Building CUSTOM SHAPED, STURDY Half Walls for Bathroom Makeover - THE SHOP Part 16

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all our backer board joints are covered with fiber tape and thinset and now we are ready to tile this thing we're not ready to tile yet we're getting a lot of comments saying the shower pan is going to leak of course it's going to leak all those commenters must be new to the stud pack Channel let's give them a big welcome and show them how we build a bulletproof shower hey gang it's Paul with start pack welcome back to the channel Jordan and I are back here at our epic shot bathroom build and I'm actually standing in the shower and Jordan and I were just talking before we started shooting the video this shower is bigger than the whole last bathroom we did right and in the last video you saw us finish all the backer board and we did our awesome slope our pre-slope all the way to our linear drain right here you'll notice right now we got our Pony walls in we actually built these things a couple of months ago and as we've been moving them around the job site they kind of warped and twisted so we screwed them down adjusted them and they are perfectly Plumb level and square and parallel with each other in every way ready to go and these things are serving a lot of purposes number one between them is actually the doorway into our shower no door just clear passage number two they're hiding our plumbing and originally they were going to be moved further this way and the drain was going to be in there but remember from one of our other videos we moved it back for more room in the bathroom less room in the shower which is fine and our sink will tie-in right here it'll be perfect the other thing they're doing we got this shelf on the other side for all our shampoo bottles maybe a beer glass of wine whatever and they're also supporting our countertops countertops are going to sit right here on the top and then on top of the countertops is going to be our glass divider before the shower it's going to be a clean epic look can't wait to see it and can't wait to see tile in this bathroom but before we put tile on the walls there's a few things we got to do first right we got to finish our backer board on the pony walls and the floor we've got to waterproof everything and we got to finish this copper stub it out on the wall for our hot and a cold to our vanity right here I say we got started on this copper then we can wrap these in backer board [Music] foreign cool that right hand side is all done in Copper but I gotta say that was slow after running this whole bathroom in pecs sweating all these copper fittings takes a lot of time and you're probably asking hey stud pack you bunch of Knuckleheads how come you just didn't do this side impex well we actually had all the copper fittings on site and we didn't want to run to the store to get the Pex fittings but Jordan said that I could run to the store and get the Pex fittings in the time it took you to do that one side we'd be done right now hanging back aboard but listen here bud sweating copper is still a skill you need to learn it's still relevant let me show you how to do it the first thing we're going to do is put in this hold right strap it's made for half inch copper pipe and it's going to hold the pipes in line parallel Square to the wall all the things that we like over here at stud pack they're made to go like this between two studs but that's where we're at tonight so we're just going to let it fly and the one on the right side is pretty strong so that's what we're gonna do I'm just gonna put one screw in it right there and then by the time I put the stub out through here and through here and sweat it to this strap it's going to be really strong and rigid just the way we like to do it what happens if you get unlucky and your screw doesn't line up with a stud and you just got metal on your stud like the one over there just like that one yeah so we actually had some uh self drilling drywall screws and that's what we used over there it drilled through the strap and then went into the wood cool yeah not perfect application but for plumbing and for my buddy it's okay when you're cleaning copper cleanliness is key and we like to use this blue monster two in one brush set put it in our drill and check this out I'm going to hold these with channel locks because these get hot due to the friction that's all you got to do and we're clean put that one aside we're going to clean both 90s and then the cap and then we'll show you how to clean the outside of the pipe now we're going to take this part slide it up and I'll show you what happens there we go can you see that now we're ready to clean the outside of the pipe with this part [Music] [Applause] and then after everything is clean flux it up Jordan's getting a shot of that label right there we Flex the outside of the tubing and the inside of all the fittings and after your flux it's time to solder you don't want to get too much heat just until the solder flows that one's kind of messy I'm out of practice and if you're really good you can solder pipe and get a spa treatment at the same time and there's no hiding it right now gang we're going to turn this water on get immediate feedback here we go is that off dude I felt like Indiana Jones right now oh yeah all right no leak so we're good to go time to wrap these Pony walls in half inch backer [Music] [Laughter] all right but this way there's no measuring gang we cut in place one more to go let's do it and there you have it we are so excited to see these Pony walls finally covered in backer board we've been moving them around this job site for a couple of months using them as tables to eat on saw horses but now they're in their final position doing what they were meant to do and if you couldn't see it before now you can see the vision of our bathroom Jordan's in the doorway you come in her vanity his vanity you walk in between her shower his shower custom Niche and over here toilet and a urinal epic design super happy with it and we're so glad we're finally seeing it come all together and check this out gang it was just a short week ago today last Friday that we had our rough inspection and in that short amount of time working mostly in the afternoon door and I have got all this accomplished and why are we here in the afternoon we've got two other jobs we're working on in the morning and around lunchtime trying to get those finished as well plus we got the big move going on for example tomorrow morning we're gonna load up head to Texas sleep unload come right back the next day and on the very next day we'll be right back here back at work so yeah we're working late why don't you show them what time it is Jordan but I don't want to know because you know me if I see the time I'm gonna crash yeah they know they know all right and what I want to do right now I don't want to see any more plywood the next time I come to this job site I am sick of seeing this plywood I want to start seeing thinset and tile and glass and countertops and plumbing so the last thing on our list for today Jordan I want to do is put the backer board on the floor and we're going to do it let's head outside mix up some thin set and get this plywood covered up [Music] foreign [Music] let that Sleek but this isn't the full bag mixer setup we got to get set up better than this dude that was hard especially for your house there's gonna be a lot of tile oh you think we're going to be doing that you are foreign [Music] we got down four sheets and that was one bag of thin set but we are out of gas didn't feel like mixing up another half a bag Drilling and notching these last two sheets we're going to go home get some sleep because tomorrow morning gotta load up a big truck drive it to Texas unload head right back we will see you when we get back and finish this floor guess what time it is 10 40 30. nice hey gang it is Monday evening we're back here at our job site over the weekend we made a quick trip to Texas unloaded drove right back the next day we're running out of time on this project so we got to get this done Jordan already mixed up some thin set we let it slake he put it down while he was doing that I custom cut this sheet notched it around this wall cut it around the toilet drain let's see how it fits oh look at that nice four and a half inch pipe four and a half inch hole saw I'll screw this one down if you want to spread that I already got the sheet cut ready to go [Music] foreign we can happily say the last two sheets of backer border down on the floor and we are super stoked that all the wood is covered in our epic shop bathroom it is not taunting us anymore so take a look around and what do you think our next step is well my next step is I got to put a few more screws in some of this drywall but then we're going to start taping and mudding and we're actually going to use two different systems today we're going to tape and mud the backer board we're going to tape and mud the drywall which one do you want bud we're going to split up and hit this hard and get it done today I'll take the backer all right looks like I'm on drywall hey bud what's your game plan for this backer board all right check this out so I'm using fiber tape everybody knows about this stuff it's just a mesh fiber tape that you use for backer board right so around these seams it's pretty simple it's got a sticky side on one side we just put it on it sticks to the backer pretty well and we're ready for thinset I don't have the thinset mixed up yet because obviously I don't want it setting up in the bucket that would just be kind of weird with drywall it's a little different you can kind of tape and mud as you go but with this stuff we like to tape it first and then use the thin set because if you get a bad bag or something you're going to tape everything first that's right and then mix your thin set that's right and you're ready to go yes sir what we come to these Pony walls yeah we want to wrap these Pony walls in this fiber tape but you can see right here that the fiber tape is not too happy trying to stick to the edge of this uh backer board here so with all the styrofoam beads right it sticks but it needs a little persuasion so I was experimenting right here towards the top and we actually wanted to use a six inch taper right here a fiber tape for this application we just couldn't find any so we're going to make our own this is a two inch and we're just going to come down on each side and essentially make our own six inch we're just trying to give this a little bit of help the last thing we want is for the fiber tape to pop up when we're thin setting it that's just worst case scenario so we're going to go ahead and prevent that and it's so frustrating it's so frustrating so we're gonna completely negate all the frustration we're gonna make our own six-ish and thin set it afterwards I think it's going to work out really well looks great thank you beautiful [Music] foreign 's putting all that mesh tape on I'm gonna start working on the drywall check it out here's what we're using just paper tape I keep it on a spool on my left hand side because I'm right-handed a nice stainless steel six inch blade and a stainless steel pan and we've got our all-purpose in there with the green lid which is better to put your tape on and check this out we have a whole video on how to do drywall but a fun fact when you make videos like that it takes three days to do something that really should have taken you one day we don't have time for that right now we got to get this project finished but just a couple little tricks when you're taping all your uh when you're mudding all your screws just put some on the blade like that I tend to wipe the corners off and see these three screws I'm gonna do it in two strokes one two the alternative is one two three four five six which would you rather do so make sure you go check out that video I'm sure Jordan's gonna put a link up here about it you learn everything we know about drywall but for right now I'm gonna put my paper tape on knock this thing out what are you doing here [Music] foreign [Music] guys as you can tell by the white drywall compound and the great thinset it's the next day and all this stuff that's had a chance to dry overnight but I want to get something out of the open right away let's head over to this wall all you binocular Bobs are probably seeing all these wrinkles in the tape and if you're a drywall professional you're probably pulling your hair out but check this out that roll of paper tape was fighting me this whole bathroom and the closer I got to the core the worse it got and once I finished this wall it was really bad and I decided I'm going to change tape so when I change rolls I started doing my corners and check that out perfectly smooth and flat no wrinkles so I know it was the tape so let's come back over here to the left and talk about these wrinkles they look like bubbles but they're not they are solid they are full of joint compound and remember these are the edges of the sheet there's a taper to them and if I put my knife up there you can see that I got a gap there now we're going to fill that on our subsequent coats this is just the first coat the bed coat sometimes in a garage they'll just do one coat they call that a fire coat but we would never paint this right this all has to be covered with two or three more coats as well as all the screw holes and we may just give this thing a skim coat give it a nice sanding for that Flawless level five finish we're looking for because I only want the best for my buddy in this new bathroom now you notice the back of board down on the bottom why do we do that why did we just bring the drywall down all the way to the floor well there's a couple of good reasons number one I know my friend's going to get in here with a hose hose this place down he likes it clean that's just cheap insurance behind the tile if the drywall went all the way down the floor it's possible it could get wet but it's cheap insurance for us but here's the other thing this is a nine foot ceiling drywall comes in four foot widths right they do make 54 inch wide drywall it's called stretch Rock can't get it here believe me I've looked so you're going to be left with two sheets at four foot with a one foot strip now you could put the one foot strip at the top now you're on a ladder trying to do that one or you can put the one foot strip at the bottom now you're down here try and do that one what the pros do they put that one foot strip right in the middle they call it a belly band that way they can catch both of them at the same time and and they make one wide joint so putting the back of board down here just allowed one drywall joint right here that way we just have one joint to take not two and check out our Pony walls gang every time we add a layer of thinset add a layer backer board they get stronger and stronger and check this out what we do on the corners we don't worry about getting this perfect we just let the thinset run wild we put it on like that and it can ooze out on this side next day we are going to tile it so just come back with a putty knife scrape off that little Ridge and you have a nice outside corner for a perfect tile job man we've got a lot done in this video we started out right here on the pony walls with open Framing and these stub outs and now they're finished and almost ready for tile we're so excited we can't wait to start putting tile in this bathroom next week so make sure you smash that like button for us some of your like buttons are gonna be covered in drywall some of you are going to have backer board on your like buttons but now you know what to do give it a good smash for Jordan and I ask a question drop us a comment and we'll see you on the very next Skype video [Music]
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 72,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studpack, building a shower, backboard, preslope, cement board, pony wall, half wall, shower wall, building a bathroom, bathroom makeover, shower remodel, soldering copper, copper plumbing, how to solder copper, flux, tape and mud drywall, fiba tape, fiber tape, backerboard tape, thinset, diy, renovation
Id: lxrPclvZ610
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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