How To Build An Intimate Relationship With God

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[Music] [Music] my vote [Music] because [Music] what's up see give em this is your boy cliff you check here today bridging the gap a video at a time and in today's video we're gonna be bridging a gap in your relationship with God so today I'm gonna be helping you guys in terms of your relationship with God um and if you see the title it is how to build an intimate relationship with God now before we even get into that let's pray father God we thank you for today god we bless you for the fact that first of all your God we thank you for the fact that you are holy that you are God all by yourself that you doesn't need our help to be God but we thank you and we bless you we praise you on we honor your name father God we pray that at this very moment that you will forgive us of our sins God if any of us have sinned against you god I pray that you forgive us of all the sins that once we knew her since and the since we didn't even know her since father God we pray that you forgive us God we pray that this very moment that you make us right with you god I pray that as I begin to share how to build an intimate relationship with you god I pray that you used me as a vessel god I pray that you will you will let this fall on good ground let this fall in good heart father God I pray that the saw plant seeds and so many people's lives father God that they will begin to have a true rich and intimate relationship with you God I praise you I give you all the honor and Jesus mighty name I pray amen amen so like I was saying as you guys can see by the title this video has actually been requested so much and I was like a Clifford when you gonna make this video when you gonna make this video the fact is I don't have a haircut and I want to film looking crazy now that haircuts always happen you know you know now I can't uh koda structure yeah I can Tucker this is right job anyways you don't know you don't know you don't know about it so now what that means said we're gonna jump straight into today's video because I have a whole bunch of stuff on my phone that I need to share and we don't that time so let's get straight into it so when it comes to building an intimacy with God first of all we need to understand what this intimacy means me you know before we get all holy with it intimacy is a relationship built on trust and love with the purpose to know a person and be known by imprisonment that was too much let me break it down intimacy is a relationship first what you need understand as a relationship built on trust in love with the purpose to know a person and to be known by a person now the rule of intimacy is love and trust what makes intimacy rich and healthier is if there's stress and if there's love right the more we trust and the more we love someone the closer we will let them get to us if I don't love someone and if I don't trust them I let them be closer to me or I myself won't even get closer because first of all I wanna make sure that I could trust you I wanna make sure I can be safe I want to make sure that you can trust me so therefore if I'm not at the right place to be trusted or it's loved don't come to me because all I'm gonna do is hurt you I'm gonna damage you and that has been a lot of us that we're getting into friendships relationships without being filled with a gut with with the love that God wants us to love half then we're hurting people and we're quick to point fingers and say they were it's a problem but really you're the problem but that's another topic I didn't come here for that so yes so know that intimacy is built on trust and love right I'm very happy I'm very happy because this is a subject that touches my heart intimacy with God I always talk about it all my friends know that Clifford always talk about intimacy intimacy intimacy intimacy intimacy intimacy so what we're gonna do is make this very practical so at the moment trust and love is damaged between you and your friends you feel distant me or my friends right oh I've had the chance to have friendship that some of them didn't work in a passive on work right and I realized that what broke the friendships that didn't work was the moment the trust was damaged and the love wasn't really real it damaged the friendship that made us feel distant and truly sometimes become distant right so you need to understand that so that is just that the finishes of of intimacy by itself intimacy what God is the same thing intimacy with God is a personal relationship between you and God that is built on trust and love now if you don't have our relationship with God news videos for you now if you also have a relationship with God know that this video is for you because this video not only for people who don't have a relationship to God it's also for people who have a relationship with God if you want to enhance your relationship with God your intimate relationship with God this video will also help you so it's for all of us but all of us so you can apply some of these steps that I'm going to share later on so that you understand and build your relationship some of you guys already may be doing it you may not be doing it but if you find it helpful use it the moment trust and love is ruined through sin or a disappointment we felt distant from God the only way we felt distant from God it's definitely sin know that in the Garden of Eden God created Adam and Eve the morning Adam and Eve sinned there was a distance so in the same one with me and you every time we sin we feel distant from God because we feel like man we have disappointed God so every time there is a form of sin and disappointment we feel distant now not only that there's distance because you have disappointed God sometimes I can't disappoint it too sometimes you know when I pray pray us and God doesn't answer I feel like there's a distance between me and God there's a disappointment they have caused that distance because I'm like god I wanted you to sob sprays but just know I've learned one church at Sunday I facts have taught me this that sometimes you're gonna pray and your praise when you're answered it doesn't mean that God doesn't love you it is because you have plans for you and if you answer what you're calling ahead to answer right now it might damage you right now you might not even be able to handle it so sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers out of love not because he doesn't like us right the thing is before you build an intimate relationship Oh God 2.take a pressure off of you a little bit you I want you to understand that you're not this person that's trying to build a relationship with God trying to force a relationship with God and he doesn't want a relationship with you God actually wouldn't go with a relationship with you it doesn't matter how damaged you are it doesn't matter you have past it doesn't matter what you're struggling with it doesn't matter your qualifications that the world tries to put you under it doesn't matter the family you come from it doesn't matter who who disappoint it doesn't matter what God loves you and he trusts you so much that he's willing to have an intimate with you amen the church say Amen now we're gonna jump straight into how to build an intimate relationship with God because some of us understand what an intimacy with God is the problem is how we don't know how oh we don't know what to do to build an intern revelation of God so first of all you need to understand that if you want to build an intimate relationship with God you need to pray and ask God to help you build an intimate relation if you want to build an intimate relationship with God you need to pray and ask God to help you build an intimate relationship with God so even and having a relationship with him even and becoming his friend you need his help to help you become his friend you need his help to help you and have that intimate relationship with God you can't do it by yourself you need the Holy Spirit to empower you to give you strength to give you courage to be able to say I want to truly and genuinely seek a relationship with God so you need us help so don't think you can do this alone you have me you can't do this alone - if you want to build an intimate relationship with God you my friend need to have a Bible now if you don't have a Bible you need to buy a physical Bible I'm not talking about you know something y'all gonna tell me you know ya have a Bible on my phone I do as well I love the YouVersion Bible app you know it as a video is not sponsored I love to use Version Bible because I have like you know Bible plans they have so many things that you can do and I recommend you to get if you don't have it but they gets to a point where you need your physical Bible you need to buy a Bible for me I had two Bibles hurt before but I decided to buy a buy a new Bible because I didn't understand the versions that I was reading it was in King James Version and it was too much for me and then I just decided to buy an OT because NLT which is a New Living Translation version was easier for me to understand so I bought that one and I built the relationship with that one if you don't know that Bible I'm sure you're gonna say it because yeah some of you guys know this Bible you know his name is reset so this is reset right here I bought this about what is so beautiful it's so cute if you want the same Bible I'm gonna put the link in the description box but this is basically my Bible and when I bought this Bible I gave it a mission so buy a Bible and have with a Bible by the Bible it doesn't guarantee that you have the knowledge if you don't read the Bible and will just sit there look cute and look at you you looked at it but you have no knowledge of God you will not have no understanding of God you will walk to Life falling 24/7 because you don't read your work so buy a physical Bible don't use your phone it gets to a point where you need to transition from this to this and I know there are generations you know we want to have stuff on our phones and stuff like that don't you realize that the moment you want to read your Bible on your phone I don't know about y'all but I get sleepy like I start to get sleepy or sometimes I don't know it the people that haven't even caught me for the past who knows when I come and call me people want to text me all of a sudden like no we to avoid distractions by a physical bible and build a relationship with one by reading it constantly number three to build an intimate relationship with God you need to know Christ and believe in Christ the reason I'm say you need to know Christ and believe in Christ is because they get to a point in your life what you need to understand that no one Christ means that you can build a relationship with God the Bible tells us Jesus Christ Himself told us that nobody can come to God and set through him Jesus Christ nobody can go to the Father except through him he's the only way to the Father so if you want to build a relationship with a father you must first know Christ and believe in Christ believe that Christ literally came to die on the cross for you he came to to literally overcome all of the 'since he came to say hey you're struggling but I'm here to literally help you bridge the gap you know so if you want to know Christ let me tell you some of the books that you can read in the Bible you can start off with Matthew Mark Luke and John those that's the gospel right that's the gospel of Christ start off read in Matthew Mark Luke and John it helps you when it comes to knowing and having a knowledge of God but know that intimacy with God is not only knowledge they gets to the point where yeah I want you to have the knowledge of God but in having the knowledge of God doesn't guarantee fully a full relationship with God you can have a knowledge of who Clifford is and not be my friend you can have a knowledge on who I am but when our friends who you are but we don't have an intimate relationship know that there's a difference between having a relationship with someone and having an intimate relationship or some way we yeah but every lationship with someone yeah have a relationship but we not really that close but when you have an intimate relationship with someone you're really close you know there's secrets you know their ends and out so there gets to the point where you must understand their knowledge alone it's not what makes an intimate relationship with God mind you you need to get the knowledge you need to read your word read your Bible and get the knowledge of God but knowledge is not the only thing that builds a relationship with God your knowledge and the wisdom that you have is stupid no that's harsh nobody wants to hear that but our knowledge as human beings is nothing you can have all the knowledge and still not have a relationship with God so in a Bible it talks about how you know what I think is in John John 5 John 5 okay John chapter 5 verses 39 39 Jesus Christ was talking to the expert of religious laws the people who don't have the knowledge of the Bible they they know that the scripture from top to toe right and then he says then you search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life but the scriptures point to me yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life your approval means nothing to me because I know you don't have God's love within you so you can know all the scripture and not have God's love within you so all Jesus Christ was saying is yeah it's good to have the scripture but it gets to the point where having the scripture doesn't guarantee that you know me so you must read your word but apply the word Amen the next point is to pray and fast if you want to really have an intimate relationship with God we need to constantly pray and fast you don't watch my video on how to pray you know check it out in the I button up here it's also gonna be in a description box but you literally need to pray and fast as a Christian constantly now know that praying is not performing so it's not about how loud you can pray or what you can do I pray in my pastor be talking about it like prayer is not performance you don't perform why are you praying prayer is just you commune teaming with God now you need to pray and fast remember that I didn't just say pray I said pray and fast because fasting teaches you that to depend on God fully and when you fast it helps you to submit to God and it help you to kill the flesh when I say to kill the flesh what what I mean by that is that every form of fear everything of the flesh any fruits of the flesh that is not from God of course dies the more you fast so make it a habit to fast once a week so I've made it a habit to fast once a week on the day that I'm born which is Thursday right so I try my best I try my best to fast once a weekend be hard but I'm trying I'm trying my best right on so make it a habit too fast once a week and pray constantly every day every day you must you must pray don't go through your day without praying don't complain about the situation that you're facing if you haven't prayed don't talk bad a gossip up about people if you're not praying for them my next point is if you want to build an intimate relationship with God share your secrets to God meaning that have a constant two-way communication between you and God you must come to God and say God hey I'm opening up to you and this is what I'm going through you know when you look at the life of Jesus Christ or even when you look at the life of David David you know literally shows us a great example on what it means to have an intimate relationship with God he spoke and he constantly communicated what God Duprey or sometimes he just spoke his mind or he just talked to God no matter the season that he was in listen having an intimate relationship with God you're not gonna feel like knowing it you know so many people are hitting me up and saying like you know my DM or my Instagram I was like you know how can I've been a relational God if I don't want to if you're waiting to feel like you you you know you're gonna always feel like doing it you're gonna wait forever building in a relationship with God you're not always gonna feel it having a relationship with God is beyond feelings so you must get up and say that even though I feel like this right now in this season I will still read my word I was still communicate with God and pray I was still fast why because I understand that this is not something that my flesh likes your flesh does like to pray so if you truly want to seek and happened intimate relationship with God you must first please you must understand that your flesh is not gonna like it but you must do it anyway so there were moments where Jesus Christ didn't want to see God do my moments where you know he was he was literally on a road before he said I got sick if it's possible to take this cup away from me I don't want to die on the cross but he didn't he then went on to say that let your will be done so you must understand that having an intimate relationship of God you must constantly communicate with him show him your emotions like like if you're angry tell God you know if you full of certainly told him God doesn't want you to come to him pretend they're like you're perfect no like there were moments where Jesus Christ was angry but it is it the anger is not the problem is where you place it so Jesus Christ was angry but he place it to fix a problem he place it to God he did the right thing so show your emotions if you read Psalms Psalms is literally a Bible as a book in the Bible that I will call it to be the ups and downs because there are moments when David looks like this he's like that one day he's feeling like this one day he's someone like that sometimes you feel like God wasn't answering his prayers but he didn't stop serving he didn't stop seeking God he communicating with God how he felt don't keep nothing in when you are happy when you want to build a true and healthy relationship of God you must share your secrets so God what you're struggling with tell God what you're dealing with they'll tell him you know you know what's going on in your mind even though he knows everything it makes the relationship grow when you share exactly you know what's happening and when you share your secrets it makes me feel like I'm closer to you because I'm like wow you trust me that much wow I must be special may God feel special y'all make him feel special we gotta make I feel special that is there so please share your secret communicate constantly no matter the seasons that's you're in now as much as I want you to share your secret the next point is you know you don't have to share to enjoy the relationship if you truly want to build a relationship with God you must learn to sometimes enjoy just the presence of God you know you know I have friends you know I've had the chance to have relationships that didn't work but one of the things I've realized is that you know even in my friendships or my mind my my relationships that I had you know we didn't have to always talk or share some constantly you know trying to know this about you or trying not to you know sometimes being in the presence of the person you know gross the relationship so sometimes you need to master just being in the presence of God just sit there in quietness don't talk just enjoy the presence just enjoy the fact that he comforts you literally it's the best thing and no it might be uncomfortable or might seem weird but you need to just sit enjoy the presence of God amen amen amen amen whoa my next point you know when you're building a relationship with someone right you don't just stay in a house like you go out you go to different places you enjoy you to you take a walk you go to the movies you do dad you do that I learned this lesson for my big sister Nia and it helped me so much you don't know her general be nutrition box make sure to subscribe but y'all literally you have to learn to switch up your relationship with that some of you are your relational God is boring you always talk to go to your room you don't need some to God when you go to church like learn to go to the park and talk to God learn to go somewhere go out and talk to God have a movie night with God have a date with God like I know sounds weird it seems weird but literally walk with God you will go to the playground with your friends why wouldn't you want to go to the playground without speak sometimes God will use you too he'll just go out and joy and here's the relationships don't just stay home you make the relationship born don't nobody wanna stay home one day make your relations with God practical the same way you've better relationship with friends or someone that you love that you want to be booed up with be booed up with Christ be booed up with Jesus switch up your relationship with God some of us it's like we are experts when it comes to relationship with other people but when it comes to building relations without we want to do things the same way and expect that thing to be jumping no no go out have fun times well god amen amen why aren't you doing this but amen my next point which is probably one of the ones that I love wonder what my favorite ones is to have an accountability partner so what accountability partner is is friends or you can have an accountability partner or partners it can be more than one it can be one or more than one what it looks like is that you you want to make sure that you have people who can pray with you like you guys need to constantly pray like either throughout the week or bi-weekly I know me and my kind of ability partners we are starting this habit to pray bi-weekly you know so make sure you have people you can pray with I know that you know it build in a relationship that is all about us but it gets to the point where you must know that you need people you can't do this by yourself last week on last week's I went was last week last week I want to go and preach at pray and worship on the beach which is amazing and I talked about how you know as much as we want to build a community but we also need people but even before then you must first understand you right but in understanding you you get to the point where you understand that you need people to truly be the best version of you and not any kind of people but the people that God has truly caught for them to be here like that people who could pray for you and encourage you the people who can tell you when you're slacking those are accountability partners so make sure that if you want to have an intimate relationship with God you have accountability partners like well I don't have a friends I'm an introvert you know huh I'm not to go to nobody listened prayer changes everything boo boo pray to God and say God help me to receive the very people that are meant to be my accountability partner pray to God about everything and anything and you see that God will start to connect with connect you with people to be able to fellowship with people who you who will hold you accountable people that you yourself will then be able to hold them accountable so pray about it and God would definitely bring you and kind of really difference but you need them guys you need them you need friends that will be able to say you know what you're doing is bad you need friends or people or tell you yeah delete that off your social media get off social media spend time oh god you need those friends you need accountability you need it you need it you need it you need it mmm this leads me to my last point on how to build a relationship we've gotten into the malicious know God is go to church I know it sounds like yeah go to church go to church but find a great Bible teaching Church to go to you can't do everything at home I'm sorry but there are points in my life wife though refresh revived and renewed refresh revived and renew sir plug set off to SNL you you get to the pole we're staying home is not enough you need to go to church you need to find a church to become a member you need to literally become a member of a church be under a covering and spiritual covering you need to be under covering because sometimes we think we can just do things all ourselves by staying home your relationship would just start to go down you're really sure what God will start to go down be in a church go to church and when you go to a church or when you're in the church attend worship event feel I love worship me that's my church always have prophetic worships every month and they're the best experience it's like it refreshes me for the month like I love prophetic worship you know go to a different church events Church workshops like go to different things go out and get exposure it enhances your relationship with God when you go to church and you become a member of a church or or or you go to different church events you know and go to church retreats youth camps like my church we went to youth camp if you guys the area you watch the vlogs if you didn't watch it you know click on the I button but we went to you retreats and that refreshes you it puts you in a wholly different atmosphere it helps is helpful so don't think you are both generation for God just by watching videos on YouTube no go to church being there covering go to church being there covering don't stay home stay home it's not gonna cut it go to church finances to go to now I'm gonna end the video by talking about why you need intimacy with God why you need to build an intimate relationship with God first of all you my friend need to understand that you need to Boone and enter a relationship with God because God requires you to and God wants you to have an intimate relationship with him if you watched my last video about learning how to pray I said that Jesus guys literally told them that when you pray say this our Father in heaven meaning that he first is telling you that he's your father a father and you're a son to him or you're a daughter to him meaning that he genuinely seeks a relationship with you so you need to understand that God is calling you to intimacy you need have an intimacy relation intimate relationship with God because God generally seeks a relationship with you that's the first one number two you need to have an intimate relationship with God because it keeps you healthy and it heals you it brings you healing to your physical body it brings you healing spiritually mentally emotionally if you're gonna do anything that needs healing intimate having an intimate relations with God is literally like going into rehab it cleanses you like there are benefits that comes with having an intimate relationship with God we don't get intimate with a relational guy because we're one eight years God we get in relationship with God because we truly want to have a relationship with him but and having that relationship with him you see that he would keep you healthy he will cleanse you from everything that needs to be in your life number three the reason why you need to have an intimate relationship with God is because that's the only way you can be yourself we are made in the image of God in the beginning of creation when God was making man he said let us make dumb in our image so if you truly want to be at your fullest potential as a human being know that you cannot do that without having an intimate relations with God you need to have an intimate relationship with God if you want to be yourself number four you need to have an intimate relationship with God because it keeps you away from the world it keeps you safe it keeps you from Leben and sin it keeps you away from living in the world it keeps you away from gossip and it keeps you away from sting addicted to things it keeps you single it keeps you sell a bit it keeps you clean if you truly want to serve God it keeps you safe if you want to stay safe in this walk with God you must have an intimate relationship with God whoa I don't know well you need to have an intimate relation with God because it provides you with the fruits of the spirit enough for you to be full and pass it on to other people now if you don't know what the fruit of the Spirit is it talks about in Galatians five I think is love patience love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness self-control I like I feel like I'm missing something but you get the point having an interrelation what God will give you love it will fill you a love it will fill you with joy and will fill you with peace will fill you what self-control gentleness so you see that it makes it easier for you maneuver through life and then when you have that it makes people want to be around you and then you can now pass it on to them you cannot give people love if you don't have love and the only way you receive love is if you stay intimate with God you cannot give people joy or peace or or or you can show people that your your self-control if you don't stick in with if you don't stick in with God or if you don't have an intimate relation with God the moment you do that you said that God gives you those fruits and then it begin to be evident then you cannot pass it on to other people next point you need to have an intimate relationship with God because it makes life easier it makes life lighter no matter your storms you know sometimes we want to create things away but not everything is meant to pray it meant to be prayed away so when you have an intimate relation with God you can be walking through storms but you realize that this time God didn't take it away but he actually built you up enough to step over those things that are trying to hunt you so you need to have a relational God because it grows you an image shows you in your walk with Christ so if you read the book of James it said that my brothers my brothers and sisters consider it pure joy when trials of many kinds come your way because you know that this is just a chance for you to grow it is literally helping you wrong last point why do you need intimacy with God you need intimacy with God because it enhances your confidence in God and in life when you have intimate relationship with God you walk with a difference why like like you do things with a different confidence is not that you're cocky but you know that you can serve God you know that you can love you know that you can believe in yourself you know then you can start your business you know that you can you can preach the words of people you know that you can serve and do the very thing that God has called you to do you can do that radically not because you're waiting for somebody's approval but because you truly know that you serve a living God that is in control of everyone and everything so have an intimate relationship with God and know that when you do that your confidence level will literally go from here to here amen so if you want to be confident and within yourself and what you do know that having an interrelation with God will literally solve that so I hope you guys enjoyed this video this concludes the end of today's video like I said everything okay you guys enjoy um let me know what you guys learn in the comment section below and let me know all the tips that you guys can give to build your relationship with God you know we're all learning here I'm not I'm not a teacher or anything I'm learning I'm just giving you guys tips that I do things that I do that helps me as well so yeah I love y'all I hope this was helpful let me know any any other videos that you guys wanted me wants me to do um I don't know why I can't talk but um I love y'all CK fam don't forget that we're bridging a gap and don't forget to be blessed to be yourself and be happy peace we are cursed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Clifford Kyei
Views: 53,506
Rating: 4.9156704 out of 5
Id: ljsbz6ngkSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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