Compilation Of The Best Power BI Reporting Applications We've Seen

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[Music] hey everyone samukai here from enterprise dna now this is a really exciting uh video for for me and for enterprise dna because what we're going to go through is just some of the best power bi reports i think that you'll you will see out there and they're all created by those in our community our amazing community some of them have come from power bi challenges some of them have been built internally some have been built just by our expert group and i just want to show a compilation of all of these reports so that you can get inspiration you can creatively expand your mind in terms of what is possible and you know this is just something i love showing because it just shows you the um the journey that those in our community have gone on and have been able to get to um by you know by the collaboration that's been going on within within the group but also just with the up skilling through all of the content and resources we make available so it also sort of shows you the diversity of of what power bi can do across multiple different data sets right so you know here we're going to go through some manufacturing data this one we're gonna go through the pen um some covert 19 and data same here code 19. um here we've got some logistical information and this particular report we've got some transport and shipping data here we've got some web-based data jira tickets and here we've got some insurance complaints and then i was thinking we'll even go into some more i really just want this to be an amazing showcase of a whole variety of top quality reports from the best reports out there right and a lot of these are derived from enterprise dna's own showcase a lot of them sit on our showcase not all of them but but a lot of them a lot of them do and are very easy to come and have a play around and utilize yourself and sort of see what is actually possible but i'm going to take the opportunity in this video to sort of talk through some of them and some of the great functionality that's been built in one of the things i really like about some of these reports are um uh just dynamic ways you can see information or summaries of information which are are non-standard right like a lot of us think when we're creating reports that we need to create um just use visuals like pie charts and donut charts and bar charts and column charts and scatter charts etc but there's actually many many ways that you can showcase information effectively right sometimes it can be through dynamic text sometimes it can be through really simple visualizations um sometimes it can be done with just cards right um and just an improvement on your navigation experience and so here um if you can see here this is just a very s really there's nothing actually that complex about what's being done on this particular page but very informative right you know you've obviously got the highlights of your perform performance there so there's obviously some ranking techniques which are being bit into the report and then just some high level um trend information so whoever's evaluating this can really understand quite quickly if there's some outliers or or if some sort of trend has changed right and then i like some of these navigation experiences as well like instead of like clicking certain slices and certain visuals um you know there's it's it's it's about um you know just create you using using bookmarks in this case to change what the visualization looks like on the click of a of a of a of a button or of um some sort of element in the page and so instead of have using the sort of native drill through and um ways that you can drill down and drill up through the actual visual itself i think this is you know it's a far cleaner way right it's a far cleaner way to actually evaluate this sort of information so a nice little trick there that i think um really deserves showcasing right like there's so many different ways that you can tell a story now that you can allow consumers to navigate through your your particular reports um and i also like how the the menu the menu bar at the top has been used but in combination with other ways that you can navigate so there's like it's always like dual menu bars right we've got a menu bar here we've got some slices up here but there's no you know there's no drop downs or anything like that well this is actually created by moody one of our enterprise dna experts and one of the best suggestions i think um he he had a recent master class that we that we ran with them is that you want to try and avoid having any slices on the page try and avoid as much as you possibly can having a slicer or some sort of like drop down filter try and think how you can dynamically tell the story in a report page and allow the user to use them the the native filtering etc that they can use by clicking on visuals instead right or just break out break out what you show in a particular and report pages based on when like those dimensions so in this particular case we've decided to jump into vendors materials plants so instead of having those in a drop down we've had them in different pages and then the relevant information based on that okay also the background design is is really superior here so i really you know it's just super super super compelling motorcycle is a design guru around what can be done with power bi i love i love this little microsoft pop-up box here that's been used as well you can just click on click on that i think that's obviously been inspired by your own desk that you you know the windows operating system which is which is super cool and so instead of um so you use some some slices here right but the thing is they're not they're in a book they're in a pane so that it doesn't actually take up a room inside of your report you just come down through here and you can make your selections um like so inside of the pane here and then you can click out like so if you need if you need to again there's a refresh button here as well love just love that functionality okay so i've spent a bit of time on this one but i mean this is an amazing report it truly is an amazing report just the the ways that you can um you know review the information so quickly it's so so quick and effective there's nothing there's no ambiguity with this particular report right what you what the developer wants you to see is is very easy to see and understand okay and and extract the information but you know on top of that layer on top of that is just amazing this amazing design your simple colors great backgrounds you know just effective all around okay let's move on to the next one so this one was done by alex one of our enterprise dna experts and i just love the functionality here i mean this is this this is all looks like one page right but there's actually so many little things embedded into this um that enable you to discover data in many different ways so obviously you have you actually have a simple um drop down slicer here so we can select a different country here like so but that makes sense because this is this particular um the story that was wanting to be told here was was trying to understand how particular countries are going in the pandemic right when this data was out so you can select countries there but there's also some high-level information um based on uh like um a key important things that might be of interest to a particular consumer so here we have um and and the way that you can navigate to them is so unique so we have here some hotspots but what you can do is click on these links here and it actually brings you up um some other key information and this is all dynamic by the way because if you change the time frame these will these will all change based on that time frame and so embedded in here is sort of like a ranking system a ranking system that that only gets showcased when you actually click on the element inside of the report i mean it's just so epic so epic how this has been done and you can get rid of them very easily with that with that clicking here so that is just being done with bookmarks just it's being done with bookmarks and the selections pane inside a power bi desktop and then those bookmarks are getting called when you actually click on these particular elements inside of the report um in inside of this particular report also like here how um the simple pop-up this again is just bookmarks and selection panes so whenever you click on that this particular thing appears and so you can actually you know change a lot of things around inside of these visualizations just by moving these right and then these will take a little while to update but it's really utilizing these as a as a dynamic filter for the scatter charts that you've created that we've got created here so amazing functionality right tel again tells a really really good story very very effectively here is another one where the thing i like about this particular one a lot of cases is obviously there's some great information but the the use of tool tips is what i i love the most about this particular report is that instead of having like page after page after page there's been a great amount of summary done inside of tooltips so that when you sort of dynamically work around the page you can sort of see the information that's key to that particular um that particular region in this in this case so in in other cases you know in other examples you might use like drill through functionality or something like that but if you think more creatively you can sometimes just utilize um you can utilize these tool tips right and tooltips is a great new functionality inside of power bi you can use these tool tips to really create the summary on the same page in the same experience and it's so easy to actually just like land on or just scroll through and and use the mouse to actually go to a different element on the report and then bring up all of the all of the key information for that so it prevents the user from having to go to a new page or do any additional selections or anything like that right they don't need to come to a slicer and select like a particular country they can literally just go around the page and um it brings up all of the key information just like that so the data discovery is so quick and effective right so that's what i like about this one and um again this one these are by the way all of these are on the enterprise dna showcase so you can really like have a look at the possibilities and and explore um you know a lot of this functionality for yourself as well this one i love just from its um navigation experience like it looks like this this full-blown application one of the one of the best looking and and and and sort of look and feels to a power bi report that i've i've ever seen like when you actually experience this in in full screen right i mean this honestly looks like you're like some someone's built this really intensive application and um you know the the the unique ways that you can sort of click through and see certain elements of your data so quickly is i mean it's just really compelling super compelling right and then you can jump through this menu bar and this was actually created by a team of our enterprise dna experts um i think modis here was one of the brought a lot of the design aspects to it but um just the ability to again just seamlessly click through and how that how this is how this is done is is actually quite simple like a lot of the um all like this is quite a comprehensive report of maybe like 12 to 13 pages but they're all all the pages are hidden and you can only go to the page when you actually select the appropriate element in the menu bar or in the um in the side panel here right and so um that to me is the best way to create that all-encompassing experience it really brings the um consumer into your report into your insights you know it doesn't confuse them with um some navigation experience on the page but then some navigation experience by clicking on it like clicking on a page through it through like a drop down um you wanna you wanna keep it really consistent and i think the way to go is to always like separate out your navigation experience as part of the way you visualize so you you one have your visualizations but then you've got to layer some compelling navigation experience on top of that okay then we have this one this is an uh um by hussein who is um just an enterprise dna member and uh has obviously become incredibly talented um which i'm really really proud of and i really love um this because of just the way it looks like again it's sort of like a website really a website with dynamic information in it um i like um some of this dynamic uh text down the bottom here and then a menu bar at the top so taking inspiration i think from some of past the past challenges which is great and i just i just like the experience here right so there's some simple like that there's not like complex filtering that you can do here it's it's literally just clicking on um you know clicking on elements of this and this is going to produce the filters um that uh on the data so that we can see all the all the all the key information and then we can jump to you know different pages really really easily one of the things that i would improve here and and what i just mentioned is that you see here that this that you can actually select by pages here as well but what i would do is i would just hide those pages i would literally hide them so that the only way you could get to here was by clicking through through through um through this menu bar so that that is really like a case in point of what i just said but um to me in terms of just like the way that this is this is structured and the way that um this looks uh it is obviously it is always going to be um compel compelling for your stakeholders and they're going to want to return to this because it produces the insights they want but they can see it in a really compelling way okay so this one is again i like that i really like the menu bar and the experience here again there's some like really nice tricks here like this toggle which can show enables you to see like different insights by um by by just toggling and the way that that is done is again just through bookmarks and the selection pane and so you can hide and show certain things and i can do the same for here so i really really just like the flexibility when you just think a bit more creatively about what you do there and there's a really simple menu bar here that's been created which has um you know if you want to just do like this month or this quarter et cetera which is quite common so you know again it's just like a lot of these can be done in a simple way but a lot of these can be done in a more creative way which i think is just better and and i i think looking through these examples is is a good way to understand you know lots of different ways you can do things okay so just click on this one and you know just there's this dynamic text here it's not all visuals like i mean there's hardly any visuals in this particular report it's very very limited right very very simple um and you know it's it's just a matter of you know you can change the time frame and all of these insights are going to dynamically change which is which is really nice really neat okay the last one i think i'll show here and then we could we could go through a few more i'll i'll just see how we go after this one but this is this is actually one that um that i've designed um you know completely myself and one that i spent quite a bit of time on but i i got inspiration for the navigation and the design from elsewhere but i just embedded it into a power bi report i think i was looking looking at like a website a weird portal and i said we can do that in power bi and and i basically just try to replicate a lot of the functionality and again i've i've hidden all the report pages so that the consumer and the user of this can only literally navigate to the pages that i want them to navigate and they have to navigate the way that i want and so you see here that they can click through through another menu bar that i put at the top but i've also got a left hand side panel here that they can click through to different elements that make sense as well i've got a settings page here as well where you can set up some settings and i've gone and synced the slices to each other page so someone doesn't have to and this is another great technique as sync slices so you can set some global slices here and all of those slices will apply to the rest of the page and and because those slices don't actually aren't actually seen on each different page i'm just more descriptive in terms of what i actually um like what those slices are actually showing so what we're actually showing in a report page so like if i change the slicer in the settings like this would change and then someone who is reviewing this would know the exact time frame that this is over i've also utilized some tool tips here which um again really when you when you combine you instead of having this in a separate visual taking up room in my report um all it takes is someone to hover over there and you can see the um the inside right same here there's some insights that i've that i've summarized instead of doing a drill through i've just just showed them on a on a tool tip okay so there is many others um some of these other ones like as we go down this optical data one love love this one by by melissa um this one here this this has got a unique page turning a feature to it which is great i i really like like this one as well like you can keep things simple too and they are they can still look compelling like even though i've gone through a number of best practices on this particular video you know you can still make really smart designs um really really um uh easy to engage like really easy to understand and engage with as from a from a stakeholder perspective right so you know a simple date filter up the top and then i've created some some groups that we might want to filter by in this particular report right and because those those groups were a very big part of how i wanted to showcase my the story or the story that i wanted to tell on this particular report you know i made those a main feature of the menu right um instead of you know maybe creating a menu of like regions or customers or something like that i've said okay i want to i want to group my customers into these like custom groups and i want that to be the main story that i tell here or the main way that i want someone to experience my report and that's how i i decided to build this sort of menu bar into the top here well this is just honestly a slicer that i've made horizontal so it's actually really not that difficult okay so again check out check out enterprise dna showcase for many many more you know there's things like stock dashboards advertising campaigns inventory analysis financial reporting i mean this report here is fantastic as well um i'll just i'll just jump to this one just quickly because this is a um this is a compilation video so um so the more the more cool stuff i can show you the better i guesses so i've created a really simple navigation area here and what you can do is you can jump um to the relevance page just like that right you can jump to the relevant page i think i've embedded go back to um to go back to the homepage just in the logo itself and this is just an amazing like this is a financial reporting application right um just so much insight embedded into this one report it's absolutely crazy absolutely crazy what what you can fit into one report um you know compared to what you could do historically and the fact that it's dynamic and automated is just um unbelievable really okay that's it i'll i'll call it a day there's there's plenty more for for you to review yourself as you work through here plenty more amazing um showcases and designs and many more to come as well we're constantly developing and involving our methodology and the way that we you know think about power bi development especially with a lot of these new features that are coming out you know it's quite extraordinary um you know we can take things now you know it's it's just it is um you know i was amazed at what power bi was like five years ago and and even now i'm more amazed like it has it has just like gone beyond my expectations about what's possible so hopefully these types of things get you excited as well i certainly hope it does um i love talking about it and love showcasing the amazing um efforts and and reports and and uh and uh applications that those in our community are building okay i'm gonna round off i really enjoyed uh going through that one i think we went through eight or nine great reports there and so you know as i said at the start hopefully this will you know this will grow your creative mind uh around what you can do inside of power bi okay take care all the best hey everyone thanks for tuning in to enterprise dna tv if you enjoyed the contents covered in this particular tutorial please throw the video a like it really helps us and we really appreciate it also don't forget to subscribe to the enterprise dna tv channel we have a huge amount of content coming out all the time from myself and a range of content creators all dedicated to improving the way that you use power bi and the power platform lastly check out enterprise dna's website plenty of resources and further learning that you can access very easily all the best take [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Enterprise DNA
Views: 10,905
Rating: 4.9852943 out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Power BI DAX, Enterprise DNA, Power BI Tutorial, Power BI tutorial for beginners, power BI desktop, learn power bi, Sam McKay, best power bi report design, Best power bi reports
Id: J0_ObklvD28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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