How to get DevOps job with no experience? | DevOps POCs to do

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what's up guys and girls raj here back with another video so you want to switch your carrier to devops but your current job doesn't give you any devops experience so how do you do it what devops topics do you learn what proof of concepts do you do to show them as real-world projects how do you add them to your resume in this video we are going to learn all these things but first things first what makes me the right person to talk about this because i went through the same journey i used to work in legacy mainframe technology projects i learned cloud and devops and switched career i am not a genius guy i am just an average person working in i.t with a full-time job family kid and a funny accent i want to be the agent of change in your life so you can switch your career as well so i have a separate video showing my entire career journey starting with a no i.t background to mainframe and then how i switched from mainframe to cloud and devops in a separate video so check it out if interested i'll give the link up top with that being said let's jump in so let's start with the biggest mistake i did a little bit of this myself and i see a lot of you do this as well which is trying to learn everything so when you google devops lot of shiny things come up such as chef puppet ansible different tools like jenkins git lab argo ci cd spinnaker rancher etc there is no way you can learn all this and that is not the expectation in an interview as well if you think about any other skill that you learn in your life such as swimming mathematics guitar bodybuilding you do not start learning 20 different things when you try to master those things let's say you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle you do not start with 100 different cardio exercises right you pick two or three and then you do those similarly for devops as well you need to put laser focus on the critical areas and ignore the noise so let's talk about what things should you learn as a devops architect or engineer i divided the topics into three broad categories the first category is must have if you are going for a devops interview or you started working in a devops real world project you must know this topic the second category is highly recommended so if you learn these topics it increases your chance of getting the job and it kind of separates you from the other folks the last category is low return where these topics you will probably not be asked in interview and they are not broadly used in every project so when you are going for a devops job especially if you already in a full-time job and you are not like a student with a lot of time you have to focus on topics that's gonna get you through the devops interview and give you a solid foundation where you can start working on a devops project you must know at least one infrastructure as code language so if you are working in aws you can choose cloud formation or you are working in azure gcp you can choose respectively or you can learn terraform next you must know how to work with git commands so you don't need to be the master of all git commands but at least you need to know the basic ones how to check in check out fork branch etc next you need to know at least one devops service and you need to know it well so you can either pick cloud specific so if you are working in azure gcp aws you can learn their dev of service so for example if you are working in a ws or if you are going for aws jobs you can learn a ws code build code commit code pipeline or you can learn jenkins or git lab moving on to the highly recommended part you should know how to create and implement devops pipelines your pipeline should be able to implement softwares or packages into virtual machine as well as in a microservices design you should know at least two of these relevant technologies so virtual machine is kind of default now everyone knows about virtual machine so you should know either container or serverless ideally both and you should have a cloud certification for aws you can pick csop's associate or devops pro certification and for the other clouds you can pick accordingly you could also have the jenkins certification or terraform certification now on the low return stuff we have corner case devops services such as elastic bean stock ansible chef puppet etc only do this if you have time so what topics did i study so i personally studied cloud formation and then i did the git commands and then i started with jenkins so jenkins is a very very popular devops tools even 10 years down the line it's still king of the hill [Music] for devops pipeline i just learned how to do vm but remember i started my journey like five six years back so virtual machine was the only thing that was very important around that time under relevant technology i actually learned serverless after i learn virtual machine but today judging by the market cap if i were you i would do container under the cloud certifications i did solutions architect associate then i got my solutions architect pro after i worked for a couple years in the technology and i did not learn any corner case devops services going to the interview i learned ansible when i got the job and in that project ansible was being used all right so moving on so i get this question a lot raj what proof of concepts should i do on devops that will help me or count as real world experience so let's dive in so first things first you should absolutely know how to provision cloud infrastructure using devops you should implement couple of pipelines uh using cloudformation or terraform where you can spin up ec2s kubernetes cluster serverless etc so this is a must-have poc to do second you should also know how to deploy applications to virtual machines such as on easy tools gcp instances etc and third you should know how to deploy applications to kubernetes cluster the deploying application to serverless is a stretch goal right now so it's like optional and when you are doing these devops pipelines you need to cover the following things that i'm gonna show you guys and girls to count as real world experience so you have to do as many as you can from below so you have to implement automated testing so you need to know when you change the code and the code gets checked out gets packaged and deployed how to run automated testing either for virtual machines or serverless or container you got the idea same concept on how to do automated rollback if one of the automated testing fail how to do selective deployment like uh how to how do you deploy packages into particular ec2 instances and ignore others how to do canary and rolling deployment how to implement from shared account from one shared account to multiple business accounts you need to know how to implement manual approval on those devops pipeline and how to do security checks now if i have to pick three that you must do in your pipeline you should know how to do security checks you should know how to do canary or rolling deployment especially rolling deployment which is used a lot in real world applications and you should know how to do automated testing now this might sound really overwhelming but this is the saving grace you do not need to create one mega pipeline with all of this because remember the interviewer is not asking you to show you the the whole pipeline that you did the interviewer is asking that you know these components and you know how to implement it in a pipeline so you can do separate separate components like you can do a one small pipeline where you do automated testing like whenever a new let's say lambda code comes in you you know how to run testing for that same thing for container you know how to run security checks and you have a small pipeline to check security uh so that's that's what i did so in this way you are testing out each concept which brings me to the next section which is equally important whatever proof of concepts you are doing save those components such as build spec file or jenkins file in your personal github do not just copy paste from other folks blindly because you won't be able to explain it like the problem with like a program or like a build spec jenkins files is unless you did it it is very difficult to explain what the other folks did right so let me show you mine let me show you what i did right like i said this is from my real world experience i'm not just some guru just showing you some stuff so this is my personal github so when i was doing eks you can see i saved my eks devops flow one i saved my build spec the kubernetes ml file role policy etc in my personal github page so during the interview or when the recruiter reached out and the recruiter a lot of times will ask hey do you have any github page or sometimes i will say that hey i did lot of stuff in devops you can go to my github page and check it out and i actually include my github page in my resume same thing for lambda i deployed a pipeline and then i said the build spec and the lambda function here so i can easily explain and this also gives some legitimacy to my experience and another thing which is important which helped me as well is publish linkedin article explaining what you did so if i go back to my linkedin profile so you can see i published this article like three years back now lambda cicd pipeline using aws code build so people still check out this article so this article has 74 likes and five comments uh including some comments from people from aws right so this this helps a lot so in this article i went over step by step how to deploy a lambda using awss code pipeline and what advantage does it give over jenkins so you should do that as well like of course don't just copy paste an existing article and just change couple things maybe you implement automated testing uh for your go application running on container or on lambda right so and you created the jenkins files or the build spec file feel free to create an article with the screenshot and how to do it uh so that it helps other people so this this is a very very valuable thing so recruiters always check your linkedin profile and if they see that okay you did some hands-on stuff that is used in real-world projects that definitely helps you get the interview and once you follow those once you do those real world devops components like we mentioned security check automated testing deploying into container vm etc you can add those to your resume either linkedin or your microsoft wired resume because at this point you know how a real world applications work and i think this is a good segue to talk about some of the courses that i have if you are interested so i do have a kubernetes code that starts from basic like if you have no container knowledge whatsoever uh this course teaches you basic container stuff basic docker stuff and then goes into kubernetes and how to deploy your applications on kubernetes along with devops it's in udemy i'll give you the link in the description with some coupon code feel free to check it out it has some good reviews as well i also have a separate course on infrastructure s code specifically aws card formation cdk along with devops and interview guide and i also have a serverless course which is pretty highly rated link for all those courses are given in the description all right guys and girls so if you found this video helpful if you learned something new please click that like button smash it if that's something you are into it really helps youtube algorithm so once you click that like button it recommends this video to other viewers like you click subscribe i hope this channel grow also let me know of any questions on this topic right i generally uh check all your questions and then try to answer them with that that's all for this video i'll see you guys engulf in the next video bye
Channel: Cloud With Raj
Views: 20,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vEBKgKLv8ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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