7 Tips & Tricks for Stunning Power BI Reports!

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Reddit Comments

Not going to lie, that report looks terrible for a financial report.

Use of color is not good and it does not drive any insights from looking at it. Everything on a report should have a purpose and meaning. This just screams “look! I put all the cool graphs on a chart!”

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/intelligentx5 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EddieCheddar88 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay I think everyone has trickled in so let's go ahead and start with the webinar again my name is Parker Stevens I am a Microsoft Data Platform NVP and certified power bi professional I'm gonna be walking you through seven tips and tricks that you should add to your reports within power bi these are seven tricks and different functionalities of power bi that will allow you to really get the most out of power bi hopefully you've been with us for one of our other webinars if you have been you will see that this report is actually pretty familiar we worked we walked through how to build this exact report last week or last webinar but we're actually going to make this report even more dynamic by adding some of these tips and tricks that we're gonna walk through today so I'm gonna open up my base file this is our seven power bi tips file and we are going to basically walk through each tab which is going to highlight a different tip and trick in power bi so let's go ahead and start by hopping on over to our first tab which is titled bookmarks so bookmarks are amazing within power bi they pretty much offer you with two different functionalities the first one is saving States so imagine you have a report and you currently are you always filter down to a certain subset of data bookmarks are going to allow you to basically save that state so you can just quickly hop on over to the certain view that you frequently look at another functionality of bookmarks is it allows you to hide in show visuals on the page just by a click of a button so this saves a lot of space in case you need to in case you need to basically dynamically hide something or show something depending on what the user has clicked so for example I'm going to show you that second example really quick I have an arrow here on the Left which actually allows us to pop out a slicer panel when we click it so we can make our selections to the slicer or we can you know select something in the second slicer and then we can just hide it and all of our data stays the same so it has a nice hide and collapse or show and collapse functionality so that's kind of what we're going be building today let's go ahead and hop on over to another file and it's basically the same one but without anything built out so in order to set up this first trick let's go ahead and add a couple of items here we will go to home we can add a shape I'm going to add a little arrow on the left side like we had in the other file I'm gonna rotate it a little bit so it's facing right to give the user an idea that's going to pop out to the right and then we also need to basically set up our slicer panel so we're gonna do that by adding another shape we're gonna add a rectangle and this rectangle we're going to we can leave it at that color I think that'll work we can add a couple of slicers here as well so we can add our slicer visual onto the left side and this visual is going to be populated with one of our fields we can populate it based on any of the categories we have here on the right side let's go ahead and set it to continent and let's go ahead while we're here let's move this visual up on the page up on the z-axis so that we can see it the way we do that is we go to few selection pane and we can see our visual as a shape let's move that all the way up to the top so it sits on top our slicer that we just added let's go ahead and throw that on the top as well let's figure out which one it is it's that one so let's put that on top as well so that's better let's add one more slicer so we'll copy that one paste it down below oh sorry clicking on the the background a little bit let's go ahead and move this down set this to a different field let's setup product type notes let's add product specifically so now they can filter on a bunch of different things continent product so if I were to click on Europe and maybe something down here we can see that that selection carries over to the main page so now what we need to do is we need set up the actual bookmark functionalities actually I'm getting ahead of myself let's add one more shape an arrow to work as the collapse button up here in the top left and we'll rotate it 207 degrees this time and move it to the top so now it's sitting on top great so now we will set up the actual bookmarks in order to do that we need to go to view and the bookmarks pane that's going to open it up on the right side we will add a bookmark and we can name this bookmark this is going to be the slicer panel view so slicer panel view a very important thing to note about bookmarks is pretty much all the time they're going to want to uncheck the data button basically what that's going to mean is when you're switching between bookmarks you don't want to keep the selection or you do want to keep the selection of your filters if that were to be checked you would be overriding your filter selection every time you switched so we're gonna want to check uncheck that so now when we we need to hide the shapes in order to make our other bookmark view we'll add this bookmark we're going to call it something like base view and we will uncheck data again so now we can manually switch between our views so that's looking great then we just need to set up our actual arrows to be used as like a button to pop out or hide that filter pane so we can do that by clicking on action turning that on and setting the type to bookmark and bookmark equal to slicer panel view so now when we click this arrow they'll pop out our little slicer panel and then we need to set this bookmark to have the action for bookmark and the bookmark is basically so now we can click between the two let's say we open it up and change it to change it to Asia North America Australia so we have all the selections we can then hide it and we still have our selections so that's kind of the first way in which bookmark can allow us to save space and kind of add an extra dimension of flexibility to our power bi report at this point I'm going to take us over to the power bi service so the power bi cloud offering and show you how you can set up personalized bookmarks to allow you to switch between views that you frequently go to so let's go ahead and hop on over to our power bi report on the power bi cloud so this is the exact same report if I go to the bookmarks tab we can see I already have it set up with the little slicer panel we just set up but instead let's go ahead and set up a personal bookmark so let's go ahead and reset to default so we can see the default view of this report let's extend this date range let's just extend it all the way so we have all products and we have profit by default here so let's say we wanted a view that we go to all the time let's say I only ever look at this current year's data are actually for this report 2018 data the most recent data and let's say I only ever look at let's open this filter say I only ever look at PACs oh sorry I think I have a filter down here let me make sure everything is off so let's say I frequently look at tents sorry let me select that I frequently look at tents and let's say I care about the revenue this is a view that I always go to we can set up a bookmark a personal bookmark and name it something like 2018 tents revenue so you can see I had already created a 20-17 tents quantity so actually we can just filter between the two so if I want to go to the 2017 tents quantity or just quickly switch over to the 2018 tints revenue it's that easy so any one of your users can set up their personal views you can also see down here there's this other bookmarks section and that's basically going to show people with show people the other bookmarks that the developer has created so in our case we have the filter pane and the base but instead if we wanted to create a maybe like a 20-18 only view we could extend that out to all of our users and they could simply click on the 2018 view so marks are very flexible and allow you to go a lot of different directions within power bi so I definitely recommend incorporating this at at least to some degree in your power to ed reports so that's pretty much the first trick on bookmarks let's go ahead and hop on over to the second tab the second tab is going to take us through the drill through functionality drill through allows you to move from one tab to another but carry your selections through to that second tab and kind of drill into a more detailed based view so for example I have this tab here that we are very familiar with and on the to be tab I have a table with all of our orders so we can see on the left side we have all of these order ID showing so if I were on the first tab oh and also one thing to note let me go ahead and get rid of our selection here so now I have all of my orders I also have some extra filters here let me just extend it out so it doesn't so it's not confusing we see that we have order IDs from starting from 1 all the way down throughout our data so let's say we are on the to 8 tab and we wanted to only see China order so while we're on this tab and we have a filter down to China let's go ahead and right click and drill through to that drill through tab and what you'll be able to see is now a retail country in this table is only shown in China so basically we have drilled down even further from our previous page into our detail page but keeping that selection so in case I now want it let's say Finland and do that one more time and drill through and we only have family into orders so I'm gonna show you how you can set this up it's very easy to do very quick out of the box so let's hop on over to the other file and we're going to close a couple of items to make our space a little bit bigger so from 2a we have the normal setup basically all the magic happens on the landing page the page that you land on when you drill through so let's go ahead and set up a basic table we can do this pretty easily let's just add some items here so we'll add order ID will add our dates we'll add let's say continent retailer country retailer type and then maybe just quick revenue cost oh sorry actually they've been looking I need to click on the table first let's go ahead and do that again order ID dates consonants retailer country retailer type revenue and cost so there's those are the fields we want to show specifically order ID needs to be not summarized that was counting them so we're going to go ahead and extend our date range again so as you can see right now we are showing all of our orders we have all retailer countries here so we have the united states if we scroll down we see we have canada so in order to set up drill through all we need to do is look on this right side and the visualizations pane and we see that we have a drill through field so we can add whatever fields we want here that should be carried from one page to the next so let's mix it up a little bit let's go ahead and throw in retailer type actually we don't have a visual here on retailer type now I think about it so let's go ahead and stick with retailer country so if we were to throw in retailer country into the drill through filters we would be able to drill through by right-clicking on any country drill through and we see that to be is now available to us to drill through so if we drill through we see that now we're only showing the Mexico retailer country so one thing to note about drill through that can kind of trip you up if you're not aware there is this option that says keep all filters what that means is when you're drilling through from one field to the next if you want power bi to keep the filters that were associated with that previous page so if we were to open up to a we see that we had this this selection from September 3rd 2018 to the end of 2018 we also were only looking at lanterns so on our drill through page it kept those filters we see that product type equals lanterns we see that the date is after September 3rd 2018 so that can be kind of confusing if you don't want the user to carry all of those filters from one page to the next so let's go ahead and take those out let's erase Mexico so we're down to our kind of blank canvas here and let's uncheck keep all filters so then when we're on the to a page and we filter or drill through for Germany we can see that it's not throwing in any other filter so we only see retailer country is Germany it's not throwing in the date filter the product ID filter or our measure selection even this is you know kind of basically there's not one way that's better than the other but I'm just kind of showing you basically the options for drill through maybe you might decide that one way is more intuitive for you and your organization and that's fine but you know now you know how that keep all filters kind of works with drill through so as of recently drill through was actually introduced to allow you to drill from one report to another so if I had another report titled you know anything else I could drill through from this individual report to another report so that's uh kind of adds to the flexibility of power bi as well so in case you have maybe one report that only shows top-level metrics you can drill through to a more detailed report if necessary and those reports can have different levels of access as well so it kind of gives you an extra extra check on the permissions of those reports so that's pretty much the entire drill through rundown let's go ahead and hop over to the third the third trick which is hierarchies so in our base file we can see how hierarchies work a little bit so there are two different kinds of hierarchies in power bi that you should be aware of the first one our date hierarchies date hierarchies are set up by default by power bi so whenever you import a date field it's going to set you up with a hierarchy that starts with year and then goes to actually let me go ahead and throw this in real quick so our date field if we throw it into an axis of a visual we can see it has this automatic hierarchy of year quarter month and day and this hierarchy whenever you have one it allows you to drill down further into the visual and I just want to be clear drill down as in deeper into a visual not from not drill through from one tab to another so we can drill down into only this visual so if we were to since we're on the Year level we can drill down into the the quarter level and then drill into the month level and then finally drill into the day level so I want to take you through the different ways and you can drill-down in power because they can be very confusing but they're all useful in their own regards so the first is this single drill down arrow when you click on it you enable drill down so if I were to select a single year so let's say 2017 and I click on it I've now drilled into 2017 but I've gone to the next level which is quarters so now if I click on the second quarter in April we can see that now I'm in 2017 in quarter two but now it's on the month level and then finally I drill down into what saved May and we're showing all 31 days of May on that day level so basically you're keeping the selections of each individual level that you're clicking through so we can drill up all the way and we'll talk about the second way you can drill down so this this drill down functionality is going to allow you to drill down from one level to another but not keep the dimension of the previous level so as you can see we have the years 2016 between 70 and 2018 if we were to drill down with the double down arrow it simply puts all the data on a quarter level so it's not taking into account the division of year so 2016 2017 2018 data it's all kind of mixed into these divisions now quarter one quarter two and quarter three quarter four so if we were to drill down again we see now we're only looking at the month level but with no respect to years or quarters so we can drill up and finally our our final way to drill down is with this with this downward kind of forked arrows this drills down but keeps the previous level in consideration so if we were to drill down we see now we have 2016 but we also have that split up by quarter and if we were to drill down even further we have 2016 split up by quarter and month now and then finally with a bunch of data we have basically on the day level but keeping those the idea of the year quarter and month so basically there are a lot of different ways that you can drill deeper into your data this is made very easy by the fact that power bi creates these out-of-the-box date hierarchies so next I'm going to show you how you can set up your own hierarchies basically these are gonna be hierarchies that don't have to be specific to any field they don't have to be a date basically just any different representation of levels of your data you can create yourself so on the left side we can see that we have kind of the similar bar chart we've been seeing but now it split up by continent we have Europe North America Asia Australia and South America I have already set up a hierarchy here on the left side basically its continent and then retailer country so using the exact same methods of drill down we can drill down into any of those continents and now we are showing it on the country level so we can you know use the forked down arrow and just see it on the level of all of the different countries split up by continent so it's actually very easy to set up these hierarchies I'm going to hop on over to the other file just to set that up really quickly so when we have our bar chart with just retailer country there are two ways in which we can set up a hierarchy a custom hierarchy so I'm gonna go ahead and delete one that I had already created so right now we only have one value in this bar chart that's why there's just a single line so the first way in which we can create a hierarchy is by grabbing just the top level of our data so now that our data is split up by continent and then throwing the second level right under the first level so now we have continent and then retailer country underneath it very easy to do you're just basically throwing in extra fields into the axis that's one way to do it it can get a little bit messy and you may forget what you had added to these visuals I think the best way to do it to create your own custom hierarchy is to simply take the bottom level of your hierarchy which will be retailer country and drag it on to the top level so we can see we can drag a retailer country on to continent and it's going to create this content hierarchy here on the right and we can simply drag this content hierarchy into the axes so now we have the exact same functionality of continent and then retailer country but let's say I also wanted product type on top of this hierarchy we can drag product type onto the hierarchy and it adds it to the bottom simply we need to add our content hierarchy or continent hierarchy back into the acts as well and we we can now drill down on multiple levels so that's pretty cool functionality hierarchies are out of the box in power bi but they also add a lot of flexibility as well with that let's go ahead and hop on over to probably my favorite trick of this demonstration and that's dynamic metrics as you may have seen in this report already we have these this little slicer up here that allows you to change the page to show a certain metric of your choosing so I have nothing selected here and by default it defaults to total profit if I were to click on total quantity we see how the data changes to show quantity and then revenue we can see that those are on very different scales so this is 550 million while quantity is on the scale of you know 10 million so I'm gonna show you how you can set up dynamic metrics so when you click on a button you're able to actually just change what's being shown in the entire power bi report this is a very cool method it's a little bit more in-depth and takes a little bit of code but it's totally worth it if you stick with me and kind of learn how you can write these measures yourself so in our other file on our dynamic metrics page I have just a normal visual here this is just the retailer country that we've seen so many times already and just a simple field quantity so in default by default in power bi when you're setting up your your visuals you're basically just gonna drag columns onto these different little wells and it's going to create these visuals for you so we see that I'm just summing sales quantity and that's what's showing in our in our visual if you want to get a little bit more in depth we can create what's called a measure and a measure is basically a calculation within power bi that evaluates for each different filter that's being applied to that visual I know that may sound like a lot but we'll walk through an easy example to kind of wade into it so we can right click on our table and click new measure and we can name this selected measure metric and we can simply Hall and give me one second I think I might have one that's called selected metric it said I'm going to go ahead and delete that so we don't name it the same thing so I am going to create that new measure we're gonna call this one select a metric and just for ease of understanding how measures are created let's go ahead and just make this an easy sum of revenue I am already using that on this table I'll call the selected metric to that reason so we are simply summing revenue if we were to take our selected metric to and throw it in the value we can see that we are now just summing the revenue ignore the total quantity title I'll actually get rid of the title so we are simply summing the revenue for each division of the data so the revenue for the United States of America is 27 million and funny enough we can even drill through to our other page that's actually pretty cool but we are actually going to make our selected metric to much more dynamic by not hard coding the revenue field in here we're gonna give some conditional formula we're gonna give a conditional formula to allow a selection of the metric that should be summed in order to do that we are going to add a table basically this table is going to give us all of our different selectable metrics in order to do that let's go ahead and go to home and enter data and then we're gonna call this we will call this metrics will call the column metrics as well so this is going to be basically just the options you want to show in the selectable buttons so we'll just do cost revenue quantity click load and this is actually going to create your create a table within power bi so we'll let that load for just one second and now we are going to add another slicer so we'll take a slicer we'll put it up in the top right and our metrics table we have our metrics column throw it in there we have cost quantity revenue we can make that button look a little bit better with basically the general allows us to set the orientation so that was a little bit better so we click on cost quantity or revenue it doesn't do anything right now because this this table isn't tied to anything but if we go back to our measure we can write some logic that will allow us to specify if revenue is selected show us revenue if cost the selected shows cost so in order to do that we are going to use what's similar to an if statement it's actually called switch this is also in Excel so you may have used it there it's basically going to evaluate for a certain expression and if that expression evaluates to true then is going to basically fire on that condition or it'll go down to the next one if it's false so we are going to evaluate for true and then simply we need to say if cost is in all selected of our metrics metrics column and basically this is kind of a fancy way to say is cost in our selections then we want to sum the cost basically if this isn't true we want to run the second line so we're gonna do revenue next if revenue is in the selected metrics we want to sum revenue and if that's also not true we can actually we actually don't need this condition here we can just say if that's not true our else condition will be summing quantity get rid of the comma close off our function and now all we have to do is use our new measure so we have selected metric too so we have our cost quantity and revenue so if we click on cost we see that our axis is changing here we see quantity which will be much smaller we see that is changing so now we are able to dynamically select the measure we want to show in this graph as a little bit of a bonus let's go ahead and add a title to this that's also dynamic I actually already had that set up so I'll just go ahead and throw it in there because I don't know if we'll have enough time for that so if we you set on the title you can come here and set conditional formatting to that title text so we already had a measure here that's called title and I'll run you through that in a second so let's go ahead and look at that title measure so basically this has logic to say get us the selected value of our table in the top right and if there is more than one value that's what the second this second parameters telling us we want to basically fall back on a certain title so our default is cost so now it'll work as expected so basically if cost is selected it'll cost quantity revenue or if nothing is selected it'll show cost because cost is our default within our within our visual so this is very very dynamic you can have a list of however many metrics you want to show here you can have a whole side of them and just go through each of these saves a lot of space and allows you not to have to duplicate pages of work just to show different metrics and you can use this measure in as many visuals as you want so that you really don't need to repeat yourself I would say this is a best practice in case you have let's say more than more than three metrics to show inside of your power bi dashboard so yeah that's a really cool one I guess we'll jump to number five which is forecasting forecasting is a very fun one I'll jump back to the other file are forecasting there are a couple of different options here we can see on the left as the one on the right loads is the built in power bi forecasting method it allows you to look at these basically look at the historical data and be able to project fairly accurately you know depending on some of the factors what you might expect in the future so we can actually make this much smaller in case you want to get a smaller idea you see with less data it has a you know smaller sample size to make a to make a prediction but we can expand that back out also we can see that there is another kind of way to forecast here in power bi this is a custom visual so not a visual inherent to power bi it's actually visual that someone has written and submitted to the Microsoft Store or the Microsoft power bi apps or store so that other users can download and use that visual so this one is pretty cool because it allows you to kind of zoom in on some data you can see if we just kind of zoom in get a smaller view of our data so pretty cool functionality allows you to kind of hover over and see where those forecasted points are looking at but I'll walk you through how to set up each of these the built in solution takes just a second so we can go ahead and start with that so in our other file in our forecasting we can simply create a line chart with our date in our axis and we can use our new our new selected metric in the values so we want to get rid of our date hierarchy in this case because we don't really care about that hierarchy we can click this down arrow and click on date instead of date hierarchy so now we have all of our data here which we can filter down or expand back out and in order to in order to show the forecasting you can easily go on the analytics tab here on the visualizations pane click on analytics and all the way at the bottom there is a forecast expandable section there are also a lot of other expandable sections in case you need them but we'll focus on the forecasting here then we need to click Add which will create a forecast line we can see it right there but it's kind of short we can forecast a certain number of points or a certain number of periods so if we want to forecast a full year out or a couple months we can actually forecast maybe five let's do six months in the future you can click apply and see that see the forecast that comes up with doesn't show too much here we can set and ignore a certain number of periods selected we can set a different confidence interval that confidence interval is going to shrink or expand what it kind of estimates for that prediction we'll leave it at 95 and seasonality is interesting because this is a parameter that you'll probably need to play with in order to get a prediction that's looking pretty good so when our data are our data is probably pretty seasonal based on month or week so if we set seasonality based on 30 days which would equal a month we see a little bit better of a of a representation there let's try week and see what it comes up with so if we have a seasonality of seven days since we're on the day level and not too much better but we'll also see that the forecast will vary depending on the amount of data we are passing into it so it's picking up on something but nothing too too crazy I already got rid of some of the dependent visuals let's hop on over to the other visual and see what we had here so in our forecasting we had a seasonality of auto actually so if you leave auto power bi is able to pick up on some of that seasonality dependent on your depending on some of your filters so basically with all the data it's able to get a pretty strong prediction of that data so pretty cool there we're also able to visualize those actual data points in case we wanted to dig into it so let's hop on over to the other file so the other power bi visual that we're gonna look at for forecasting you can get it from the store I'll tell you about so it's called the marketplace here so we can import from marketplace and search for forecasting and find a bunch of different visuals here they use different methods for example for instance this is using the ARIMA method in order to get a nice time series prediction I like this one this is the one I was showing you we can simply add this visual to our palette here so I had already imported it in so we'll just update it so we available to us on the right it also has a nice little home explanation that this runs in our package you don't need to install that so since this is kind of taking some machine learning and data science into this power of the airport it is running in our script or in our script in order to calculate those predictions power bi supports both r and python scripts so actually that's specifically in our script we can click on our visual here and bring it into the canvas and in order to do this I've already done this but in order to do this for the first time you need to enable your script visuals so in case you don't want any our scripts or Python scripts run in your environment it's totally understandable in which case you wouldn't be able to use a custom visual like this because it's gonna need R or Python running on your machine so in order to use this visual we just need to throw in a couple of fields we'll throw in our date and then that selected metric again and give it some time to run because it is a pretty in-depth calculation we see we don't really have much of a forecast there let's see if we can extend it a little bit maybe change some parameters and see how that forecasts can change under a formatting we see these forecast settings we are forecasting 500 points out in the future maybe we'll forecast out 90 and it also has options for seasonality factors like I was talking about earlier let's say our data has a pretty good seasonality factor of a month and week we can see how that will affect our calculation here see if we can get some some accurate predictions yeah we see a little bit more it's actually able to develop some sort of idea of what we can expect so a little bit of jitter in there and with a 50% confidence interval the top gray section is a 50% confidence interval so they're pretty confident that your sales will fall in this range here so that's how easy it is to set up forecasting in power bi you can do it very quickly out of the box or just take a little bit of time and you know play with some of the custom visuals that are by to you through that store with that let's go ahead and jump over to row-level security which is a very big topic within power bi because row-level security allows you to secure your reports within your organization so what's a user a should only see a certain segment of data they're only authorized to see maybe their own region we can set it to where they will never be able to see anything other than their region inherently in the report so to do that let's go ahead and jump over to number six here so within power bi desktop we are able to create these roles roles are going to be these different permissions for users to be kind of placed into in order to only see those certain segments of data so if we click on modeling and manage roles we can create our I've already created roles here for example I have a Europe manager and a North America manager as well as a cooking gear analyst the person who should only oversee cooking gear with these roles already set up I'll just show you what what it'll look like when they're viewing as these roles there's a helpful button called view as roles if we click that we can now select those roles we have previously set up so if I only wanted to see the the power bi report from the North American managers view point we can click OK and we can see that user can only see the United States Canada and Mexico if we were to view as a different user like the Europe manager we click OK and see that user can only see the European view of the data so it's very easy to set these up in order to do so we just have to type in a little bit of code oh my my page is broken from deleting that measure I will go ahead and set it up on our original 5l so I'm going to go ahead and delete these roles and start over okay I'll save that and now we're viewing the whole data here so in order to set up these roles for role level security we simply click on manage roles and create a new role so we can name this we'll just do the same example your manager Europe and then we have our all of our tables available to us here in our actual fact table which is called sales we can filter down the data based on our columns so for example continent equals Europe if I can spell it right Europe so the European manager will only see the data where continent equals Europe so you can make this as complex as possible or as complexes you need to be so continent equals Europe year equals 2018 anything you need in this filter expression so if we click Save and then view as that role we just created we can see the European role and then just as another quick example let's create that cooking gear analyst again analysts and then that user specifically can only see I think it's product type equals cooking gear click Save notes view as that role quickly so that users only able to see the cooking gear if we were to expand our product type slicer we can see that that user only sees cooking gear here so once you set up these roles in power bi desktop it's very easy to just assign a user in your organization to these preset roles you can distribute these permissions individually through the UI or you can also just set it up based on security groups so if you have users that fall into a certain security group you can easily say this security group should be this certain role within power bi so you can bulk edit users permissions very easily so finally the last trick is email subscriptions this isn't as much of a trick as it is just functionality within power bi but it is functionality that I don't think people use enough so subscriptions allow users to get a daily emailed report or screenshot of a report in order to basically kind of maybe snapshot your data in time also just get a kind of quick glance view of how your metrics are doing so if we hop on over to power bi service we can see our our report here so seven power bi tips so I'm viewing this report right now on this base page if I were to come up to the top right click subscribe I already have a subscription that's created I will delete that button save and close and start over so if I were to subscribe it's gonna ask me for some details for this subscription so we can select a certain tab so any of the tabs available to us will select base you can set a subject because this is going to be an email that is sent directly to me so I can set this is my Financial insights subscription include an optional message specifically we want the base report page so this can actually be called anything we want this is actually we can name it subscription example so a report page is our base page but we have any page available to us we can also set a subscription frequency of daily hourly weekly monthly or after data refresh up to once a day so this is pretty handy in case you or only may be refreshing your data once a day and you want to see your data the moment its refreshed power bi will send you an email screenshot of what the data looks like right after refresh so I'll set that up to be daily specifically actually those two hourly we can set up certain days so if I only wanted this on weekdays it set up our days and then also at the time we want to start so we can start at 3 p.m. specifically with a start date and end date in case you only want this to go for a certain period of time so once you've created all those subscriptions you can click Save and close and it will set that subscription and it will mail to you whenever whenever that subscription is ready when it for whenever you set up that schedule you can also set up subscriptions for every other tab so this we have like eight tabs on our report we instead of a subscription for each tab so not just that base tab so just to show you an example of what this looks like I received one today and we can see that our subscription one came through with a picture showing us our data as it is today so as you're receiving this email because you subscribe to the base page something to note I subscribed myself but if you are an administrator and you aren't actually using row-level security you are able to subscribe as many users as you want you simply need to type in their emails and you can see this note right here you cannot subscribe others because this is using row level security so if you add just a basic power bi report you are able to type in okay I also want this sent to someone that someone calm pretty much anything you need so those subscriptions are sent out to maybe a larger audience of users so also this subscription also has a nice link to go directly to the report you just open it up quickly so in case you saw something that stood out in that email subscription you're able to just open it up in power bi very quickly so now that you can now you can quickly drill into the data and see maybe what was happening in that quick picture so with that that rounds up our seven power bi tips and tricks that you should definitely add to your reports to kind of give power bi you know more functionality and extend some of the basic uses of power bi I hope
Channel: BI Elite
Views: 125,302
Rating: 4.9505906 out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Science, Business Intelligence, BI, Microsoft, Dashboard, Report
Id: i1kCHZEhnEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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