Can ChatGPT Create An Entire Excel Application? (All The Code & Formulas) Let's Find Out!

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can artificial intelligence actually create an Excel application today we're going to find out with chat gbt we're going to see if it can do every formula every code even the design we're going to put it to the ultimate test to see if it can do everything on creating an Excel application and I've got you along for the ride hi this is Brandi Austin with Excel for Freelancers today I've got something really special Chad CBT is an amazing application and software but can it actually do all the programming for an entire application we're going to create a very small contact manager and see if we can have chat GPT do everything I cannot wait let's get started foreign thanks so much I mean I've got a great training something I don't quite know what I'm going to expect so we're going to be on this journey together can chat GPT AI create an entire application coded formulas formatting features let's see if it can do that we're gonna run the test and I'm gonna do it with you live right here I do appreciate you joining me today it's been a great journey with you and it's all because of you if you have not subscribed yet go ahead and click that subscription below and don't forget the notification icon Bell I bring these brand new trainings to you each and every Tuesday so I do appreciate your support today we're going to be creating a small but little powerful contact application using chat GPT in fact chat GPT is going to be doing all the heavy lifting for us it's going to do all the code all the formulas it is going to do everything in fact if it gets it wrong if there are bugs we're going to ask it to correct if they're incorrect formulas or functions or anything like that I'm going to tell chat gbt that there is an error and it should make the corrections and let's see how it does it'll be very interesting trial so you're on the journey with me together thank you always of course for your support I do appreciate that as I mentioned before if there are other ways to support us in fact if you have not yet go ahead and pick up the 250 workbook template that's 250 of my best workbook templates just for one low price that really helps us out also if you're a freelancer or you're thinking about getting into the freelance I've got an incredible new 13-hour master class that is not related to excel that will actually help you reach your dreams as a freelancer using my proven nine-step method I'm going to take you through every part from the beginning to end of being a successful freelancer so you can enjoy the freedom to work wherever whenever you want and be in control of your entire income stream and that is exactly what I have done here and now I'm willing to share that with you through an incredible master class that is the freelance Academy master class and I hope you'll join us I'll include the links down below alright let's get started on this we are going to have chat GPT let's go ahead and take a look inside and see just what that is it's very simple looking if you have not yet signed up what you can do is you can go to open AI openai's this website here and you go down here you can log in here or you can also click the try here and that'll get you signed up it may not be available in every single country I do request that you get a friend to sign up in fact that's what I actually had to do I'm here in Vietnam it's not available in Vietnam so I had to have somebody in another country sign me up they'll need to use their phone number so it's not available in every country but it is really amazing and so basically once you get signed up you just have this little prompt you ask a question and it'll give you answers it's all the rage everybody's talking about it so what I want to see if it can actually make us an application now of course whereas with anything it's only as good as the information that you give it so we're going to try to describe it in as much detail what I want to do is I've just got this General template I've got no codes no formulas no formats nothing here all I've got is a field I want to select the contact then I want to have a contact name contact address notes phone number and email here I want chat GPT tell us what colors to give it what colors look the same what formulas right there's going to be a row here now I want the row of the selected contact to show up here what do I mean by row well all of our contacts need to be stored on this list contact name address email phone and notes we need to tell Chad gbt that we've got two sheets one that's going to store our data one that's for our contacts and we wanted to give it a look and feel and we're going to basically write a story let chat gbt know that exactly what we're creating and what we need and hopefully it'll deliver all that for us again there's the code there's no single line of code written anywhere in the VBA model we'll get into that but there's nothing here yet we're going to copy and paste everything that chat gbt gives us and then we're going to see if it works and if it doesn't we're going to let it know that it's not working and we need to fix it so that's what we're going to do and the reason that we're going to do this in even though obviously I could do this but that's not the point the point is one to see the power of chat gbt and also to see how it can be used as a teaching tool because not only does it give us information it tells us often why it's doing what it's doing why it said and if it makes errors it will learn and correct itself so I think the future is really incredible and hopefully it won't put me out of a job but I do want to see the power of it and it can be used as a teaching tool for all of us so I can learn something as well okay so let's get started here's what we're going to do we're going to tell let me drop this down a little bit so we can see a little bit of the application so that we can see both and we'll use a split screen for this and what I want to do is I want to put in some information on the prompt so here's the prompt what we're going to is we're going to tell it everything and basically the first thing what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell listen I've got two sheets one contact list and one and this is what I want to create so let's just go ahead and start typing because it's going to be a good amount of typing and you're going to watch me step by step so hopefully you won't get bored in my typing okay so we're going to say I am going to design an Excel based application to store my contacts it will consist of two sheets and we'll give it the names that's going to two sheets one called contacts information so we'll put the information and the other called Contact and put those in quotes contact list which will store my contact information okay that's it let's just start it out with that and see what it tells us okay it sounds like a great idea here are some steps to help get started with designing your Excel based application open Excel file create two sheets by clicking the plus sign well that's kind of nice we've done that already rename the first sheet to contacts the second sheet to contact list in the contact sheet create columns for the following first name last name email address so it's giving us some information okay we've already created that here's what we've created so it's kind of in the contact list so it's got a vlookup function wow it's pretty impressive let it continue until that but I do want to put some additional information it says customize it further as you make okay cool okay so yes thanks in fact just as if we were chatting with something great thanks I have created Five fields and told exactly where those fields are what those fields are and where the five Fields within let's go pull up we'll pull up the contact list right here and we'll say within the contact list these are the fields that we have and this is where they're located and this is where the contact list I have five columns okay in column A we have contact name column B we have address so exactly as we have it column C is the email remember this is a natural language tool so we can use natural language column and then D we have phone and lastly in column e we have notes okay let's see how we get rid of five Fields sounds like good starting point of your contractors here are some additional tips so it kind of gives you tips use data validation show that your contact information is entered consistently for example you can set up a drop down list for the address very nice conditional formatting to highlight the importance pretty important information your contact list okay so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to tell it where those fields are located in here I want to drop down listed E4 to select a contact on the contact sheet and then I'm going to tell which fields are located and where they're located then I'm going to ask for some design tips for this as well so we're going to go ahead okay so let's use pivot tables to analyze your data use formulas to automatically calculate if your complex for example you can use count a formula to count the number of contacts that meet certain criteria okay great information within my contact form sheet I want the following a drop drop down list of contact names inside cell E4 which is what we have E4 in E6 will be the contact and this is going to make the programming a lot easier because it remembers everything you write previously in let's say e8e8 we have the address and I'm going to use the same names in E10 we have the notes in h let's see six we have the phone and in h8 we have the email okay so let's just great with my contacts uniform so we're telling it exactly what sure here's how you can set up a country with drop down list contain names corresponding information for the selected contact create a list of contact names somewhere in your workbook which we'll do we can be on a separate sheet or in a specific range so we're going to create a named range for that cell E4 drop down list it says use data validation we're going to do that okay to do this select E4 go to the data tab ribbon click on the data validation and choose list we're going to be doing that but it'll create wow it's nice it's even created a formula for us the formula if E4 doesn't afford this formula check to see if a contact name has been selected it displays the selected name in E6 if not it leaves a blank okay very nice but I've got a little bit of different ideas for that we won't use vlookup but it's very nice that we do have that great let's just put great that sounds good so basically chat GPT is actually getting ahead of where I want it to be right it's moving a little faster I want to take this a little bit step by step and it's already assuming what I want which is kind of good but we're not there that sounds good first would like to for you to suggest a nice background color and a button color for this application in RGB let's just put RGB because that's going to be helpful okay let's see what it does okay continue to scroll down okay so I can set some color up for the background color use a light gray or light blue good choice here are some light gray light blue and for the button colors of vibrant green okay nice let's try light blue so we're going to use rgb173 216 all right we'll take a look at that of course specific shades of color so it's going to give us some nice suggestions here we'll take this one we'll take the light blue and maybe we'll see what this blue looks like for the button color so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to color all of this I'm going to go to the home and then what I'm going to do is go to more colors and then I'm going to go to custom and here's the RGB that we wanted so I'll pull this chat GPT up and it said light blue 173 216 230. so that's exactly what I'm going to put in here one one seven two sixteen and two three zero okay yeah that's a nice color one one seven is that what I write I don't think I got it right 173 okay that's kind of nice that's a nice color all right there's the blue that it suggested and I'll color these fields in white so I'm going to hold down the control just put those in white and then we'll go to White here so that's let's see the button color that it suggested for us okay so it says the button color here 65 105 255 okay so I'm going to take on this here I'm going to hold the control down for these two buttons and let's actually split this screen so we can see both all right okay great so what I'm going to do is go into the shape format I'm going to go into shape fill and I'm going to go into more fill colors here and this is a little bit easier so I don't have to go back and forth and and so it suggested 65 and then 105 255 for the blue all right so there we go okay so shape format it's okay it's not critical and then what we'll do is we'll just use the white font here it's fair enough not the best but we'll see it's not that important okay so we got the colors least suggested by and then I want to tell it that I want to have the contact row why don't we start with the name drains I want to create a dynamic named range for the contact names in our contact list so we're going to ask it that great thanks can you create a formula for a dynamic named range for the contact names in column A called contact name with our first row starting on Row three okay so let's ask for the formula for that okay so let's scroll down here use the arrow okay so here's a formula create a dynamic range contact name in the contact column menu with the first rows we're going to remember the offset contacts A3 that looks pretty good that's kind of a large number but okay let's take a look at that I like that let's call what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this formula here as soon as it finishes I like the explanation as well so that's nice okay so offset here's our Forma we're going to create a name image and this formula uses the offset function start in A3 in the context was the first solid container content if it then counts the number of non-blake cells in column A starting Row three to the bottom of the sheet and includes many cells to create a named range go to the formula tab ribbon Define name Define names and go to contact very nice okay so that's exactly what we're going to do formulas name manager new we'll give it the exact same name that we said which is important to State contact name we're going to paste it right in there we're going to Tab out and tap in and I want to make sure that it doesn't say so let's take a look at instances A3 context so it got the wrong look you got the wrong sheet let's cancel that out so we want it to do so this is for the contact sheet so we don't want it for the context okay can you adjust the formula to work in the contact list sheet so we want the formula to work in the contact listing certainly here's the adjusted form it could have done it in the contact name in the contact name the contact list sheet okay perfect now we got the right sheet name maybe I gave it the wrong information easy enough it corrects itself so we're going to copy this this is the correct code go back in here formulas name manager New Again contact names okay perfect paste in that click Tab out we're going to shift tab in you see the dancing ants around the current names that's going to work for us okay very good I like that we have the contact name it is correct now we've got a correct named range again all you need to do is just tab through the formula here and look at the dancing answer on it no it's correct that is correct wreck okay so let's take a look now what I want to do so I want to put a data validation okay inside context sheet cell E4 I would would like to have a drop down list of the contact names okay that's just the data validation you know we know what we're doing but so certainly here's the let's go down to the bottom create a drop down list go to the context data validation here's a step so it gives you every single step go to the data tab go into the data validation click set allow field to list the source Field contact name okay that's just what we're going to do data data validation list Source equals right the source equals contact underscore name okay so contact name perfect click OK and now we have a drop down list perfect okay I like that now I'm just going to give these a different color because they're just one this is going to be a hidden from in fact what I'm going to do this is the column that we're going to be hidden so we're going to call this a little bit differently great this will be a hidden column and what I want is the contact row when I select a contact here I want the row of that contact to show up here so if I select Fred I want that Row 3 to show up there so how do we go into do that well we're going to create a formula for that but we are not chat GP is going to do that okay within the contact sheet I would like a formula to display the row of the selected contact in E4 I could suggest using the index match I think it's going to suggest let's let's Let It Go and then it's probably going to give me a vlookup and I'm going to ask for index match probably so if there is no match show blank okay I would like a formula display okay let's see what shirt you can use match Okay match is perfect which is what I want contact list sheet the form you can enter an E6 I don't want to enter that any so here's a form you can use in cell E6 now I don't want the formula in that I want to put the formula in A3 did I say that here uh okay I'll tell I'll tell it I will put I will put this formula in A3 of the contacts before it gets all crazy okay so if our match here's the formula I like that we can put this formula anywhere notice it's using the entire column in the on the a but I really want to adjust this form this would work but I want to adjust this formula to use the contact name so let's start out I will put this formula in a through a contact shade can you you use the new named range we created contact name in the formula see how smart this is and it will do it so it'll say certainly here's the updated form we use the contact name range instead of the entire column A see that's exactly what I want if you're a contact name okay so but I wanted to display the rows from a similar let's take a look this won't display the row it's just going to display can you adjust that formula won't show the row let's go ahead and put that formula in that'll show one now I don't want one I want to show the row I'm going to say okay now I would like to display the row that it's on thanks for the formula the formula however I would like the result to display the row that it is in okay let's see so all we're going to all it's going to do is probably add two to that so that's exactly what we need contact list okay it's going to give me this a again all right we can go with that so however you want to display the row let's see if error match contact list there we go there's the plus two that's what I'm looking for because I want that show the row that it's in perfect okay so I'm going to copy that go back in here paste that in here and I want to show the row okay Fred freder so let's see what it did it started on column A so it's not correct so we're going to say I'm going to say adjust that formula but to use the contact name yes but adjust so adjust exactly adjust the formula not for the entire column but just so this formula that the out so this without the two would right but I really want to use the continent so this would display the correct row without the plus two so what we're asking you to do you know instead of this list I want to use the contact name so we're trying to get it to do that but just use the contact uh named drench okay let's see so that's basically what I want it to do certainly here's the formulas of the contact name so it should use the contact name and add to so that's exactly what I want here's the one that I want so third time it did take us to get that okay that's that's the formula that I was looking for so sometimes we have to guide it a little bit if we wanted to use a formula but the correct the answer is the original would have given using the entire column A without the plus two would have given us the row so that would work fine and it's Raptor on if air so that when it's blank right I want it to show nothing so so far it is great it's created the name range it's created the formula and that's exactly what I want okay so now we're pretty much ready to write some code of course we're not going to write anything it is Chad gbt that's going to be doing all the code writing for us okay so here's what I want to do I want to go into the VBA alt f11 to get you there I'm going to create a brand new module insert module not going to write any code chat GPT is going to take care of that for us but we're going to put it right here okay so back into chapter let's take a look and see what we want okay the first macro is I need macro that will clear all of the fields on the contacts sheet okay so let's see what it can do okay so taking a look here it's given a certainly uh here's the VBA marker that will clear all the fields on the contact sheet E4 E6 EA E10 that looks pretty good so let's take a list macro clears the contents of E4 in the sheet we're also where the contact information displayed to use this macro you can either assign it to a button or a keyboard shortcut or run it from VBA editor by pressing F5 or selecting Run for the menu very nice so I'm going to copy this code I'm going to go up in here I'm going to paste that that in here and then what we're going to do is I'm going to go back in here and I'm just going to assign the macro okay so in here we got this button I've got an icon and a button I'm just going to put those align them and group them together then I'm going to right click here I'm going to go to assign the macro and I'm going to put clear contacts and click ok ok we'll just put some tests here to make sure that all the fields are cleared out accordingly and I'll click new contact and they're all cleared out okay so our first macro is working very well okay so what we want to do is I want to then create a macro that's actually going to save it however basically what I want to do is I want it to look here in the contact row this should be I think I updated that to zero so if the contact row is empty then I wanted to create a brand new contact in the list if it is has a row then I wanted to use that row so basically want to use a selects a contact that want that row display so we need to tell it to do just that so we'll be very specific with our request okay I would like a macro saves and species a new contact effect or updates an existing contact based on the row number in A3 if this field is empty a new contact will be created and assigned well being very specific a new row trying to help guide it a little bit let's see what it does okay continuing on says here sure here's a VBA macro that will save you contact or update an existing contact based okay so worksheet contacts worksheet is a worksheet it seems like a little bit a lot of code here row contact equals A3 value okay if row contact was empty then but let's see real contact as long this is going to create an issue row contact is long right when you assign that row contact to this and the values empty in other words this is a string now if we were to put this as zero it would be fine right so but since we've assigned an empty string zero would be okay too when we assign that empty string to a long variable it's going to create an error so I already know that already so if I were to copy the code and I paste it in here this is exactly what I'm going to do we're gonna it's gonna encounter a bug and that's okay and that's exactly you know I wanted to fix it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click this and click assign macro and click save contact click ok but all we need to do is tell it if the new contact right so new contact here if we take a look at that it's created this row contact as a long but it's empty right so we can't do that so row context actually three so we need to make sure that we let it know when we do new contact right there's an empty row so all we need to do is basically tell it to test range A3 if A3 is empty then create a brand new row so that's what we need to do so let's let it know that there's a bug this created a bug because let's say row contact is long however A3 is double quotes so let's check to see if range A3 is empty before I'm assigning the variable I'm not sure if I have to guide it that much right so it says I apologize for the oversight uh it says here's the updated Market that checks if A3 is empty before assigning row so basically what we wanted to do is we want to check to see if this field is empty then we assign it that new row otherwise we use the existing so that's exactly what it's going to do so I like that better so then so it's checking out now remember if we were to assign this zero would probably work we would check if it's zero but either one work as long as we check it okay so let's go ahead and we're gonna once it finishes generating it's creating the rows contact and then it's kind of a long way of going about the code but you know we're here to make sure it works and then okay roguecon my context it says update the row in A3 but we don't need to update that row because that's going to lead our formula we don't need to update A3 since this is where our match formula resides let's see it's it figures it out you're right I apologize for the confusion you don't need to update three since that's where it matched from Los Angeles that's what I told you okay here's the updated macro that only checks if A3 is empty to determine whether okay so that so we do need to guide it a little bit it's not you know 100 so it's going to check to see if A3 is empty perfect I like that so it's a great learning tool so you both you and chat gbt can learn at the same time so I really like it for that feature otherwise it's assigning the brand new list so it's going to look up real contact kind of a long way to do it but I want to make sure it gets the first available row let's take a look at that code once it finishes generating okay then it's going to basically take each field and it's going to assign whatever variable or whatever value is in there up to the row list so that's what we want that it's a shining this okay so I like that didn't include that last so it's updated that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy that code I'm going to go back in here I'm just going to clear that and then I'm going to paste that code okay so we see it's the first available row contact application E4 contact list name not sure about that match it's the necessary so what I'd like to do existing cut to get the row number match in A3 so a row contact right it's already in A3 we don't need to do all of this we don't need to look it up right it's using the match formula based on what's an E4 which is fine but we already have it's unnecessary in other words here it's going to use the match formula to look up whatever we've placed in here for an existing one however it's unnecessary because we already have the row in A3 so what I wanted to do is I want to say use the row in A3 so this is going to need it's pretty good but it does need a lot of guidance but it's learning okay great however for existing content we can use the row number in A3 as this cell already contains a formula to generate or to extract the row number okay I think that's going to work and then we'll make the update yes you are correct since the match formula in A3 of the contact sheet already Returns the row number which is we can use that value instead of calculating it again okay so correct okay we'll run that code again and I'm going to copy it and I'll paste that code in there I always want to train it so it's going to check there so you can see how it learns and gets better as it moves on especially as you move through that so it's kind of like you're both learning together you're both working together so it's it's definitely getting it I can imagine this is just going to continue to improve and improve so you know kudos to chat GPT for at least getting this far as it's early on you know it's only been out what six months you know as of this date so I can imagine you know within you know a few years how good it's going to be it'll be unstoppable okay okay so what we're going to do is we're going to copy that code we're going to go back in here again I'm just going to paste that code right in here instead save the contract that's what we want so I'm going to right click this assign the macro and then click save contact okay so we're going to add a brand new contact in here lease uh Smither let's say Fredericks Fred's wife and then we'll put in one two three four five Oak Street and the notes test notes phone number here and then email here Lisa you'll just put Lisa and we'll test that out at okay so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to click save contact and we'll take a look inside our contact list and it looks pretty good let's take a look at the phone number I had won too many numbers in the phone number but that's fine let's see if it updates so what I want to do now is I want this Macro for new to place the name inside E4 for new contact so let's try that or we could do it for existing context too let's add that to the macro because what I want to do is once it's either updated or generated I want to do that let's place okay so I'm going to ask you to do one more step the macro works great at for a last step inside the macro let's place the contact name inside E4 because what that's going to do is going to generate did I get that cell right yeah E4 correct so what I want to do is I want to place that directly for so whatever's been saved here in the contact name I want to place it directly in E4 and that's going to generate that contact row so that's the last step that we're going to do okay so let's take a look it's regenerating that okay so you can add the contact name E4 the value E6 which is the contact name here's the updated Save contact cool okay because that's the last thing we don't need to copy all that code I just want to copy the last line because that's all it's going to do and it's going to be right here so once it gets down let's get to the last line of code probably and the reason we're going to do this for both new and existing and that means if the existing one has changed we want to place that changed name also in there so we want to do that both for existing or and here it is right here this is the last line of code that I want to just place here we just copy this that's the only thing that changed there okay so we're going to go inside here here and then I'm just going to place it right here all right let's take a quick walk through this code the Save contact worksheet contact has a worksheet the worksheet contact list as a worksheet so the two worksheets both this worksheet and the row contact as long and we're going to set the worksheets equal to the contacts and the worksheet contact list equal to contact relatively straightforward and simple we're going to check if A3 that's our row that's associated with that contact if it is empty that means it is a new contact we're going to say new contact find the first empty Row in the contact list sheet so I like how their code even commented out which is really nice it's going to set that row contact based on the worksheet contact list a rows count up and XL up this is going to get us the last row with a value adding one means the first available row else it's an existing contact existing contact even commented it out here get the row number from the match formula and A3 really love the commenting style here really nice really clear really straightforward so that road contact can be based on that calculated formula in A3 and then it's just a simple straightforward five lines now of course if you followed me for any time we would use for anything larger large we'd use data mapping which is a loop where we run from columns one through five and we just Loop it out using data mapping however obviously they don't know maybe I'll teach chat GTP about data mapping might not be a bad idea right teach it so basically we're going to take that Row in the First Column we're going to assign it whatever is in E6 that's contacting it would have been nice if they commented out each one of those values but we can't ask for too much row two is the address that's going to be coming from E8 3 and h8 four so it's just basically each of those fields into the list and then lastly we are going to just take whatever the contact name whether it's been changed or updated and we're going to put it directly on e4 that is it for the save so now what we're going to do is when I say that I want that laser Frederick so this will generate the contact row so now we know it's an existing perfect okay now all we need to to do is run a macro I need another macro that when it's changed here when there's a change to E4 I want to make sure that it loads the content create a loop if it's a new or existing but let's give it a try and see what goes on okay so we need one more macron that's to load the context let's just ask and see what it comes up the last macro I need is to load the contacts on change of E4 okay let's just try it on change of E4 if A3 is not playing A3 is not empty if A3 is empty let the user know it is an incorrect contact okay let's see what it's going to come up with okay so you can add a worksheet change that's exactly what I want so what we're going to be doing so we're going to be going into the context we'll let that right and we're going to be adding a worksheet change event I'm not going to do it I will let Chad CPT and that's exactly what we want so let's take a look and see what it's generating okay so worksheet change event by value okay and it's going to be based on e4 so if Target address is E4 and worksheet does not equal empty perfect I like that okay it's going to load it all it looks like it's going to work okay and here's the code that it's written here and it says this code uh is the change of current itself E4 the values E4 is not empty and the value of A3 is not empty perfect I like that I'm going to copy that code and it's going to tell you paste it directly in the sheet so we're going to paste it in the worksheet I'm going to paste that right in here so basically we're going to demand the worksheet as contact contact list as a worksheet probably you know it's a lot of unnecessary code but uh my goal is to get it to work not to get fully optimized code and you know I wouldn't program like this but I'm cured to see if it works please select a valid contact name I like that and this looks pretty good okay so here's what's going on inside this code on a worksheet change event when the user makes a change we're going to Dimension the worksheet contacts as a worksheet contact list as a worksheet and the row content as long I like how they're consistent with the variable students throughout again we're setting the contacts just as we did before in the save both of those sheets if the target address equals four now I would use something like if not intersection E before I'd use something like that but that's okay they're going to say E4 right meaning the user has made a change to E4 and the worksheet contents E4 does not equal empty right so we want to make sure there's a value and we also want to make sure that this is important because when we clear the content we're also clearing E4 so we don't want this code to run when we're actually for new context when we're clearing it out so that's important and we also want to make sure that A3 contains a value if it's empty then we're not going to move forward so these are the three constraints are very important then we're going to determine the row contact in A3 and then just like we did before that row contact this is going to be the contact name the contact address and it's just simply then taking whatever fields are located in that and placing it in the cells related just like this H6 so all those fields all the contact gets filled they have didn't come comment this up else if right the target address equals e for and worksheet context does not equal empty and the worksheet value so this is a really nice code so we're saying yes the user did make a change yes that there it's not blank however they put in the wrong now we've got a data validation that's going to help us with that but that means that is the wrong contact then message box please select a valid contact name and then what we're going to do is we're going to clear out E4 and that's really nice a nice little code there that clears it out and gives the user another opportunity to enter the correct contact name now let's try to make a change here Debbie Smith that works good Lisa fretters it looks like we doubled up on a contact doesn't it so let's take a look contact list here I'm going to delete one just to make sure that we're not doubling up to make sure there's no issues on that code and now checking it out so let's close that and take a look here okay so we're loading Debbie Smith it looks good and now what if we get something wrong right okay retry cancel that okay so that looks pretty good new contact load the contact wow I'm impressed Lisa Smith Lisa Fredericks I'm going to add a new contact and double check to make sure that we're going to have the right row okay so let's say Jeff Edwards we don't need to add all the information in if you want to make sure that it's saving to the right row save that Jeff Edwards is played let's take a look at the contact list Jeff Edwards that looks pretty good good job chat GPT very nice I like the way that that looks it has work we've created a application using chat GPT in no time at all we have save we have new contacts and we have contact load so everything that we have is here if you would like to add some features to this you want to see Chad GPT do more than just this I'll probably be doing a lot of that inside our patreon platform so let me know what you would like to see every single week I make an update I have an updated training I also have an updated workbook that's going to show you exactly how you can basically take your ideas whatever your features that you request you want me to fix them something or perhaps you want to focus on something I'm doing that inside our patreon platform for just a few dollars a month it's also a great way to support the channel you get a lot of one-on-one time I answer all the messages you get a PDF code book for those gold and silver members and a whole lot more so go ahead and join us on patreon I'll include the link down below I would appreciate that thank you so much for this AI generated application let me know what else you want to see because this is really cool and I'm really happy to bring this to you all right thanks so much and we'll see you next week [Music] thank you
Channel: Excel For Freelancers
Views: 121,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Excel VBA, VBA In Excel, Excel Application, Excel Application Development, Excel Software, VBA in Excel, Free VBA Training, Free Excel Training, Free Excel Course, Free Excel Training Course, Chatgpt, Chat gpt, Excel chat gpt, excel chatgpt, excel ai, excel artificial intelligence, excelvba
Id: 0hF6zR7APUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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