Metal Roofing Tips ~~ Barn Addition

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okay guys this is Danny from peak self homestead we are out here today back on our barn build edition we've got all the landing up now just finished that this morning we've got a nice 32 degrees 87% humidity with a 15 mile an hour wind it's cold okay what a day to put metal on we're getting ready to put our meddling oaf before we do that what I do is I measure off at the end of the building here I put these blocks on each end of my building you can see them up here and I measure from the end I'm doing three inches because I'm probably gonna put a girder at some point I don't want to hang it over too far and we live in a hurricane zone you don't want too much metal sticking over where the wind can get it and I'll put a strain I'll go all the way to the other end of the building and do exactly the same thing I put a board down there I bet you're all three inches and I pull a string across the end there's one thing I don't like is to see a metal roof put on and you got these jagged edges going down it look like Saul teeth going down because it wasn't put on accurately oh no sometimes you have to do a little tweaking here and there to make this work you have to either stretch the metal or shrink it not know a lot of you're gonna say that ain't possible but just ask Brian Laurie I showed him how to shrink or stretch metal own his building when we put it on you can be done in order to make the metal boy across the roof smoothly now I don't have 24 foot sheets of metal to work with I have 14 foots and 12 foot sheets we're gonna be lining up those two sheets and once we get the first two sheets lined up the rest of them I usually go pretty good it's just that you've got to start off right with metal in order for it to work right through the whole job because if you ever start wrong it'll always be wrong so spend the extra time get the first sheets right and the rest of it usually just flows like honey it's not a problem so we're fixing to get up and start putting the metal on and see if we can't get this thing squared away and get it rolling okay guys that'll has two different types of edge this is what they call the 90 and center master battle it's what we use for a roofing here this is a 29 gauge that's building a house I'll be using this is yeah 29 gauge this was a house I'd be using 26 gauge this edge right here that has two lip on it like this that at that edge is where the other one laps over to the other side does not have a lip line like that this side goes on top now when you live in a hurricane zone you want to always make sure that you lap your metal so that the wind coming out of the Northeast will not tear the roof off so that's what one of the very important things that you have to do on a roof and also guys when you talk metal you want to fold it up like this to tote it you don't ever want to get it underneath it where it's hanging on inside because you can fold it and collapse it in the middle so you want to make sure that you bend it like this in a u-shape to tote it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys what I've been doing I've got the lip part right here the next one will lap over this one which is what I want what I'm doing on the outside I have a string pull from the front of the barn all the way to the end of the barn down here with a new addition I'm lining the metal up with that string and I'm also checking the other end down there to try to see if I can get it square down there and I'm realizing that I'm going to be off about a quarter of an inch about time I get to the other end of the building which means I've got to stretch the top of this metal in order to make that work out and I'll probably do that after I get the next sheet on I'm not going to worry about it too much with this one because I'm so close I'm only like a sixteenth of an inch but I think by the time I get to the other end of the barn I'll be just fine it depends now if you're going to want to put metal on the outside of the building which I eventually will you can let this metal right here hang over three-quarters of an inch and I think now that I'm thinking about it I'm probably going to let mine slide out and hang over a little bit just because you know until I get a till I get the metal to go on it's gonna be a little bit of a time you know period there we're not don't have the money to do everything all at once they'll think I'm a now that I know it's going to work I'm probably going to slide this out and see if I can't get it to work but before I do that I want to go and put my 14-foot sheet on top of this one going all the way up because there's ribs on my barn up here I have to match those ribs on the barn so before I go too far down here I want to get this next sheet on to see how it's going to line up with my barn ribs up there on that other roof okay guys one of the things is a valuable tip when putting on metal this part here is going to be going up to the top like under a ridge it's going to be going up under my other barn roof I always take a pair of these are called duckbill pliers what I do is take these duckbill pliers and I've been to about a half an inch up on this right here that way if any rain blows up under here it hits this and it can't run over and get into your building you do this on your ridge caps on a building and a lot of people come home and put them little closure strips underneath them and those are fine but over time the heat of the metal roof will destroy them and then they're gone and if any rain blows they punish just comes inside your house so I recommend bending this up and putting the closure strips on if you're in a place where you can use them where we're at in an application we're doing closure strips will not work so we're not going to worry about it but we are going to go ahead and do this this is like an insurance to do this now it's not hard to do you take your duckbill pliers you don't want to get too close to this edge right here with them because if you do what will happen is you'll tear it so you want to stay back away from the edge a little bit and you know what I bend it all at once you want to kind of like make it in a couple of bins and when you fold it up you what you go back and you both work them both like this and when you do this what that does is is that creates a place here for water if it hits this it turns and goes back down your roof so we don't bend them all the way across here before we ever take the metal up on the roof [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay guys this is what I was talking about I want these ribs on this metal to line up with the ribs on the barn so that's what I'm trying to get to make sure I got that done and get the outside edge straight and they have to do a little tweak in here to get all this done right but that was the important part that I was talking about making sure that both roofs match so that they fit together okay guys when you put the screws in a metal roof there's a right side the ribs and there's a wrong side of the rib to put it on when your metal here this is the side the next sheet is gonna lap over this side you don't want to put a screw on this side you want to put your screw on this side so that means that every one of these has to go on this side of the ribs across it in order to keep my patterns right across here and that's what I'm about to do is I'm going to peel them on that left out here we'll find the center of my lab you're right got our screw in there and I'm gonna go up to the other end and put one in just to make sure that my metal doesn't get catty corner and then I can begin coming back now another thing I do this is one of my little secrets it makes this a little bit easy in order to keep my screws straight going across the roof now this is the center of my lath right here what I do is come over on this metal right here and I make me a little pencil mark that way when I lap the next piece over I won't be able to see this in order to keep my screws straight I can reference this pencil line and come right across and I know the center of the ladders right here so I'm gonna go down the roof I'm gonna mark the center of every one of them as I go up the roof so that I know exactly where the center of my laughing are at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what I didn't do anything bring my battery oh I see one - making a trip back done' [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] plug that one you
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 14,038
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: metal roofing, installing metal roofing, tips on installing metal roofing, 9 inch master rib, corrugated metal roofing installation, installing a corrugated metal roof, installing a corrugated roof, metal roof, barn roof, barn addition, roof for barn addition, how to add onto a barn style shed
Id: 4MIb-Lie0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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