How to Pour a Concrete Pad for a Workshop

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in today's video guys we're pouring a concrete pad for my 14 by 20 shed now we're doing a little differently this time this time we called the concrete truck we're going to go through the process for framing it and putting a vapor barrier underneath and putting in the structural wire to help give us some strength to carry the load we're also going to be talking about the concrete guy options that they've got and services available so that you can make this a diy project if you don't have any help or if you have a helper like i did today you can do a lot more of the work yourself and keep your costs down so we'll talk about a lot of the differences and the process and how to finish the concrete so it's a little bit nicer i'm cutting in one corner today i'm not using a bowl float it's super diy and quick and simple but for me it's just a shed and i'd rather just wait until it's all dry take out my cup grinder knock off a couple ridges and call it a day but if you want a silky smooth concrete pad then you can rent a bowl float from home depot or something like that it's 20 30 bucks for the day and if you even if you've never worked with one before it's pretty relatively simple to get the hang of it right you just let the tool do all the work and just walk it back and forth you can watch somebody else do that another video but for us we're going to jump into the beginning of this show you how to set it up and then we're going to get right to the point show you how to finish it off as well we're going to make this quick and simple uh just got to cut our ground vapor barrier we're going to lay our mesh back on top this concrete truck's arriving right now so let's just get this done really all we did was just uh pour a bunch of ga compact with a packer build the frame in the neighborhood and now we're putting down a vapor barrier we're going to tape these joints together all right there we go the idea here is to have a form have separation from the ground water and then have some mesh to bond it all together and give you your strength and if your form is somewhat squaring level you'll have a lot of success but [Applause] there you go we'll just get this one down here pull it nice and tight on the edge first okay if you pull it tight all right and we'll just grab a handful of gravel throw it on there but uh not up the side just up flush to the side there you go get in the corner all right a little breezy out here today hopefully we can manage this all right just like a one inch overlap is all it takes okay my way please it doesn't have to go over the other side okay just pull it tight so it's nice and flat okay now this blue tuck tape is ready to perform really well in wet areas when you're pouring concrete i would consider that to be a wet area all right we're good stretch that out a little bit alex [Applause] beautiful there we go all right let's go back and we'll flip this thing in now this mesh has already been tied together they come at the store seven feet by three and a half so our shed is 14 feet wide there we go i got the same crap i'm dealing with there there we go all right let's roll so best practice guys is to oil your lumber before you pour your concrete i don't have any oil today because i moved out so i'm just using some of my leftover wd-40 we're going to see how that works all right so we're doing this in real time today no fooling around all right so full disclosure it's a diy channel i'm not a concrete guy i'm using a magnesium float and an edger that's it i'm going to jump into my rubber boots that's right we're getting rid of the dad shoes today we're just going to jump in and play in the mud concrete guy is going to mix up a little bit wetter for me so it's a little easier for me to work in other than that that's just a race against time so mike your machine isn't what i would call traditional nope wow very nice so you're not mixing it and then driving at the site you're just taking components and then mixing here that's right yeah so everything's everything's off there so you want to get 30 mpa so everything's on the gates over there so you can pick your psi and everything else oh forgot you want to switch from this to that that's beautiful up here and there whatever whatever you need i got it on brilliant who would have known well that was an unexpected surprise learning something new well listen guys this looks like it's going to be a great opportunity if you live in the ottawa area and you need concrete or cement mixed up at your house for a quick pad i'm going to put his contact information in the description below we didn't make an arrangement but with that kind of technology and availability to do small loads that's perfect that's nice hey then i'm not ordering somebody's leftovers right you know like that's pretty cool i'm just gonna uh measure off from zero to hero microwave how's that looking all right alex grab a couple of shovels for us all right just in case we want to shovel the corners in it's easier to shovel than rick [Music] wow that is amazing eh he's dropping the aggregate and mixing it with the water right there up on the spot that's pretty good technology we'll see if the sides blow out on us or not that's freaking awesome it's freaking awesome that's an amazing mix eh wow that is like it's freaking awesome yeah so we're like really high there alex [Music] [Music] all right so that was uh 20 minutes now the price for this project is going to be close to a thousand bucks after tax and this is a 14 by 20. and definitely worth it but the reality is this if you don't have a helper to remove the concrete or you don't have the ability to work this concrete fast enough these guys will lose their patience they'll just dump it and run and that's going to set up before you got time to work it so consider that when you're ordering this make sure you have help and the tools available to do the job because he's not going to travel for you if you're a one-man operation i would consider maybe getting the the mixer and do it yourself gives you a lot more control over the time now this isn't going to have a cold joint but it's a shed if you're cool having a cold joint in your shed then maybe doing it by hand might be an option it's less work but it's still work very important have yourself a hose on hand you got to wash all your tools and boots kind of keep them clean as you go [Music] this stuff will set up pretty quick design on our shed is front wall higher than the back wall single slope roof so both ends are load and the sides are just for show keep the bugs and the birds out so we're going to be using a two by four okay to carry the load yeah um just because i know they used to make houses out of 2x4 so i know it's more than enough so if you run an edger on this right like that it gets rid of the concrete chipping on the front and smooths all that out that's kind of pretty all right okay just gotta lift up the front end a little bit look how pretty that is the more you work this stuff the smoother it goes now if you put a j bolt here you put that in and you turn it and you give it a good jiggle now it's probably a little early in the process for this because it's still pretty loose okay yeah so we're a little early to be working this still here let me see that one for a second and then so if you can just work the room with this thing and i'll use the edger between the two of us we'll get something that looks pretty reasonable we're not looking for perfection as much as we're looking for a pretty damn nice so the j-bolts are going to hold up hold the 2x4 to the concrete and that protects you against the uh the lifting power of high winds that's really their only purpose so i was talking to mike he's got a very unique truck you saw there that uh he was able to mix the water and the gravel on demand so he's not mixing it and then driving somewhere he's mixing it all in advance that means that he can go to cottage country and make your cement on site and it comes out absolutely perfect the consistency is phenomenal you don't get your traditional wet and dry spots like you do with a regular mixing truck so that's just that's just amazing i don't know about this for all concrete companies but mike and mike is third generation in that company and they've done some vertical integration so if you live in the auto area you can use these services for your shed they'll actually come and do the form and pour it and then finish it for you if you want and it comes out to about 12 bucks a square foot for the whole process now this is uh what do we say 14 by 20 almost 300 square feet for him to supply and pour it it was three dollars a square foot and having a helper here made it possible for me to do all of this work ourselves now i am sure that their finishing is going to be high grade professional it's going to look really good and if i really wanted to i could go and i could rent a bowl float i'm just not that interested in majoring in the miners for me a shed as a shed i just want to have something that i can build my walls right up to the edge on all right and then i'm going to reduce the grade here and bring my dirt up to it so i have a couple of inches so i can manage water infiltration in the winter time i'm going to put a sill gasket underneath my frame and seal it up so i don't get water infiltration and that's really the goal like anything in life when you do it yourself the more detail and the more effort and the more investment you put into it the longer it'll perform here we go now the edger is really simple it's just flat with a curve and that curve is designed to remove pebbles and that sort of thing from the edge of your concrete because what they do is they'll they'll grab a hold of ice and frost and snow right and no there'll be reasons why water can't run off smoothly and so on the last two inches of this edge i'm putting a bit of a downward slope on it and then making a nice smooth edge compacting just raising one side and that's it okay the whole goal here is just to make sure that has a nice finish and that water is always going to have a propensity to move away from the frame if you don't edge it your edge might be higher than inside and then you're going to be diverting water into your building that's awesome so i went online and i used the um a google search for aggregate measuring and basically you put in your length and width and the thickness of your pad so when i ordered up my concrete i had a good idea what i needed and i said i needed three three yards turns out i used 2.97 his machine because he makes it as it goes he's measuring it out as he's mixing great technology oh you're having too much fun alex trying to get all that perfect in there i appreciate that oh i'm gonna lap you and put a nice little edge on it oh now so i had the concrete truck guy scheduled for nine o'clock he was right on time it is 9 45. that means in the same amount of time it took us on the last shed to go to the store to pick up the cement bring it back and just move it into the area we were gonna work and we're gonna be almost done so let's just break this down for everybody who's seen the other pad video and if you haven't you should watch it we'll put the link up here we toiled we we labored we brought 60 bags of concrete from the store dragged it into the backyard loaded it into the concrete mixer one at a time and spent five or six hours pouring a concrete pad over two days it was the same price per square foot as making in this phone call and getting it all finished in an hour oh had i known that then now that would have been a little more difficult because of the location of that shed i'm starting to think now even if i had to take out a section of fence so that he could drive right in there it would have been worth doing or even filling wheelbarrows and running it in the back hiring a laborer for a day there's a lot of options here to consider all i know is this i won't be mixing it by hand ever again unless unless it's just a bag or two to close a hole in a basement floor because this was ridiculously easy the psi on this concrete is perfect on every every ounce of this floor you don't have that kind of a guarantee when you're doing it the other way yeah that is just ridiculous how awesome that is the only thing left that i got to find out is how well did this wd-40 work for me so if you're a fan of the channel you've seen any of our other live videos you know we talk a lot about having a plan and sticking to it having a vision well in this area here we're actually putting roll-up garage doors so i'm taking my edger and i'm actually making a pretty significant groove here kind of starting a ramp remember the goal here is to have a roll-up door on the front and the back and what that does is that creates a workshop where you can have your table saw or your chop saw set up you can be running 16 foot lumber through there having enough room to work outside of the elements is really key all right guys so we're going to break down the total cost for this project up to this point and i'm going to compare it with the price that the concrete guy gave me if he was to take care of the whole job for you all right so let me go through the whole process and recap and i'll give you the cost breakdown as well we framed this use material right we just recycled it you could buy something new if you wanted to but we recycled so that was free underneath all of this is a little bit of plastic super six vapor barrier a couple hundred square feet we're going to throw in 10 bucks for that on top of that we've got the wire mesh that comes in seven feet by three and a half feet sections and so do i say there's 12 pieces of that that ends up being about 200 bucks not joking it's not free but if you want to have a pad that doesn't break up on you over time that's a great way to do it and this came in a bag these are these little ties you go like that and then the tabs on it make it easy to twist them together and you do that so that you can lock all that mesh together now you saw us install that mesh we had laid it out we locked it all together and then we folded it up and flipped it out put down the plastic and then drop the bag in again piece of cake but right now we're up to almost 300 of material when you include the j-bolts now the concrete truck himself that load came out to 850 after tax and keep in mind i live in canada so depending where you are there's going to be vary in some price but that's actually about the same prices i would pay if i went and bought all this concrete in the bag at the local hardware store remember when he's buying his aggregate all right he can get a tri-axle of that ga for about 500 retail he's paying wholesale 300 bucks for 25 yards i only got three yards of concrete so his aggregate cost is really low it's just that and then water a little portland cement okay so he's actually making a really good value there for us we get it delivered and poured for the same price as i can buy it in a bag before i mix it myself so this whole thing all together uh 311 we're looking at about 1200 bucks all right now his option as the concrete contractor was to come in make the form put down the plastic and the mesh the j bolts pour it tool it and they've got the big float right and all of that would have been about twelve dollars a square foot that comes out to about thirty four hundred dollars so i got mine for 1200 they could do it for you for 3 400. what i'm trying to say is it only took us an hour i saved over 2 000 bucks and it only took us an hour that's the way to go now if you don't have a helper you might be in for a little bit extra work he can probably pour it and help you distribute it and you probably charge a little extra fee because it's going to take a little longer to get the job done but even at that this guy was so flexible to make sure that you got the good service it's going to be available right listen if you live in the ottawa area and need to help with your concrete or if you have a cottage and you're outside of town dear god don't call the mixing truck that's in the barrel by the time that gets to your site everything is really not the good quality that it was when it left because you're so far away from town call a guy like that who can mix on site he can make you a little or he can make you a lot he'll make it worth your while this shed is going to be amazing almost 300 square feet of space i'm only 1200 invested and i'm already framing that is amazing now listen guys if you like this kind of information in the and the costing out and the options give us a thumbs up communicate with us so that we know that's the kind of information you're looking for so make sure that you guys subscribe to the channel to get the rest of the videos in this series and if you haven't seen our original shed build you should click the link up here watch that video series so you're familiar with the real diy that was our first shot at building a shed this one's going to be a step up it's going to be bigger it's going to be workshop it's going to have more features see you soon
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 88,132
Rating: 4.9462247 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, concrete slab, concrete, how to pour concrete, how to pour a concrete slab, concrete shed slab, how to pour a concrete shed slab, diy concrete, how to pour a slab, concrete slab for shed, pour a concrete slab, shed foundation, build a shed slab, concrete shed foundation, diy shed slab, concrete skills, shed, build a shed foundation, slab for shed, how to pour a concrete pad for a shed, diy how to pour a concrete slab for your shed
Id: oN_dXm6j44s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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