Speak FLUENT (British) English today with these KEY Conversational Phrases.

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today I've got some key expressions to make you sound fluent in English what we're looking at of those moments when you introduce yourself when you want to show surprise or agreement and at those times when you are interacting with other people now if you've ever learned a foreign language you'll know that it's the small reflex words that are sometimes the most difficult even for advanced speakers and it can make the difference between sounding like a robot who's learning this from a book and a native English speaker so use these phrases in order to speak fluent British English right now and if you want to know more they'd stay tuned [Music] hello and welcome to leaven talk the channel that goes deeper into everything about the English language so the story is that some time ago I got this call from a guy who was some kind of businessman and he wanted to come to our language school in Paris for some intensive private English lessons in order to prepare himself for a business trip to London however he was a complete beginner and he said to me can you teach me English in one week no I can't okay but I thought maybe I could do something I could teach him some expressions some small talks and key phrases anyway the whole process got me thinking what would you teach somebody who only had one week to learn English what about one day what about one hour what about 10 minutes and this idea captured my imagination and this video is the result so the challenge is to sound like a native speaker of British English right now with just a few key phrases and expressions of course teaching someone to give a lecture on quantum physics will take more time but a few good phrases can make a big difference now the phrase I've chosen are useful if you have a low level of English or if you are advanced because I've divided it into six categories and in each category there'll be something for everybody some common phrases and some more formal terms or some slang expressions okay and we've also got a bonus tip for you at the end so stay tuned for that ok let's get straight into it with some greetings hi hello hope you know those words if you want to be more formal say nice to meet you nice to meet you the reply is nice to meet you too now if you want to be a bit more informal you could say how are you doing how are you doing notice of the use of the weak forms how ya doing ok how are you doing and the reply is I'm doing fine I'm doing fine how's it going how's it going and the responses it's going fine how's it going so this one says it's going fine now how about something much more informal I'm from London and you might say if you're in London alright alright alright is a shortened form of are you alright okay and you just use the word alright and even that's shortened to all right and that's the glottal stop at the end which means that you don't finish pronouncing the T instead you make the sound from your throat okay so you say alright and the reply is the same alright [Music] now secondly when somebody is speaking to you you need to show agreement or at least acknowledge that you are listening okay firstly you could use really Star Wars was so boring that I fell asleep really okay you can also use right but didn't have any donuts so I bought a blueberry muffin right I'm thinking of getting a haircut this afternoon right you've got to be more formal use I see I can't come to the meeting because I missed the train I see okay you could also use is that so I've been living in this apartment for 10 years and I still don't know the neighbors is that so my father 68 years old he's that so next you're going to need an expression that expresses surprise and for that you could use no way just like that no way for example you know that painting I bought for nine pound ninety nine at the flea markets that everybody says was a fake I just sold it for a hundred million pounds no way when the car broke down they made us ride a donkey into town no way you can also use your kidding I've been married 12 times you're kidding she threw me out of the house when she found out I was a Sagittarius you're kidding you could also use your joking you know I'm wanted by Scotland Yard you're joking okay to say that you are leaving use one of the following expressions I'm off I'm off I'm late I'm off or you could say I'm heading off I'm heading off now go to meet someone I'm heading off I've got to go listen to the pronunciation I've got to go the meeting starts soon I've got to go well I'm going now I've got to catch my train I'm going now next you want to show gratitude and of course you could say thank you or thanks if you want to be more informal in British English just say Cheers these are much alati Cheers you can share my umbrella no Cheers you can also say thar here's an insignificant piece of paper [Music] [Laughter] so say goodbye say goodbye Terra cheerio you can say farewell actually not many people say farewell these days it's a bit old-fashioned but it's not incorrect and sometimes it's nice to be playful with the language and be a bit different so by all means you can say that farewell and if you want to sound light for you're from the 19th century you could say fare thee well I'm now joined by my assistants this is Google mini home hey Google good bye cheerio hey Google goodbye Alfred Ozen that's good bye in German hey Google good bye fare thee well very well you see what I mean but you know I've been in a racing ship to mind she says so she thinks I'm boring my conversation is boring and we got nothing in common and then she says that she was in cafe narrow the other day I and she was chatting to this barrister ordering her grande latte and it was very nice it was from Bratislava and very intresting tall and handsome and I say me what would I know I go out with him and same time to go wow I mean it's ridiculous I mean you know you know one guy at the same time you start a reason what do you think I'm off cheers bye okay here's that bonus tip I promised you if you want to ask someone if they will do something with you just use the word fancy plus a noun or a verb with ing okay for example fancy a coffee what that means is do you fancy a coffee but usually most native English speakers will leave out that do you and just use the word fancy okay fancy getting some sushi fancy going to the cinema fancy weekend in Kuala Lumpur okay well there you are I hope you found that useful I'm sure I've forgotten something but if you know of any key phrases and expressions that I have forgotten that's okay you can leave them in the comments thank you for watching stay mellow and I'll see you next time hey Google goodbye that's all for now Tata for now hey Google see you later alligator in a while crocodile hey Google bye bye sorry I don't understand
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 252,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, English expressions, British English, key phrases, like a native, LetThemTalkTV, English teacher, Gideon, Fluent, English, EFL, ESL, Elt, cours d'anglais, small talk
Id: F_vhjaE_BXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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