5 GRAMMAR MISTAKES you didn't know you were making

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today we've got five more grammar mistakes that you probably didn't know you were making yes and this is part two of the series if you haven't seen the first video yet then you should definitely have a look at that first and as in the first video I'm going to start each grammar mistake with a sentence and your challenges to correct that sentence and by the way today I'm in London in Mount Street gardens in Mayfair and this place is incredible because it has a micro climate yes that's right when it's so cold and rainy everywhere else in the country in Mount Airy Gardens it's warm and sunny okay slight exaggeration but it does have some palm trees that don't survive anywhere else in the country check it out anyways hot day here so I'm off to get a cold beer so see you in a moment [Music] are you ready for the first grammar challenge can you correct this sentence everyday I run in the park before I start work every day I run in the park before I start work if you want to say that you run for pleasure or as a leisure activity then you say go running every day I go running in the park before I start work I go running in the park okay in English some activities can be done either for leisure or because you have to do it okay all you need to do it if it's for leisure then you use the form go + verb + ing okay I go running I go swimming every morning I go skiing in the Alps every January I go horse riding in the countryside on Sundays if it's not for leisure then don't use go so I ran to catch my bus here you're running cuz you have to run so you don't use go running I fell in the river and I had to swim to the riverbank I live in the mountains I have to ski to school in the next village here skiing is an obligations it's not a pleasure so you use ski not go skiing before cars and many people rode horses to get around when we're talking about walking we usually use go for a walk so for example I had a I had a headache so I went for a walk but I usually walk to work okay without go and remember this rule only applies when there are two possibilities the leisure possibility and the necessity possibility okay if it is only a leisure activity then just used the verb without go so for example I play tennis every Thursday never never I go playing tena tennis so tennis is always a leisure activity [Music] what's wrong with this sentence do you like baking cakes if yes you should watch my Cooking Channel do you like baking cakes if yes you should watch my Cooking Channel so the correct sentence is do you like baking cakes if so you should watch my cooking channel you could also say do you like baking cakes if you do you should watch my cooking channel okay did you get that so in English we usually just use yes in answering a direct question so for example do you like my new haircut yes I do okay that's okay but in a sentence when you are referring to an earlier phrase that you made then you can either say if so or refer to the auxiliary verb in that phrase or if there's no not an auxilary then just use do it's easier if I give you some examples can you play the double bass if you can then you might want to join our jazz quintet are you under 24 if you are then you are entitled to a young person's railcar okay and as I said you can use if so in those examples too now you can use if not but not if no to refer to an earlier phrase in the negative so for example I hope to see you next week and if not then the week after not if no okay you can also use the same grammar for auxiliary verbs that we use in the affirmative sentences okay but with a negative R so for example give you the same example as before do you like cooking and if you don't then you should buy our range of instant microwave meals can you play a musical instruments if you can't then how about learning one [Music] can you correct this sentence I'm tired and I'm going to my home now I'm tired and I'm going to my home now the correct sentence is I'm tired and I'm going home now yes that's right did you know that okay so home is a noun a place where you live but home is also an adverb to mean at or to the place you live okay so home doesn't have a preposition when we are talking about movement - or movement away from it so you say I'm going home I'm leaving home I arrived home late last night so no preposition and if you are at the place where you live you can either say I'm at home oh just say I'm home okay both are correct [Music] can you correct this sentence shall we go yes we shall shall we go yes we shall okay so the correct answer is shall we go yes let's so in English you respond to suggestions using shall we with let's shall we drink a beer yes let's shall we go to Minsk for the weekend yes let's now if you if you don't want to do it just use let's not so negative sentences just you saying don't want to do something that's been suggested just use let's not okay shall we listen to some Justin Bieber no let's not shall we jump off the bridge and into the river and then swim to the river bank no let's not so we do a bungee jump today no let's not okay for more on this we have a video about the difference between will and Shou and I'll put a link to that in the description and you correct this sentence I forgot my keys at home I forgot my keys at home the correct answer is I left my keys at home I left my keys at home in English if you say the place where you forgot something then you use the verb leave if you don't say where you forgot something then you use to forget so I forgot my keys where did you leave them I left my keys at home I forgot the answer I left my umbrella on the train ok did you know that did you know that ok that's it so how many did you know let us know in the comments thank you watching as always stay mellow [Music]
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 196,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grammar mistakes, english grammar, let's, shall we, forget and leave, go running or run, how to use HOME, letthemtalktv, yt:cc=on, English teacher, British pronunciation
Id: 0Tjo4Wo6xRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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