How to become a DEVOPS Engineer feat. Shawn Powers | Linux+ | LPIC-1

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[Music] so in this video we're talking about DevOps for the longest time I had no idea what DevOps was which is why when I went up to CBT nugget headquarters in Oregon Minh i sat down with Shawn powers and that's exactly what I asked him what is this DevOps thing I mean I keep hearing about it I know it pays a lot but what is it how do I become a DevOps engineer so I got a chance to actually sit down with Shawn powers and we talked about it so in this interview we talked about what it is and then I know a question on your minds is how do I be a DevOps engineer we answer that question too all right it's got your coffee ready [Music] of course this didn't work out you were lying here what's going on guys welcome back to network Chuck I've got the one and only Shawn powers here he's ready if you don't know who Sean powers is he is a CBT Nuggets trainer and of course that just comes with its own awesomeness but he teaches all things Linux he's DevOps and he does it what everything pretty much everything but Microsoft I'm I'm a little afraid of the Windows we wanted to kind of come in and talk about DevOps as a DevOps guy what is your advice to people who don't even know what DevOps is I want to jump into DevOps and they're just like a network admin or their assistant admin what would be like your two liner approach to explaining what is DevOps sure I think it really depends on what your background is so if you're coming from like my background is system administration I was a sysadmin for like 20 years it takes me old I'm old but um I was coming into DevOps and I had that history I didn't have the programming background so for me coming in and using a tool like ansible or something that just feels more geared towards a system administrator who's trying to get into that world it worked better if you're a developer and you're like I don't want to keep waiting for the operations team to do the things I need them to do and tools like puppet or chef they're really more programmatically drafter you know based on programming programatic based on problematics you have a more developer centric design anyway so maybe go one of those things so again depends on where you're coming from but either way the initial learning curve for all the DevOps tools can be really frustrating and I think we're in a world now or when somebody understands DevOps they're like oh yes I don't have ups or hire me and it's really frustrating it can be really intimidating to learn that that world but once you do you'll find it's not magic it's just the same old tools that like a system administrator I've written batch script batch scripts forever and this is just like a better bash script right DevOps tools just make everybody's job easier and more automated so you can actually do all of those things that are on your to-do list just let automation take care of the things that keep you from doing those things you can actually get some projects accomplished that you've been hoping to find the time point it seems magical right now if you don't know I always thought DevOps was magical I mean we seriously like Harry Potter wands everything my last company they had a whole section of DevOps engineers and I'm like oh you're DevOps I have no idea what you guys do but I know you're good so you're awesome but it's good to have that cleared up like as for what DevOps actually is so it's I know it's networking in there with like networking and you guys won't know some of this it's Sdn software-defined networking or DevOps it'll kind of play into that but it's about automating systems so all you guys going for your Microsoft stuff into CSA MCSE this will make your jobs easier and I've told you you know you need to learn Linux if you're a network engineer if you're a Microsoft guy what isn't majority of servers in the world run off I would think especially in the cloud the cloud is really larger Linux and yet if you want to learn something in IT you don't want to have to go through the mire muck and mire of installing a server installing Apache getting your web services running if you can use a DevOps tool to automate that entire process with like three lines of code and then you can start doing what you wanted to do in the first place which is like figure out that web app that you've been trying to develop don't worry about all of the stuff that allows you to do that let that be automated away so your creativity and your time can be spent on the project you really want to accomplish it and that's and that's awesome cuz like I know as an admin you never have enough time I mean it's one project after another but many buyers yeah yeah yeah firefighters that's how did that rule a lot so for someone who wants to become a DevOps engineer because you can go on LinkedIn or dice or wherever look up DevOps right now the pay isn't bad no and it's and because no one really knows what it is they pay a lot that's how I found with IT magic is expensive as far as DevOps goes how can you start into DevOps like what would you recommend is a precursor to actually learn the systems before getting into DevOps specific courses sure so when I'm teaching a DevOps course at CBT Nuggets I make it clear that you shouldn't use DevOps to do something that you couldn't do on your own so while I said DevOps is a great way to automate a way the need to install Apache and set up all those things really if you don't understand what's happening behind the scenes you're probably gonna DevOps your way into an uncomfortable spot so really is just a tool to help you accomplish what you already know how to do manually but you don't need to take time kind of like when we learn in we learn math and third-grade right we learn how to add numbers together and then when you're in high school you use a calculator to add those numbers DevOps is like the calculator you still need to know what's happening underneath but you don't have to take the time to do it that's that's a fantastic example and that's you know I've mentioned a lot of stuff on here like Python for network engineers how to automate your network you're gonna have a hard time if you don't know the syntax of the CLI and every command I guess it's kind of the same thing right same thing so once you learn whatever it is like Linux administration system administration where do you go next actually just start small so a task that you know you're comfortable doing and you're tired of doing that's really the best if there's a task at your job or your or even in your learning that you're tired of doing over and over like you know what I bet there's a better way to accomplish this there is so you step ups to solve a problem that you have don't don't try to invent some environment that chefs her puppet or ansible will do for you use it to solve a problem I mean really that's the way you're going to learn it and you're going to really see the benefits is if you have a problem that you need to solve and DevOps can do it do it and that's like the best way to learn anything right I mean I always through it be like if you want to learn programming don't study it do a project yeah do do something you're trying to accomplish so that's excellent so if I were right now I'm a system admin emilynics admin where should I start with tree well the beard was a good start Oh done no so if are so if you're a Linux person and you want to learn more about the underlying technology I'm a big fan of the L pick one of course L pick and so the LPI I'll pick one and CompTIA Linux plus it's the same exact course same recessed you can actually get dual certs with one test taking session it's really cool so it's L pick like a different cert entity yes or LP i is the linux professional institute and they come up with he'll pick one which is two tests to get l pick one certified and the folks at CompTIA said hey that is a great test we should just use that test so you can take each test just one time and get both Linux plus certified and he'll pick one certified to search for one study session that's pretty good so Linux is awesome I I love Linux I wish I wore time to study so I'm gonna go through your course I'm gonna do it but you can go for the L pick and CompTIA Linux Plus same exam but still in the same material that's just a two-for-one situation that's awesome so if that's overwhelming and you don't want to jump right into like hardcore assistive administration of Linux stuff was that a home improvement ready was yes I just sort of watch that on Hulu again I watched him when they were new so I'm a little older but yeah so we also have a course that LPI folks realize that I'll pick one it's kind of a really steep learning curve like you go in you're like I'm overwhelmed I can't do this if you do the Linux essentials course it's it's actually a certification you can actually get certified with Linux essentials what is for folks who are interested in Linux are kind of nerdy but really don't know anything about Linux and that's the same Linux Foundation Linux on the linux professional institute and it's a yeah we have one less essentials kind of like the the CCENT or beginner search and then you have the L pick exactly okay perfect all right so if you're if you're a Linux guy already or Linux girl if you're Linux the eye or Linux yell already the Linux essentials course is probably not for you just go right into health pick one but if that's intimidating the Linux essentials course is awesome I have both Linux essentials and mcgraw here we go some yeah so if you're looking for great training of course I have to plug out CBT Nuggets because it's awesome come on over here exactly but he has the Atlantic's essentials he has the L pick and the CompTIA which is the same thing on CBT Nuggets and I'm gonna go through it and I'm gonna learn as much as I can about Linux so check it out I'll put a link below to check that out so start there so after we've got Linux where do we go from there after Linux so if you are comfortable with Linux I think you're already to the point that you can start using DevOps to us because really that's the that's the goal right I know how to use Linux I don't want to have to do it all so you can figure out the things that DevOps you know that's worth the effort so it's gonna take some effort to programmatically do the things that you could do manually but once you understand Linux you're gonna know what those things are and I use the example of setting up a web server because it's monotonous but it's not terribly difficult to do it right so it just once you learn Linux what is it that you don't want to have to manually do all the time and fix that problem if you're starting from the Linux side the system admin side check out answer whoo that's my that's my favorite automation platform DevOps automation platform is ansible it also has a really cool name also he doesn't answer for course behind CBT Nuggets imagine that so check that out as well I'll put a link below for that so how hard is ants pool till I get your hands around like how how fast could I certain automating like one thing really easily and the nice thing about ansible is it's more like configuration files code so it's not like you have to write all of these code statements to get it to work it really feels to me like alright I want to accomplish this task so I'm going to set up my configuration file to do it and so ansible I'm gonna get excited oh well Ansel is cool because there's no client to install right it uses SSH you so you SSH automatically to the remote server nothing has to be installed so it can be completely headless small embedded systems even I mean it's really cool and then your local workstation does all the work remotely on that computer so truly it's it's awesome I mean I'm sold and then you guys why not like because what you do you've also make a nugget right now okay it's compulsive anyways again this was Sean powers you if you if you already know Linux and you probably already know Sean powers if you don't know the Linux Journal is no extra oh sorry I'll get in trouble oh forget the Linux term so what is the Linux term what is space silence Linux Journal Linux Journal of a magazine a Linux Journal it's a it's a magazine it's online right now I've been ready for my gosh like 10 years I have a column there open source classroom and it's just the kind of thing if you are interested in Linux whether you're hardcore or beginner there's something for everybody again the same reason I work for CBT Nuggets is the reason I work for I love it I love the people there and we're doing good stuff awesome so I'll put a link below for that so if you want to check out Sean on Linux Journal he's active on Twitter his Twitter's amazing he's got an excellent photoshopped picture of him as the winner you Luke Skywalker yeah CBT Nuggets I love everybody yeah I just laughs I'm gonna mess up Chuck my link to Twitter is right here hey I can move stuff around everywhere so yeah and yeah I'll put all the links below you can find Sean and again shake house seems to not use his course it's gold standard so if you want to learn Linux become a Linux admin I mean these guys they they make money they make Bank if you're a network admin you want to learn some Linux ooh it's all kind of melding and meshing together we have to kind of be a jack-of-all-trades on all trades but just some traits you want you want to know your stuff um anyways guys thanks for joining us here thanks to Sean Berdy their being on this with me as I do and we'll catch you guys later yeah take cut that was it [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 86,159
Rating: 4.9048386 out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CCNP, Cisco Certifications, CCNA Training, CCNP Training, CCENT, CCENT Training, ICND1, INE, INE Training, CBT Training, CCENT Study, CCNP Study, Cisco Training, how to study for CCNA, MCSA, MCSE, VCP, cisco ccna, comptia A+, comptia security+, comptia network+, linux+, comptia linux+, linux plus, lpic, lpic-1, lpic-2, ansible, devops, devops engineer, linux devops, linux, linux engineer, shawn powers, cbt nuggets, linux essentials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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