5 Ways to INSTANTLY Sound Like a NATIVE SPEAKER (British English)

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today I've got five tips to instantly sound more like a native speaker and the good news is you don't need to spend hours learning them and practicing them these are small changes that will immediately make a difference sometimes I find there is a gap between the way that native English speakers use English and the way that English learners speak even when they have a high level sounds like they learnt English rather than grew up with it but today we're going to bridge that gap so here are five things that you can learn fast and these tips are for all levels of English even if your English is not fantastic follow these steps and you're going to sound more confident and more fluent and more like a native speaker today so stay tuned [Music] hello and welcome to let them talk so we've got five tips for you today to instantly sound like a native speaker plus a bonus tip too so stay tuned for that so the first tip is use may and might for probability in English you've got these beautiful modal verbs talk about probability but I find most students hardly use them even with really advanced students I hear for example maybe I go to Greece this year is that right maybe I go to Greece no it isn't or it is possible I will be late when a native speaker would say I may go to Greece this year or I might be late don't complicate your life just use may and might before a verb to talk about probability if I assembly say maybe I go maybe I do I know I'm not speaking to a native speaker and is there a difference between may and might well a very small difference may has a slightly higher level of probability so 70% I may go to Greece 70% yes I might go to Greece 50% yes I don't have the statistics but may is a slightly higher level of probability but don't worry too much about that just try and use may and might for [Music] tip number two use have got for possession in English the most common way of talking about possession in the present is have got or haven't got in the negative so for example I've got a pen but I haven't got any money this is especially true in questions have got a pen that's what most native English speakers will say do you have a pen yes it's correct sounds a bit formal it's correct but I hae some students say have you a pen hand other statistics it's grammatically correct but nobody speaks like that so tip number two is use as much as possible have got for possession it's more natural it's more native [Music] so tip number three is try to find alternative words too much many and a lot of these words are perfectly correct but don't use them all the time try to use different more advanced words and these will really give your sentence lift so for example instead of saying I did a lot of work on this project you could say I did a great deal of work on this project instead of saying many people got involved you could say a large number of people got involved you see it sounds better for uncountable things you can use a large amount finding a place to stay took up a large amount of time okay and if you want to be sound informal use loads of I ate loads of doughnuts today and I might be sick okay I spent loads of money on my Hello Kitty collection and I may have the best hellokitty collection in the world so there you are to sound more advanced or more informal just like native speakers find alternative alternatives to much many and a lot [Music] tip number four is don't use very use understatement British people love understatement understatement is saying something is is less important than it actually is and we use it all the time and by using it you'll give your sentences a lift the nuance and Sam Moore native so instead of saying very try and use some of these words fairly quite pretty or rather so instead of saying I'm very tired say I'm rather tired instead of saying I'm very angry saying say I'm pretty angry instead of saying I'm very surprised say I'm quite surprised instead of saying Renaldo is a very good footballer say Renaldo is fairly good the differences between these four words we'll discuss another time but do use it [Music] Sydenham five is don't say thank you well that's not quite true but if someone gives you something or does a small favor for you native english-speakers might use another word in London we just say Cheers sounds friendly some people say thar of course sometimes you can say thank you if someone does your big favor or saves your life then by all means say thank you but if it's just a small act of kindness someone holds the door open for you then just say Cheers [Music] and here's that bonus tip I promised you if someone asks you do you speak English what do you reply don't say yes or yes I do you want to give the impression that the question is so ridiculous so absurd that you won't even dignify it with a serious response subtext is why are you asking me this stupid question okay so don't stand there like a robot and say yes I do instead say something like I get by I manage just a smattering if you don't know what a smattering is then look it up on Google you have Google don't you but by using one of these phrases you'll sound more confident and people will believe you it's also linked to the British love of understatement that we talked about earlier okay there you are I hope you found them useful and I'll just say cheers and Moorings language videos coming soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 689,019
Rating: 4.9210982 out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, letthemtalktv, native speaker, tips, british pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, slang, English teacher, learn English, subtitles, cours d'anglais, efl, esl, cheers, may, might, paris
Id: 4ZMARmu0cz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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