner is too right whole side yeah it squared the other end though all right so one of the basic laws of geometry that we're working with here is as long as your top plate and your bottom plate are always the same length when you tie your building together you have what's like a moving parallelogram okay and getting it square is just an act of fixing the the corners into position to be to be plumb the middle has to be reinforced because right now it's bowing so what we're going to do is just take two boards across the bottom in the middle we'll nail this together to make a nice long stick we'll mark the dimensions of the of the of the outside of the stud on the stick we'll lift this up and attach it to the inside of the stud base so then the same distance at the bottom will be the same distance at the top and that'll automatically square the cube okay so it might be bowed now but it'll make the bottom the same as the top and that'll make the process of squaring and plumbing off the corners really easy as soon as we grab the sheeting all right matt let's give this a nail bud and i'm looking for just like three okay okay now how close are you to the top four or five inches and right there there we go square okay gonna hang a punching bag off of that like that corner is still not square we got to shoot it all right so we got the basics frame now we have three major components here we still have to complete well the window's okay actually this will work fine the the door was just getting the instructions off the internet for the height the actual dimensions and where the header goes to carry all the weight of that door so until we have that we won't frame that in and my exterior door here i've got room in my frame to add the jacks and the header um we've got to bring my powder actuated nail gun to bury the wall plate into the floor we'll bring that tomorrow right now i think matt what we should do is we got to build the ladder for the top of the front of this wall so we can put in our windows yeah windows all the way across the top crazy design ah but before we do that maybe we should get this building squared off what do you think isn't it square now because you're a piece in the middle well it's it's it's still a parallelogram it's just moving together right until i get the sheeting on and get the end gables straightened out because we don't have anything to keep the whole building from moving around yet right the sheeting will give it some strength so that it doesn't twist and move around so i got a decent trick here uh we're going to be putting the sheeting on the building now that's half inch yeah yeah it's like half inch so instead of uh like so we're going to put it on lengthwise like this or width-wise whatever you want to call it once it's on the building instead of like looking down at the bottom of it trying to make sure it's like you know at a good spot to lay it late on and nail it on i just measured four feet up which is the width of the sheet and then i uh you know with my chalk line so i measure out eight feet which is the length measure up four feet which is the width so i mark it on two studs and then i put my chalk line around that one stud with the mark on it so i basically wrap it around the stud put the line on it and then pull it tight measure it up to the chalk line and then i walk it down eight feet to my other mark here which is right here and then i pulled it tight yeah somewhat and then i snapped it and so basically that's going to be now i got a bunch of lines here but roughly in that area all right so what i'm doing here is really kind of strange at first light you'll see how smart this is but i'm screwing the sheet on the corner because that extends the side here and then when i attach my sheeting on that side and bring it over if there's any gap i can push on the building to close the gap and then attach it and that'll actually plumb and square it all off i know it'll blow your mind it'll make it so close to perfect it'll be just like oh why didn't i think of that by the way i'm not opposed to having a second pair of hands at the corner when i do this holy wind so that's my mark up right here okay ready good now we're square go ahead and throw a level on that i dare you it's not it's not going to be level let's do this on camera 50 bucks the buttable is hitting or it's over the line my work and beautiful oh look at us we're even seaming in between the lumber like an idiot oh well it's the price of getting it square he's touching the line that's beautiful touching the line it's beautiful what are you talking about put it up against the sheathing he's touching the line oh my god you just [Laughter] you put one wall up uh four actually thanks i thought maybe this time we'd put it in the middle of a stud what do you think anytime you you want to throw nailing thank you appreciate it so now we're going to just install the rest of the sheeting we're going to do it based off the center of the stud bays because all the black lines that are painted are already the 16 marks makes life simple your bottom mark there you go [Music] uh [Music] don't [Music] okay well not bad for day one framing we've defined this space and it's huge i had no idea it was going to feel this big but uh yeah go big or go home i guess tomorrow we will finish framing the front and get our windows uh situated up there uh we've got a little bit of work to figure out because the the concrete pads actually pour it a little bit on level big surprise but i think at the end of the day we'll be able to get all that taken care of get the roof on and get this weatherproofed day three of course will be door door window vinyl sliding that's gonna be a long day [Music] all right it's day two now i remember i think i said at the beginning of this video i was gonna do it in two days that's ambitious uh oh yeah yo first of all i'm getting old i'm i'm feeling it i i finished at three yesterday we didn't get started till after ten it was only a five hour work day so to be fair i i keep on calculating things with the younger jeff who would work 10 hours straight no worries today we're going to get the rest of the sheathing finished up framing the two doors we're going to build a ladder above the the front wall here because we're putting in some horizontal windows i think it'll be really cool feature get a lot of daylight in here and then uh we got to get the roof on so i think if we can get the roof on today that'll be great and then we can put a house wrap on just so that uh i feel like we are getting some progress maybe i'm still without a door because well welcome to the supply issues that we're having right i don't have a door here yet amazing and then we're gonna have to fuss around with the roll-up door to get the uh the installation for that figured out they don't come with instructions so what we're gonna do is we're gonna assemble it on the floor sort all the details create a measurement and build in the frame accordingly but that's not today because today is all about production all right no one's here yet i'm right here nice and early with max so we uh we're gonna finish getting set up and then and probably trim up the rest of the building and try to finish the sheathing while we're waiting 42 and a half so we got 20 feet right we need a center line and then i'm going to have a window here and a window here we want to frame this based off direct transfer from the stud to the rafter okay as many places as we can so i'm thinking because we're on 16 the way we are here if this is our center mark basically right we put a stick there stick here right window bay stick here okay and we got to go double plate on that because it's really and we can add meat okay but i want the ladder built so that it's direct transfer on that load from on on on this so you want the bottom plate to be doubled up is that what you're saying or the top the top plate it's hot plate to be doubled up but just build the regular ladder yeah with that one that one and that one and the end on it right boom and then the same thing over here so i'm building so i'm building two ladders yeah because probably it means just it's ten foot dimensional number right so if we build two ladders like that yep it'll make sense for the load transfer it'll make sense to tie it together it'll be easy to stick the windows in um we'll just put a couple of blocks right yeah based on the dimension of the windows but uh we'll just start with that so you go good you go 10 foot stick right this is why we built it 20 feet because this dimensional number is already coming out of the box right so we're gonna go for a 10-foot stick and you're going to put one right after four feet bam just mark out that's the four-foot mark and then the four-foot mark again and then the overhang so there's only four four blocks gotcha we should measure the uh size of the window and then give ourselves an extra inch just to make sure we can cut it all straight afterwards oh yeah 64. bam maybe that's could be the bit there trying to figure i've never really i used to i just i used to be the guy that told to build something i never had to measure it all out and this is fun though this is all right might take a little while but we'll get there i got a 10 foot piece of 2x6 i got my top and bottom plate uh these x's are the studs this gap in the middle here is where the window is going to be at as long as just like this one here so i got two windows i want to put in the first the right half of the building here i'm trying to measure it all out and see how it's gonna work i have no idea yet but uh i mean yeah we'll figure it out there's something not like uh square with this it's like the windows are shifted just over the center point one way or the other i can't figure out which one i think they're actually shifted over to the center point this way too much like an inch or two so if i have one window all right okay so that's my gap it's gonna be one you're visualizing eh yeah so my center line isn't on a stud neither are these boards and i wasn't worried about that you have a stud here yeah and then i got 16 over and that's your next one there no no so i got a stud on the end yeah i measured 16 over to line up with that the next step yeah and then from there i measured the 30 whatever 36 and a quarter which is the inside dimension of the window mark the next stud okay so that's where we got this wrong why because if we just mark the four foot right then we have the direct load transfer at those points you're going to have all the studs not lining up for the load transfer and then there'll be pressure on the windows okay if we were to go more like this put your forefoot put that stud in put that stud in leave the next four foot and then put that stud in it's okay so you don't necessarily want your windows to be like centered right well they're going to be mirrored but they're not going to be centered on the whole building gotcha okay that's what i was trying because then when if we build it this way and leave all the gaps then we can measure it out from the finish on the inside and mark out where they should actually go drill the holes cut them and then okay we don't want to be too picky here one two three four studs get it installed make the next one get it installed and then we'll mark it out and cut it to fit so because we've got all kinds of flexibility so four feet is gonna be here yeah so mark it put an x and put in your your brace what did we say we're going to go with like 13 or 14 or something so put one there one there down on one of these boards okay just mark the eight feet eight feet that's the next one and then one at the very end so you got four pieces right if you stick those four pieces in and put the ladder up then we're done all right you can even put the well we'll put the skin on after because it's gonna be different so those are gonna be the load bearing studs because right now our windows are centered are off center to the left of the ladder yeah they're a little this is my other four foot my eight foot mark so then we have this gap yeah and that's fine i'm not worried about that gap now i'm more concerned with with this gap being consistent from here to this next window which is why i want that flexibility so i can i can we can work that map but we'll do that once it's all installed well we're not working with a design or drawings right so if we're we're kind of working out of a visualization process it's a little backwards so we want to just leave flexibility so we can maneuver later that's all right all right so we're more concerned with the mirror effect than than the actual balance all right guys so when you're framing out an exterior door understand that they're wider than normal so interior doors we add two inches to the size of the door so if you got a 36 you frame 38 but on exterior doors the framing is wider so you got to go an extra inch so we need 39 inches wide and you want to set it up so that your header is at seven feet so this is just a jack post and this is like load transfer right this carries the weight ah we do one on each side and then we just toss the header on then i'll be ready to put the rest of the sheathing in place ladder safety eh holy cow you know the other thing you can do matt we can uh run a second hose really yeah we have a second hose yep inside that it's got a 50 foot hose you can throw the blue gun on and you can work off there too okay so that's the header it's basically a nailing surface for the sheathing just going to throw in a couple of more studs up there so that everything is nice and strong let's just recap we got everything framed we got an eight foot three structure using stock lumber basically we have a cross brace in the middle to hold it from being bowed we've got our sheathing on to keep everything from shifting right once you get all those nails on the body of a sheet of plywood the frame can't twist one way or another in the old days they'd actually put a brace on on an angle as a part of the framing a lot of time back then they were using like black joe on the outside of buildings or drywall even or nothing at all just house wrapped so that was necessary but if you're using sheathing you don't need to have add all the extra wood and it gives an incredible amount of strength and it gives you a nailing surface for your siding and it keeps all the bugs and everything else out and it's an air barrier so this is just a really quick advanced technique for building on the cheap side of things i guess you know it's not a zip wall but it's going to work for where i'm working all right so i'm going to use my cordless saw here to cut all the extra sheathing off the edges and the way we're doing that is this simple first we'll take the battery out we're gonna set the depth all right we're going to set the depth to just a hair thicker than the sheathing because when we're constructing i think in the end from the beginning i know i'm going with siding siding gets an outside corner how perfect this joint is is irrelevant do not spend all your time fussing around things that have no value now i can cut relatively speaking just following the line that's on the on the sheathing right you can throw a chalk line or you can guess but as long as you're close you don't cut through the nails you'll be fine [Music] i am too short [Laughter] that's a shame because if nate was here he'd be able to do that for me without getting a ladder all right okay find that hole there we go there we go i don't want to damage that i can use that here darn right okay three feet hey [Music] safety squints activate you're going to carry the big ones around the backside and line them all up and then we're going to bring them over if we get them up on this wall on the back side up the side wall you can pull them down and then shimmy it down the side while nate pushes it once we get one rafter up it'll be easier from there okay so obviously we've been working on this for a couple days without the camera on that's just because when we get to this time of year we got to worry more about um shed production than film production it's just about getting it finished right now if there's aspects of this build that you've missed and and you don't understand or you want information for it we'll put a list of videos in the video description for you all about siding and doors and windows and roofing and all that kind of stuff okay so all the information you need is definitely available just gonna have to do a little bit more research so here's the deal the way we did this you saw the roof trusses going in the secret to this is easy it's like putting in a floor joist package all right because we're going single slope there's not much to it all you do is you start measuring just like a wall from one end and put your 16s all the way down on both sides okay you square everything off you install them all and then when you're done with that you just want to cut the face of it all straight so you don't have your lumber on an angle you have just cut it straight front and back nice and flush with the building and then we add the ridge beam afterwards okay so we have a bit of a build out that helps with their water so now we've got a drip edge and then we're going to have the siding underneath that it's a good water diversion system as far as the roof is concerned once you've got it installed on 16's and it's squared off you just get 5 8 osb it comes with the chalk line marks on it for you already on there and you just line that up on your floor joist package that's your roof and you just nail it all down okay stagger all your joints run it off the edge chalk line snap it cut it off good to go now because it's a pretty much what we're going to call a flat roof you've also got to use an ice and water shield it's a self-adhesive we did that same process in the last shed video the only difference is in this video we actually put the same roofing shingle on top and it goes on real simple again basic construction right stagger your joints and install it according to manufacturer's instructions it's five nails per shingle and it's a real easy process okay so now the roof is on it's just about buttoning it up and finishing it up we stuck the door in aside from that there really is no major challenge here but i'm gonna take you inside so you can understand the framing and how we're going to finish and we'll show you our plan so basically the construction here is really simple right we have structural walls on the on each end of our floor joist package that becomes our roof that's made out of 2x6 for structure the ends are just kind of facade to put on the siding and to hold my door and then you can see across the top here matt created these little ladders and these boxes are in effect are going to be where the windows are going these are really awesome i'm gonna have these things outside all the way across the top to bring in tons of natural light okay in addition to that i'm also gonna have another great big window here it's gonna be functional so we can get fresh air and at the far end we're putting in a roll up mandarin it's a five by six foot the thing about this is it comes with no instructions there's no way to get instructions it's the last one available in ontario so we've just been really struggling trying to source things out we're going to do a video about installing that thing it ought to be a lot of fun because we're going to have to figure it out by building it on the floor and then take it apart and then reinstall it on the wall it's going to be maddening but it'll be a lot of fun aside from that really the key here is just water management okay waterproofing the deck before we put the roofing shingles on house wrap on the outside sealing up and diverting everything with the trims and the siding we've got all those videos available in our video description down below you can check out all of that okay so that you'll be able to build this yourself it's not complicated if you can build a four foot piece of wool you can build a shed let's just go through the process because we did 5 8 tongue and groove sheathing on the roof it's a low slope so it's going to carry a lot of snow load in the winter time so we use ice and water shield and an architectural shingle over top of that we use the whole system from gaff so if you'd like to see how that is assembled and the proper process for doing a roof just click the link up here we'll put a link in the video description as well because we did a great video on re-roofing the main house and all that information applies but low slope you got to have a complete membrane on the roof and that's what we did other than that we got some of the siding going on it's real basic we stuck the door in and you've all seen these videos it'll all be in the video description as well you can click the link if you want to watch the vinyl siding right now we're going to dive into all the windows in the roll-up garage door because this is going to be somewhat unique and there's going to be a lot to learn there so i'll grab matt and we'll start going the process of cutting out all the holes and really it's a matter of working from the inside to make all your measurements and markings and then you do all the cutting from outside so we'll get into the details and all that right now all right we're installing two kinds of windows in this house one is just a basic shad window now this was available at local home depot in my other shed video i actually use the same windows i think i've sent a lot of people on a search for a five dollar window because i misspoke in that video it wasn't five dollars i think these are more like 50. all right so be realistic with your expectations but the idea is simple it's just there's no function right all you got to do is stick it in and then do a little bit of foam set a couple of screws and you're good to go and we're going to go four of those across the top all right and then this bay here we're actually putting in a slider so that we can have a little bit of ventilation in here and be nice in the summertime okay and the way that we do this is we frame this so that it's a little bit bigger than the window in every dimension and then we just take a half inch spade bit like this we drill it out to measure okay and that's it all four corners and then outside matt's going to take a marker and a level trace it out and then cut it with a skill saw there you go man okay once he cuts that out he'll just basically pass the window into the hole and then we'll throw a couple screws in it put it in place now because this is a shed and it's not a heated room we don't need to use expansion foam for any kind of temperature control but you can use it to help anchor the window in place so you're not driving a bunch of screws in the wood and it also helps to reduce the amount of bugs that are working the way into your shed how's that going well lines are getting drawn i prefer if you drew it from the outside of the corner of the hole not the inside corner i don't know if it's gonna fit if you do that actual four feet how we doing here yeah you're gonna be too tight make sure you cut on the other side of your line all right okay [Applause] okay see if she fits i doubt it there's too much crap in the way right now we got to uh trim this up and now the window's upside down okay so flip it one more time and then stick it in the hole okay oh she's a heifer yeah oh man okay now hold on one second we're gonna be trimming like this okay now do you see how the inside of that window is almost flush with the frame i think we can go flush with the frame and call it on the inside yeah all right okay i got the i'll get the flush part so we're using just a j trim on the outside and the window is extended past the sheathing so we're just going to go with flush from the frame a couple of shims there bud okay okay other side okay beauty there you go nice and simply now best practice for installing anything is to screw through the shim not around it and to put the shims underneath where the load transfer is okay and then anchor up here as well no i don't have a knife i i hate filming in the morning i'm so tired you hate covenant in the morning cove in the morning i hate covert at all times but filming in the morning i hate coven in the morning that's pretty clean hey there we go now the only thing left to do here is just to check your mechanism make sure your window's not twisted it should function easily enough oh look they even gave us screws i'll save that for another day beautiful all right so there's one the other four are going to go in roughly the same way the jam extensions are a little bit shorter on these so the idea is to get your screw right in off the side and because these windows are so small i think one window at each end will be fine so i'm gonna let matt do that later but right now what we should do is talk about our roll-up garage door these things are a pain in the butt the ones that we bought didn't come with instructions so the only way to sort out how to install it is actually to roll it out on the ground put everything together on the floor then get your rough and dimension and then build the hole completely backwards most things you buy in this world give you a rough dimension for installation so while you're building you can have everything framed in this case we've got to do it backwards and kind of reinvent the wheel like we're building a treehouse and then she unrolls right look at this out you can literally just set this right in the middle and that's where that's going to go now these get attached to the interior frame there's holes here and self-tapping screws that'll work fine it's got caps to stick on afterwards so this is actually relatively simple as far as understanding this is concerned what we're going to do is just take a measurement from the door and then add we want the the hole in the in the in the actual frame to be about the same places where the door goes okay so that the track is installed on the inside then there's a bit of an exposed aluminum on the outside of the hole and the door goes inside of it and so nice and simple there's lots of framework really what we want is the hole in the wall to be the same size as the door and then we're going to be fine well that's really easy math we're looking at 62 and a quarter okay now we originally roughed it out a little bit wider than that we're at 65. so we're gonna stick a two by six on one side a one by six on the other side we'll cut out the base plate we'll lift it up we'll level this this piece off put in an l because there's no structure on the on this the rollers itself actually get installed on these little metal brackets all right so we'll be able to uh attach these onto the frame on the sides all right we got some little locking hardware here all right and we'll just bolt all that together over top of the rail after we install the door it's actually not going to be that difficult but getting the size and the frame and everything square and level that's really the key and then after that the assembly is a piece of cake don't forget you want to make sure if you're adding framing inside your hole to add your sheathing your aspinate afterwards because we are going to be putting on some cladding and j trims and you want to make sure everything has a nice flush surface once he frames up the hole then we'll cut the tip out of the way and install the door together on camera [Music] all right well it is uh winter time we're getting a little snow today tomorrow it's gonna be sunny at least and cold so tomorrow we'll bring out the uh the big kerosene heater and we'll warm up our siding and finish the installation and now we're just gonna go screw our windows in and get this closed up and then put in our roll-up door it's exciting nice to have this place functional okay cause like right now everything's just laying on the floor oh yeah yeah it's a mess in there yeah it doesn't mesh but that's okay it's our mess we'll move it again and again we'll be good all right buddy let's get these windows in okay so now all the windows are cut in spaced out i think it's gonna look amazing uh matt's just gonna jump up in the scaffold and stick the window in the hole i'll screw them all in and then we'll we'll step back and have a look and see if anything needs to be adjusted we've got a little wiggle room so uh man it's amazing how fast the weather changes around here okay there we are can can you push your top left corner okay we're just gonna put everything into the top of the plate to start with that's not straight i know how's that not straight in which regard the your right side needs to drop my right side needs to drop yeah this is this easy do you have a level on you keep dropping do you have a level on you no just the window compared to the facials uh okay well that's not what we're comparing quarter to a half the fascia is not straight either so we're gonna have to use a level you can drop it down now [Music] why are we going off the top if the bottom is the level one we're not doing anything we're going to get them all in and then we're going to talk about it all right push it in please okay can you go all the way to your right this time there we go okay drop it down no whistling please okay this one here does it have to come down at all yeah what both sides how's this now the uh the left side your right side needs to raise this side has to raise yeah whoa just give me a minute okay the vinyl's cold it's shattering too easy how's that more if you can i got it i got a touch sure and then both sides on the far one low sides on that one eh hold the window please now lift it up okay hang on [Applause] that one's twisted ah i'm going to drop is it noticeable though nah not really so i think at this point it's like by the time we're done trimming it out with all the j trim it's all going to be irrelevant and if they have an issue i mean one of our lamp posts are crooked too so all right let's uh let's make the move to uh switch over to the garage door all right matt help me roll this up nice and tight please so listen i gotta measure the height okay take your measuring tape measure from the bottom of the rod to the here six inches for me it's fine that's okay we're gonna go with that measurement let's unroll it see how how long it is all together so your measuring tape please it's okay yeah thank you i think i like i would like that can i just get a height from here to the ground 78 78 oh that might have been six feet of 72. so just over six we're going to go with 72 instead as the height that we're actually going to install this 72 inches off the ground what's the height of the header this is going to get a raise that i'm using the tape measure i guess not just under six feet so we're going to go to that height right this plus six inches so throw that mark on the wall all right guys so like we talked about the middle of this here that's where the side of that goes so what we end up doing is we end up actually creating the hole exactly the same width as the door itself and then we install this off center all right boom there all right and we're just using the self drilling screw we'll level this off now all right level this off baby there we go now i can level it [Music] okay that's level all right [Music] i don't want to lose that bit as you can see we've already done the other side and we've got this rail system that came in the kit we kind of sort it out this is adjustable right it's a clamp button bolt so the rails will just sit in these we're setting them six inches higher based and when we rolled the door up the distance from the rod to the outside was about six inches and so this will give us a nice fully closed area it's 62 and sorry 72 inches six feet to here the door itself goes about 80. so it'll stay kind of rolled i'm still not sure how we're gonna get the tension on it hopefully we can just put it in place and then tighten down the the rod on it we're gonna have to roll it up nice and tight set it in place bolt it in i don't know we're going to work this out together why don't you try to wrap your mind around that while i'm doing this that's why i'm sitting here right now okay trying to get on my mountain top yeah get on your back i'm trying to and visualize you know i don't install a lot of garage doors for a living that's for darn sure these things have a habit of getting caught and twisting i'm gonna go on this side so that the twisting action is pulling towards the frame and it'll be less likely to rip my arm off [Music] just as it starts to make contact with the full bit and not just the tip that's when all the boring happens and it finishes off real quick so why am i up so high like i'm on tippy toes that's crazy you know what i think we're doing this wrong maybe but we already did the other one ah nice and controlled no injuries [Music] that's hot [Music] okay okay you're gonna pull that together now oh that's hot something like that uh yeah perfect you got your wrenches here okay i think we're good before somebody gets hurt what what's wrong with you why'd you quit out on me because i'm done [Music] finally being a little violent okay matt just keep the handle away from my knuckles will ya it will be all right so the black line is where our resting place is right we're actually going to hang the bracket on that block of wood we cut one on the other side as well just because we didn't have a we don't have the door double frame wouldn't hurt to do it each four screws is uh 80 pounds each 320. we got over 600 pounds of screw strength here between each side of the door this thing only weighs what 40 pounds maybe we didn't need to put the block in oddly enough you want to set this at the height of that black line roughly straight in that ain't going nowhere okay let's put this in roll her up roll her up nice and tight oh boy i've got obstacles over here apparently siding and leaves and nails and we're going in like crooked [Music] yeah we gotta have one hand on the bottom and one hand on the side holding the roll okay get your um mat hang on get this thing here get it over the edge yeah now hold it hold it together all right what's the plan here before this we're gonna lift it up and then well i've got my my um my bracket sitting over here shoulder slide off okay so i'm on the left and you're on the right eh i don't know why we made such a plan this isn't very heavy and above oh okay hold on hold on hold on let's uh feed this into the door first move to your left now feed it into the lift it lift the door up lift it up and feed it in there we go now feed it pull it down dude you got to pull you're in yeah i'm trying to pull stuck there we go keep going keep going i got the top you just pull it down just pull it down imagine it open and close one of these like this yeah once it's in place we'll worry about all that detail keep going oh sh just you worry about the bottom man i don't trust you okay all right holy crap that seemed dangerous okay i don't know what's going on here but my get the thing over and on first and then we'll worry about adjusting it just get the thread like two threads on or something no idea what we're doing i've installed one garage door once and it was a commercial job at a at a mechanics and we put the door in and then we tightened the spring by hand using wrenches that seems easier than this except that it's under pressure so if you slip the wrench gets thrown off and it takes your arm with it oh that's so good it was crazy i'm like i'm never doing that again just let's just lift the door up while tightening this okay you're at your maximum as well right up to this point okay yeah it's not going to slide off okay so get your hands in here list what are we doing rolling this nice and tight no no no out here okay oh my lord it works let's lift it up because i'm rock climbing and and i'm wondering what's the plan well once we get it some tension uh-huh right yeah then we can pull it down after we tighten up the nuts because that assembly is designed hey no more further though we got to keep this that's good we need room for the handle that goes on the bottom i like that okay i'm cool with that not a bad light footage okay let go no way are you sure dude all right now let's pull this down and see if it works here goes everything why did that come out okay strange but true so you seem to be what the hell is going on with that what the hell is going on i think it's a one-shot goat well i think what happened matt is it unraveled please let go please put it down it unraveled it's not under enough tension you know that actually isn't terrible i think it's fair to say we're missing something we're missing something i don't know what the heck it is but like i don't think there's any more science here matt i think it's just it is what it is close the door close the door push it up push it up all right all right what we've learned today max is that uh when you buy the last thing in town it doesn't have instructions it might even be missing parts that's my best guess and uh i'm gonna take this as a win because now at least it's sealed up for the winner yeah yeah that's our college try i have no earthly idea how in the world that is supposed to function the first turn is good yeah all right and then there's a velcro strapper missing or something we're definitely missing something but i ain't gonna spend the rest of my day trying to figure it out um i'm gonna suggest uh you build a shed with things that come with instructions and all the parts this this figuring things out is for the birds so all right i'm sealed up for the winter i'm happy no snow is coming in that's a wind i think it's time to move on we're gonna get a one more good weather day here we're gonna finish the rest of the siding okay well there we go guys we have a the basics of a shed we've got door we've got windows we got light we got lots of headroom lots of strength we can attach and hang anything we want in here and maybe we'll have to do that in another video the outside is gonna change just a little bit because we're gonna get a brand new door this spring other than that we're gonna bring some hydro in here as well there's no end to the options right i'm even looking at this now thinking maybe we should put another door over on this side make a greenhouse on the other side of this i don't know but if you're planning on building a shed and you want something tiny we've got a video for that you can check the link in the description for that video but if you want to build something big then just remember go with two by six balls go with two by ten for your roof we'll cover everything up in plywood tie it all together like we did in this video and you can make a shed as big and beautiful and make a workshop for yourself if you like and if you'd like to see another shed build we have one on our other channel called reality renovation you can click the link over here that build was crazy it has we chronicled how we built that shed in the midst of all kinds of trouble and turmoil and storms and dog parts and beast things i'm telling you life is not always easy click over here to see how real it can be
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 242,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, how to build a workshop a to z, shed, woodworking, how to, diy, how to build a shed, workshop, build, building a shed, workshop build, new workshop, building, man cave, shed build, build a shed, building a workshop, diy shed, woodworking shop, wood, woodshop, do it yourself, carpentry, woodworking projects, how to make, building a man cave, diy shed build, how to build a shed house, how to build a workshop, workshop ideas
Id: 0EgTYG6NNng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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