How to Build a PowerBI Interactive Dashboard from Scratch in Just 40 Minutes

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hi everyone this is nishant first of all i would like to thanks all of you you have given your time and i'll try to make it as interactive as interesting as possible the agenda for today would be introduction to power bi uh the first would be the type of filters we'll discuss different type of filters in power bi we'll discuss drill through options we'll discuss bookmarking we'll also discuss what is cross filtering and what is cross highlighting actually this has been not been written correctly but the thing is it is cross filter versus cross highlighting uh we'll also discuss some some of the examples of basic condition formatting and how quickly you can slice and dice with your data in power bi so we will be creating uh the uh and very very interactive dashboard right in 40 minutes so let's jump on onto the power bi dashboard so this dashboard it's already in front of you right uh this is the dashboard which we would be creating in the next 40 minutes this i already have made so this will create from scratch uh it's basically an interactive power bi dashboard you know you click something that things filter out and that's what happens so quickly we'll go to a new power bi desktop file and i'll start it'll just take two minutes to open it up so this is in the latest version which i'm using it's the february 2021 version so as all of we all we all know that you know every month power bi comes up with a new update because they do updates quite frequently than any of the other tools in the market so quickly i'll just this is the visualization pane so we'll come and come on to this as well right so when when when you open power this is the screen which which appears right you have uh four options import data from excel import data from sequel server paste data into a blank table however we'll try a sample data set this data set is offered by power bi for practice purposes so i have i'm using the same one right i'm using the sample data set right so if we go and click try a sample data set so basically you just have to click load sample data once once you know once you connect to any data source be it excel be sql server be it a web file this screen will open up so this this screen will actually tell you that in your data source how many tables are there so we have this financial table in our data source in the back end so if we click on this table we have three options here so cancel obviously we won't be cancelling this so two options are load and transform data so if we click on load this data set would directly load inside of power bi but uh ideally we should always go for transform data because for example if we want to you know change a data type or or you know rename columns or remove columns or change the table of the name of the table we have to do any kind of transformations fitting columns or delimiting rows undividing columns we'll come into that in in those into those details but we should ideally first check that you know why we should likely go here first so we we also can understand our data here so we have segment country product discount band units sold manufacturing price sale price gross sales discount cogs profit so we have a lot of columns to use we also have the date in place right so what we'll do is uh i think everything is in so how what you have to check is basically uh this data type is in decimal number suppose if you want to convert into a percentage i'll do that from here suppose if i have to rename this column to say maybe you know i'm not doing it but if i have to do it i can do it from here so if you're set if you're set with the data if everything is sorted may think that you know now the data can be loaded inside the power bi model right then we can actually go in and select close and apply right so so now the data has been loaded inside power bi as you can see as you can see that all the fields are available here cogs country date whatever we discussed right so now we'll start with start uh so first of all first of all what do we i want to visualize now what do i want to you know visualize that's the most important thing a dashboard whenever you're creating a dashboard you should always look from left to right not right to left the audience or the viewers or your stakeholders wherever you are working even if you're making an excel dashboard always try to start your dashboard from the left hand side your left hand side should cover all your filters and on the top you can have your kpis like sales profit cost discounts and below that you can have your charts so ideally ideally as a professional i would tell you that do not keep more than six charts in one screen then it it looks kind of clustered and or the visual appeal kind of goes away right so we'll try and you know start it start with uh first of all what should i start with so let's start up with the kpis first i now i what i want to see what i want to see right now is i actually want to visualize what is my total sales so what i'll do so there are three panes here one is the field one one is the filters where you can apply filters inside a visual and also the visualization pane here so basically all the visualizations are available here you can go and you know check any see any kind of visualization and slice and dice with your data set and third is the fields where then we will drag and drop things so there are three things filters visualization and fields right so i i see that kumar kaushik priyada she is raising his hand i think right so if there's any question you can put up in the question box and i'll be able to answer that right uh so better i think so kumar you can just uh you know if you have any questions so you can just drop in the question box right uh now if we go to the so what i'll select is i'll select the card option from here this is a row card we call it a row card so when you when you're visualizing any kpi the default power bi usual is a card visual which is appearing here so what i'll do is i'll do nothing i'll just click on my sales so you can you see the sales has come in right i'll also adjust my page size to metal right and i'll just decrease the transparency level to 50 so these lines go away so once i have this in place i can just keep it like that so what i'll do is we'll first of all we create all the visuals and then we'll go for the formatting alignment right so once this is done i can copy paste it multiple times we can just copy paste it four times maybe we have sales here so probably i can have profit we can just remove the sales from here and have profiter so 118.73 is my sale 16.89 is my profit what is my cost so cost is cost cost of goods sold so let's just click this as well and we can also show the units sold write how much quantity we have sold we can just tag them side by side sales profit so cox and we can do like this now once we are done with the kpis what i'll do is that the the size is quite big right we need to just reduce the size as well so we go here we can go here and you know just reduce the size as per our requirement but make sure make sure that your font size should be standard across your report so that let's let us do it 16. so if you go to this data label in the this is called the formatting pane you'll all you'll have all the options here and go to data label just change the size of this to 20 and just as we do in excel powerpoint we can just go and format paint this once we do this we need to check the size because this is looking big this is small so we can go to the format option and align them distribute horizontally this build what will do is it will distribute this horizontally right so we have our kpis on top we have our sales we have our units sold we have a profit and we have our cogs right now what i'll do is i also want to you know slice and dice my data i have country i have a lot of uh you know fields in my table like segment country product discount band units sold i mean till this point i would want to discuss first so what if if i want to you know uh maybe slice and dice my data with what is the country's sales total what is that what is my oh what is germany sales or what is france or you know poland profit so what i'll do is i'll go to this particular option this is a slicer so we'll use a slicer here we'll use the slicer option and from here we'll just type country and we'll just click on it right we have these countries now for this dashboard most of the time you will use the drop down option because what happens is in the list option you'll see all the options but it's better give a drop down because to so the reason is just to you know save the space on the screen that's it go and just place it on here you can just place it here just again what i did with row cards ctrl c ctrl v so now when we have this country here we also want to you know slice and dice by segment say i'll just go here and i'll just click on segment i'll go here i also want to you know see what all fields we have we have segment country product discount band so let's have the discount band as well okay i have some questions how did we distribute horizontally second question is i wish you have the webinar finder so we can you know answer this later or i wish you have the five you know final document submission yes i do understand this so you know and no daily now but since it's a dummy data which has been provided by power bi we are now conducting the live session with the dummy data because there are a lot of you know people who are still learning power bi so initially what happens is when you start working on a dashboard or you start learning you will obviously or you every time you will get most probably you will search for the sales data so it's it is easier to understand when you're working with sales data that's the reason we are using the sales data so i think i have answered your question and uh one more i've got can you please repeat segment filter no nothing i've done nothing in segment filter i have just a searched segment here that's it in my field section where i'm dragging and dropping things so i've just clicked on segment that's it that's how the segment has come see the segment has come here now we have these this this segment i think i've done with anurag and you have another question how did we distribute horizontally okay so how did we do that how do we do that we just have to select all of them all of the cards whether we depends i'll just show you the vertically also so i think then it'll be easier for you to understand so i'll tell you so like we have country segment and uh we should also go for the discount band now and also what else i can cover product also if you want yes you can have the product as well now anurag uh so like we did horizonte we i'll just tell you that how we can distribute vertically just select all of these slices just we will now go to the format tab you can see the align option go to the line option and click on distribute vertically that's it so if you have to distribute horizontally you click on horizontal and horizontally and then if then vice versa for the vertical section right thank you right you call it okay uh so we we have now finished the slicer we have now so now what what happens in the slicer right so once we click on anything that the figures would obviously change because now we are viewing the france statistics sales of france is 24.35 where the cox is 20.57 now i can just go and slice and dice with my data suppose i want to see you know the segment government segment right so this is my this is my government segment and country i want to see mexico government segment so this is how you you know you can play with your data set right this is what everyone does when you when you prepare a dashboard i just take this to a little right so for the charge to come in [Music] so i'll use a dark theme i i want to you know show you how you can build create dashboards using dark theme ideally it is not using professional culture but then when you're designing something and use a dark theme it is quite visually appealing so i'll just do that so i'll just show you that how it's done how you can change the background so now the background is a white right i want to make it black so can you see now the background has been changed from white to black now quickly i'll just go in and just remove the backgrounds and so don't worry everything will come in i'll go to the data lab i'll go to the data label and just change it to white and also the category should also be white so now i'll just again quickly for my printers same with the slices i've just changed the font color to white black to white for the slicer header as well as for the items items are in between your drop down and this is this so items still the background i have to make it black so that when you scroll down you see that whatever you're clicking so quickly i'll again format painters now once we are done with the slicers and kpi these are the most important in your report every time whenever you're making a dashboard either have the filters on top kpis on left or vice versa that's the best way to professionally ever tell you so now let's what what should we now do so we can you know just see that how my segments have been doing the sales per segment if i want background colors background colors underneath it's there you go here it's the format option go to the page background and then you can change the colors that's it so we we can now go to the horizontal uh you know horizontal maybe i'll just take this one clustered bar chart i'll take the clustered bar chart right and i'll just go and select segment from here i want to see segment sales which segment is doing better which is not can you see i've done nothing in access i've just dragged my segment and sales i've dragged in my value section that's it i've got this thing so this is one i wanted to show you the other thing what i wanted to show you was uh the scatter chart it's a very interesting chart so i click here let's pick up this scatter chart right i just in my in my legend so just differentiate between the colors i'll just put the product and i'll put profit in my y-axis or x-axis whatever you like so what i've done here is what i've done here is properties on x-axis and sales is in y-axis so the size is very small so i'll go to the format pane i'll just increase the size just increase the size a bit more and i'll do away with the legend section it's off field it's on i will just switch it off and i'll just switch on the category section so you see that which products are where so do we have profit and x axis of sales on y-axis right pc is doing the best it's having the maximum profit maximum sales available is the worst low profit low sales and all are the all these are in between that's the analysis we can go out very very quickly in five minutes from power bi now let's create the last chart very quickly now what i want to do is i want to check the performance of my products uh on a timeline scale so i have the date column here i'll just take this ribbon chart i this is my favorite ribbon and scatter are my favorite so i'll take the ribbon chart drag it a bit and on the axis i'll drag the date always select if you have a hierarchy in your data model just go and select it right we have the date on the axis and the values we'll have maybe the unit maybe we can have units sold right now you're just seeing the bars right now in the legend in the legend how would i now compare products time on time to time how would i do that i would go in i would just select products and i will just drag them in the legend area see how this this becomes this is beautiful isn't it now what is actually showing you it's telling you that you know this this is the pc right this is pco so pc has always been on top every time it's been on top uh what about the rest montana sometimes it's on second then last so what it's telling you that how the products have been performing in the last two years from september 2013 to november 2014 that the last one and a half year on a monthly basis how my products have been moving some are you know on top some are below so it's like that so it's a great analysis now once we are done with this right i want to just show you the conditional formatting as well just basic but yes it's very powerful so if i select this chart right i'll go to the formatting section can you see these data colors go to the data colors and just press this function area and on based on field just select sales here so automatically power bi has this functionality of conditional formatting where it allows you to set a color on the lowest value and allows you to set a color on the maximum value so you can select any color i've see i've selected this light blue i'll switch on diverging diverging would actually give you the option of selecting three colors you click here and then you give so can you see maximum i have given the darkest center is in between and the minimum is the is the most uh you know very very light shade i've given so if you press ok a condition formatting would run on this visual and tell you that you know where you have more sales so visually you can see that okay my government is being the best ideally it is also showing you without formatting also it's just the way to you know how you can conditionally format your charts right so quickly i'll go and remove the background of this one as well now if i go to my y-axis i'll just convert this into white and my x-axis i don't want the x-axis i'll just switch on the data labels so data labels can be again white and the legend also can be we can have it in center so now look see it looks very nice now and what we can do is we can go here and just switch on the shadow and to the shadow we can give a white color so it just you know for aesthetic purposes it just tells you that okay this is the boundary but a very fine thin line a thin white line which actually does make your report appealing so you click here and just format paint this as well okay we'll not do it this is a separate chart let's do it again same thing so now can you see we'll also change the we'll also change the shapes as well i don't like round shape bubble should be changed to maybe this kite shape or something like that looks good so i have a question from where charlie michelle is asking why use the shadow in charts so vishali we just do it for aesthetic purposes a lot of times you will make reports you will have clients who who ask you to beautify your report power bi gives you an internal option to to you know set shadows on your visuals that's the only reason to use it to make report look aesthetic you know better aesthetically that's it thank you so now if you go to this particular [Music] section you can see we just you know made everything white pure white looks good right uh great thank you vishali so now we can just get this inside right now we have a dashboard in place guys we have a dashboard in place you can go and just check it just uh you know enable the shadow function as well so now we have the dashboard ready in front of you and we have made this very very fast in 40 minutes you have dashboard ready in less than 30 30 minutes but yes you have to two things three things to tell you before i you know just wind this up so first of all you know look at this look at this dashboard right when you select any so we talked about cross filtering and cross highlighting what is that is i select the bellow here i've selected this in my report everything would be filtered by value can you see this line as well this is all yellow this is all yellow has been selected so values things are being highlighted here this is cross highlighting what i'll do is i'll go to the file option i'll go to my options and settings options so quickly what we'll do is we'll go here for the report settings we'll change default visual interaction from highlighting to cross filtering now check what this what this does check it out now i select velo see this this is better right so depends again on requirement requirement this is my personal favorite i always click this on because it genuinely changes the context of your report to whatever you select now i have selected velo i can select anything from my report and everything would be filtered by that this is enterprise this is all enterprise isn't it cool so i have an option from underdog did you change the z-axis in order to pop the cards up no no i didn't do that so you don't have to you know change the axis i've just used the shadow option which you'll find here in the formatting area this is the one so i'll go and down border next to the border it'll be there thank you so uh this is this is it guys this is it you can select anything you have learned how to import data how to transform data basic steps conditional formatting cross highlighting cross filtering right you've seen everything now the thing which is left is the bookmark which i talked about right now suppose i'll just insert insert a button here this reset button has reset can you repeat this step okay okay sure uh okay sure uh yeah no i'll just repeat that so what i did was i went to the file option options and settings options simple go to this report settings and just click this check this box change default visual interaction from highlighting to filtering so by default it highlights whatever you select but when you click on when you take this box under current file options report settings it starts to filter your reports on the context you select it starts acting as a slicer i hope i'm clear on this thank you again thank you yep so that's it so i have this uh bookmark in front of me this is a button i have just taken in from insert button right now what i want to do is i if i select anything i want to reset my dashboard cfs suppose if i checked on multiple items now i don't want the user to actually you know select deselect these options i want to give him an option where you can just click that button and all the slices would be would reset how would i do that [Music] if i go to view i click on bookmarks i add a bookmark i'll just rename it to reset so i'll just what i'll do is i'll just click and i'll update this so what it happens it's it takes what the bookmark does it takes the current snapshot of your screen now all the flights and slices are anything is not you know checked in or clicked in or everything is selected all right so i have taken the snapshot of this this bookmark has taken a picture of this the image of this dashboard what i'm going to i'm going to do is i'll click this button right and in my action tab i'll switch it to on i click a bookmark which bookmark did we create reset and that's it now i've given an action to this button now now if i select any country say germany discount band to low i want the slicer to again showing oil everything is selected because i want to reset my slices i just click that everything again comes to all this is how you know you can use bookmarks in your report on any kind of requirements whenever you want to capture a snapshot say if you want to have a button showing only u.s sales you will go you'll create a bookmark for us and then you know giving it an action that's it this is bookmarking cross highlighting course filtering we've already discussed with you so last thing it's it's the thing which is how did how to add a picture isha is asking how to add picture on this bookmark a picture okay it's not basically a picture it's like a snapshot right you are only capturing the current state of your report what i did was what i did was i had just taken the snapshot when you go to your bookmark when you create anything you just finish i'll have to answer that a little later maybe it's it's a long story so i'll share it with you i'll share the blog with you thank you so reset what i've done is i've just added a bookmark and when you add a bookmark and update it so whatever things you are seeing in your report gets captured that's what what that's what has happened and i have given the action to this button and when you go here you just give the bookmark action of this button is reset and you have a bookmark in place right thank you so now we click here and or we see all the fun happening i'll just go and uh remove the background of this icon needs to be so last thing which is remaining is the drill through option to be promised with you so suppose what i want to do now is what i want to do now is in another sheet i have a data [Music] i have country level data another another sheet i'll just take a table so when i show can we take screenshot export the dashboard image yes absolutely you can do that but not here on the power bi service power bi server is a different platform where you share your power bi reports with the stakeholders there you can do that you can even export and export the entire dashboard in a ppt or a pdf format so we have a table here we have our country here we have see sales here suppose right now it is giving me sales the total of canada from germany and the total right now what i'll do here is can you see i drill through fields here what i'll do is i'll go to the prod i'll search product here and i'll simply drag my product to that drill through field and you see this popping out as well oh i'm using the desktop version power bi pro is only and only required for publishing i mean the the semantics or this or the description will only change depending upon with whom i'm sharing my reports with so whenever you're building a dashboard it's always desktop version on your local systems and when you're publishing publisher kit publishing it either you can have a prefeed license or you can have a pro license so we can discuss that later as well but the simple thing is it's a desktop version thank you so right now i what i've done here is i have simply dragged my product in the drill through drill through option drill through area now you will automatically see that when i hover around this product chart can you see it's written right quick to to drill through what does it mean it tells me that if i go to the next sheet my entire sheet would be filtered by this vtt peso or any products it's like say if i want to see vtt so i will right click on vtt and i'll select say drill through it is taking me to the page 2 because we had dragged the product field there it'll filter by vtt now this is only showing for the vtt product this is the drill through option where you want to take the user to the other page for for some external or some detailed information you want to share with the audience that's it you go back and you have this dashboard ready in front of you so that's it from mine guys uh hope you have enjoyed the session i'm in the dashboarding session we have some other things to share with you as well but this is how you can quickly in 40 minutes i've started 85 it's 8 46 in 40 minutes with answering her quest we are able to create a wonderful dashboard slicers review slices we have used charting we've used conditional formatting we've used drill through we've almost used everything right so this is it this is it now how you can share it is basically i'll not share it right now now but if you go to home you will have the option of option of publish you click on publish it ask you to save your changes say yes now depending upon okay i have not saved this so maybe i can just save it now [Music] say if i save it save it to that why this is my folder 40 minutes is the name of the file and if i publish it i have an option so this is my personal space so you can publish with the power bi service there and you can share then that link can be shared with multiple stakeholders you can select anything and you can depending upon the requirement depending on the workspaces uh you can share the dashboard that's it there's no requirement of sharing the excel or any other thing just share the dashboard people will be able to uh when she's asking to create this kind of dashboard how many days will it take to learn all come on see this is it's this very very basic i've shown to you whenever it's quite i mean it's just taken me like 40 minutes right but yes to master all the concepts you would have to give at least 20 25 hours we have a course a power bi course which is around i think 20 hours and if you if you attend that course then definitely will be able to master the concepts thank you so this is it guys uh you know that's what i want but i wanted to you know show it to you in this particular piece can you please repeat once the line chart okay sure so line chart this is the ribbon chart i've just taken this let's let's stay for your demonstration we take another page go to your selector ribbon chart just drag your product to the access not actually the product you can just drag the date as state to the access then you have can have your sales or anything in the values and in the legendary legend basically differentiate on the access level so for each date it will give me the products legend basically discriminates in the bars so it will actually split up the bars in products so if i drag my product to legend field this will actually you know distribute my products just split just it has just split the entire thing uh and rugby will cover it later it is uh again a very very long section tooltips is basically if you hover it around you can also see the tool tips this is the tool tip so whatever it's there on the visualization pane date product and sales you will be able to see the description of that that these are tool tips but there are additional kind of tricks which you can implement by using tooltips which we will discuss later so isha i think you asked for the certification and uh this is this this will be you know shared with you very very soon so don't worry all the details will be given to you that's it from mine thank you so much for any query please write us at info analytics training or call us call us at 96503.08956 you
Channel: Analytics Training Hub
Views: 29,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create power bi dashboard, How to build Power BI Dashboards - FREE Download, How to Create Beautiful Power BI Dashboards, Create a Power BI Interactive Dashboard in Just 30 Minutes, Create a Power BI Dashboard from a powerbi dummy dataset, Easy Method to Create Power BI Dashboard, Creating Dashboard in Power BI | Analytics Training HUB, Creating Dashboard in Power BI | ATH, A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Power BI Dashboard, Build Your First Power BI Dashboard
Id: KfxyzDjPz_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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