How to Boil Blue Crabs

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a blue crab and shrimp boil I'm going to show you how we do it alright so there's our crab right there we got about four dozen going on and we're just gonna let them sit there and sleep for a minute while we go ahead and fire up a water we're bringing this up to a boil we're gonna go ahead and drop in our potatoes these are kind of big potatoes huge potatoes we had to quote cut those in half all right that was just like a bag of potatoes I got about six lemons here we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna squeeze them put all those in all right I got some onion going up in here this is just like yellow onion you could use a white onion nicely that's a two that's three for five onions I got about five cloves of garlic and I've just kind of cut these up that one we're not gonna use that one I don't like that look at that one so for close guards I just cut the tops off and we're gonna go in with us some Brussels sprouts here we just got a little bag of those alright I got two spikes bags going in here just go ahead and throw those in there those are made by Zadar hands this workout here this is a four pounds of shrimp crab crawfish boil go ahead and just dump that whole thing in there I like to kind of do this to get all the goodness in there and I also like to use this and I used the whole container of this as well this is just it's called it's made by Cajun land all right so this is an 8 ounces and this is just the regular liquid concentrate of crab boil ok but I also like to throw one of these in here too it's an extra 8 ounces and this is the lemon flavor this is about a half a cup of salt and if you're paying attention right now this right here I'm going to go ahead and throw in some of this this is a made by smokehouse Bayou it's their hot sauce and if you see my videos before it's Brian with smokehouse by you and this about a half a container I'm going to go ahead and just dump that whole thing in there too and if you're paying attention you'll leave me a comment below make sure you're subscribed to Brian over at smokehouse Bayou I'll leave a link in the description go over there and give them a sub and if you'll comment below say I want some of that yo I want some of that yo that's what you say in the comment below and I'll pick a winner and I'll send you guys one of these all right after we got all of that stuff in there guys we're going to go ahead and we're gonna use this right here this is this is what we call a Plaquemine pole-vault or my wife also uses this as her broom and I've just removed the bristles off of it so we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna give that a stir and we're just going to bring all this up to a boil once it reaches a boil I'm gonna let it boil for 10 minutes so one of the things about a shrimp boil crab boil crawfish boil whatever kind of boil you're making one of the imperative ingredients is sausage and here in the South Alabama is connect a sausage so I don't like some people in their boils they like to boil their sausage I do not like that so we're going to take my 73 Forge knife here go ahead and give that a cut basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna grill this sausage on the grill all right so we're at a boil we're gonna let it go for ten minutes all right we've been going for 10 minutes at a boil all right these are some feisty little Badgers you know you know all right I'm not going to bore you guys with me putting all these little Badgers in here so after I get the four dozen in there I'll tell you what we're gonna do so pro tip guys if you put east back little Badgers pulling ice it'll kind of slow him down and put him to sleep but where I picked him up they didn't want to give me any ice they wanted me to buy and I was like I ain't behind no eyes for me suckers so all right we've been bowling for 10 minutes we're gonna go ahead and cut cut the fire all right you can see we got over abundance of crab here so we don't let this soak whoo we're gonna let this soak for another 15 to 20 minutes all right so it's been 20 minutes so let's go ahead lose a couple of crab there that's fine we got way too much crab so I'm just gonna let this drain a minute all right so normally what I would do is if I were didn't have an overabundance of crab like I do today when I cut this off when it when the crab were in there when I cut it off I would just dump my shrimp in there but we didn't really have enough room so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna bring this water back up to a boil and then we're gonna put our shrimp in there all right so bring it to a boil I'll be right back with you all right guys you see we're uh we're back up to a boil go ahead and dump a porn in there five pounds shrimp all right you see what I did dumped it in there now look cutting my heat putting a lid on just gonna let him so are you go it's been ten minutes exactly we're done so now I'm just gonna take these I'm just gonna dump them right on top of the crab just like that that right there guys is the boil that we've been waiting for all day crab and shrimp now the shrimp were a little bit too hot but I'm gonna go ahead I'm not gonna teach you guys or tell you guys how to peel a crab because I think most of you should probably already know that but some people don't know about the egg so you can tell by the weight a lot of times all right that was a little light this one's a little lighter let's see all right here we go this one feels kind of heavy so you notice the difference between a these are a lot of females in here okay male and a female okay females are gonna have eggs this one feels pretty heavy so I'm guessing that's gonna have some eggs in here I'm gonna show you what the eggs look like and it's full of eggs look at that okay so the eggs are you see this orange stuff here and here that right there is heaven look at this it's like a row and it's so good hmm all right guys shrimp and crab ball throw down do it [Music]
Channel: Jaxx Drinkwater Southern Cooking & BBQ
Views: 126,368
Rating: 4.5943942 out of 5
Keywords: how to boil blue crabs, blue crab, blue crabs, how to boil blue crabs louisiana style, crab, crab boil, cajun crab boil recipe, cajun crab boil, louisiana crab boil, louisiana crab boil recipe, louisiana crab boil seasoning, zatarain's crab boil, zatarain's, boiling crab, boiling shrimp, how to boil shrimp cajun style, shrimp boil, boiled shrimp, how to boil shrimp, shrimp boil recipe, louisiana boiled shrimp, seafood boil, shrimp, how to boil crab, Jaxx Drinkwater
Id: EUV8ASGcxko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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