EASIEST Method Ever For Making Gable Roof Rafters Without Complicated Math Formulas

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in this video i am going to provide you with what i believe to be the easiest way to figure a gable roof rafter not too difficult but before i get started i just want to thank everybody for all of the nice comments i have been receiving over the past few months and i realize i make some pretty good content it's not super awesome if i was uh showing you how to do it man you know filming myself doing it then i'd be in the top 1 of all the youtube videos or at least in the top 99 for sure so now let's go ahead and get started first thing i want to do is show you the roof rafters and the ceiling and then the walls and we're going to start with a slab and i'm just going to throw some stuff out there to see if it makes sense on what i'm doing and i've noticed that a lot of times people say hey your videos are too long i got you at least the information's in there um for those of you who don't really understand having a difficult time wrapping your mind around how to actually cut a roof rafter or how to lay it out and so to give you an idea with the building foundation we can actually set the roof rafters on the foundation like this and it would work so the point is to cut the roof rafters before you do any wall framing and you can always check it like this by positioning the roof rafters pulling them tight up against the concrete slab and again you can always have another person help you with this kind of throwing it out there and your ridge whatever the ridge thickness is going to be here we're using a 2x10 i believe 2x8 rafters and if we were to lay the rafters down something like this then you're gonna get an idea of where we're going what we're going to be doing here and here i'm kind of giving you an idea the the when we lay out our rafters we're going to pull the rafters down to here so this line right here will line up with this one but i want to give you an idea of some of the problems you could run into when you're trying to figure out the roof rafters or what would be the top and what would be the bottom so we're going to start with something like this and then of course we're going to need some lines this will be the center line of the building we have a 20 foot wide building the center is at 10 feet we're going to create a 4 and 12 roof pitch you can change this number you can even not use the number if you don't want to you can just lay the raptors out to the center to some measurements to some type of an angle that you might like on the roof rafters but if you're going to use a 4 and 12 roof pitch that means for every foot the rafter is going to go up four inches so no complicated roof formulas here but you are going to need to multiply the width of the building by the height of each individual increment which on a four and 12 pitch roof every foot it's going to go up four inches every two foot it would be up eight inches so when we get to the center where it's 10 foot the length here is going to be 40 inches so 4 and 12 40 inches and of course if we were to lay the rafters out here to where the seat cut top of the seat cut is even with the top of the wall framing for example but we're going to use this straight line here then you can see that we're not at the top and this is where it can get confusing to even professionals a lot of times they think that they're starting at the framing plate top of the framing wall framing plates and then that measurement is going the next measurement is going to be the top of the roof ridge that's not necessarily true and i'm kind of going through a few extra steps here to help you figure that out now let's go ahead and remove the temporary ridge block there to give you an idea so the bottom measurement here from the line to here is going to be the same as the seat cut this line here and if that doesn't make any sense it should here when i take and i change the rafter locations i'm going to move it up a little bit but before i do that i just want to give you an idea of what we're working with a center line here 10 foot we got a 20 foot overall width and then 40 inches up here so either the bottom of the roof rafter can line up with this line or the top of the roof rafter can line up with this we just can't line the bottom of the roof rafter up here with the top of the roof rafter up here or vice versa so here we have the board that we're going to use to lay out our roof rafter on and we're going to line the bottom of it up here with this point and then the bottom of this up here with this point here so again the bottom of it lined up with this corner because this line here is kind of representing our wall framing height um our wall framing plates but at the same time it's just providing us with a theoretical line or a couple of lines that we would use to lay out our rafters then we will use these lines to lay out the roof rafter so we're kind of going to lay out a few lines that we're going to be using to lay out the roof rafter itself so you can actually just come straight up here off of this point and then go to the other side and come straight up here and then connect the dots here connect these lines and then do the same thing down here to connect the dots and this of course would be the angle of the roof if it was plumb this would be a plumb line so this would be a vertically level line once we flipped these roof rafters up and started using them or or after we cut our seat cut and the seat cut can be any length that you wish if you have a three and a half inch wide framing plate you can always make it three and a half inches three inches two and a half inches or check with your local building department to see what they want or an engineer if you need more advice on that so the seat cut is going to cut out of this this is the vertically level or plumb line this is the horizontally level line for the building and up here we're going to need to subtract for half of the width of the ridge we're going to be using a 2 by 10 for the ridge it's going to be an inch and a half wide half of an inch and a half is three quarters of an inch we just simply um come off of here with a three quarter inch line you know you can make a mark here mark at the top and then a mark down here and then simply draw a line across there and there you have your roof rafter you're going to cut the lines here like so and then the rafter there's no need to lay out two roof rafters take this roof rafter that you lay out cut another one exactly like it and then flip that one over and position it on the other side and if both of the roof rafters work out and you put your uh ridge block in here then you have done a good job and i left this up because remember we started from this point here so not to get confusing and then we're going to have the same line at the top you can see here where the line would have came up to the top so we're a little bit lower here but the line here if we were just to draw a straight line still going to connect at this point here put our ridge block in there and if there are any problems if you lay this out you've done all your cutting you use this formula and you have a couple of gaps maybe um you know maybe the the cuts aren't real tight then you can always adjust for that grab your roof rafter make some marks and then cut another pattern and and to see if that works and once you have a pattern mark it as a pattern just write the word pattern on it roof raptor pattern and then after you do this you're happy with everything you can always start framing but you're not going to be able to frame the building and then do this i'm not saying you can't do it just not going to be as easy so use this method to figure out the roof rafters after the slab is poured or you're working on your raised floor foundation um snap a few lines across here and uh and hope for the best so that's about it for this video if you liked it if this actually made sense um feel free to let us know in the comment area hit the thumbs up button and if you do have any questions something in here that doesn't make any sense or better yet if you have a better method send me a link to a video or a webpage i'd be glad to take a look at it and then of course i'll change the title to the second best from method or easiest method to lay out some roof raptors without a lot of difficult math formulation formulas to calculate you
Channel: gregvancom
Views: 880,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof framing, amateur, roof rafter, layout, making, building, construction math, easy methods, learning, do it yourself, ideas, carpentry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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