How to boost your Excel productivity with ChatGPT: A chatbot for Excel.

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either in this video and this series of videos are going to look at how chat GPT can change the way we work and how it we can improve our work capacity and productivity with the help of this amazing YouTube so one of the best things that could happen in the world of computing and information is the unleashing of chat GPT so chat GPT is an AI tool and it has the potential to greatly enhance the way we work chartqt has moved a Step Beyond and above a normal search engine with chat GPT you can now be able to find information with just click of a button no longer those long searches on any kind of search engine you will now be able to work more effectively and be able to create Solutions you never thought of possible before with all the heavy lifting being done with this amazing tool in these series of videos we will see what chat gbt is and how to launch and use it here we will look at a few examples of in Excel on how you can solve simple Excel problems using charge APD so to access chat GPT you need to go to the website let's scroll down select chat GPT then select try chat GPD so once you select try chat GPD you're now presented with a login screen so if you've already signed up you could click on login else click on sign up once you click on sign up you present it with a sign up dialog box so you can sign up with Google if you have a Microsoft account you could sign up with your Microsoft account as well so the first time you're signing up you would be awesome basic information you need to enter your phone number um whatever other details you have it'll send you a verification code so you enter the code and then you're presented with the chat open AI window which will help you chat so this is the screen in which you can type in all the details you can put in your query at this lower part you know you can also look at the option of using the chat GPT Google Chrome extension so let's use this interface and in this in this particular video let's see how we can use chat GP to solve some of the basic queries that we come across while using Excel we have a series of questions that we would like resolves the first question a boss has tasked us with is how we find the average of sales between B2 to b14 so let's take this question and we'll put it right into the very search for Excel and see what we get out of it we'll first try to put into the help and see if we can get any help from the help help tool and apparently we did not get something very concrete calculating the average so it gives us a number of choices which is not that great so now let's go to chat GPD and try to capture this very same thing so we plugged in the formula how to find the average of cells between B2 to b14 and this is the response we get from chat GPT and charge gbt is processing this from his database and is pulling out all the information relevant to a query so here we have the response average we have the average between B2 to b14 let's try to see we can do paste the formula here so we base the formula here and there we have it we have the average calculated for the different cities at 91 892. now the next task would be how do we extract the cities from the First Column A1 in Excel we select the query we take it over to chat gbt paste it and charge apt how do you extract the cities in the first colony too so there it is giving us so it's asked to use the text function such as left right and find assuming the formula city is a city and state so it's given us a few formulas and the copy of the formula down to the rest of the cells okay so let's take this and let's try out this formula that we have just received foreign all the cities for that particular set of data in the column A so now say for instance we would like to find the population of the city now if you would like the population city you would have to scour the internet through numerous Google searches instead of that we'll copy the cities down and we'll just see if chat CPT can come up with suitable description of the populations of these cities and just let's paste it there and type in what is the population of these cities so now it's giving an estimated population of each of these cities now you realize that you do not want the city names you just want the column with the million counts we now are able to capture just the population of the Cities we can now go ahead and populate that into our sheet so we just need to copy that and there we have a population of all the cities in millions and then thousands so this is the first three tasks that you've completed in Excel and is brilliantly resolved us we've been able to complete this task in less than 10 minutes we should at least take us another 25 to 25 to 30 minutes because you'd have to search each City differently or we would have to find a single website that carried the population for all these cities so that's how uh one way of using chat CPD in Excel now let's look at another interesting thing that we could do with Excel so now in this one we are trying to create a conditional format you see that the corresponding cells in B are colored as per a set of rules so so we want the cells in column B to follow the simple rules if it's less than 30 000 it would be red if it's between 30 000 and sixty thousand it would be a yellow if it is greater than 60 000 but less than a hundred thousand it would be Amber or else it would be a above 100 000 it would be green so let's let's see what what chat GPT has to give us another question like this let's face the formula inside and the enter button so it's now describing how you could go about creating this particular set of rules so it says you need to go to the Home tab select the conditional formatting select Styles and select new rules okay and it's giving us all the different formulas that we need to put for each of these rules so let's go ahead and try this out and see we can use this to solve a problem so so it first says select the range between B2 and b14 okay we'll select go to the go to the Home tab select conditional formatting which is the Styles group and select new rule so the first rule says that if B2 is less than 30 000. so I will select use formula to determine which cell to format and we will write the formula so we've written the formula P2 is less than 30 000. we'll select the formatting we have to give it a red fill so we get a mild red fill and click on OK then once again we'll go to conditional formatting create the second rule which is this time it's like manage rules and it will create new rule use a formula to determine which cells to be formatted so the second one it says and B2 is greater than equal to 30 000 and B2 is less than 60 000. so let's write down that rule so there goes the formula we've written the formula and it's highlighted those cells so in a similar way we've used Jack GPD formulas and come up and used and created conditional formatting for this entire sheet so this is how easily you can use chat gpg when you're stuck in your you'd need help with any kind of excel formulas you can always get something to start with through chat GPD in the last query that we asked chat gpts we asked chat GPD to create a macro in Excel which we can then publish as a csvn as a PDF and to create two buttons to help us export that data so this is what chat jpd did it explain to us how we can use an enable developer tab and how to click on Macros and write the two macros one to export it as a CSV and the second one to export it as a PDF so let's copy and paste let's create the let's create the one to make a CSV first so we'll create the button so we'll do an insert shapes and we'll put in the text as we'll increase the font size 15. similarly we'll copy this and the second button will be export to PDF so now let's write the macros for each of them so go to the developer tab select Visual Basic as explain module 1 would be creation of the CSV file so copy this paste and we'll save this so that tells us you need to save it as a macros enabled file so yes we'll save it and we'll insert the second module to export it as a PDF so we'll run this to test it that's the file name and if you can save and there we have it saved as a PDF similarly if we run the second macro and save it as a CSV file we'll assign the macros we click on this we will save this as a CSV so after you click the button we see that this file now gets saved as a CSV similarly we click this file it then saves it as a PDF file so this is how beautifully chat GPT can take us to information and help us solve some of the daily tasks and problems that we come across in Excel or in that matter for anything else so in this series of lessons we look at charge gbt we'll take some daily problems and we'll try to see how we could use chat APD to fix those issues so if you like this video do not forget to subscribe and press the like button see you guys bye
Channel: Yideaz Training
Views: 10,542
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Id: TIKE7xbLT1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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