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all right guys here we are for card shot round two because quite honestly I have been in the house all week with this quarantine as I'm sure all of you have been as well and I usually need to get out even if that meant just getting out to my car and making this video I was kind of struggling to sit down and get this all out in my room that I have been in all week so here we are in the backseat of my car again and as you can see from the title today's video we're going to be talking about how to build your relationship with God the idea for this video actually came about through a conversation with a girl from my church's youth group a couple weeks back pre quarantine remember the good old days and she was just sharing how she wanted to build her relationship with God that she wanted to grow closer to him and grow in her walk with Him and she knew all of the right things of things that she could be doing but it all felt a little bit overwhelming and she just didn't really know where to start and so as I was listening to her and trying to think of what I could share with her that was gonna be helpful to her or encouraging to her I actually had an analogy come to mind so I shared it with her as we were talking through it and as I myself was sort of processing it for the first time I just thought man this is actually a really helpful way to think about it and so I wanted to make this video sharing that with you guys it's not necessarily gonna be a comprehensive video on this topic of how to build your relationship with God because there's a lot that could be said on that but more than anything I wanted to present this analogy as a helpful way of thinking about this topic because I think that that will in turn help you live it out and do it and so in this video I'm going to be sharing that analogy with you and then I'm also going to be sharing three tips that come from that analogy or from this way of thinking about it we are going to get into that before we do if you haven't already please be sure to hit the subscribe button and also if you do find this video helpful or encouraging which I hope you do please be sure to give this video a thumbs up that is a huge way that you can help to support my channel it is currently raining outside so if you hear the rain in the background sorry not sorry because rain is the best sound ever so and now let you time also let me change this camera cuz I'm kind of bending down a lot maybe that works we're gonna go for it when it comes to talking about building your relationship with God the analogy I think is helpful is one of a dating relationship and the reason I say a dating relationship rather than any other type of relationship is because the dating relationship is one where somebody who is not part of your life you are now learning and beginning to incorporate them into your life and so most dating relationships start with a date maybe you knew this person before maybe you were even friends maybe you didn't know them at all so regardless of the backstory most dating relationships start with going on a date and then if you guys enjoy it and both decide that you want to continue getting to know each other what you'll do from that point is you'll both look at your schedules of things that you already do and that are already established rhythms and routines in your life and you both look at your schedules and see okay where and this can I make time to see this other person so that we can continue to spend any time together and so maybe you are a student and you're in school full-time or maybe you work full time and you've got these weeknight commitments and so you're trying to figure out where can I make time in this to see this person and maybe that is getting coffee or getting together for dinner or getting together for a weekend day date and so you're looking at your schedule seeing where can I step outside of my normal and established rhythms and routines to spend time with this person but then as things progress and you begin to move not just from the stage of going on dates but you begin to progress towards being in a relationship instead of looking and seeing where you can step outside of your rhythms and routines to spend time with this person you are now beginning to incorporate them into your routines so at this point you've probably already been texting this person maybe you start to FaceTime them at night or maybe instead of waiting for the times when you can get together to go to dinner or you can go and have a day date you decide that you're going to go to a coffee shop together and you're both going to work together and so you're starting to incorporate them into the rhythms of your already established day to day life and so really when you are building a relationship with someone what you are doing is bit-by-bit you are slowly beginning to change the rhythms and the routines of your everyday life to begin to incorporate this person into it and so but I was talking to the girl from our youth group I just told her that it's the same thing with our relationship with God and to not be overwhelmed feeling like you have to do every little thing at once but to just focus on the first little routine that you want to begin implementing into your life to connect with him throughout your day and to grow closer to him so again with that relationship example it's not everything at once first you might start texting them every day and then you see them once a week and then maybe you start to see them more and you find these routines or these rhythms of ways that you can connect with them in your life and it's the same thing with God maybe you are gonna start out by going to church on Sundays and that's the first thing you begin to change and implement into your weekly routine and then you get involved in a community group at your church and you are going to connect with other believers who are encouraging you and your walk with God and then maybe you start to implement reading your Bible every day and so it's these little routines and rhythms that we're changing in our lives to draw us closer to him and I think that that's just a helpful way to look at it because it removes this pressure but being this all at once thing and we can just realize that it's these little choices we're making these little changes we're making to our life that ultimately is all gonna combine to bring us into a closer relationship with him and allow us to know him more and so with that understanding with that analogy or that way of thinking about it three things I want to point out that we can kind of draw from this analogy I'm looking down said you have a little notebook that I'm working off of is one get to know them if you are in a dating relationship with someone one of the primary goals in that is that you're gonna want to get to know them and you get to know them through asking questions through spending time together and it's the same thing with God if you want to have a better relationship with God and build a closer relationship with him then you're gonna want to get to know him and the primary way we get to know God is through reading his word God's Word the Bible is God's revelation of himself to us and through it we can get to know him more we can ask questions we can study we can get to know who he is in his character that he's revealed in Scripture and so I already did a whole video on how to study your Bible if you're not really sure where to start on that you can check that out and then I've also done several Bible study videos if you want to have someone to go through it with but if you want to build your relationship with God the four thing you have to do is you have to get to know him in the same way you would in a dating relationship the second thing that was three the second thing is that you have to be in regular communication with this person we all know that if you are dating someone and wanting to get to know them then it is an expected thing that you guys are gonna be talking regularly again this probably looks like texting everyday at the very least maybe phone calls and FaceTime as things start to progress but if you are in a dating relationship with somebody you are going to be in regular communication with them that you're gonna be telling them about your day and your thoughts and what you think or feel about different things you're gonna be asking about theirs you're gonna be talking to them regularly and it's the same thing with God if we want to build a relationship with him we need to be in regular communication with him and we have the access to do this through prayer which is amazing we can be talking to God throughout our day telling him our thoughts our worries our hopes our fears everything we can bring it all before him he wants to hear it he wants to move on our behalf he wants to meet us in that moment and speak to us and so talk to God pray and then also when you're dating someone part of that regular communication is you are gonna be telling them what you like about them right and it's the same thing with God we worship Him for who he is biblical worship is repeating back to God the truths about himself that he has revealed to us in Scripture and worshiping him for who he is and so that is another part of building a relationship with God is worshiping him for who he is three is community dating relationships I think are better in community for one you get to know someone in a different way through community than you do in a one-on-one context there is value in both for sure but I think that getting to know someone in the context of community brings out a different side of them and that's also why when you're dating someone and you get to know their family you start to know them more and you start to understand them more because you're getting more of a context for who they are and it is the same thing in our walks with God we need to have that one-on-one relationship with him but we also need to be plugged into a community of Christ followers of believers who are also pursuing him because we begin to learn even more of who he is in that context of community we need other people to be able to walk alongside of to encourage to be able to confess to we need community of people who are going to encourage us in our walk with God and in the same way in a dating relationship you are not going to around yourself with people who are going to tear down that relationship yes you want people who are going to ask honest questions and good questions about that relationship but you're not going to want people who are going to tear it down particularly as you move further into commitment whether that is seriously dating or engagement or whatever you're not going to want people around that relationship who are constantly tearing it down you're gonna want people who give you good feedback good advice all of that stuff but you're gonna want people around you who are encouraging that relationship and are encouraging your commitment to each other and so same thing with our walk with God we need people who are going to be encouraging us to pursue him and if the only people were surrounding ourselves with our people who maybe make fun of it or tear it down then that is not gonna help us build our relationship with God so how to build your relationship with God wine you've got to get to know him read his word - you need to be in regular communication with him talk to him in prayer worship him for who he is in three be in community with other Christ followers who are gonna encourage you in your walk with him and push you towards him and then lastly like a relationship like a dating relationship also know that there's not a point that you arrive at as you are building your relationship with God it's like you get to this point where it's like you're there and now you don't have to do anything anymore any relationship requires maintenance and continually pouring into it and investing in it and nurturing it and so it's the same thing there and then also like a relationship there's going to be abs and flows so even when you're in a place where you feel like you are in more of an established relationship with God you've kind of established a lot of these rhythms and routines and you feel closer to him and more connected with him that's not to say that you're never gonna have times where you don't feel close to him any relationship has abs and flows times when the emotion is there and you feel it so strongly and then times when you don't feel it as much and I did actually do a whole video on this called what to do when you don't feel close to God where I go more into that if you want to hear me talk more on that but that's another way where our relationship with God is similar in that way to a human relationship I hope that was helpful and encouraging to you if it was let me know down in the comments and then also let me know if there's anything I can be praying for you in thank you for watching this video and I will see you in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 9,667
Rating: 4.9702601 out of 5
Keywords: how to build your relationship with God, growing a relationship with God, growing your relationship with God, how to grow closer to God, how to grow stronger in your faith, how to grow stronger in God, how to grow spiritually, how to grow in your walk with God, how to build your relationship, how to build your relationship stronger, growing your faith, christian youtuber, christian advice, christian youtube channel, how to grow in your faith, relationship with God, grow in God
Id: PzpWM5Km2ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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