Tableau Zen Master Tips & Tricks - Charts Edition

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okay so welcome to this webinar I'm gonna go through the intro again because I forgot to hit the record button so my name is Andy crebbil I'm at tableau Zen master and the head coach in the information lab data school and I've got two cohorts of the data school sitting here staring at me hoping I don't screw up actually they're probably hoping I do screw up actually yeah that sounds more right and so this webinar will be recorded now that I hit the record button and but before we get into the tips I want to make you aware of the meetup group I imagine most of you heard about this through Meetup we have one called Let's Talk data and you can see the URL at the bottom TI l dot bi slash talk data that would take you right to the meetup page and we encourage everybody to join hit the big red join this group button right there and you'll get all of the information about our latest webinars so we've got this one today we have an alter X ace workshop coming up soon some of these are webinars and some of these are at our office in London for those of you that are in London and are not going to the tableau conference we have a keynotes social we're going to be hosting here next week or next week whatever day the keynote is Tuesday I guess on the 23rd Tuesday the 23rd so feel free to come by and and hang out with us but you must register yourself in the group and attend because we're doing all of the attendance for that through Eventbrite okay so you guys ready for me to get started that's that's it that's all I can hear yeah yeah okay that was the worst the least excited group of people ever here in the audience so okay and I went through all of this yesterday so hopefully I don't screw up too bad but this is something I learned from Rachel Fang in her first day using tableau so I want to create a bar chart with no axis so you might think that sounds a bit weird right well if I just go ahead and let me stick subcategory in the view and if I just take sales and I put it on the size shelf whoops and I change my mark type to a bar I can then make it entire view and now I have an a bar chart with no axis pretty cool isn't it yeah and you're welcome to applaud your favorite tips you're welcome to applause along the way okay but what about a regular bar chart so I'm kind of cheating right these are going to be super quick charts to get me up to 81 so again if you want to build a bar chart quickest the best way to do it is to start by double-clicking on a measure and then double clicking on the dimension so I double click on a measure double click on a dimension I've got my bar chart I'm gonna hit the little swap button sort descending and boom I've all done fantastic that was easy now what if we want to turn that into a lollipop chart so a lollipop chart is like a lollipop it's a stick with a circle on the end so to do that I'm going to just duplicate my sales field by using the control key I'm going to make this one a circle make it dual axis and synchronize the axes and I get really annoyed that Tablo doesn't remember my mark types so I'm gonna make this one a bar make it nice and thin and then make this one circles and make them bigger and now I've got little Ollie fuss but don't forget to synchronize how everybody did okay there we go so and then I could just hide this axis and there we go we've got a nice little lollipop chart and who doesn't like lollipops okay now I want to show you two different ways that you can visualize time data as a bar chart so I'm going to start by putting order date up in the columns and I want to look at it maybe by month so I'm going to look at the data by year by month and I'm going to put sales in the rows in tableau defaults to a line chart because it knows it's over time and that's kind of best practice but I'm going to change it to a bar chart and notice how we have spaces between each of the months right if I want to smush them all together I would want to do a bar chart that without spacing so let me flip over to the next sheet and magically it's there as well but what I'm going to do this time is I'm going to take I'm going to take my month field and I'm going to switch it to continuous so this second section of the year field is down here or the date fields down here are your continuous so I'm going to pick that and now I've got a bar chart with no spaces which I kind of like the look of that alright so now we want to do a stacked bar chart so what somebody's favorite dimension anybody have a favorite dimension so that's that's going to be an ugly ugly stacked bar chart but Carl Carl decided he wants an ugly bar chart by subcategory so let's put that on color let's put sales on the rows and let's look at it over time so we'll just do something simple like maybe we'll just do it by month all right and then change this to bars and I've got a hideous stacked bar chart Thank You Carl that's fantastic and then if I want to make that a percent of total bar chart so I have a really nice one done here so this is a bar chart of sales broken down by category but what I want is a line going across the top for my totals so I'm gonna copy duplicate the sales field take category off the view make it a line and maybe I'll make a black I like that color better and I'm gonna make it dual axis and synchronize and now I've got a line at the top as well they kind of show me the totals feel free to applaud whenever you see something you like okay all right so the next one I'm going to do is a stacked bar chart with a label on the end of the bar so if I just go ahead and my stack bar chart and I just turned labels on I get them all over the place right there's anybody like that I don't like that okay so the first method is to actually just use a reference line so I'm going to take a reference line on I'm going to put it on the cell level and I'm just going to make it the sum of sales and I'm going to make it no line turn off the recalculation and it didn't work all right fantastic so let me edit my reference line because I forgot to tell it to actually label it so there we go so you guys should have caught that but you didn't it was a test and then I'm going to format this and center-aligned it so that's one way so now we have a nice little nice grand total labels on there or whatever you want to call them subtotal labels okay now another way we could do it is we could use it do it as a Gantt chart so if i duplicate my sales field again take category off make this one a Gantt bar and I'm going to turn labels on for just for this one and now I'll make it dual axis and synchronize and now I've got my little line stuff but you see the little gray I don't really like that so I'm going to go on to the color shelf down this one go on to the color shelf and I'm just going to remove the opacity and there we go so two ways that you can do I like the I like the reference line method better because then you still have the other axis to use for something else if you want okay bar and bar chart what was I gonna do here okay so let's see let's let's use our favorite field which is subcategory and what I want to do is I want to compare two years so I'm going to set it to entire view and sort because I always like sorted and I'm going to put your own color but I'm only interested in two of the year so let me just do 17 and 18 but I want what am I doing here I want 1 bar inside of the other so I'm gonna take year and I'm gonna duplicate it on to the size shelf and if I highlight 2017 now I get this ugly stacked on top I'm actually going to reverse these okay because I want my my 2018 inside of my 2017 so to do that I'm going to go up to the analysis menu and turn my stack marks off and there we go now I've got a bar inside of a bar alright so that's a method 1 method 2 so let's do the same view what I'm going to do now is I'm going to create a calculate see how do I want to do this one let me create a calculated field for 2017 sales and I'm just going to say if year order date equals 2017 then oops then sales end and then I'm going to duplicate that to make it 2018 sales 118 sales alright so now I've got two marks I'm going to put 2017 sales on the columns sort of descending and then put 2018 I'm going to drop it on top of this other axis to give me a combined axis view and then I'm just going to move measure names to the color shelf and then same thing before turn my stack marks off now the issue here is one is piled on top of the other so I need to put measure names on the size shelf as well so that's another way to do it okay so a third way because I just thought of it is to duplicate this and because we have two measures now let me take that off the view I'm going to take 2018 and make it a dual axis and synchronize and then make them both bars okay so now we got one that's hidden right so I'm going to take measure names where it go measure names and put that on color and let's move this one to the note that's okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just make this one thinner and there we go that's another way to do a bar and bar chart okay so now that we have 2017 and 2018 calculations I'm going to go ahead and create what's called a bullet chart now you could do this up here from the show-me menu but that's cheating so we're not going to do it that way what I'm going to do is I'm going to select 2017 hold my control key down 2018 and subcategory and I'm gonna cheat and use the show me because I don't know how to build one of these without the show me so so it is okay to cheat I was just lying and there we go now we have a bullet graph so it says 2018 sales at the bottom and each of those reference lines you see here these black reference lines represent 2017 and then they're shading in the background so I can tell you show you what that shinning looks like for 60 and 80% of sales I could change this if I wanted to let's say I want to do my targets are 50 75 and 70 50 75 and 100 okay and then I could maybe even get rid of the filibuster now we could see different targets see how far we are from our targets all right comparison to prior year what that I mean to do with this one I need to look at my notes that was bullet growth okay so let's let's show how to build something like that manually so let me set this to fit entire view so I'm going to put 2018 sales on the columns I'm gonna put 2017 on the detail shelf and now when I hover over I can see both of them but to make that kind of that line going across I'm going to add on a reference line for each cell and I'm going to set that to my 2017 sales I'm not going to label it I'm going to make it maybe a dark black line make it a little fatter so it's easier to see and there we go so now we have a year-over-year bar chart based on a reference line okay so now that we I meant to reuse that okay so let's do that again like I said I'd built these out yesterday can't you tell okay so let's just do the same thing here again and again I want to put my reference line on there I'm just doing this again to reinforce the practice for you guys so let's do that okay so now we've got a reference line oops thank you good see you guys are paying attention and that's even better so let me switch this to come on it'd be awesome if table crashed right now okay so now we've got that and actually what I want to do is I want to be able to to compare the sales for basically color code the bars on how far you are from prior year so if I just create a calculated field I'm going to call it yoy change I could just say 2017 sales - 2018 sales something like that hit OK and now when I put that on to color I can see what's above and below so I can double click on my color range maybe I want I want it to be red to blue or sunrise sunset that looks good so let's try that and there we go that's a pretty hideous color palette for this choice okay but instead of maybe seeing kind of the gradual shadings I'm gonna have to undo that because it's so bad so this is really neat though because now we can see that machines is way below target because it's a darker orange all right but now we want to just use a single color so I need to gosh I need to build it again sorry to what I do 2018 sales sort descending detail analytics reference line so I made sure I pick 2017 this time okay turn that off okay now this time instead of having the bars as a shaded color I just want to have a single color so to do that I'm going to actually I'll just double click in the Shelf here and do it so I want to say 2018 sales is bigger than 2017 sales okay and then just move that on to the color shelf and now I've got two colors so in this case what I like to do is I like to make the ones that are false red and make the truths like a grayish color and that makes those really stand out a bit more that just kind of gives you a boolean whether or not you're above or below okay so what about a 100% stacked bar chart I refuse to use Carl's example here so I'm going to do let's say we want to have ship mode on the columns we're gonna have regions on the rows and sales on the rows so we get something like that that's not what I wanted take that off let's do it by order date and again just by month okay so we've got something like that make it bars and what I want to do actually is have it as a snack bar so I'm going to move region to color and that's our stacked bars but we want it to be a hundred percent stacked so I'm just gonna add a table calculation a quick table calc 4% of total but it doesn't look like it changed the shape of anything because if I look down here on my on my what's this bottom thing called again whatever status bar you'll see a totals up to a hundred percent that's because all of these bars combined so it's showing each segment and how they contribute to the overall but I want January to add up to a hundred percent in February to add up to a hundred percent so I need to compute it using my region and there we go so now if I look down here you'll see it says twelve hundred because we have 12 months times 100 percent is what 1200 very good ok got an attentive audience here alright so now we want to create rounded bar charts so I did a video of this before but nobody in the room probably watched it so I'm going to let's say that we want to do a regular a regular bar chart would look something like this right we would sort of like that but I want rounded ends on them so what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate the sales let's see how did I do this now oh yeah so I want to actually make this a let's see I'm gonna make this a line and then I wanted to do it no I broke it that is wrong so okay I know what I need to do I need to make a second field called average sales or average of zero make it a dual axis and then instead of this I want it to be a line and I want my line to be based off of the path shelf and I need to synchronize and actually I need to move this onto the same axis and now once I make these bigger you see I've got rounded bars now the problem with this is it took more steps than it should have but what I would do in this case is because you want bar charts to start at zero these I would double click on my axis and set the bottom to start at zero and set the end to be automatic and now we just have little circles on the end now they look more like two tips okay so now let's look at a barbell chart so let's see so we've got twenty subcategory again anybody getting tired of subcategories yet okay well you're gonna see a lot more of it so so let's say we want to see the 2017 sales in 2018 sales and what the different the variances between the two so 2017 and 2018 so we get something like that and I'm going to make these circles and I'm going to move measure names to the color shelf okay so now I'm going to also I'm going to duplicate measure names and put that as a line and notice how my lines go down I actually want to connect 2017 to 2018 which is my measure name shelf so I'm going to put that on the path and then dual axis and synchronize and then I want my dots to be in the front so move those to the front and there you go you've got a nice little barbell chart so I like that one for me yeah I'm clapping clapping to myself on that one all right so diverging bar chart sometimes you hear this called like a bikini chart alright so the first the problem here is I want to be able to compare my genders basically I want to have my years going down and my genders to kind of diverge left and right but the problem now is my data isn't in the right structure so I'm going to edit my data source hopefully I'm going to highlight all of the year columns hopefully one and I'm going to pivot that and now when I pivot that I get two new fields this one is my year so I'm just going to rename that and make it a number and then this is our population okay and let's go back to the sheet what happened to my sheet here diverging bar chart okay so now I can put my year field on to the rows and it goes down from top to bottom and I want to split this up into two genders so I need to create two calculated fields I want to have maybe women go to the left and men go to the right so I'm going to create a new calculated for you field called male and I'm going to if gender equals male then population and and then I'm going to create another one called female and for this one we needed to say female okay so now when I put these both in the view you and I put them as a shared access view you'll see one is just an Dyke let me move measure names to color you'll see ones just piled on top of the other any one to go the opposite direction so I'm actually going to edit my male calculation and we're going to just put a minus in the front and now we have a nice diverging bar chart so the issue now though is that our male if you look in the tooltip the male shows up with a negative number on it so we need that to show up as a positive so I'm going to format I'm going to set the default properties for mine for my male to be a number two no decimals and then I'm going to go in here to custom and you'll see here it has both the positive and the negative separated by semicolon so a population can't be negative so I'm just going to take the negative side and make it look like a positive number and then so now when I hover over you can see that but now I have the same problem on my axis so I need to format that as well and do the same kind of trick so no decimals custom and then get rid of that and now we have positive values on both sides so that's the world population and let's say we want to repeat that for the make it look more like an area chart so I'm going to this time take year but I'm going to make it continuous and I'm going to take male and put that up there put female as a dual axis and then I'm going to make it an area chart and we get something like that but the problem is my years are backwards because it's continuous it starts at the bottom and goes up so I just need to reverse that axis and now I've got a nice little population pyramid but there's some really cool countries in here not cool but ones that make cool shapes and so if I look at Rwanda and they spelled Rwanda ry RA 1 RW right I knew that there was a test you can see it makes a very interesting shape because you see the genocide right here so a really uplifting topic on this Monday afternoon but I think they make really interesting you can find some interesting patterns you can see a lot of wars in these as well so if you look at like Cambodia or Vietnam you see kind of similar patterns as well so I kind of like the look of the area chart a lot too so if I do the same filter here and again I pick Rwanda you know to me the shape just doesn't work as well so it fitted to an entire view it just doesn't look as good so I like the diverging area chart alright a bit better okay so nested sorting this used to be a real pain in tableau but now it's not so if I look at let's say segment and let's look at segment by region something very simple and sales so we've got if I just go ahead and hit the sort up here you can see that everything works perfectly in this case which isn't what I wanted to happen so I need to swap out let's do it by category perhaps and now sort again ok so right here in the middle section you can see the furniture is actually lower than office supplies so the order of the categories is the same in each of these panes and that's because tableau through the sort on the menu it does the total of that category it doesn't do it by segment and then by category so now down here on the on the x-axis you had this new little sort I con and as soon as you hit that at the false to a nested sort so there we go so now everything's in the right order so if I undo that let me put category on color so we can see it a bit better and if I hit the sort you can see the color swapping around so that's one way to do it and then if we do kind of the same thing again so sale and what do we have category and categories on color and then we had segments to the or is it here segment something like that let's do an entire view now we can use the rank function to do it as well so I'm just going to double click on my shelf and do rank some of sales and then I want to do this compute I'm going to edit the table calc and I want to do it within each pane so I'm going to do pane down and then make it stick so let's do it like no I want to do it by category there we go okay and now if I make this discreet I can move this in between the two and now we've got a nice sorted bar chart so what I would do in this case is hide the header and then get rid of my extra line so we're getting extra lines across now because we have another dimension in in the view so if I go to format I can go up here to my row divider and just reduce that to by one and there we go we've got that same look again and nobody will know it's there unless they hover on the hover over here and they can see this ugly rank calculation so what I do in that case is I go back into the pill and I uncheck the included tooltip option and there we go now it's nice and neat and they'll never know it's there unless they download the workbook then they would know okay so let's look at a very simple area chart so let's look at maybe orders by month and sales and to make a simple area chart you just switch this to area really difficult isn't it yeah now another way that I like to actually make this look a bit better is I'm going to duplicate sales and I'm going to make this one a line and now if I make this dual axis and synchronize you now got a nice little border on the top which I think looks a bit better and now you have two shelves that control the color on so maybe I want this one to read you don't want to reduce the opacity you can get some really nice-looking area charts that way which is what I just did in that one so there we go okay so we let's give that a stacked area chart works very much like a stacked bar chart so let's put let's put sales in the columns and order date here again let's rebuild the same chart let's do it by quarter this time and let's put region on the color and we now we have a as soon as we set this to area we get this stripe you look in area chart which is basically impossible to understand but again if I want to put the this type of chart is useful if you want to understand what the West is because it's the bottom segment and you want to know what the total is because that goes across the top but if I want to accentuate the total I would do the same trick as last time so put sales on here again change the mark type to a line and take region off of the color maybe make it black and then once you make a dual axis and synchronize you've got a nice little total line at the top I like doing that because it makes it distinct from the other from the other views okay so now we've got the same chart here and we want to make it a hundred percent area chart so I'm gonna do the same thing I did before I'm going to make it a percent of total calc and then make it compute by ship mode now we've got a bit of a better area chart maybe I delete the two in the middle or exclude them and now I've got something that's actually readable now something I did this week in for makeover Monday is I put like a line in between the two to make it kind of to make the differentiation between them show up a bit better so I we do again the similar trick that what I did last time so I'm going to duplicate that and now I want to say let's see I think this will work I'm going to try it though I don't think it's going to work now that I'm thinking about it so if my ship mode is equal to standard class then I want to return that and let's see if that works I did hit apply all right so now okay that did work cool so now I want to make that a line and then dual axis and synchronize but I don't want measure names on here so let's go back to the all marks card take measure names off and now if I go back to this shelf I could make the line yeah okay so that's fine maybe make it a bit thicker and then I'll reduce the opacity on these and then you can kind of see the difference between the two a bit better something like that all right so that made up for the one that I did twice a sectioned area chart what do I mean by a sectioned area chart okay we're gonna skip that one because I don't remember I don't really remember what I meant by that so let's let's pretend that one never happened so last week Klaus Schulze built this nice little small multiple view of cancer survival rates and you can see survival is in the blue and mortality is in the pink so how does he build something like that okay so what cancer type did I start with okay so I've gone ahead and pre-calculated this okay I've gotten rid of the all cancers option so the first thing I want to do is build the build the chart itself so we've got columns I'm sorry year on the columns and then we have survival rate on the rows and here is that set as an area chart okay now and for now let me just pick a single a single cancer actually let's just leave it like this the the numbers aren't going to make sense yet because they're going to be way too high so I need to calculate the mortality rate and that's just going to simply be 1 minus their survival rate I'm going to make that a combined axis okay and then yeah so I think we're okay there but now we need to split this up into each of the different cancer types so I'm going to click cancer type on to the detail shelf get something really beautiful and I want to start this actually let me filter this to just start at nineteen seventy seven okay there we go that looks better alright so now I'm going to take columns and put that on the columns and rows and put that on the rows so these are simple table calculations that help make it into a trellis chart so I'm gonna make this workbook available but these are just calculations that let you figure out how many rows and columns to create based on the number of marks in the view now this looks terrible so we need to fix the table calculation so we wanted to do it we want to swap this around and then restart every cancer type let's see I did something okay and now I need to repeat those same steps for the rows so at a table calculation I need to do it for both the cancer type and the year but I want it to restart or add the level cancer type there we go all right so all right so that I think is about it something isn't quite right here I did something wrong oh it's because I have too many genders on here so let me just pick maybe the total and then race let's just pick total sorry so that's why I was triple counting things okay and there we go we have a nice little small multiple area chart now right I kind of like the look of that now we could then sort this if we wanted to select sort the cancer types by the latest value so I want to get the 2013 survival rate and I'm going to say if the year equals 2013 then survival rate now I'm getting a really bad lag all right so now I want to sort by my 2013 survival rate and this this looks different because I'm using tableau 20 18.3 so I'm getting used to this myself so we want to do by a field ending by 2013 survival rate and now they're all sorted in the correct order all right to create a scatterplot and you simply want to compare so in this case let's look at life except if you want to create a scatterplot just double click on two measures so let's start by life expectancy and compare that to children per woman or fertility rate now if I want to add detail to this I could put country on detail and I get the scatterplot like that and maybe I want to filter it down to a single year because right now it's adding together all the years let's just look at 2013 and now we have a nice little scatterplot and I like to make them filled circles all right so something very simple like that now sometimes we want to let me just go ahead and and also because I have such a big gap here between tableau defaults it to start at zero so I'm going to just uncheck this include zero options so that it zooms in a bit more for me okay so now we want to take that scatterplot and we want to color it so let's color it by region and we get something like that very difficult okay but now we want to take that and we want to color it and also size it by the population so let's put population on the size and I'm going to just adjust these so they get nice and big and there you go so now you've got you've got a colored and sized scatterplot but what fun is that well we can animate it so I've got my chart now and this is the same data that Hans Rosling used for the Gapminder view so I'm just going to take my year field and move it to the pages shelf and I'm going to just go ahead and play this so I'll play it fast let's see how quick it goes and you can see the country is moving around I won't be able to do any justice to him the way he does it but it's really interesting to see everything going up and to the left so so as the number of children per woman decrease the life expectancy increases so our particularly like that view but now what I want to do is I want to actually annotate this so I want a big box up here on the upper right that has my year on it so I'm going to right-click do annotate area or annotate point and in here I want to stick in there my page number or a page page name I think it is and I'm gonna make this a nice big number and maybe make it like a grey so it's kind of in the background it okay and now I've got this nice little view here but it's got this shading in the back so I don't want that so I'm gonna format it get rid of my shading get rid of my line okay and then there we go so now when I play it if I go back to the beginning and I play it let me play it fast again you'll see the Year incrementing as you go through so a nice way to kind of let the user see what they're actually what they're actually doing okay so if you guys heard of a connected scatter plot before no so connect the scatter plot is a scatter plot but you use time as well to kind of draw the line as it goes through the data so for this particular case I'm going to use data about life expectancy versus versus healthcare expenditure so I'm gonna start by creating my scatter plot and I hope I've done this in the right direction which I think I may not have but I'll know in a second but again I double click on things I'm gonna put my country on detail and I need to flip this because it's in the wrong direction all right and now if I put near on detail as well you'll see I get a dot for every single year what I want to actually do is connect all of these together so to do that I'm going to change my mark type to a line and I get some kind of weird-looking thing but I want the line to be drawn based on the year field so basically take the years and increment them as you go through so now if i zoom in on this axis let me just include zero and maybe make it a bit wider now we can see the difference between healthcare expenditure and life expectancy so you see everything going up and to the right so the more countries are spending on health expenditure the more they the what a life expectancy goes higher so from there maybe I want to actually so I could do a highlighter so I'm gonna add on where's my nice food here show highlighter and let's pick the UK and you'll see we've got the little line for the UK now what I might want to do is I might want to add a mark on to the end of the line so let's do maybe the beginning and the end based on the year field and you'll notice this just doing I want to do let's see just on the highlighted items and that's fine so now when I highlight something you'll see I get all the marks on there it looks pretty hideous but you know that's a way that you can do it so don't do that okay so the next thing we want to do is create a histogram so I'm going to go back to the Gapminder data set here and I want to create a let's see what field that I use oh boy okay I think I want to do it on life expectancy so let's I'm going to right click on a measure and do create bins and let's say we want to do our life expectancy every five years so now we get this nice little bin up here and I'm going to put that on the column shelf and now I want to count each country once I'm going to right-click on country bring it into the rows and do a count distinct and there we go we can now see but some of them don't have data so I'm just going to go ahead and exclude that and now we've got a nice little bin and we can see everything is mostly to the right hand side but let's say we want to animate that so we've seen our pages shelf before with a scatterplot but maybe we want to do that for for our histogram as well so let's rebuild that histogram and let's put the was a country name up here oh shoot where'd it go country name and I want to do a count distinct okay and now it's sideways so I need to flip it again let me make a fit entire view and exclude that one so now I'm like we did before I'm just going to move here to the pages shelf and now we animate it let me get this out of the way you'll be able to see how so right now we're in 1960 you'll see things gradually move to the right which i think looks really neat when it's animated like this at least I think it's cool maybe I'm just a nerd okay so there we go so I like when you animate this it played a lot faster yesterday I'm not quite sure why it's going so slow okay it looked a lot cooler when I went super fast all right so next up we have a basic map so to create a map let's see we wanted let's just double click on state then we get a map really cool right so let's just do let's uh where is it here where is it map okay and let's say we want to just color it by profit and there we go we've got our basic map nothing particularly interesting but we can also do some geographic grouping so in this particular dataset I don't have a region field so this is some made-up data from my favorite website maca root on car purchases so again I'm just going to double click on state and what I want to do is I want to create kind of four regions for my sales team so I'm going to just less oh you may be these points here and I'm going to create a group so I'm gonna hit this little paper clip and do create group okay and now I want to create one for the south so maybe this is the South Region so let's again do the same thing group and then let's do the west because it's easier okay so now we've got four regions I'm going to now go over here into my group and I'm going to edit the aliases I'm going to edit the group I'm going to call this region and then we know this one is the South rename I'm going to show you a different way to rename them so the easier way is to go down to where to go where's my aliases on here okay I should have been able to edit the aliases there so let's edit the group and this one is going to be the west this is the east and then this one is the central okay so now that we have that I can make this a regular map and if I take state off to view I now have just big sections for each of my region so instead of having all of the individual state marks I just have a single one in the view okay let's do a simple line chart so to do that I'm gonna just double click on price I'm looking at my car sales again now go to purchase date and maybe look at it by what kind of we got quarterly sales cycles in our in our in our our showrooms so we that's a simple simple discrete line chart to make a continuous one what I like to do is I like to right click and drag the field the date field up into the columns and these green ones down here at the bottom or our continuous continuous dates the one the blue ones at the top are our discreet dates so I'm going to go ahead and just pick maybe month and notice how I get an axis now and I know it's an axis because I right-click on it and it says edit axis whereas if I go back over here and I right-click it doesn't say edit axis that's how I know it's discrete okay so that's a continuous axis now if I want to do a small multiple line chart I could do something similar I could have sworn ahead some of these pre-built so they sabotaged my my work ok so we've got something like that and let's say we want to we want to group them by let's say by color and then we want to do it maybe by region so now we've got a little small multiple view of our sales by region so let me make a fit entire view so we're looking at the different color of the car sales by region and of course we should put color on color right and to make our colors match okay so now this is a really neat one so dashed lines so tableau doesn't have a dashed line format so let's build out that same view for the 400th time and let's do it by month and then let's do price so this is our sales now if I want to make this a dashed line let's say I want to have it dashed at every every month I could take months and move it to the pages shopes I didn't mean to do that and to copy it to the pages shelf and now if I move this all the way to the end I've got my show history I need to make my mark a circle instead and now if I go on here to the awl and I turn on my trails then I get a nice little dashed line chart the problem with this though is once I get a new month it's not broken so so a different way you could do it see somebody really is messing with me because I know that was on there so let's do it this way instead this would be this doesn't look as cool but it's a neat way to do it so I've got something like that I'm gonna duplicate my price field and for let's make a dual axis and synchronize and right now we just have one line pile on top of the other so on the second shelf I'm gonna actually make this maybe a circle and I'm going to make it white that didn't work because tableau switched me to the other shelf that's really annoying so let's make this one white and there you go you have a way to do a dashed line but it looks hideous so if you're desperate that's the way to do it okay a common baseline chart what this means is we want everything to start at the same date and we want to look at a elapsed time so the first thing we need to do is we need to calculate the first purchase date and we want to look at it for each make of the car so or should we do it by color let's do it by color so let's say so we wanted we want to fix this on the color and we want to do the min purchase date so that's going to give us the first purchase date for each each vehicle and now I want to calculate the elapsed months so how long how many months have elapsed since their first purchase so for this one I'm going to use a date diff function at the month level and my start date is going to be my first purchase date and and my end point is my purchase date so that's going to compare every the month of every purchase date to the first date hit okay and tablets takes it down here is a measure because it results in a number but I'm just going to drag that up I'm gonna make it continuous and I'm gonna put that on the columns put price on the rows and now if I put why is it stepped okay so let's turn the step lines off and now if I put color on two colors you can see they all start at the same point and now if I make this a running total I can compare them all from the same base line so I can see which one's grew the fastest it doesn't look particularly good does it but that's okay and then if you wanted to repeat that as stepped lines so okay let's put that up there price and let's put what was it it was a color right and let's again make this a running total oops and to make a step lines I just click on the path shelf make it stepped and I get something like that so everybody seems to really like step lines but they're not always very useful all right so we want to highlight a line chart so let's again let's look at no not our first purchase date whereas purchase date so let's drag this up here and let's look at it by month price and let's put color on the color shelf and now if I turn on my highlighter let's go here and this is the first methods into a highlighter so I can choose black I could choose blue whatever and you'll see the tableau highlights it now if I want those colors to stick I can now click on this shelf and do assigned highlighted colors to palette and now whenever I even if I take this off its reassigns my colors that way so that's one neat way to do it I don't particularly like that but if but if you if it fancies you then so be it okay so I need to turn my highlighter back on the second way to do this is again look at where is it purchase date month of purchase date and I want to use let's see I'm just going to put color on to the detail shelf and price alright so now we just have four lines and what I want to be able to do is to highlight actually let's do something let's do something different let's look at it by region this time and I want to be able to highlight a region but I don't want to use the highlighter function so to do that I'm going to actually create a parameter so I'm going to say select a region and I've got my four regions listed there hit OK and now if I show my parameter control initially it doesn't do anything so I need to tell tableau what to do so I'm going to create a calculated field I'm going to say eye light region and I'm just going to say does this equal my region that's going to result in a true/false put that on to the color shelf and I don't know why my color legend isn't showing up so analysis its legends color legend so I'm gonna make this one maybe blue make this one gray and now it's going to just highlight that particular region now notice it's behind the gray lines so I could just rearrange these and now my blue line will always be in front and then maybe I take this and I put it on size as well and I'm just going to reverse these and now my blue one is nice in fact and the other ones it's probably too fat but you can do that alright so how we calculate a 13 week moving average so let's again look at purchase date our thirteen week sorry so I want this to be week number and price and we've got this really jagged line but I'm interested not in this I want to see the week to week but I want to see it smoothed out as well so I'm going to duplicate my price field and I'm going to add a table calculation it's going to be a moving average or moving calculation so we want to be moving some we want to be a moving average and I want 13 weeks now I've got this current value box checked here so up here in my print that counts as one so I this to be 12 and that's going to give me a 13 week moving average so from there I just actually I can just take it and drop it on top of the price to give me a combined axis view and there we go I've got a nice little 13 week moving average so a lot of times what I would do in this case is maybe make this a lighter color so it just kind of fades in the background oops 1/1 I meant to do price this one I did price and hit OK and now you see it kind of fade into the background so kind of whatever whatever you want to do there alright so let's look at sparklines now so let's again drag purchase date up here let's do it at the quarter and let's do price and to make sparklines I'm just going to go ahead and maybe put let's put region here and all I need to do now is I need to grab the right hand side of this shrink it down and I want to make them independent uncheck the include 0 I'm just going to delete that okay and now I want labels on the ends of the lines so I'm going to go to the label shelf turn I like the little dots on the ends of my line so I'm going to use the min/max option instead of the line ends and I need to base it on the quarter field and what tableau will do initially is it's going to put the name of the quarter on each end but what I wanted to do it on is price so I'm gonna take price put that on the label shelf and now I've got the prices on the end but let's make it I'm gonna switch both of these to an average to make the lines look a bit more decent and okay so this is our average price over time and I just need to reset make them independent again so tab let's switch them back because I changed my view and now I can hide the header for my price and there we go so I've got a bit of extra room there now if I want to give these some breathing room I would go ahead and throw in a reference band on my on my quarters and I'm gonna start it at so I don't want to label it and I don't want to fill it either so I'm just kind of sticking it in the background I want to be a constant and I'm going to maybe make the 2013 and make this one 2020 okay and now we've got a bit more room for our access now it is here but nobody's going to notice it so don't worry about it okay so spark bars are similar god these were all pre-built Carl did you sabotage me okay at least you're honest okay so let's do it by month and let's look at my regions and I've got price there we go something like that so to make spark bars you just turned these into bars and then I can go ahead and maybe put my color up here and put color on color because if you're using color why not use the word color and maybe I'll switch this is a bit too granular so why don't I just make it by quarter and now we've got little spark bars so the same kind of idea all right it's we've got three minutes left I'm not going to make it through them all I've got a long way to go so I'm gonna keep going until it kicks us off how about that slope graph okay so let's say I just have my price per Y or let's say oh this is looking at major-league beer prices so I want to look at it for each team over the years and let's make this a line chart so now we could see kind of the pattern for each team but all I care about is this starting in the end so I'm going to just pick the first year pick the last year and then do keep only and now I have a slope graph that's like cheating way to do it but it works right all right the other way to do it would be what was the other way I don't remember so let's skip that one okay so let's look at what's called a hockey stick chart so what we want to do now is we want to calculate the difference between we want to kind of see how quick a stock has grown in revenue or how quick a company has grown in revenue so we need to do kind of like a common baseline chart so we're just going to call it elapsed there years since IPO and what I want to do is I've got two fields in here one is the year was founded and then the current year so I'm just going to do my current year - my year founded so no need to do any level of detail expressions here make that a dimension put that in my columns and make it continuous so let's put a ticker on to the detail shelf and let's put there we go and now we can make this a running total and then we can categorize them as what group they're in there we go so now we got what's called a hockey stick chart forecasting all right so we've got the month of the purchased we've back to our car data and I've put a forecast on go to your analytics pane and double click on forecast very easy if I want to adjust that forecast now I'm going to right click on it and do oops where'd it go okay I'm going to edit my forecast and let's say that we want to make it custom and we're going to make it we're going to make them both additive to get something that resembles our shape and there we go so we've got something like that but now I want to take that and get rid of these these light blue bands that are around the outside so let me edit this one again and I'm just going to uncheck this box here that says show prediction intervals so on tick that and now I've got something like that because I don't really care about the the the bands and then the last thing we could do is let's say we just want to have it as a single line so we don't see how we got this break in here we don't want that so I'm just going to take my forecast indicator off of the color shelf and there we go now I still know it's a forecast because my price field has this little upper right arrow on it that means that your forecast is on there so that's a little visual indicator that tableau gives you all right a bump chart so right now let's put color on to detail and we have a line for each for each color let's put color on color as well there we go and now what I want to do is I make it want to make a bump chart so where does each color rank within each year so I'm going to change this to I'm going to add a quick table count which is the rank and I want to do it let's edit the table calc and I want to do it going I want to do it for each month I want to do it by color okay and there we go we've got a bit of a bump chart so let me make this quarters instead maybe it'll look a bit better and sometimes what I'll do now is I'll go to my marks card I'm sorry to my my color shelf and turn on the little mark labels so now we can see where they rank the problem now is because this is continuous the ranks upside down so we need to reverse our axis and there we go we've got our nice little bump chart alright a heat map so in this case we're looking at Meisel cases I like really fun datasets so let's put state there let's put here up here and if I put cases on to color the number of measles cases I set it to entire view we get something like that pretty simple I'm gonna choose a different color palette to make it stand out a bit more I'm gonna use everybody's favorite which is magma it's that everybody's favorite yeah okay something like that and now you can see clearly something happened here in the middle so any guesses there huh measles vaccine yeah it's but that's pretty cool how the data makes that makes that pop out really quickly now if I want to repeat that and do it as a continuous instead so I'm gonna make my year continuous what do they do there okay let me just do that and make this continuous and let's put state on here again so now when I put the cases on there you'll see I just get the different colors let me switch my colors again actually why don't I just switch my default color palette and make this magma okay and there we go but you see now we've got all these extra lines in here and stuff so what I want to be able to do is kind of fill those in so I'm going to make these actually bars instead and I'm going to size them I want them all to be the same size so I'm gonna take number of Records drag that to the size shelf and sent the average number records which is one and now we have not what I was hoping for so let me switch it back to a get bar there we go that's what I wanted and now we have the same size mark for each year set it to an entire view and now it looks a bit bedroom so at least it does to me the beauty this is I think then what time when did the vaccine come in 1963 something like that let's say it was 1963 so I'm going to just drag on a constant line onto the table and I'm gonna say 1963 and now I can see you know Ken let's say that's the year when the vaccine came in it gives us a nice marker for when when they disappeared all right oh boy this isn't a good sign and I haven't saved except is that the next tip save along the way oh boy well while we're waiting for that let's see if there's any questions there are no questions this is my favorite ones okay oh I got some claps some applause with a hard audience come on people clap for Andy one extra click on that filled map Andy Thank You Craig I knew that okay all right whatever okay so there we go so let me save because I should do oh we're looking at rat sightings now this is one anybody do this for their application did who had to do this one Ellen did you use it oh I thought Georgia was pointing oh she wished she did so I so on new york city collects data about every rat sighting which i think is super cool so i'm gonna go up to the latitude/longitude and double click those i don't know why this is a pic like that so let's leave it like that and now i want to put every single rat sighting on there so the easiest way to do that actually is to go up to the analytics pane I'm sorry the analysis menu and untick this aggregate measures so this is going to put every single rat sighting onto the view now it looks like there's some that don't have value so I'm just going to hide that and now by size these I'm gonna make them nice and small so we can see where all the sightings are and we can see clusters but it's a bit tough to see so maybe what would be useful then is maybe to put the do we have the burr oh yeah we go so let's put the Barrow on to color and we could see each of the barracks still not particularly insightful so what if we use tableaus new feature called a density map so I'm just showing off now I know okay so let's so we're back to the same view all I have to do is change my mark type to a density map and there we go so now I can see the cluster is a bit better but I'm going to switch this to our favorite color palette which is magma and there we go so now I could see a bit better where they are so if I decrease the intensity you'll see that just kind of makes it spread out a bit more or I can also reduce the opacity but the neat thing about this now is if I filter if I show my burrow filter and if i zoom in on a particular burrow like the Bronx there we go or if I want to look at Manhattan it tableaux recalculates the density based on that so we could see Central Park it so people apparently don't report rats in Central Park but I bet you they're there alright so the next thing we want to do is create a hex map so to do this I've already connected this to the data set that I'm looking for so I'm going to put columns in the columns rows in the rows and my state in radiation on detail now notice the US is upside down here so I'm going to double click on my rows and reverse it and I need to do is change this to a hexagon shape so I've got a lot of things in my palette here is that the right one no if I didn't have so many it would be easier to find correct where did I put it i conce there we go so I'm going to use the I think that's the right shape and now if I make them bigger we get something like that so now what I want to do is I'm just going to kind of drag this edge over to make it look more so they kind of fit together a bit better and it looks more like the US okay so we get something like that so what I would do from here is go to the format menu and remove everything in the background and there we go so now we've got a nice little hex map and maybe we want to color them by profit ratio and we get something like that so super simple but who wants a hex map when you can have smiley faces so let's do the same thing again columns rows and let me reverse this again come on okay let's put abbreviation on to detail and now what I want to do is I want to say whether or not they're profitable so I'm going to create a calculation call it profitable and I'm just going to say profit ratio is bigger than zero it okay and I'm going to put that on to my shape shelf and I'm going to say my falses these I've got oh we can do cats should we do cats instead so let's false is going to be that true is the one with the heart eyes and now if I make these bigger I get nice little show they're all profitably yeah so it's actually a cat nap that's that's for Ann Jackson she's she's a huge fan of cats okay let's look at a Pareto chart or a potato chart I like to call it so we're going to put a customer ID on the columns and sales on what do you guys like the profit one better where it curves up and comes back down yeah okay so let's put profit on the rows and I want to sort these descending order and if I make it fit entire view you'll see this kind of weird S shape so you got these down here because they're unprofitable customers so what I want to do now is I want to add a table calculation to profit so the first part of it is I need to make it a running total oh boy all right I want to make it a running total it doesn't like something and I want to make sure that I that I and force it to be on the customer ID so I'm going to choose the special specific dimensions option oh crap alright so that just gives me the running total but I need to add a secondary calculation to it and that's going to be my percent of total this is not good percent of total and I also want that to be calculated by customer ID okay there we go come on all right and I'm going to shrink these down as small as they'll go because we have so many customers and maybe I'll just put profit on to color and then we can see it come back down so that looks pretty cool but and we could maybe throw a let's get that one so let's now look at the advanced Pareto so let's do the same thing again god these were all built at I had cheated and everything okay so you want customer ID here profit actually why don't I just do that I'll fix it later duplicate alright so now what I want to do is I so this is telling me 80% of my profit you know we're gonna say does it come from 20% of our customers so I'm going to copy customer ID to the detail shelf and then I'm going to make this a count distinct the customer ID count distinct it does not like this and now I need to do my preto calculation on that one as well come on okay so I'm going to add a table calc it's like watching paint dry running total got to make sure I pick it by customer ID okay specific dimensions at least it's pretty swirly and now let's add our secondary calculation what the heck there we go I don't know why this this should be like super fast and of course it unchecked it right after I checked it make this a percent of total by customer ID I think it's because GoToMeeting is running alright and now I have my percent of total running total percent of total I'm gonna just go ahead and make it an area chart where is it and I'm going to just take profit let's remove the profit and now we've got this kind of looks like a whale and then I think okay so let me duplicate this one again and now I could put my kind of have my 8020 rule on here so I'm going to put 20% of my customers and 80% of my profit so it does it looks that's about right right so pretty close to following the Pareto principle alright how about a calendar we're dragging on a bit now but that's okay I'm on the second page which is good okay so let's look at we want to build a calendar so let's take purchase date and put that up here and actually let's do it this way let's first filter down to a specific month so I'm going to use the month year option and let's just pick January 2015 because it's the first one come on there we go and to build a calendar you have your weekdays going across and you have your week numbers going down week number and we could maybe put profit on to color and see which are our most profitable days the entire view and then if we want to put the if we want to put the day on the label shelf so let's you know because we want the day of the month then we put day on there but then it breaks our view so we have to switch this back to squares and there we go and I could maybe put my I like my dates on the upper right and there you go so now you've got a nice little calendar alright okay so this is a little KPI chart so this is going to be like what does my okay so I've got my regions and I want to look at those by subcategory we just do yeah we'll do it like that and I want to just know if it's profitable or not so do we have that already in here so the profit ratio okay so I'm just going to create that real quick profitable so it's my sum of profit but my sum of sales super laggy is bigger than zero all right I'm going to turn these into shapes and put my profitable onto the shape shelf and now I can go to the KPIs which everybody has and true I want to make it a green check false I want to make it a red X and you've got a nice little KPI chart if it ever comes up there we go so the entire view maybe make them a bit big not the easiest thing to read but you know it's there and I'm gonna save all right so how do you make big ass numbers so for this example I want to look at maybe let's say region and I want to look at my let's just say sales for example or profit ratio let's see if it keeps up with me okay good enough okay so I'm just gonna put my profit ratio on to the text shelf and then oops I need to format it default properties number format percentage one decimal okay there we go so to make typically what you would do is you come in here maybe make them like 28 well that's kind of big that's fine who cares hit OK and now you've got you've got these big numbers maybe Center align them something like that okay so that's that's an okay way to do it oops trying to make them bigger it's not listening to me there we go okay something like that but what I like to do is I like to have this text centrally southwest below the number instead so please be here okay it's not I'll do it again or I will just duplicate the sheet all right so we get something like that I'm gonna actually put I'm going to put the region onto the text shelf as well and then I'm going to go into going to here I'm gonna make my region maybe like ten point or something like that and there we go so now I could just hide the header and I could get rid of the borders and everything and then it looks a bit neater alright we're getting there dot plot so let's say we want to look at let's put region on the rows and let's put every order on to detail and let's put the sale price on the columns and make this circles and now we've got a nice little dot plot maybe I'll add some transparency nothing particularly great it's kind of hard to see this is actually where the density is really cool again so if you do something like well it's but it should be so now if I want to turn that into a jitter plot so I did it by color this time so I'm just going to type in the word random open and close brackets and that gives me a tutor plot but I want this to be an average because I want them all to go from zero to one and then I can let's let's close that and I can go ahead and uncheck the header and there we go so we've got a nice little juror plot I could then turn that into it did so let's undo that and I wouldn't put my box plot on to my price shelf there so that should be it okay good so that's a nice little box plot but then I don't really like those big lines on the ends in the box plot so I'm gonna okay died so hopefully people on the phone can still hear me let me switch to my built-in okay hopefully you guys can still hear me if somebody could leave a comment that would be great but I think you can okay so for this one I want to get rid of the marks on the ends of the on the ends of line so I'm going to edit my box plot and all my whiskers I'm just gonna make them straight lines cuz I like those better I like it like that instead they find it kind of distracting now Carl's favorite is the pie chart so we're going to look at maybe sales by and price go up to actually let's do it manually let's go choose pie we're going to put away go away we're going to put region on color and price on angle and now we have our nice little bar chart or pie chart it's our ugly actual departure pie chart so let's let's sort it by the field price to send okay so now at least they're ordered make it fit entire abuse and we can see a nice big pie chart and if we want to turn that into a doughnut what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to type in average of zero okay and then I'm going to duplicate that so I've got two pies which are better than one I'm gonna make this one a circle get rid of the color and then maybe now I need to dual access these and synchronize okay so my pie I want to make bigger that's something like that and then I'm gonna make the inside of my donut white and then go back to this cart again and then size it to make it a bit bigger there we go so there's your donut chart how about it oh we're almost done treemaps these are awful but I like building them so I'm going to just put region on to color price on to size and we get a tree map something like that I could then maybe break that up by maybe the the colors so let's put color in the color shelf oops I'm going to put reach-in on here as well if I reorder them then it reorders the the more you reorder them that much you could change it so we get something like that I could then turn it into a tree map bar chart so to do that I'm going to take my purchase date and maybe look at it five-year and we get a tree map bar chart which is particularly awful and then we can look at packed bubbles oh these are good oh I already built it sorry let me go back okay so we want to look at price on to size I'm going to see tableau defaults it to it a square and then I want to put the make on to the detail shelf and turn these into circles and I've got pack two bubbles I think every one of you probably built these for your application now you know not to so let's go ahead and color the bubbles by what should we color the bubbles by color okay good idea all right so now we get colored bubbles and then if I want to make it a bull's eye I could take my colored bubbles and put every single order on there and now I get a nice little bull's eye and that is the end so thank you very much so for those of you that are online I will be sharing this recording and thank you for joining I
Channel: Andy Kriebel
Views: 218,146
Rating: 4.9743514 out of 5
Keywords: tips, tricks, tableau, charts, how to, tableau for beginners, tableau fundamentals, chart types, zen master, line chart, bar chart, area chart, dual axis, lollipop chart, stacked bar chart, bar in bar, bullet graph, rounded bar chart, barbell chart, diverging bar chart, nested sorting, sort, scatter plott, histogram, map, filled map, dot map, moving average, sparkline, sparkbar, slope graph, forecast, pareto, BAN, KPI, jitter, box, donut, treemap, packed bubbles, hex map, calendar
Id: S5QN-fK2-wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 42sec (4842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.