how to build a 10 x 12 storage shed FLOOR DIY for ARROW shed

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[Music] all right well i'm chris and this is my how to build a budget storage ship video so we're out here in the home depot parking lot just seeing what's available and a normal person would think that those high dollar ones down there are the way to go but believe it or not those are actually smaller than the one we're gonna do in this video which is this one now these two look the same from the front that's an eight by ten it's a ten by twelve i mean they're kind of thin the worst thing about these is i believe this is around six feet tall so they're kind of short so i don't waste your time the one we're building is 469 dollars this one i believe is 318. they're both 10 feet wide from the front but that extra 180 dollars there you go it's going to give you a lot more room well they have one in stock i'm gonna see if it'll fit in the back of the tacoma all right so it is gonna take about 10 minutes to get it unloaded do not set that box on the ground because there are a lot of little pieces that we need to study and understand before we start building [Music] this so the first thing we need to do is to find the perimeter pieces to get an exact measurement for the floor it's going to come with a nice big fat bag of hardware and instructions okay so we are building it 100 by the instructions using all the screws provided we're not changing or altering anything in any way so i did read online somewhere it takes 12 hours 12 hours to build this i did give myself two days to build a floor in the building and hopefully that's all it takes so build the floor frame that's what we need to build first and get an exact measurement right there to build our wood floor you just got to familiarize yourself with these numbers on these parts and the way that they're stamped so for step one we need four 103.92 you only have two types of screws a nut and a bolt and a self tapper right there nut bolt and the self tappers over here this says to use the washers on painted surfaces only so we don't need any washers so we're not gonna go through every single step but we need to understand how to look at this we got the 103.92 we need four pieces we need the little nut and bolt it's going to show you the orientation we're going to make two see build two frames let's check it out so you're gonna take your two pieces overlap them it's gonna show you exactly where the screws need to go line the holes up so we're gonna take our four nuts and bolts it's even telling you which direction they go in for step one point one we just make two of these so we got two of them made right there now step one point two same nut and bolt this time five and two of those eight nine three six so we got our five nuts and bolts it's gonna show us what direction to put them in all right so that's the two signs the back and now the last one the front so now you're getting the hang of it pay attention because the screws changed so when i build stuff like this i do not use power tools it's a little bit of exercise for your hands and also guarantees us that we're not going to strip out this hole right here it's got these little tiny holes we need to line up right there so we are building a floor for but we need to get an exact measurement before we buy materials that's all we're doing right now okay so i would just put one in it at first until you get it all squared look he came to help okay so the width is 10 feet exactly but the length right here it's a little shy of 12 feet so i'm getting 142 and 5 16. so the floor we're going to build for this is on skids so that you can move the building around or if you decide to sell it it's going to be all screwed together so it can be disassembled in case you want to upgrade or just change your mind i'm building this for temporary storage so the floor is going to take some planning let's go draw some pictures in case you don't know what skids are do we use two by fours two by sixes how in the world are we gonna build this let's check that out right now okay so we need to have a rough plan of our floor and a list for materials now if you don't agree with this and you want to go more heavy duty you do whatever you have to do this is the best bang for your buck i know what i'm doing this is the way that i'm going to build this one and the way that i will build 10 by 12 shed floors for the rest of my life so first of all we're gonna start off with the concrete pads on the ground we need nine of them okay so the concrete pads are gonna have a big footprint more like 12 by 16 or 16 by 16. we'll see what they have at the store okay so after the pads are placed down we need what are called skids so the skids are going to be four by fours on this shed you can use four by sixes and these are going to be four by four by 12 feet treated so far we need nine pad blocks okay so since we have 10 feet right here we got five foot span between the skids using two by four for the floor joists is perfectly fine for the weight and stuff that i'm going to be putting in this building if you're going to do heavier stuff then use two by sixes okay so for our floor joists we've decided on two by four by ten treated and we're gonna do 16 inches on the center so if you divide 144 by 16 you're gonna get nine now nine is the spaces in the middle so we're going to need 10 and then don't forget the two sides we're going to need two 12 foot pieces to fill this gap right here so 16 inches on the center means that every 16 inches on the center of that 16 inches we're going to have another 2 by 4 by 10. so we're going to have 10 pieces going this way we can't draw them because they're going to be covered up you'll see them as we build them in real life so all of this has been treated but the plywood floor does not have to be treated you can buy it if you want to i'm not and like i said if you want to go three quarter inches tongue and groove you do whatever you feel like you need to do i'm going to use just regular 5 8 plywood and with a 10 by 12 shed you're gonna use four pieces for one two and then this is supposed to be a four by eight back here two by eight okay something like that but either way we gotta buy four sheets of plywood four pieces of 5 8 plywood so this is literally the plan that i'm going to put in my wallet and take to the store when i buy my materials so another thing you might want to add to this is any kind of paint there are primers and sealers that you can seal the plywood floor off and we're going to add flashing i don't know how much it costs i forgot but it's not that expensive it's just this little 90 degree metal flashing that we're gonna stick over it so this is gonna cost a little bit of money but you really do want to do it like this let me go ahead and buy it and we'll see how much it ended up being so if you haven't caught on this whole video is trying to capture the entire experience of building this shed and what you're going to go through don't think for one second that this is easy in any way and trying to build one from scratch like the home depot ones we looked at earlier don't even think about it if you do not have construction and home building experience the beauty of this project and why i'm sharing this with you is because it's budget and i'm pretty sure anybody can do it maybe you might need a little bit of help so this is a toyota tacoma with a six foot bed on it so the only issue i had was this actually flopped around so go slow or strap that down be careful this was the only thing five pieces of this that gave me any trouble something you really need to consider is you do not build this building up against the fence line you need to give it a minimum of three feet three feet i'm going to go five feet because my shop is going to be four feet and i'm actually building the shop around this storage building so just getting the building materials and tools together we're already in the project four hours and it is december 26 2020 out here and it's 70 degrees it's pretty hot i wanted to go get shorts on but i know it's gonna get cold tonight so those pads are 15 and a half by 15 and a half by three and three quarters tall they're heavy be careful now we need to go measure our distance from the fence i'm going to go ahead and do mine six feet from both sides so we're just building what we drew out on the plans so if you're going to set your blocks down on the ground like this you need to kind of scrape the top off because you don't want no leaves and sticks and stuff that can die and rot and then make your building a level so you're going to look for the highest point ours is probably in the middle so you will be needing levels for this you can get this one at harbor freight for about 25 dollars at six feet so we're just going to scrape the top off before we put the pad down so now that you got your blocks in rough position you're going to take your six foot level and you're going to try to find the highest one first and the lowest one first and you're going to try to even all these out the best you can so we got the highest ones right there in the middle of course we would find the lowest one dig some out put some down here until we get them all level you're going to compact it by dropping the block on it as hard as you can so this is not going to be any fun let's get an idea how we do that so you're just going to keep doing that to all of them all right until that level is perfect on every single block i have no idea how long this is going to take me so i took about 30 minutes and we are not done yet so they're a lot closer now you're gonna have to get some kind of fill dirt some pea gravel sand whatever you feel like you need to do and now we need to pick one and we need to take our time and make them as level as possible so i got a bunch of this red fill dirt with rocks we're gonna tamp it with a two by six get something bigger if you need it and we're just gonna go in there and custom level each one of these where not only it's level across the block actually has to be level so we're gonna be using a smaller one let's check that out so they're actually level to each other but we need to make the block level itself and that's why we get the fill dirt to make that process easier one down eight to go all right so that just took seven minutes but we are that much closer check that out right there all right well that took about two wheelbarrows of fill dirt and about one hour to do great workout great exercise all right so let's talk about the price of all this before we go too far in this video so the materials are going to cost you about 400 that was 279 but that wasn't for the plywood i already had the 5 8 plywood that's flashing everything pads and you are going to need more money for screws we have the screws here coming up later in this video so this building is coming in at a total of around 900 so budgeting and diy does not mean cheap and free it's a lot of work so it's the end of the day i'm super tired mosquitoes are actually out here right now so we'll continue tomorrow but at least i got the main and hardest part is doing that right there and it's done all right so leveling those out took me about three hours to do it only took me one hour the first time but i had to go back and reposition them so plan your project out so you don't waste time like i did so that is truly the hardest part of this whole job it's gonna kick your butt but it's some good exercise now we can finally lay our skids down so these are four by four treated 12 feet long and look at that one over there i hand pick all my wood and i have no idea how that one slipped past me so you don't need to return that piece or throw it away that can become our middle skid it'll be hidden nobody will ever know so on the nine pads right here six foot level should read level no matter where you put it so what makes it difficult is after you level that now you need to level the block that doesn't have to be super perfect but if you don't your building can prematurely settle on the lower side so you always kind of look at the wood like that and spin it around and look for the high sign like if it bows up and you point the bow to the top so remember the building is not 12 feet long it's a little short that's our magic number measure yours but we need to cut all the skids and the length of the building to that okay so you're going to need a speed square in case you've never cut a 4x4 just mark one side mark it all the way around and it should lay level all right let me get the rest on there got the skids in place now we can build the floor now this can be a little bit tricky just kind of watch the way i do it okay so we got a piece of 10 foot and a piece of 12 foot treated now be careful just because it says 10 foot it can be a little bit longer so we're going to go in and cut a piece 10 feet you see how we lay it down and it just sits perfectly on there so then cut the other end 10 feet 10 by 12 is a big bill to look at it compared to that truck that truck is huge so the reason we cut those first is so we have these pieces to get an exact measurement because we need to take this number right here and subtract this to cut the 12 foot pieces down to fit inside there so now we gotta cut all the pieces for the middle remember to cut those two ends i was talking about actually using a piece of wood because they can be different thicknesses all right so this treated wood you can't play games with it i bought this yesterday just sitting there overnight it's almost warped where we can't use that just try to cut that warp side off the best you can [Music] so now we just cut eight more of those we're gonna put them 16 inches on the center i'll show you that while we're screwing them up all right and now it's starting to look like a shed floor so what we need to do first is we need to attach the four corners we're only using construction screws so they make all type just make sure they're exterior these are interior and their extras if we need some i like the grabber they use their own special bit exterior so you're gonna need an impact driver so you must attach the four corners only first don't hate me for using my special tool all right so you take your tape measure and you're gonna mark every 16 inches should have a red something to indicate it make sure you do the four corners first see the marks we just move them in place and screw them so just remember what two by fours you just need two screws in each one two by sixes need three let me get this thing screwed up so we got two left in the corner let's check that out the freaking starter is bad in this truck i can't move it look at the freaking pickle i got myself into but nothing's nailed down solid yet so we can just move the whole frame to get to these last screws so we are about eight hours into this project now we need to square everything up take a measurement diagonally and square this thing up because we are ready to put the floors so for some reason you're concerned by the two by four floor joints put two by sixes in there or you can put three quarter inch plywood but if you do go by two by four you can always brace to make the floor stronger let's check that out yes you're just gonna cut pieces to come in here like this and that's how you do cut those as tight fitting as you possibly can and go down the whole middle right there and then three quarter inch plywood if you want the strongest floors you're gonna get with two by four floor joists but i'm not gonna put those in there let me go ahead and get the floors ready square this thing up all right so before you put the floors on you need to kind of rough square it you're gonna take a measurement from that corner that corner like that that corner of that corner and you want to get them as close as you can you're gonna have to make small adjustments until you get them down to about a sixteenth of an inch so we're using 5 8 plywood when i bought this i think it was about 18 a sheet all right so remember when i said i might sell this shed in the future so that floor piece is one big unit it can be lifted up by two people and loaded into a trailer it's up to you if you want to screw it down to the skids or not i am not going to do that when you put the plywood on there you're actually going to square it with the plywood let's get that on there so we have the screw holes right there marking where the floor joists are and putting it on 16 inches center see what that did right there so we got all the four pieces cut now if you use the factory cut edges and piece them all together you can use that to square your floor let's go ahead and get these last pieces on so we're going to go ahead and use sheetrock screws to screw the floor down you don't have to go crazy on a shed floor every 16 inches just put them every 24 inches that'll be fine [Music] so i'm only using about six screws per sheet let me get these things screwed down so we're out here working in the dark now so that flashing was sold in pieces of 10 feet so i had to get five pieces look for your prettiest one and let's put it out here on the front so let's try to find the prettiest piece we're going to use roofing nails put about three or four in it let's get that front one on there and give you an idea we're putting about three or four of these large head roofing nails so we're gonna have to get creative with some tin snips and cut something out that's gonna be waterproof so you kind of get the idea how i'm using the flashing now these corners may need to have silicone or caulking put on them so the other way we do a corner we're gonna cut it right there and you're gonna overlap it or lay it under there about six inches if you can let's check it out you kind of get the idea the way i'm doing the flashing you may need to put some silicone or caulking in the corners so i don't want to make this video too long so i decided to do part two when we actually build the building but this part is a huge job on its own getting the building home unboxing it planning and actually building your floor took me about nine hours to do so part two should be uploaded a day or two after this video and i'll put a link in the description and a link at the end screen so sorry about that but like i said this is a huge job and i'm freaking tired well if you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Chris Craft 2
Views: 20,053
Rating: 4.8802395 out of 5
Keywords: how to build a storage shed, storage shed floor, how to build a shed floor, shed floor, DIY, do it yourself, arrow steel building, arrow shed, cheap shed, cheap storage building, how to, storage, storage solution, pods, how to build a floor, shed construction, floor construction
Id: 93mD8slVAbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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