How to Build a Survival Kit

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what's up guys black Scouts survival and today we're going to be going over how to build a survival kit there's a lot of books manuals YouTube videos a lot of instructors out there they give a idea or how they think that someone should build survival kit and today I'm coming going to go over what my idea behind a survival kit is or how to build one and this Republic it like most of all kiss is for that 72-hour window where you're either a waiting to receive help get rescued or effective self rescue it will help you maintain your you know buddy's needs your buddy's basic needs as well as you know signal for help and an effect you know help us search-and-rescue team finds you so it helps in those both situations but this could be a you know if you're a hiker lost in the woods you you're in a car you on a trip and you break down in a desolate area you know you're in a tactical survival situation this will work in all those different scenarios and and that's how I like this kit to you know be looked at I feel like it's the most basic things that you need and it could work in a lot of different scenarios it could work if you are you know a you know just out in the wilderness camping hiking hunting or you know 72-hour window or in fear in a tactical survival scenario you know you just change a few of these elements like the colors of them and you can use this in a tactical scenario whether it's you know escape-and-evasion just a relic regular military scenario just here to have on you and then number three is I feel like it's good foundation or building blocks for a bug-out bag you know get home by car bag and that kind of stuff and you know just the basic stuff and you can kind of build upon that but what I like to use is the acronym called back home back home means blaze and burn and what that means is is you know the fire starting materials and tinder you have a which is all weather blanket you have C which is cordage k is knife H is headlamp o is orienteering too EMAS metal canteen and E is emergency signal and I created acronym because I'm a Marine you know and Marines we're not that smart we we need acronyms help us remember things but I'm just kidding but you know acronyms help people remember things especially back home this but this acronym gets you back home with these basic tools but let's kind of go over the kit show you some examples of it and kind of explain the reasons behind each alright guys let's go ahead and go over blaze and burn you know you need stuff to make fire a few methods to make fire sparking or ignition devices and you also need a tinder and that's why I say blaze and burn the burning balls is the tender but you know just carrying things around like a big lighter and I recommend a bit over any other lighter if you're not good with the you know these things can get wet so having a backup would be good or they can break cos ER mechanical device you know a fair cm rod is good and I like to carry you know mine on a knife sheath and in a magazine or cohabit for American strong God I kind of talk about layering all these items you know go over all these items and kind of how you layer it on your body but you know just having that there on your knife so that way I got my cutting tool and my knife if things do go bad but if you're not good with a spark you know base firestarter I would just get a matches or something like that if you're not you know very good with that don't carry something you don't know how to use then you can also carry these aluminum foil nuggets like we've got a video right here that shows you how to make these you can carry something like the fire can and I actually have another video right here that shows how to make this you know you know this is a long burning system but I like you know stuff that I can burn either I make her I find like fat wood you know I'm not so much into buying stuff that I can make for cheap make a lot of it for cheap instead of you know buying this kind of stuff the next thing is all weather blowing and by all weather blanket I mean these you know types that have the grommets they're reusable and has the mylar insides and obviously if you're just you know camp or hike or whatnot you want to use something brightly color so you can be seen you know so you can get a rescued so something like this Sol it's good to go for that then you have you know your regular all-weather blanket Grabber outdoors and that's most time what I use olive drab for a tactical environment or bug-out scenario or just general camping you know you don't want to you're not planning on get a straw situation or whatnot maybe get a red or blue or something like that you don't necessarily have to get orange but these are you know they can reflect the Sun away from you in a desert environment hot environment you can put the mylar silver side away from you going towards the Sun and reflect that heat back it can also be used to reflect that heat towards you know you can start a fire and get a you know 75 80 degree environment when it's you know 20 degrees outside just with the this blanket here and a fire you know you can tarp you can rig in a few different ways you can lay it on the ground so ground cloth you can do a lot of things with it you can also you know in a tactical environment you can use this to minimize your thermal signature so like I said these elements will work in both a you know tactical or just a general wilderness environment the next thing is cordage because I like paracord just go paracord you got inter strains you can do a lot with or you know you use bank line whichever whichever you like to do this is kind of self-explanatory and it doesn't require me you know talked a lot about you can do a lot with cordage and it's one of those primary things that I feel like you need the next thing is knife some kind of survival knife and you know it doesn't have to be a million dollars you can get you know inexpensive quality items like this more bushcraft black if you can't afford you know a full tang good survival knife you can get something like this that will do the job but in most situations I you know I'd like a four to four to six inch knife full tang you know good handle wood lanyard hole and you know sharp spine and if it doesn't have a short spine then you know grind one down for you to start with but we'll go over swell and I was in the future I'll kind of go over what I like and what I don't like in a whole survival knife video but again you know I like cheese most all my cheese have you know a firestarter affixed to them I like to have them together the next thing is H which is headlamp and I like a headlamp with a red filter so protect my night vision but they you know I have another one that has a signaling most as a strobe and can be used to signal for rescue obviously you want to carry more batteries and I like headlamps because I can actually be doing things while I have a light instead of just a handheld flashlight so a headlamp I feel is important the next thing with orienteering tools and obviously you need a map of your area you need a you know good compass and I like this soon to MC twos you can get the Global's or the regulars I have both I use the global when I'm outside the country but I use the this one inside the country so I don't mess up my global needle but this has a mirror which you can you know check facial wounds you can you know signal for rescue and a few weeks ago we were out of the course and signal for a airplane overhead with these you know I saw its multifunctional obviously a map via area you know you you want to know where you're at and if you have a map in confidence generally you can anywhere in the US you can effect self-rescue and make it out with just these two tools alone where you don't need any of this other stuff you this is primary tool you this will help you get out of a situation you know unless you get injured you also need pace count beads don't lose you know your distance measuring device you know this this isn't critical a lot of people don't like to use them but I'm telling you they're worth their weight in gold they keep you a very accurate distance measurement but again compass and map will get you out of most any situations here in the US versus and these other items the next thing is a metal canteen I think that's pretty self-explanatory carry water wars important this can also boil water to make it pure you know pure for you to join our disinfect it for you to drink I should saying up here but disinfected for your drink and it's a very durable you know I'm gonna break it you know some kind of like some plastic campaign you may bust or break and then you're out of your water carrier this sitting on a break the next thing is a mercy signal there's a million of mercy signals out there who you know I mean all kinds of devices but a good signal mirror good strobe light you know the nighttime signaling device and then a whistle and I keep that tied of my compass but you know audible signal a whistle is good for most situations where you're in a regular real world scenario you know you're hiking you get lost or something like that you can signal for help and we'll go over a whistles later on but it you know a tactical environment a mirror may be better for you because you know you don't want to give away your position and that army back in the day actually used signal mirrors or helo graphs they call them you know ran messages across mountaintops to capture Geronimo so these things are very effective but again you know a mirror like this is good and it can be used but you can get you know pinpoint accuracy with a actual signal mirror so I definitely think glass signal mirror you know most of the mirrors like that are acrylic and a compass this is a glass military-style signal mirror and they work great and then you also have you know a stroke and a night time that way you can just sit turn this on at night while you're resting and hopefully somebody sees it other good things or smoke flares smoke flares flagging tape stuff like that but anyhow that's all the Cure gear there remember back home this gear will get you back home and apply this to your survival kits let me know in comments in the box below check out black Scouts icon for more tips and tutorials and if you have not subscribed please subscribe and as always thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: BlackScoutSurvival
Views: 865,189
Rating: 4.8558249 out of 5
Keywords: black, scout, survival, tutorials, tactical, kit, back, home, acronym, all, weather, blanket, blaze, burn, cordage, knife, head, lamp, orienteering, tools, metal, canteen, emergency signal, rescue, lost, wilderness, Survival Kit, Fire, Camping, Weekend, Survival Skills (TV Genre), Burning, Flame
Id: EkJeYA6OadA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 13 2014
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