How to build a shed. (Cut and assemble Roof Rafters)| Paulstoolbox

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for more tips and tricks don't forget to hit that button and subscribe also ring the bell so you can get notifications anytime i have new videos welcome to paul's toolbox i'm paul ricaldi and today we are going to cover building a roof for machete now i have an eight by twelve shed and i'm gonna show you a real easy way to cut your rafters and your gusset plates so we can put this together let's get started i'm going to explain some of the components here this is just an overhang for a shed it's not a soffit it's just an overhang this right here is your rafter at the top of your rafter is your plumb cut or your ridge cut and what it would do is attach to a ridge board if i had a ridge board that came across here that's what that would attach to it and another rafter would come from this end just like that now i'm not going to put a ridge board on here so i don't need that i'm just going to have two mitered cuts my next rafter is going to come straight across here and we'll put a gusset plate on there to lock them in together i put two gusset plates on here one on each side of all my rafters except for the very last rafters on your shed the reason why is because you can't have anything on the outside of this rafter that sits flush with the edge your sheathing is going to act like a gusset plate on the two sides of your shed so this one and this end one over here will only have an inside gusset plate we're going to go back to this that's your rafter this is a vertical shoulder cut or a tail cut is what they call it the reason why they call it a vertical is because it goes up and down that's a vertical shoulder cut down here is a horizontal seat cut because it goes horizontal and it's a seat it sits on top of your top plates these are your top plates this is your stud your studs will come across your top plate goes right across that your sheathing goes on the outside of that simple stuff guys this sheathing right here i always make it lower than your um rafter so this can lay on top of there if you put your sheathing on there and this sheathing on the outside is even with that top it's going to stick up it's not going to sit flush when you put your roof on but you do not want to have it up because it will it will stick up and give you a lump right there that little overhang board is an inch and a half thick so you have that that variance you can play within that range now this board right here would tie in across the face if you wanted extra bracing and this would be your ceiling joist remember guys i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so all i do is take my board set it flat on here and i'll mark it from the backside once you cut that off like i did here you can take and use this as a template for all your other boards and your ceiling joists will be easily cut just like you do in your rafters if i were to build a platform up top like i did in my other shed i would tie these across just like this and lay sheets of plywood on there so i could put wood or anything up top in my shed put your eye right on the board when you look down at you'll see if the hump goes like this or or if it bellies you want to have it as straight as possible but if you do have a slight hump in there put it up top because that's where the strength is it's like a bridge you push it down it's going to spring back if you have it this way you push it down it's going to belly you'll have a belly in your roof i'm making a simple truss roof and i'm going to have gusset plates just holding it together super simple so this board and this board have to meet in a direct middle of my of my shed it's eight foot wide i need it four feet that's the center even i can figure that one out now on this book it tells me for every one foot that i go out i need 12.65 inches in order for it to to match so if i go 12 inches here you need 12.65 inches right here to make it match up with the 12 inches because you're going on an angle all right that's simple now i take 12.65 i multiply it by four i'm going to come up with my calculator because i'm not that swift i need 50.6 inches so what i'm going to do is make 50 and a half inches that's all i need to do i can round it down that tiny bit nobody will ever notice i have a little do hickey i just ground it out and i have a clip here with some uh grip stuff on here so i can move this any way i want now i can just slide it up and down and make my cuts all the way i'm gonna put this right at 18 and a half inches flip this down and this right here is going to be my exact mark for every one of my cuts that is my pivot point right here and you'll see it says pivot it tells you in that corner with an arrow that it's pivot you always look for that that's where my pivot point is going to go it's going to go facing upward so i need this angle to be cut this way i'll bring it back here until i go to 18 and a half right there that would be my mark there's my mark at 50 and a half remember this little piece i have on my square that makes it easier i'll just slide it back let it touch and there's my marker i'll double check my measurement 50 and a half you see i'm right on it and we need to make our bird's mouth right with the swanson speed square there's a couple of ways to do this you can take this and set it up just like this to where the pivot would go on the backside right here see how that diamond if i go and i swivel it over it's gonna line up perfectly where you have the top and the bottom of that diamond right in the middle of this hole when you do that you mark your line back towards your board that you you're cutting from okay this is my board so i'm going cutting toward my board that bird's mouth right there should be three and a half inches back you see that diamond you have it on all of the swanson speed squares once you have this mark watch how easy it is you take it and you're going to have to have your mark on this side so you slide it over you flip it just like that all you're doing is flipping it once you do that the pivot is facing toward the front you slide this back to where your diamond fits right on the top and the bottom of this line you see that line goes directly through the diamond so the peak is here and here i'll make my mark and there's your bird's mouth the swanson speed square makes it simple but they also have another line right here that helps you out so you can take this line right here follow it with your marks on on this when you follow it the same line straight back you will hit right on the line there as long as you hit 45 degrees on the edge if you're 40 degrees on the edge or 35 you're off you come down you slide it to where this line matches up with your mark there and you're at 45 degrees and there you go you have another bird's mouth so now i'll just cut this part off [Music] all you need to do is make one of these you can write pattern or just put a big p on there every one of them copies this you lay it down and you mark them and you make your cuts if you guys have a miter saw it's even easier you can take your miter saw set it up at 18 and a half degrees make your cut if you have a stop on the other end with the table or with a stand you can set it that way slide it over and make this cut now every one of them is going to be exact it stops where it want you want it to stop you get your 18 and a half degree cut here and here and everything's gonna be perfect on the line it does make it easier and faster the only thing you'll have to do is make the back part of your bird mouth when you cut that off here are my gusset plates all i did was take a piece of plywood and cut triangles out of it once you make one of them it can be your template you can mark off the others all i did was mark it off from my speed square my giant speed square this is a 12 inch square i set it on a piece of plywood marked it off made my cut now every one of them is going to mimic this now there's another gusset plate that you can buy um these are little nail gusset plates they're plate nails it's a bunch of little nails in there they work real well but they're more of a pain to put together because you have to take this and hammer it all the way down i suggest using a heavier mall because it's wider and it's going to get staple them down easier it's heavier it's wider but if i were you i would just go ahead and make them out of a piece of plywood i'm going to use a small circular saw you can use any circular saw but i really like this one when i'm mimicking wood i have this little guide that comes up when you set it in the mode for exact track and the lever right here locks it in place where i can lock the plate down or i can have it to where it slides up now it's going to just copy that cut right there [Music] now an experienced framer is not going to do this but i'm going to show you how the di wire would do this you can take a piece of plywood and set it down and we'll mark off how my ridge goes so we can get the exact angle that way we lay your boards down on an exact angle and every one of them is going to line up i'm using inch and a half screws we're going to take our two boards set them up to where they marry each other perfect and then i can just mark it like this simple stuff you don't have to do this this will just help you to align every one of them in case you have a cut that's a little bit off next i'm going to take my plate and i have a line right here or right where my center is take this spin it around because it's good and strong and we'll set it the same way now you can take your blade to where it rubs up against the wood right here and you follow that [Music] see how easy it is to build a truss roof for a shed nothing to this and i'm going to be covering every aspect of building this shed so make sure to check out my future videos if you guys don't mind please hit like for me and drop a comment it means a lot to me i'll see you guys later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Paul Ricalde
Views: 1,049,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to build a shed, Build a backyard shed, DIY building a shed, how to use a speed square, how to layout roof rafters, how to cut roof rafters, build a truss roof system, make gusset plates, how to frame a shed roof, cutting roof rafters, how to make a birds mouth framing, framing tips, make a seat cut for framing, roofing seat cut, heel cut for roofing, paulstoolbox, paul ricalde, rockwell jaw stand, worx exacttrack, dewalt miter saw, framing
Id: 38gxKHSJO1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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