Why you are not fluent in English

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when you listen to me a native English speaker speak English you can understand Lots right but when you want to speak out you can't always speak fluently why what's going on let's find [Music] out I feel for you no I do really really you you can listen to English and understand Lots you can read stuff and understand Lots but when it comes to speaking you can't find the right words your mind goes blank it's like the words in your head are beautiful but the words that come out are not so beautiful and you might feel that you've been stuck in this situation like for a long time I do feel for you really I know I've been there as a learner of French Spanish and Chinese I've been exactly where you are and I'll tell you right now the biggest reason this happens is pressure you see listening and reading are passive you just sit back take your time speaking is real time people are listening there are expectations there is pressure and most people it's I that's what happens of course with the pressure but listen having taught students over 40,000 students worldwide with my online courses I am sure I can help you by the way my name is Keith um I run the YouTube channel English speaking success and the website the Keith speaking Academy where I have my online courses to help students develop their speaking skills in a fun and professional way so in this video I'm going to tell you the six main reasons you may not be advancing or progressing as much as you want with your speaking fluency and what you can do about it at the end of the video I'll also give you some tips on how to handle that real time pressure when speaking okay sound good number one you're trying too hard to impress and very often that means that you speak quickly you see when you speak English there's going to be people watching you waiting expecting and it's like you're revealing yourself you're showing a part of your personality your identity it's terrifying right and people will judge you whether it's right or wrong they will judge not only your English but a lot more about you so what we need to do is to ignore the judgment but I think one of the most important things is is not to speak too quickly especially with native speakers and an IELTS examiner they will speak quickly and we often feel as students oh well I have to speak quickly too so I'm gonna try keep up and speak really fast and when you speak quickly you lose control and normally it's like when you're running like a baby starting to walk and run boom and they tumble and they fall thing to do is to slow down speak at your own pace you can speak slowly and fluently really you can slow down speak at your own pace and forget about everybody number two number two you are making things over complicated and this is particularly true of IELTS speaking students they're trying to show off some fancy vocabulary speak out these long complex grammatical structures but because you're thinking so much about that when you speak the words are coming out with hesitation with pauses there's no connection doesn't make sense The Listener gets confused the thing to do is to keep it simple especially when you begin speaking forget the fancy vocab forget the complexity keep it simple build up and as you warm up and you're walking more quickly then you can maybe run a little bit but at the start keep it simple number three you're focusing on accuracy and this is because you want to speak correctly you don't want to make mistakes you want to speak correctly maybe perfectly but that means that often when you're speaking you're thinking is it the right tense is it with an S without an S and therefore as you're thinking you're not speaking there are gaps in your speech loss of coherence and your fluency starts to fall because you're focusing too much on accuracy the truth is you need a balance of accuracy and fluency you need both you want to focus on communicating your idea but have a good balance sometimes it's fluency sometimes it's accuracy build them both up over time don't just be accurate and have no fluency that's it let's move [Music] on right number four you lack vocabulary this is one of the biggest problems to speak in fluency students not having the words um in order to express their idea and it means you lose fluency right I mean you know you you're thinking of a particular item you say oh I I want one of those things it's it's a tool it's what I need for my car to you know what one of those things what what you call it and and you see how your fluency Falls because you're lacking these words yes you can paraphrase and find a way around but only sometimes overall if you don't have the vocabulary especially at intermediate and above levels you're going to struggle vocabulary begins very very very tangible it's about very simple things but as you get to a higher level you're expressing more abstract ideas more intangible things um Concepts and that's harder you need more nuanced vocabulary so the thing to do here is you need to think longterm about your your English and building your vocabulary think like test Cricket right test cricet you play a game over five days now when I talk to Americans about cricket and a game that lasts for five days they're like what that's longterm it's the same when you're building your vocabulary right you want to be building your vocabulary over time slowly and as your vocabulary gets better and better better your fluency will get better over time what you don't do is suddenly try to learn lots of vocabulary above your level boom because your fluency will drop because of what I said before about over complicating things when you're speaking a lot of the time when you're practicing use vocabulary just below your level words you're comfortable with confident with you know the meaning and can express and you'll be speaking more fluently of course in the background over time you're building up all of that vocabulary so you're slowly raising your game not Cricket English over time that's the way to do it you are shy maybe you are maybe you're not but for a lot of introverted people we I say we cuz I am introverted often let our shyness affect our fluency it doesn't have to but sometimes it does because it means that you Mumble I'm I'm do that you know right not speaking clearly um sometimes your body language falls down and you lack confidence and this can affect your fluency directly the thing to know and I talked about this in a recent video about being a confidence speaker of English is that you can be shy and confident and you can use you can even use your shyness to build your confidence um be a strong confident speaker and then when you're not mumbling you're speaking clearly loudly with a body posture to communicate then you can speak more fluently it takes time it takes a practice but most of all it takes awareness of this if you are shy if you're extrovert you probably don't have this problem let's move on to the last one number six you don't practice enough now when I say practice I don't mean practice speaking although yes you need to practice speaking lots and lots I mean you don't practice fluency enough practice fluency what do you mean I mean is to practice speaking your sentences and your ideas again and again and again what most people do of course in a conversation is you get your idea across and then carry on you move on to the next idea of course when you're on your own though practicing alone at home I recommend you don't just say the idea once but practice saying it again and again and this is great for I out speaking repeating your sentences again and again um and you're practicing the fluency you're just getting the idea and practicing saying it more fluently the other thing to do is to notice and learn phrasing and intonation phrasing is where the native English speaker pauses in their speech okay and the intonation so each phrase has an intonation pattern there are no fixed rules for this but there are patterns you can follow um for example take this simple sentence right if I could speak fluently I would pass my test the phrasing here is I stop after fluently if I could speak fluently pause I would pass my test that's how a native speaker would normally not always but normally naturally phrase that sentence and the intonation with especially with these if sentences is D D D D D D D if I could speak fluently I would pass my test okay so that pattern is a common pattern and if you can pick up these patterns and learn them and notice them a great place to do this is interviews interviews of famous people actors Etc on TV you'll start noticing this if you want to do it systematically this is what my fluent grammar for ielt speaking course does basically takes all of these grammatical structures breaks them into phrases whereas a native speaker we would break down the phrasing and shows you the intonation and you just repeat and practice and that really practices your fluency it's a bit like shadowing on steroids it's a really great way to do it and that practicing fluency funnily enough makes you more fluent right good so there you go now you know the six main reasons why you're not speak speaking fluently remember what I said though at the start knowing is not enough if you want to change you need to do something now so have a think about what you're going to do differently oh and do you remember at the start of the video I talked about pressure the biggest problems of speaking fluently is that people go blank because there's the real time pressure the expectation people watching you so there are lots of things you can do with that I'm just going to give give you one tip today on how to handle that pressure so you can speak more relaxed and more fluently and it's the following is breathe smile and make eye contact breathe cuz that physiologically is going to help relax your body smile because that will help you relax and it will help other people relax and when they relax you'll relax and it's a virtuous cycle everybody's relaxed and the eye contact will just help again make you relaxed and other people relaxed it's a good communication technique okay so breathe smile and make eye contact if I could speak more fluently I would pass my test that's it I hope with this video you will be able to speak more fluently in the coming weeks as you take action and practice more that's it for today thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video please do like um turn on the notifications subscribe as well to the channel so you can find out about upcoming videos as well leave me a comment tell me which of these tips you enjoyed or liked today and that's it I will see you next time in the next video thank you so much for watching take care [Music] bye-bye [Music] d
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 198,338
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Keywords: ielts speaking fluency, ielts speaking improve, ielts speaking improve your fluency, ielts speaking improve fluency, ielts speaking fluency practice, improve fluency ielts, ielts speaking fluency and coherence, fluency in ielts speaking, how to improve fluency, get fluent in english, keith speaking academy youtube, ielts fluency, speak english fluently, how to speak english fluently, english fluency practice
Id: viJK5lbCqho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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