How to Build a Pole Barn Pt 7 - Metal Roofing --Continued--

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everybody fated here and welcome back to part 7 of my how to build a pole barn series where we're putting on this metal roof if you haven't seen the first part of this video we'll go back and check it out because there's a lot of good information in there if you have watched it we'll just hop on because we're going to pick up right where we left off so let's get started now I've pilot hold some of these screws but I'm going to show you another thing that you can do so I'm just tightening that up I'm not wearing it out got to be careful too because now you know if you're up here standing on this as you stand on this you'll you know mash that metal out and you'll distort it a little bit so you know keep in mind that that you can and it's good to if you need to cheat a corner in or something need a little room while you can you know mash that metal out and cheat it in a little bit but but it'll throw your way off too if you're not careful now left a couple of screws I'm going to tell you another couple of techniques you can use if you if you don't want a pilot hole you take you a little metal punch like this you see it's a little little punch it's got a sharp point on the end you can come in here to your to your mark and just kind of score it a little bit and then take your screw and you don't start you screw that way but really a better way that I think works just as well is you know take you screw find your mark take your hammer just kind of tap it a little bit and what that will do is it will punch a hole in your middle and then you just go ahead and put your screw in there we are so now it's time to go in and put up another piece of metal and right here as you can see this is the side that has the long leg now remember like I said this is kind of a scrap piece that I got from the supplier in the real world that long leg is really probably only going to be no I don't know 3/8 of an inch maybe or something like that so just bear that in mind but at any rate this is the side that has the long leg now when I put this next piece on I'm going to take the side that has the short leg right there and it's going to go on overtop of that side and that's how that seam is made and as you can see remember the winds going to be blowing this way all the time well the wind is going to be blowing over top of that seam right here see instead of blowing this way up and under that seam so that's kind of how all that works out so when you get that other panel up in a way that I found that worked pretty good is to get that panel up get it lined up the way you want it and go ahead up here at this top pearling and run you a couple of screws to kind of hold it in place and then come on in here and you know start putting your screws in there again remember I could see the purlins running down through there I knew where my screw holes were here so I could take it framing square this drywall square and lay it up come through mark where my holes were going to be like I said you can pre-drill these if you wanted to but that's like proceed at your own peril I suppose so this way worked out pretty good for me now one little tip to keep in mind is you're standing up here on this roof looking down your orientation to that screw will be you know like that when it really needs to be like this to be screwing straight in to you Matt on to you purlins so just kind of keep that in mind because if you run that screw in you know at an angle a little it will blow the back of that washer out and it will hang everything up and that washer won't be able to do its job so just you know keep that in mind now I've already drilled for the sake of time and convenience I've already drilled these panels but like I said you could use that metal punch or 1/8 inch drill bit and pilot home yourself or or just take this this screw and you hammer and tap a hole in it and start it that way so that's how I've got my roof on and it turned out really good and all my screws lined up really good and like I said I only missed a couple so it worked out pretty good for me now chances are your end panel is not going to break right on the end of your cress either because the math of a three foot panel versus the math of the width you're building doesn't work out or you know your trusses aren't perfectly square and plumb and all that kind of stuff chances are it's not going to break perfect so you need to cut the end of that panel off now you don't go to get all wound up about it do it perfect because there will be a piece of trim that's going to go over top of that now you can cut that with a 10 snip but it is a pain that takes a long time really if you either have or access to a pair of metal shears that really makes life a whole lot easier so let's go ahead and cut this end off so I want to offer a word of reassurance to you about something that's probably going to happen as you start putting these panels on the more panels that you put on you're probably going to start getting off your line down here at the bottom and the reason is because these panels are perfectly square but your building and your trusses and you face your board they're not now hopefully you'll have enough room at the top or you can start kind of maneuvering it down here at the bottom to bring it back in but if you can't the best that you can do is with each subsequent panel is start trying to cheat it back in and split the difference on it till you kind of get back in and then later on it will probably start drifting off again but that's the best you can do now you're going to be freaking out saying oh this looks horrible and everything but here's the reality if you're going to put a gutter on this that gutter is going to be sticking out and from the ground you're not going to see that now if you're not going to put a gutter on it well then tell yourself it's a frigging barn so I just wanted to offer that word of reassurance to you because it happened to me on mine before we go too much further let's take a minute and talk about the psychology of being up on that roof and working now I'm telling you this metal right here is slick as a miners' dick and you'll get to siding on that you can't stop and you'll amaze yourself at just how deep fingernails can dig into 29 gauge metal there's a time in my life when I have probably climbed up here with a pair of cowboy boots on and not thought much about it but that time has long passed but there are a few things that you can do to kind of make yourself feel safe and secure while you're up on that roof and when you feel safe and secure you do better work or at least I do one thing is when you're walking up there if you'll be walking where your screws are that'll do two things one is there's a pearl and underneath that screws so it will have more support under it and the other thing is that screw will give you a little more traction so that will help you out a little bit there now the other thing and I did you make fun of me if you want to I guess I had my panties on that day but I wore safety harness a real nice rig that you can you know rig yourself into and snap into and it's real secure and I have a real nice safety rope but you can lock that off on something and then lock yourself into it and this one has this little unit on here where you can kind of slide it up and down and give yourself slack or take up slack whatever you need to do and that that helped me feel like I wasn't going to slide off that roof and I did better work because of it now another thing you can use is this stuff right here and I don't know what you call it but this is that stuff you put in the drawers of your toolbox and when you is on that metal now it it really kind of bites in pretty good especially if you have some weight on it so it'll help you get good footing so if you'll cut off a few pieces of that it works really good when you when you're stepping off a ladder to have a piece right there when you step off onto the roof and you know that way you can keep your footing so let that work really good another thing that I did was I took a pair of old shoes and some of this 3m glue right here and I sprayed the sole with those shoes and put some of that material on the shoes and you know wore that's part of the time and it worked pretty good really if you have a good pair of work boots or tennis shoes that have a really good rubber sole on it that'll go a long way to kind of keeping your footing while you're on this roof and the last thing that you can do is get a pair of these gloves that have like a rubber coating on it and that rubber coating sticks pretty good so if you need to put your hand on that metal to reposition yourself or if heaven forbid you start sliding and need to get a you know get yourself slowed down these gloves will work really good to do that so you know these are just a few things that you can do now if you want to climb a pair with a pair of cowboy boots well you have at it I just can't do that no more but either way I just wanted to share these tips with you so the next thing it goes on is this piece of gable trim right here mine looks something like this I've seen them look a little bit different but generally it's a long piece right here will be on you Gable and what it does is it lays over the end right here and it covers up all that mess where we had to trim it off so let me get this tacked into place and then we'll talk about this now this is one of those where it's pretty helpful just to go ahead and grease and pilot holes because you're going through two layers of metal if you just try to run a screw well you'll get a screw through this one just fine but then it will kind of hang up when it gets on that panel so drilling a pilot hole helps a little bit now appear at the top at the ridge this is where I could have used another little hint but why I did is I brought this piece of trim kind of up flush with the crest of the ridge right here and then I had to kind of come in here and cut a little relief out I mean here was my thinking I could have put that angle on it just fine but I wanted to have some overlap when the next piece comes up now I've seen a technique where you take one piece and kind of break it down and it looks really nice that way but I didn't have pieces long enough to do that with so anyway I came in here and I kind of cut out a little relief right here so when the next piece came in of course I don't have purlins over here it's going to be kind of hard to show but when the next piece came in it overlapped really nice all my lines worked out and it turned out pretty good now you know there's a piece of ridge cap it's going to be over this so you know I'm not too concerned about how that looks so that's how I did it and like I said there may be much better techniques out there but it worked out just fine for me now normally you'd put you some screws along this Gable every couple of feet but I didn't do that because later is summer I'm going to break some trim and I'll need to be able to get up in there to slide that trim metal up underneath this piece right here now once I do that I'll come back and put me some screws in it now honestly cutting this little piece on the end that's where I could have probably used a tip or a hint from a metal roofing probe because I'm sure there's probably a better technique the order did was it took my square and kind of used it to find the end of that roof panel and then I come to estimated what is straight up and down made me a mark then I come over here put my square on this way since I know this is a 4 12 pitch I found 4 on the square and align that up with the bottom of that piece so that I could find straight up and down and make me a mark and then I carried my mark all the way across then what I did was I just took my 10 snips and I cut this piece out right here then it came around to the other side and I cut out this part right here and that's kind of flush right there with the end of the roof panel then I cut it along that bend right there even with this line then it came down from that point representing the end of the panel down about I don't know about an inch and I cut cut it off there then I folded this piece down and I and I looked at the panel to kind of get an idea what that angle was right there so I could cut off that piece then it started working with this piece just kind of folding it over and working it in and kind of rolling it up and under like that and of course I worked with it until it you know kind of look look pretty good took a little hammer maybe just tap that piece in a little bit and I got it looking pretty good and I'm pretty satisfied with it so now it's time to put this ridge cap on and I used these little closure bins and what they do is they kind of keep bugs and critters and stuff from from getting up in your ridge cap air and causing you trouble now these things they're adhesive they've got a sticky part on them and they also have this little hump in there and that hump corresponds to the ribs on your middle now what you put these things on as you just come off the top of your metal a couple of inches and just stick them on all the way across and I'm not going to install them here and I'm going to tell you why in a minute so now it's time to install this ridge cap and this is where I almost had an uh-oh this ridge cap is really wide I think it's thirteen or fourteen inches wide and my top purlins that run across the ridge there well they almost weren't set back far enough for me to have a surface to run a screw into so keep that in mind I think you can buy these and you know smaller pieces but keep that in mind when you buy your ridge cap or lay out your purlins now installing this is about the same as everything else you're probably going to have a seam in it so you just want to make sure your seams are oriented so the winds going to blow over the seam and not up and under it and when you do seam it I just leave mine in two three inches and that worked out fine so really you're just going to lay this ridge cap on the top there get it lined up real good kind of keep it square on the on the apex of your roof there looking good on the end then you just run your screws down into your ribs all the way across up in here is where you have that closure vent it'll keep the bugs and the critters out so I'm not going to install this for real and I'm getting ready to tell you why the whole time I've been doing this video I've been thinking what in the world am I going to do with this when I get done with the video because I have to pay about 60 bucks to buy all this and I hate to waste it and it occurred to me about 10 minutes ago that this would make a really cool overhang on that door on the side of the barn so I'm going to save it use it for that so maybe way down the road one of these days there will be a how to put an overhang on the side door of your pole barn media that we can all watch so with this we reached the conclusion of my how to build a pole barn series when I started this project my goal was to take it all the way from breaking ground to get in the roof on now there's still work to be done on the barn I've got to pretty it up and get siding and doors and all that kind of stuff and I may put some updates out about that along the way but as far as my goal with this video project mission accomplished because now anybody on YouTube can see how to build a pole barn in the course of about an hour and a half but folks that's the magic of Hollywood this project took a long time and it was hard but it's something I can be proud of because I did it with my own hands and my own tools and my own time and for me it's not about saving the money it's about that feeling of satisfaction that I get when I get to the end of a project like this now I'm thinking about putting out one more pole barn video where I can talk about what's on everybody's mind how much did this thing cost so talk about costs and materials and you know do-overs and I wish I'd have thought about that kind of stuff so stay tuned for that I hope you enjoyed not only this video but the whole pole barn series hope you got something out of it learn something got some of your own ideas and found your own inspiration as always if you like my videos no matter how long they are remember give thumbs up leave me some comments and subscribe to my channel thanks for watching it's going to be seen somewhere no anyone wanted to say it but as far as getting it on there and got waters gonna say now when you put it down mine has a I got this cold then just took a stapler and then just and and it's got a little washer a little gasket on it now let's worry is that my eyes
Channel: Got It Made
Views: 139,704
Rating: 4.9635224 out of 5
Keywords: pole garage, pole barn, shed, building, diy, roof, post frame barn, Build A Pole Barn, post frame garage, pole building framing, post framing, pole shed, do it yourself, construction, garage, framing, carpentry, barn, metal roof
Id: aXMU97CJxgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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