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[Music] hello oh my gosh hello good afternoon good morning good night my name is FG angel thank you guys so much for tuning in or welcome back to this YouTube channel um today we're going to be talking about something that is so dear to my big ol heart and that is how to build a relationship with God because I don't know if I've ever specifically said this on my channel there's a major difference between religion and relationship and a relationship in my opinion is really the real way you could really go to church every single day especially Catholic Church no shade or just like those churches that really just be very routine filled and have no heart change have no relationship with God still be living for money and just you think God for all your monetary gains but half of the time he wasn't even in it but anyways we're going on to a whole nother topic here but today we're going to talk about having a relationship because I know I often mentioned in my videos like yeah and I was talking to God or God told me you're like how does God sound like how does she how does she be here she be hearing God like that's not some supernatural stuff and today I'm going to do as much as I can right now in helping you develop that relationship with God because it's literally the best thing ever like when the Holy Spirit came into my life and Sarah is speaking through me speaking to me it made life so much easier cuz you know I'm just by nature I guess an indecisive person so to have this responsibility of like web YouTube video in post should I make a song should I not make a song oh this is really hard I think I'm gonna give up and then have a voice in your head be like don't give up like keep going and then you actually don't give up and then you see like the fruit that bears out of it having that voice in your head it's the best thing that ever happens to me so we're gonna be talking about three different ways on how you can like really touch in and grow this relationship with God because it's one it's so important it helps you learn more about you like you know when you if you do have your parents around when you talk to them more about their childhood or you do an ancestry test well when you go closer to God you find out more about you when you go closer to his word when you know him better you find out more about you so there is even though of course Christianity is not at all about gain gain gain like this is what you can get from this like prosperity no but there's so much to gain for yourself by growing closer to God like it's not just some oh I just want to get into heaven like there are so many more benefits by hearing and knowing his voice so this is part 3 of teenagers guide to Christianity and I'm so happy that you tuned in let's get into it so you're probably wondering how to pray in the Bible if you read your Bible anytime soon but the series is for like introducing it in the Bible Jesus specifically gives like the disciples like this is how you pray to God and he says you always need to end it in in Jesus name or like all I started with it in Jesus name because Jesus is the bridge between us and God because Jesus is God but he's also the intercessor between us and God he also talks about throughout the Bible how it's like so important to speak to him and how like if you ask and you've repeatedly asked for something through prayer that you will receive it so probably like how am I supposed to ask for something your prayer and receive it if he gave me this template and there was no space where it says insert your problems here insert your needs here well it's basically like first start off the prayer with a heart of thankfulness and the Bible says to always approach everything with the heart of thankfulness no matter what your seeing to always be thankful start off the prayer with thankfulness like thank you God that I woke up this morning and you can even go beyond surface level or you can stand surface level because being happy about the little things honestly helps with your overall happiness so you start off with what you're thankful for like thank you God for this house thank you for my friends thank you for your love for me thank you for Jesus like just start off with a heart of thankfulness something I always like to put in my prayers is that that God's desires for my life are fulfilled and whatever I'm asking for that is not up his will redirect me to what is his will guide my prayer so that there are what he wants for me sometimes we get caught up and all this stuff and we think like of course God want this for me like this is good there's nothing wrong with this but sometimes you really just need to check it like god I pray that everything that I pray for it's really in your will and it's not just what I want so yeah you need to be honest in your prayers God literally already knows what's going through mind even if you're trying to hide it and have this cute little prayer like god I'm so happy I live a sinless life and I'm just so glad for my Savior he already knows I keep in watch what you just did so much more helpful to be honest like God I messed up again today and those aren't always my best prayers like when I'm when I don't try to do this perfect format and I can make sure all my pray requests that are written on the side I've gone through perfectly when I just have an honest prayer like I don't really know what video clothes to speak I'm kind of stressed out I don't think I know how to do this what are you like I don't know what the plan for my life is just like when you really like are just honest like I usually end up like sobbing it but then I feel so much better afterwards you already have to sometimes put up a front with so many other people in life why try to put up a front with God because he already knows like he already knows what you're going through so who are you trying to front on like you're the ones missing out because how is he going bless and save you from what you're not even asking him to bless and save you from okay on to the next part of the video how to hear from God how to hear from God of course everything every part of this is such a big blessing but I would have to say that this is the biggest blessing like up growing in a relationship with God because you're literally hearing from the author and the finisher of your life you're literally hearing from the one who put you on this earth you're literally hearing from the one who knows exactly what your purpose is you're literally hearing from him and that's the best thing that happened to me and I didn't always have like this gift of being able to hear him so clearly I do remember I fasted about it and that's how like I received that basically what it is is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is what does the job Lois pair is the one that speaks to you okay and you really can like pray that into your life both sometimes the Holy Spirit's already there like I know some of us would like oh I had a nudge I felt something in me there was a voice and like that really is the Holy Spirit but you also have to learn to test the Spirit for example okay so I talked about how I wanted this series to be like for the all of know stuff like that obviously I posted it like cap not halfway into November bomb and the second week of November and when I did that like of course I got the word from God to do the series and then when I posted it late there was another voice in my head and that voice was like I mean you're already late you might as well just give up but don't post any videos for the rest of November and was just like beating me up like I was like you don't want to I'm gonna just give up and you have to really know how to test the spirit like what that situation that I just explained to you and this voice is telling you that God cannot rearrange what he already planned so that his will can still be done that goes against the word because so many times in the Bible characters I messed up or done things that didn't specifically look like God's plan but they were a pimple for it and God still came through so since when can God not work when you mess up so you really gotta learn to test spirits because I learned like ever since I really learned to like hear the Holy Spirit I thought the devil seemed that I was an opportunity to get into my head and try to make his voice sound like the Holy Spirit so I'm like sounds great so the only way to truly have discernment I'm like if you're really hearing from the Holy Spirit it's through reading your word and we're gonna move on to that point after I make one last point on this point and this point is that something that I really noticed that affects how well I can hear God is what I'm putting in my ears okay one it's music I remember one day like in one of my videos back there like you can search for I was wearing pajama pants and something about faith and for the video I had to like listen to the I see girl sweetie and I'm not saying there's anything like specifically wrong with that but I just know that me personally I don't listen to a lot of like secular music not even just custard specifically but music with words as usual against my morals and beliefs okay what you put in your ears affects how well you can hear God what you always watching which always seeing because it's really what you're feeding yourself like if the amount of time that you spend listening to rap music and reading your Bible is like this like this is read your Bible this is rap like faith comes by hearing and your your faith is down here but what you're hearing a lot more of is what's all up in there so it makes it really difficult for your Holy Spirit to get fed and your Holy Spirit can't really be speaking if it's not fed because it gonna be dehydrated and then and he's not gonna come through and be like you need to do this because this is the best thing for your life and even though it's the best thing for your life he's not gonna force it on you if you're spending more time in prayer than you are listening to that type of stuff or being around the type of stuff it may be different for you but you truly need to set your mind on doing and practicing and spending time and what in the word like in the word because then you can have more discernment your spirit gonna be well fed your spirit gonna be talking Holy Spirit be guiding me here's another example like this one seems miniscule but it was just so vivid I was like hmm literally last week so quick background story time the girls I said without lunch their communication skills had been really lacking lately I walked into lunch we've got a backpack on how's it I mean I might just go put down my backpack and then I heard like a very audible voice I don't put it down like just go to the lunch line which I know you're like okay third you like that's miniscule but sometimes like sometimes I really be doubting to be honest like am I really hearing a voice or am I just making stuff up making it sound making it seem like yes God spoke to me he shared it and um like moments like that were like God audibly speaks and you see it right away cuz sometimes God speaks and it makes no sense and the forefront but like those moments when you he speaks and you immediately see the blessing you immediately see what he was preventing you from those really remind me that he really is he really a speaking stay in your word read up feed your spirit cuz it's such a bus and it prevents and saved me from so many mistakes you probably how do you where do you like hear it from that I really wanna make a SAP going deeper into this but this way I'm just like showing you like how you can get at the practice of being more keen to his voice and knowing it more okay in the last part of this video is me talking about reading the Bible I have a whole video that's like kind of similar to this video about too busy for God and it was like talking about the importance of reading the Bible and worshiping and I think it was more about reading the Bible so this will kind of be like a reiteration of that video but not really because I have completely different points because there's always so much more to say one you should read the word because that's how you know God's voice it literally specifically says in the Bible that the Holy Spirit will remind you of the Word of God and your time to need and your time to trouble if you've never even touched it grazed the pages of the Bible then in your time of need you won't be able to be reminded of as much as you would have been able to if you spent more time in your words so that's one very important reason to read and then also you get to know God's character you get to know what pleases him with the Holy Spirit sometimes he'll tell you to not do things that look like good that look like oh yes like this is this is God's Word because he has something greater that he wants you to do and it doesn't make sense right now that's what you got to get in relationship with God because you learn to know his character you learn to know him more and then you learn to know how to move more because this isn't legalistic everything is unique to its own situation so if you have the Holy Spirit guiding you to know what to do when you mess up any situations that aren't perfectly outlined in the Bible that's where the Holy Spirit comes in I'm gonna end this video with just a simple statement draw near to him and He will draw near to you even if all this seems like a lot read your Bible pray if you really want to be able to hear God and hear the Holy Spirit like I am able to or even better because we all have different gifts to different degrees and they're perfectly suited for us then just pray about it ask God to guide you in it but I truths like to many Christians overlook reading the Bible and it really is a Living Word the Living Word that makes all things possible that enables you and equips you Luther says in the Bible season six like it's part of your armor and it equips you to do all these calls you to do so read your Bible because that I think that's honestly what unlocks a lot of these things and walks a better relationship with him and prayer being honest in prayer and not coming before I'm thinking that that he doesn't know what you just did last night like be honest with him cuz he already knows and keep asking and praying even when you think that he's not listening because he's listening you took back see it's better for you and pray that the desires that you have for your life or what he desires for you because it'll it'll save you a lot of Tears and they'll make life much easier okay okay so you may be wondering like told you where's the memes where's the tick-tock I'm uncertain one here I know you belong to South by you but tonight you too as for the lock screens for this video I will be putting those out through my Instagram I told you angel underscore it'll be on the screen right here throughout the week and they'll those will just be like Bible verses that emphasize what I said or maybe some of my favorite Bible voices to encourage you to go read the Bible yourself and that's basically the theme for this week this is literally a miracle because I didn't think I had enough storage to record this video but it's still going and spend 23 minutes so you know God really be on my side then you guys so much watching this video let me know how it helped you let me know if you have any more tips and I do want to assure you that any of these topics that I kind of grazed over I will go into detail sometime in the future like eyes of their own separate videos cuz all these topics are important to me thank you guys so much for watching good night and always remember that you are loved you are forgiven and he he has risen yeah [Music]
Channel: Tochi Angel
Views: 6,173
Rating: 4.9889503 out of 5
Keywords: relationship with God, how to hear gods voice, how to hear god, how to grow your relationship with God, annie long, ways to build relationship with God, relationship, what does God sound like, hearing God, how to pray, kirbyisaboss, God, Kytia L'amour, how to grow closer to God, Faith, celest rayanne mann, how to get closer to God, Christ
Id: DCJPfz0Chpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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