How to Build a Pole Barn Pt 5 - Setting Trusses

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everybody Fetty here and welcome to part 5 of the how to build a pole barn series what we're going to do now is set these trusses I've already got the trusses they're big beefy two by six trusses they're going to be on eight foot centers I'm going to have to buy six purlins running in between them so we're gonna get these trusses up now I kind of like to work by myself and I just really hate to ask for help but setting these trusses is something just a little bit beyond my courage to do on my own so I've recruited some help here gonna come out in a few days to help me get these trusses up in the meantime I'm going to try to do some things to have as much done and ready as I can before that time one of the things I'm going to do is since I'm running two by six per lines in between these trusses I'm going to use these joist hangers right here so I'm going to go ahead and nail them on to the trusses and have that done it'll make it a whole lot easier to put them purlins in once those trusses are standing now my purlins are on two foot centers so what I did was I just started at the end of the truss and started measuring up two foot four or six and so on and making me a mark then took me an old piece of scrap made me a mark dead center in it that way I can lay it in my hanger and then lay it all up on the on the site on the face of the trust line my marks up and just go ahead and nail this hanger into place now before I show you the footage of these trusses going up I want to try to explain to you what you're going to be watching the day that we put those things up I didn't spend any time really talking about what was taking place but I want to try to capture the essence of what we were doing and the only way that I really know to do that is to play make-believe so I made a little model of my pole barn here we're going to use that to try to explain to you what was taking place first thing I want to mention is when you buy engineered trusses when they deliver those things to you though they'll give you a packet information and there'll be some things in there one thing is they'll have a drawing of your trusses and it will be stamped buying genera architect or whatever the other thing that they'll give you is a sheet that's going to look something like this okay now that sheet is going to have a lot of information it's going to it's going to tell you what the trusses are made of you know it's a two by six or two before it's going to tell you how to lay the trusses out mine are on eight-foot centers it's going to tell you how to put the purlins in my purlins are on two foot centers it's going to tell you if you needing cross bracing it will tell you that how to brace your bottom chord minor brace on eight foot centers it's going to tell you how much they weigh might weigh 146 pounds it's going to tell you how much load how much snow load or when load you can have on on the top cord how much load you have on the bottom cord so you need to kind of take a look at that because that's going to tell you how to put these things up now before we started putting these trusses up I came in with a real long two before and I scabbed in a brace because when we stand that truss up you don't want to flop over so brace both ends then we walk this truss there's mattress we walk this truss and grunting and cussing and everything else and get it up and then we you know you pick it up over the other end all right at that point huh take a breath I had a guy on each end of the building here on the ladder and I'm on the bottom with a big push stick and I start pushing this truss over and I'm just going to flip this trust so I push it up and over and boom there we are up that point there's a lot of beating and banging and holler and it's going to take place I'm going to beat this thing into place here you lined up on your band then I have an overhang my overhang is 14 and a half inches that way it's 16 inches want to put the fascia board on so these guys are calling out measurements to each other nope they'll hit it over here now beat it a little bit no no we went too far and we'll beat it back until we finally get it at that point we just went ahead and toe nailed it right here boom boom boom boom now there's not a whole lot of an Ellen surface along that band so we came in with a tuba 6 and we just scabbed in a 2 by 6 right here on the inside of that band and what that did was that gave a surface that we can nail that trust to so we were able to come in here and nail that truss on that scabbed end to before or tuba 6 and of course come from the other side and nail through it so that trust is is really nailed secure at this point on that on that side band the other thing that scabbing this in did was it helped keep us flush on that band now once once it's on there it's pretty secure at that point but we went ahead and ran the screw in to that brace through that trust just to keep it from wanting to flop over and once that one was up we went ahead and set the other one a same same method we just kind of walked in here and lifted one side up and then grunted and hollered and complained and cussed until we got the other side up of course I came back in and flipped this thing around and there we were same thing took place we you know beating and banging and getting it lined up on that band and moving it back and forth until we had the right overhang then we came in with the tuba 6 and scabbed it in right there nailed it off on both sides secured it to the brace and we're feeling good about life at that point now we've got to plumb up these trusses and the way you plumb that truss up is you come in with a really long two before and you attach it either to the trust itself or to that brace and go ahead and attach it there and you've got somebody on the inside with a level telling you which way you need to go and the way this is is secured if you need to kind of push in or pull out you can get the leverage from this and once you get where you need to be why you just stake it in the ground and go ahead and tie it off so we got both ends Prime once that once that's done you come from the face of this trust to the face of that trust and pull a screen so you just pull you a stream from trust to trust and that way when you go to set your other trust is in there won't be always you know calling out measurements or anything like that you just slide the truss up to the string line that way you know your front is really straight depending on how plumb your building is or how square your building is the back may or may not be that perfect so once once that's done we just started laying in the trusses on eight foot centers we'd already laid it out before we ever started putting these trusses up we'd been up there and marked and we knew exactly where they were supposed to go you can scab in a board right here like this and that way you know when you lay your truss in you'll know exactly where it ought to be when it flips and we go flip this truss over once we get it up and feeling good about it and get it too nailed in real good we come in with two by six and we put in a couple per lines right here putting a couple purlins on this side a couple purlins on that side at this point there's still a little bit of wobble in these trusses but once you get a couple purlins in at least you know it's not going to flop plumb over and we just continued on down until all these trusses were standing same procedure lifted in flip it ballot put purlins in feeling good about it now one thing that I didn't do but you can do and I may go back and do this at some point is put these hurricane brackets on right here and these go on the end of the truss and they'll be up on that band and you know it'll definitely keep that trust want to the lifts up so I didn't put these on but I have some and I may at some point just for good measure go down there and put them on so at that point by the time we had all these trusses up and had some purlins on them the day was over but at least I was at a place where I was able to come back on my own a day or two later and start putting the rest of the purlins in and I knew that they were reasonably secure they weren't going to flop over or blow over or fall down or anything like that whoa pretty close huh that's pretty close they look like me right attend to your quarter shake do your loop way up Oh okay now did you like your wife I need you 14 hi you I'll guess line your zip up atop I'm good go lockdown yesterday and I'm just really relieved I have those trusses up and have that milestone behind me so now what I need to do I only have about half the purlins put in so I need to kind of catch up on these little knick-knack things I got to get the rest of those purlins put in I need to brace off those bottom cords and get those snugged up get some of those Gertz putting plays and really I'm about ready to go ahead and order my metal now I'm putting these Gertz on two foot centers and that way you want to shoot the outside of it a piece of plywood will break right on that Gert once I get all these Gertz in place it'll stiffen this building up real good and it will take any twists out of it that it had especially when I get it sheeted so to be good and strong then now as I'm sticking these purlins in I have to come in and brace and tie off that bottom cord of those trusses because they'll want to flop around and carry on so what I'm doing so I'm just laying some two by sixes in there you could probably use two before it would be fine those things will run the length of the building now I'm waiting them out every eight feet so I'm coming from the end of the truss measuring over eight feet putting a run in you ever see those buildings where the EES will start sagging a little bit that could be because they haven't supported those gable adders and so I want to strengthen those things up a little bit what I've done is I calmed up there and took my circular saw and I cut a notch to the truss and to the gable Adder you know you just run you saw through ever smidge and then you know kerf it real good then come back in with your chisel and clean that notch out now I'm going to put two supports on each gable Adder so each slope of that roof is going to have two supports and that ought to be plenty to keep it strong what's going to happen is let's say this is the out you know this is the gable ladder here I'm going to lay a board down in that notch and it's going to come up and and meet with the inside face of that gable Adder and I'll come around on this side and face nail it and then of course this is in the notch I'll face nail it in that knowledge then I'm going to come in behind in between two purlins and nail a piece in right here and then this you know will made up right there and I'll come in on the back side of this and face nail it and what I'll have is a really strong cantilever support on those gable lighters we'll go ahead and start putting this fascia board on there's no real secret sauce to doing this you just measure it and cut it and put it up and nail it I did rig up a little cleat since I'm doing this by myself I rigged up a little cleat there let me hold that board in place so I can work with a little bit let me show you that well I finished everything that I had to get done in order to finish this building up I'll come in in the next episode get the things she did and wrapt get the roof on it at that point I'll be about done I know this was another long episode and I was probably all over the place in my presentation of it I hope you were able to follow along get something out of it maybe learn something get some of your own ideas as always if you like my videos remember give me a thumbs up leave me some comments and subscribe to my channel thanks for watching you
Channel: Got It Made
Views: 381,825
Rating: 4.9728379 out of 5
Keywords: construction, girts, pole building framing, gable ladder, post framing, Build A Pole Barn, pole barn, perlins, pole building construction, pole garage construction, post frame garage, DIY, do it yourself, pole shed, post frame construction, building, pole garage, post frame barn, shed, install trusses, pole barn construction, garage, framing, trusses, carpentry
Id: gq3uKnKTR9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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