How to Beat the DEADLY GHOSTS in "BIRD BOX"

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If the creatures from Bird Box started appearing in the news, causing mass suicides globally, what would you do? What could you do? In this video on Nerd Explains, I’ll tell you, how to survive Bird Box. Firstly, I have to laugh at the news stations live broadcasting the demon that causes you to kill yourself if you see it. I mean, the news would definitely do something like that. If it bleeds it leads, ya know what i’m saying. I mean the movie, the ring, has already come out, we’re already aware of this concept. Good god I think suicide is a mercy killing for Sandra having to be surrounded by nosy-ass know-it-alls like this. Sandra did most things correctly given her situation. I have to applaud a horror movie where the people actually make reasonably correct decisions based on their circumstances, and survive not just through sheer luck like Brad Pitt in WWZ. It just so happens that even with Sandras good decision making and survival instincts, she barely makes it to the sanctuary. And that sanctuary isn’t a safe place by a longshot, watch the film heralds video to see why. We can’t honestly say we’d have made better decisions which would lead to a better outcome. I know for a fact I'd have done what Greg did and used the security cameras. Just pixels and heat, a very logical decision. And we know how that ended up. I do think the characters navigated their surroundings too well though. I mean, you go get in your car and see how far down the road you get using the GPS system. Don’t actually do that. But the point is even Ricky Bobby couldn’t do it, and those roads didn’t have bodies, planes, cars, and other debris all over the road. Let’s just run through the reasons you wouldn’t survive Bird Box if it occurred to you: You’d probably be one of the initial people that sees the demon before you have forewarning of what’s going on. Shit, like in WWZ, you’d probably get killed in a car accident before you even knew there was an apocalypse going on. If you made it long enough to realize looking at the demons is suicide, well, congrats but you’re still screwed. The demons aren’t really a threat if you’re blindfolded, so the biggest reasons you won’t survive is that finding and cooking non-perished food and clean water is extremely difficult. Not only is sight restricted, but you can’t make any noise or throw food on the grill either as thousands of psychos are patrolling the cities searching for you, and they can use sight and all their other senses to find you. They will probably watch grocery stores and areas where clean water is available as well. So Bird Box effectively has all the dangers of A Quiet Place too, including badly timed pregnancies. The demons don’t seem to require sustenance, they are everywhere, they are many, and they invaded the entire globe in hours. This is similar to The Happening, except the plants are invisible moving entities that kill via visual stimuli that causes psychological damage. So if you were thrust into that situation. You'd pretty much be dead. Instead, let's tackle this from the perspective of a research scientist stationed at Area 51. Before we do, consider subscribing to the channel so you can know how to survive all kinds of situations like this. Lucky you, you’re in an underground military installation in the middle of the desert where you have fake windows with fake representations of the outdoors so you don’t go insane. But most importantly, you have all the tech, food, water, and security you need so you can focus on figuring out how to beat the Bird Box apocalypse. Let’s also say that you are aware you can’t look at cameras, videos, or any visual representation of the demon, because your coworker did and committed suicide, again, lucky you. You need to get more info on these demons, but how, you can’t even see them. I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say Area 51 has NSA access. Tune into the radio signals and read, emphasis on read, the news reports, social media posts, phone calls, phone activity and location data, everything. You can analyze all the global data and determine a lot of the aspects of the demon. Considering the demons are global and everywhere, you can still go outside and physically test various hypotheses. What else did you find out about the demon? They have strong abilities that enable them to cause mass suicides of their prey, which sounds supernatural but Jim Jones and many other cult leaders have led mass suicides throughout history. Some forms of hypnosis and Zoolander-esque mind control could be at play. Seriously, there are conspiracy theories that governments use electromagnetic radiation to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads to control them, illuminati confirmed. They occupy physical space, as they cast shadows, move vegetation, and set off proximity alarms. They are quite large considering the trees that they move. They are invisible, yet this may just be because of how they manipulate our perception of them. They don’t enter buildings or homes. They show signs of animal level intelligence with psychic powers. Probably why they can’t open doors or enter homes. The demons know intimate things about you, like past loved ones. Though this is actually probably a byproduct of the psychological distress caused by the demon. People with severe mental issues are turned into crazies that attack others, but don’t commit suicide themselves. It’s like Joe Rogan with DMT, except Bird Box DMT causes you to commit suicide. It’s also similar to WWZ where being ill protects you from being a healthy host for the infection, the same applies to Bird Box, except psychologically. Bird’s have a unique immunity, hence the title of the movie, where other animals do not. Birds are like the terminally ill people in WWZ. But why, what is it about Birds. Well they have very distinct differences in sight. They can see ultraviolet light and magnetic fields, they have a much higher frames per second that enables them to track rapid movements that would be a blur to us, and they can detect extremely slow movements, like Drax in Guardian of the Galaxy. How does this all help us? It’s possible that the demons are imperceptible in visible light, but not in UV light where the birds can see them. So you could use UV sensors to see the demons and other horrors amongst your living space, but items under UV light still retain their form, so you’d still see the imagery that causes you to commit suicide. Also, dog’s can see UV light and there’s a peculiar lack of stray dogs. I also looked at intelligence and types of intelligence looking for clues as to why birds survived, thinking that they are too stupid to comprehend the demon’s imagery, but again, dogs don’t survive this so I have no clue why. If you have a theory share it in the comments please. It seems low fidelity vision works, as long as faces or complete pictures don't form. So we could craft an augmented reality headset that shows only rudimentary echolocation or thermal imaging. Which may work depending on if the demons give off heat signatures. If you have some dogs or animals around, you could put the headset goggles on them and send them outside to greet the creatures. I feel so evil for suggesting that. But it could be the difference in humanity surviving or perishing so yah. Once you find the specific wavelength range that the demon is visible in by trial and error, sorry doggos, you can then occlude that wavelength from being visible in your headset. The point is, this entity causes a unique signature that we can occlude in the headset. This way we can see the entity by way of blackouts in the headset. Np picture or imagery would be able to form, as the entity’s wavelength is blocked out before it can reach your eye. Now that sight is restored, you leveled the playing field. You can broadcast this to the rest of the survivors in the world (Independence Day) and try to begin clearing out areas of psychos, airdropping headsets, reestablishing supply lines of food and water, etc. Once survival is sustainable, we can locate and test ways to kill the demons. We simply don’t have much information on them right now to say what could kill them for sure. If they are unkillable somehow, well everyone would be transitioning to having brain machine interface headsets in the future anyways, so society won’t look much different. Do you agree with augmented reality headsets being the solution or at least a giant step towards killing these entities? Let me know in the comments Thanks for watching, later.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 3,281,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat bird box, bird box monster explained, how to beat, monster explained, movie explained, bird box, foundflix, film herald, bird box movie, bird box explained
Id: gKQqMFCaV84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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