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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is cha ghee and if anyone here be sure to subscribe to my channel because I upload videos every week so if you guys want to be part of the YouTube fam then definitely subscribe also turn on the Bell notifications so you guys are notified when I am uploading a new video so yeah that's pretty much what I have to tell you guys at the beginning so now let's get into the video so I'm so excited to make today's video because I've been wanting to make a video like this for a really long time but I just kept pushing the idea away I don't really know why maybe because like I was just scared to but I was like you know what what is there to be scared of like it's my youtube channel if I want to make this video I can I don't really know what I'm gonna title it yet guys but I think I would title it how to find God how to find one how to fight guys how to have relationship with Jesus how does something along those line it's okay so we're just gonna get started with the video no I just jotted some things down on my notebook so that way I don't like just talk too much or just ramble on about nothing so these notes are just gonna help me pinpoint what I'm gonna say so I'm gonna first start off on talking to you guys about three reasons why people don't want to start a relationship with Jesus or these are just some of the things I hear people tell me number one is they're scared to start number two is they think that they have too many sins or they just want to start later on down in life to start a relationship with God I just want to give you guys a few words of encouragement on why you should start and why you should get serious about your relationship with God so the first thing that I want to say is you should not be scared to start a relationship with God it's honestly one of the best things that you can do for your own self and for your life you shouldn't be scared to start a relationship with God because there's really nothing to fear there's nothing bad that's gonna happen to you you're not gonna all of a sudden like change or will you achieve your Arbonne change a lot but it's not like this thing that is gonna like hurt you you should not be security and you should have feel intimidated by God it's just one of those things that you just kind of have to start there's never gonna be a right time to start so I suggest that you guys start now if you're wanting to have a relationship with him fear is not from God fears from the enemy so the fact that you even scared to start is it's part of the enemy's plan to just keep you at the position and at the place where you're at right now so you just have to start the second point that I wrote down is you think that you have too many sins and God is not going to be able to forgive you so you don't even try to get close to God and guys that is just one big lie from the enemy right there that's just one of the biggest lies that the enemy tries to plan in our head so that way we don't even chase after God we're gonna go to the Book of Psalms 139 real quick and just read I'm starting from verse 1 it says Oh Lord you have searched me and known me you know am I sitting down and my rising up you understand my thoughts afar off you comprehend my path and my lying down you are acquainted with all my ways for there is not a word on my tongue but behold O Lord you know it all together that was 1 through 4 now we're gonna go 7 through 8 and it says um where can I go from your spirit or where can I flee from your presence if I ascend into heaven you are there if I make my bed in hell behold you are there when I were going down into verse 13 and 14 in a sense for you formed my inward parts you covered me in my mother's womb I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works I wanted to read the Book of Psalms 139 to you guys because I want you guys to understand who is and his characteristics God is a loving God no matter what you do he's always gonna love you no matter how many sins you commit or like literally no matter what you do he's always gonna just love you that's just something that needs to get installed in our minds whatever you do he still loves you and he's still there with you so you shouldn't feel like you have too many sins committed or feel like you are not worthy to get to know him because he already loves you he can't reject your love but you can reject his love but there is no need to reject it when it's already it's already there you just have to receive it in the Bible it talks about how God continuously forgives us if we commit a sin one time he will forgive us seven more times something like that it says that in the Bible so that just really goes to show that there is no such thing as too many sins if you have that type of thinking right now you just have to really step away from that thinking and just pursue God and it sounds 1:39 it really goes to show that you were meant to be here and you are not a mistake you have a purpose and God has a plan for your life so don't feel like just because you have too many sins you don't deserve to have a relationship with God do not let the enemy deceive you and keep you at the lower ground you have to really be strong be brave and just seek after God and the other thing is you shouldn't try to fix yourself first try to stop committing your sins first and then go to God because that's never gonna happen no one is perfect you're never gonna be at a place where you just are perfect and then go to God it's God already knew that that was not possible that's why there's Jesus that's why he brought his son here to help him that's why we have the Holy Spirit and all these other resources to help us you are not meant to fix yourself I just suggest that if you have people around your church your youth leader or your pastor just ask them to pray with you ask them to help you out more to get closer to God because there they're definitely there to help you so make sure you guys use your resources if you want if you need extra help in knowing this because sometimes it is hard when you do this all yourself it can become hard and confusing and you know sometimes there's just certain things that you don't understand the Bible just go ahead and ask like the pastor or your youth leader or whoever is in the church that you can trust that knows their stuff ask that person to help you out the last point that I wrote down on why people do not want to start a relationship with God is because they just want to start later on in life when they're around 30 when they start a family when you know when they get older and I don't know why usually 30th a number that people want to start they all say that when I'm 30 that's what I want to start my relationship with God and really get serious about that stuff that's just an excuse to just be selfish and don't you do whatever you want to do you can't say that you're gonna start your relationship with God when you're old or when you get older because that's not even guaranteed for you you know life is short we never know when our own time is so you can't really say from 30 years from now or 10 years or five years you can't see that because having that negative thinking of that mentality is not gonna get you anywhere in life matter of fact it's just gonna put you in danger in a dangerous position because you never really know what can happen in the Bible talks about how God is pleased when you serve Him in your youth and when you just give up your life when you're young and just you know completely surrender your life to Him the scripture that I wrote down for this one is second Timothy chapter 4 verses 12 and it says let no one despise your youth but be an example to the believers in Word and conduct in love in spirit in faith and in purity if you're gonna have that later on in life type of mentality you're going to not probably even going to start then if you do it there's just going to be so many more distractions so that's why I encourage you young person whoever is watching this if you're young or if you're old it doesn't really matter to just start now because I think it older life goes on and you're gonna have more responsibilities you're probably going to get married you're probably gonna have children you're probably gonna have a wife a husband that you have to take care of and a job to go to and just other stuff too that life throws at you it's just gonna be harder for you to do and you're just not gonna have time so it's better just to start when you're young right now when you don't really have that many responsibilities when you can only just focus on you and God and nothing else really that's when it's the best time to serve Him because you don't have to worry about a husband a wife a kid or anything like that you just have worry about one thing which is serving the Lord the younger the better because there's gonna be so many things like I said you're gonna have a void and he's cut off leaves you in the right direction like for schooling for the type of jobs for the type of relationships for the type of people in your life if you're gonna be able to know that so but if you don't have a relationship with God you're gonna kind of like miss all those things and then later on in life you're just kind of you're old now and you're sitting there like oh my god all these little unnecessary things that you just brought on onto yourself when you didn't need to do that you can avoid that stuff so that's why I encourage you to start when you are young and it says to do that in the Bible so with all that being said one of the main things I want you guys to take away from the video is that it's never too late to start a relationship with God it's not too late to you know restart your relationship with God to if you maybe had it in the past and just stopped believing in God um just know that today is the day to start life is so much more than what it is do not be fooled and know that Jesus loves you so much and he wants to know you he wants to have a deeper relationship well he knows you but he wants to have that deep relationship with you and he wants you to acknowledge that he is there and to have a deep meaningful relationship with him if that's you today wanting to have a relationship with God I really encourage you to just go for it and just do it 100% and also I am here for you guys so if you guys want to message me if you want to email me if you want to like DME or anything like that just don't be afraid to do it because I am here to talk to you guys and just be there for you guys because that is one of the reasons why I made this channel is so I can just be out there and just kind of be a helping hand to anyone that is in need so guys that is it for the video I really hope this video helped someone out there and if it did let me know in the comments down below if this is helpful or anything because I will definitely be making more content like this if you enjoy them and if not I probably will so be doing it but yeah that's it for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next one but
Channel: Chagi Malith
Views: 37,461
Rating: 4.9706841 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, how to find God, is God real, is Jesus real, chagi malith, chagi, christian
Id: 7XWaN5X1dok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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